Sunday, June 16, 2024


I'm excited to have my counterpart in cheese as our guest today! Linda Reilly is the author of several cozy mystery series, her current being the delectably delightful Grilled Cheese Mysteries.

Thank you, Korina Moss, for inviting me to do a guest post on Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen. Your Cheese Shop mysteries are such a delight, and they’ve taught me more than I ever knew about one of my favorite foods—cheese!

In my Grilled Cheese Mystery series, Carly Hale has opened her dream restaurant—a grilled cheese eatery tucked in the heart of Balsam Dell, Vermont. Now that summer has arrived, fresh-picked local raspberries are available at nearly every farm stand, along with locally made raspberry jam. Carly’s grill cook and future chef, Grant Robinson, loves to experiment with cheese and bread combos when creating a new sandwich. He tried this one with Brie, but ultimately it was the cream cheese that worked best. The blend of smooth cream cheese and sweet raspberry jam makes this the perfect choice for jam lovers. And, as Grant says . . . it’s so simple, it’s sinful. This recipe is for one sandwich.

Grant’s Raspberry Sizzle


2 slices whole grain bread (sourdough works well, too)

Salted butter (preferably softened)

1 to 2 tablespoons cream cheese (depending on your preference and the size of the bread)

2 tablespoons raspberry jam


Butter one side of each slice of bread evenly with the salted butter. (Try not to skimp on butter, as you want the sandwich to have that crispy, crunchy outside)

On the un-buttered side of one slice, spread the cream cheese, then evenly spoon the jam over that.

Place the other slice on top, butter side facing out. Press down gently so that the two slices stick together.

Place in a skillet over medium or medium-low heat. Grill each side until browned to perfection and the cream cheese and jam are warm.

Enjoy this treat with a cup of your favorite tea, hot or iced, or any other beverage that makes you smile!

And since today is Father’s Day, I’d like to give a shoutout to my own dad, who passed away at the age of 91 in 2017. In his heyday, he was the best gardener in his small Massachusetts town. As he aged, he gave up planting pumpkins and corn, but he continued growing tomatoes, sweet onions, garlic, carrots, and a few other veggies I can’t remember. At the edge of his garden was a long row of raspberries that grew on their own every year. Dad spent a lot of time trimming them and fussing with them. Neighbors and friends knew they were always welcome to stop by for raspberries or anything else in his garden—so long as they were willing to pick their own. This photo of him in his garden is circa 1985.

Happy Father’s Day to all the dads and father figures out there, and to my own wonderful dad. Do you like to garden? What’s your favorite thing to plant?

Raised in a sleepy town in the Berkshires of Massachusetts, Linda Reilly is a dyed-in-the-wool New Englander and a lover of all things cheese. In addition to the Grilled Cheese mysteries, she is the author of the Deep Fried Mysteries (Berkley Prime Crime) and the Cat Lady Mysteries (Kensington Lyrical). She currently lives in southern New Hampshire with her two feline assistants, who frequently assist with editing by prancing over her laptop. When she’s not pounding away at her keyboard, she can usually be found prowling the shelves of a local bookstore or standing over the stove making a melty grilled cheese.

Linda Reilly - Web page and social media links:


With the summer heat sizzling, grilled cheese restaurant owner Carly Hale is thrilled to have Ross Baxter delivering her sandwiches to local seniors. She’s never met a more polite or hardworking young man, and she brushes it off when one of her more difficult customers complains about him. But when Ross returns to the woman’s home to make another delivery and finds her dead body, the police immediately peg him as the prime suspect. Carly soon learns that the victim had an estranged stepson and stepdaughter, both of whom needed money to get their lives back on track. Worse still, in her younger days the dead woman had a reputation for preying on other women’s husbands, leaving broken marriages in her wake—and a list of suspects a mile long. But Ross’s fingerprints were found on the murder weapon, leaving Carly hungry for any clue she can dig up. Until she comes face-to-face with the killer, and realizes this time she may have bitten off more than she can chew . . .


 Linda is giving away a signed, printed copy of BRIE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR to one lucky person who comments below. (U.S. only) 


  1. That sandwich looks yummy, Linda, and welcome to the blog!

    1. Thank you, Edith. I always enjoy my return visits to this wonderful blog ~

  2. I have been tackling my garden lately. I plant tomatoes, and I am looking at rose bushes as well. Thank you for sharing the recipe, and for this chance to win. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

  3. From the cheese state, welcome.

  4. I often make my grilled cheeses with pepper jelly so I’ll have to try this!

  5. Thank you for the recipe. Although it is simple, I have to admit that I'd never thought of cream cheese on a grilled cheese sandwich, but I'll correct that very soon by trying this.

    In my family, hubby is the gardener. It's in his blood and something he loves to do. In our younger days, we had a huge garden furnishing veggies for 14 families and once the tomatoes for the local Mexican restaurant for their salsa for the whole growing season. His thoughts were if you were able to grow it stay away because he was all for giving to those that couldn't like elderly or handicapped. It was my Dad's job to tell us what he desired us to grow special each year. Don't think there's a person on earth that loved dewberries (or berries in general) as much as my Dad. I've picked ours and then went looking around ponds (often among the snakes), hills or other gardens to satisfy him making me happy in the process.

    Hubby found he could grown more tomatoes in less space by using the Japanese ring method. Instead of putting one tomato inside a cage. You build a bigger higher cage lined about 2 feet with burlap. Inside the burlap you place compost and plant 5 to 6 plants on the outside of the ring. When you water you water the inside of the ring giving them a drink of nutrients with each watering.

    Now seniors ourselves, our garden area has gotten smaller. It's now a raised bed that's 12 x 20. When we built our forever home, he had them build the frame out of the same rock as the house. It's also close to the house. Hubby said when he was physically challenged he could sit on the porch and water it from there. Now my favorite thing to grow is flowers. We have several flower beds that we have worked the last 7 years to establish with flowers of all sort that will come back year after year. Then we add to them with those that only grow the one year each growing season. Peonies are my favorite. However, tomatoes still can't be beat in the veggies. There's nothing like the first tomato that ripens! Then funny thing is this year we decided not to grow a veggie garden at all because we have several extended trips coming up. However, the veggies had other thoughts. While we planted lots of the giant cockscomb seed we had and some bulbs in the raised bed, there are several tomato plants that have popped up and starting to produce tomatoes. Plus dirt from the compost pile used in one of the flowerbeds has also produced two tomato plants that are doing very well also. So we will still get to enjoy some fresh maters and the folks watching over the house and watering a few of the plants will also get to pick all there is while we are gone.

    BRIE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR is already on my TBR list. I can't wait for the opportunity to read and review it. Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Kay, thank you for this lovely description of all the flowers and veggies you and your husband grow! My dad's favorites were always tomatoes, and he loved experimenting with different varieties. Wishing you safe travels ~

  6. Linda, enjoy your books particularly because they are set in Vermont. As a fellow New Hampshire resident, I love it when I’m familiar with the setting. Keep up the goid work!

  7. I just reread BRIE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR because I enjoyed it so much the first time. I am definitely shopping for cream cheese and Raspberry jam so I can make this delicious sandwhich! I have reread most of your books at least once, and enjoyed them all, but the Grilled Cheese series is my favorite, and I am looking forward to the next one!

    1. Thank you, Mary. Your kind words always make me smile.

  8. The sandwich looks delicious! I love your books and can’t wait to read this one. My dad used to have a garden, and my sister would help him by picking the ripe veggies. I am not a gardener…I can’t seem to keep any kind of plant alive! Thanks for the chance! cking78503(at)aol(dot)com

    1. I'm not much of a gardener either, Christi, so I understand completely. Thanks for stopping by ~

  9. Thanks for the chance to win your book! Summer hasn’t really started here yet in the Pacific Northwest, but I did get my tomatoes planted. The recipe looks great!

    1. Thank you, and I hope your tomatoes will have a fruitful year!

  10. Welcome to the kitchen, Linda! You had me at grilled cheese. Also brie. Also just cheese in general.

    1. Thank you, Molly. Great to see another cheese lover!

    2. Thank you, Molly. I'm happy you're a fellow cheese aficionada!

  11. New author for me. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  12. Welcome, Linda! I can't wait to give this a try. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you, Valerie. I'm so pleased to be here!

  13. Recipe sounds great and I love the cover of your book.

    1. Thank you, Shawn. I've been so lucky to have great cover artists.

  14. My parents had a large garden when I was growing up. They had everything you could think of. Plus raspberry bushes Strawberry plants, grape vines and many fruit trees.
    Becky Prazak.

    1. You had awesome parents, Becky! Thank you for stopping by.

    2. I'm sure you enjoyed the fruits of their labors. Thanks for stopping by, Becky.

    3. I'm, sure you and your family enjoyed the fruits of their labor!

  15. Welcome, Linda! Congrats on your newest release. I've never made a grilled cheese with cream cheese and fruit spread/ jam. I usually make mine with sliced or shredded cheese and slices of ham. Yummy!
    I'm not a gardener at all. I can't even "grow" an artificial plant. LOL
    Thanks for the chance to win. barbiefan(@)comcast(.)net

    1. I'm not a gardener either, Ann. Thanks for sharing your faves!

    2. I feel your pain, Ann. I can't grow anything!

  16. What a great recipe and exciting new book! I will make this sandwich today!

    1. Hope you'll enjoy the result, Tracey!

    2. I hope you'll enjoy the result! Thanks for posting ~

  17. What a simple sandwich and I will be trying it. Thank you for the chance.

    1. Thanks, Deborah! Hope the sandwich will be tasty!

  18. Growing up in the Bronx, I remember my dad growing tomatoes in buckets on the roof. He grew them for my mother. He didn't even like tomatoes. Love this series and can't wait to read the next one.

    1. What a creative way to grow tomatoes! Thanks for stopping by, Anita ~

  19. That recipie looks delicious and the book sounds lovely ty

  20. I can't wait to try that raspberry grilled cheese sandwich! I have tried your other recipes & they're great! I love this series!

    1. I always panic when someone tries my recipes. I'm glad yours came out great!

  21. yum! I love grilled cheese sandwiches! this is going on my tbr list. thanks for the chance to win.

  22. Wow, what a plot! Looking forward to reading this. We often make grilled cheese sandwiches. We are retired and usually have our big meal at noon, so supper is a smaller meal.

    1. Grilled cheese sandwiches make a great meal.
      Thank you for posting!

    2. Grilled cheese sandwiches make a great meal anytime. Thanks for posting!

  23. I’d never thought of cream cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich. I’ll have to try it. Love your grilled cheese books so thank you for the chance to win the latest. I have a black thumb so no gardening for me.

  24. I LOVE all the creative grilled cheese offerings in your series. And I adore the characters!

    1. Thank you, Nikki. I always love hearing from a reader that they enjoyed my characters.

    2. Thank you, Nikki. I always love hearing from a reader that they enjoyed my characters!

  25. Thank you! I am going to try this recipe!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Oh, you had me at cream cheese and raspberry jam! I love cream cheese in just about anything, so this sandwich is a must! Best of all, I love discovering new (to me) authors, and I'm excited about the Grilled Cheese Mysteries series.

    1. Thank you so much, Laurie. I love meeting new readers!

  28. I have gardened in the past. I especially liked growing tomatoes.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Ages ago, I used to make marinara sauce with garden grown tomatoes. Thanks for stopping by, Nancy!

  29. Congratulations on the new release. Looking forward to reading it and catching up with Carly and crew. Love so many variations of grilled cheese and this one sounds delightful, thanks! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

    1. Thank you kindly, Marcia! The grilled cheese variations are fun to dream up, but they're also a challenge.

  30. This sounds so delish! I have just got a fresh peach jam from a farm market and will try this with the jam. Thank you!

    1. Oh, that sounds delish! What a nice fruit and cheese combo ~

  31. A perfect and delectable treat for these hot summer days. What a delight to enjoy. Growing basil, and tomatoes was special for me. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I love basil. My mom used to make snacks by layering fresh tomatoes, basil, and any kind of cheese on party rye slices. Broiled until the cheese is melted, they make a terrific hors d'oeuvres.

  32. Yum! Kind of reminds of me of a Monte Cristo sandwich (sans the meat)--but far easier to make! Thanks so much for visiting the Kitchen today, and congrats on the new book!

    1. Thank you, Leslie. I feel so honored to be here.

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. girltrucker_1971(at)yahoo(dot)com

    2. I eat these almost everyday except for the grilled part

    3. girltrucker_1971(at)yahoo(dot)com

    4. Sounds like we have similar tastes, Holly! Thank you for stopping by.

  34. Hi, Linda - Welcome to the Kitchen! Thank you for the delicious post and generous giveaway of your mouthwatering new culinary cozy. Lovely tribute to your father, too. Happy Father's Day to all.

    1. Thank you, Cleo. I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the Father's Day tribute. That photo is very special to me.

    2. Thank you, Cleo. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the Father's Day tribute. That photo is very special to me.

  35. I am not a gardener at all. I appreciate those who do garden and I certainly appreciate the fruits (or vegetables!) of their labor. Thank you for the yummy recipe and congratulations on your new release! aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

  36. Thanks for the recipe it sounds very good. Love the review on your new book looking forward to reading it. Thanks

  37. I love grilled cheese and also brie. Looks like a great sandwich, looking forward to making one. Also looking forward to reading the book.

  38. Congratulations on the new book. One of my favorite combos is cream cheese and hot pepper jam. Love home grown tomatoes!
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

    1. Home grown tomatoes beat store bought for sure!

  39. This grilled cheese is going to be my dinner tonight. I haven't stopped thinking about it! So nice to have you here, Linda!

    1. Korina, I can't thank you enough for inviting me into the Kitchen. Enjoy your grilled cheese dinner!

  40. I would love to win a copy and I like grilled cheese

    Rose Ward

  41. You are a new author to me. I can't wait to read your books. That grilled cheese sandwich sounds yummy. deborahdumm(@)yahoo(.)com

  42. A grilled cheese sandwich is comfort food! Cream cheese and jam sounds yummy. I'm growing tomatoes for the first time in years. New house, different state. We'll see what happens.

  43. My mom was born and raised in Adams Mass. She often made grilled cheese while ironing-wrapped the sandwich in foil and ironed it!!!!! I will never get this out of my memory... Love your books.

    1. I was raised in Dalton, Mass so her high school team and mine probably played each other in sports! Love your story about the iron. Thank you!

  44. Congratulations on another book! The recipe looks yummy. We have a very small garden. I like to grow cucumbers, rhubarb, and this year we are trying a potato and a cantaloupe.

    1. Thank you, Carol. You're quite the gardener! What a nice variety.

  45. I have always loved grilled cheese in various forms! I was injured in an accident and may need surgery. I have ordered one of your books from Amazon to help me to take my mind off my troubles. Please keep me in your prayers. I am very frightened.

    1. I am so sorry to hear about your accident. I will surely keep you in my prayers and wish you all the best. Hugs ~

  46. My favorite is a grilled cheese tomato and ham sandwich. Thanks for the recipe can't wait to try it.

    1. Great combo. Can't go wrong with that one ~

  47. Becki_wisner@comcast.netJune 16, 2024 at 4:38 PM

    Love a good grilled cheese sandwich. Tried lots of different ones. Thanks for this recipe. Definitely will try this. Thanks for opportunity to win a signed copy.

    1. Thank you for stopping by, Becki ~

    2. Thank you for stopping by, Becki ~

    3. You can never go wrong with a grilled cheese, right? Thanks for posting, Becki ~

  48. I love grilled cheese sandwiches. One I loved I made with gouda cheese and apple slices. It was delicious!

    1. Gouda makes such a delectable grilled cheese!

  49. I have a notorious black thumb, so I don't plant anything anymore. I have even accidentally killed cacti. Happy Father's Day to the fathers out there. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Cherie, your gardening skills are about like mine! Thank you for sharing.

  50. Grilled cheese and tomato soup is a classic winter lunch in my family, but I like your grilled cheese much better! Will have to give it a shot. I have flower gardens and my husband just planted some beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and beets.

    1. Sounds like you and your hubby both have green thumbs! Thank you for posting ~

  51. Thank you for sharing Grant's Raspberry Sizzle!! It looks really yummy! I normally will have butter and jam (strawberry and raspberry are my favorites) sandwich, and I haven't thought of grilling them! Now, I can try this recipe next time I make my sweet sandwich!
    The teaser for Brie Careful What You Wish For has really piqued my interest! Have added to my TBR!
    We have a small back yard - that's enough for me, and we have planted some flowers of different colors - purple, bright orange, pink, etc. We always plant a couple of tomato plants during summer, and this year we tried to plant our first strawberry plants, and they are yummy!

    1. My email is cwkuen(at)yahoo(dot)com

    2. Emily, your small back yard is bursting with color! I'm sure it's lovely. Thank you for posting ~

  52. Welcome to the blog, Linda! I always remember when you visited out book club via Zoom. It was such fun! I have enjoyed reading all of your cozy Grilled Cheese Mysteries, and am looking forward to your next masterpiece !! I love gardening and experimenting with new plants. Last year I planted 5 artichoke plants, which produced about 4 big heads, but over the winter we lost 4 plants, and only got one artichoke this year...not sure I will plant more :-) On the other hand I planted one rhubarb plant, and that giant has been giving steadily all year long, and we can't give enough of it to our friends and even at church...Gardening is so therapeutic. I am so glad you like gardening also. Thank you for the recipe. I will make it and be thinking of you! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Luis, it is always such a pleasure to read your posts. I'm guessing artichokes are a challenge to grow, but it sounds like your rhubarb is feeding a whole lot of people. Best wishes, always ~

  53. Welcome to the blog! I love gardening! I grow pumpkins, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers. This year we planted an acre of sunflowers!!

    Thank you for the chance!


    1. That is quite the variety. The sunflowers must be gorgeous! Thank you for posting ~

  54. Hi! Thanks for sharing your recipe and for offering a chance to win your book! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  55. My FIL was a farmer and I had an abundance of strawberries, raspberries, tomatoes and more in northern Massachusetts. I also love grilled cheese sandwiches! Look forward to reading your books. suseyhomemaker at gmail

    1. Thank you for posting, Susey! Sounds like your dad and mine had a lot in common.

  56. The combination of crunchy exterior with creamy, fruity interior sounds inspired. I'm surprised that brie didn''t work.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. I think Brie would have been acceptable, but cost wise the cream cheese was a better choice--and easier to spread.

  57. This looks like a delicious breakfast sandwich. I never would have thought of a grilled cheese sandwich for breakfast!

    1. Give it a try! You might discover a new breakfast treat ~

  58. I love the Grilled Cheese Mysteries so much and am so glad that a fourth one is available. I like to plant cherry tomato plants. I'm not sure what will happen with the one I have this year, it is kind of gangly. I totally need to try this recipe! awanstrom(at)

    1. Thank you so much, April. That's music to my ears! Best of luck with your cherry tomato plant ~

  59. I love mysteries and will soon get # 1 of the Grilled Cheese Mysteries. I also love grilled cheese sandwiches and will try your version. Thank you.

  60. Welcome! And thank you for the yummy sounding recipe! I will give that a try. Also, thank you for the chance to win.
    madamhawk at gmail cot come

  61. Hi Linda and congrats on your latest cozy release! I really enjoy the series and especially the delicious recipes that you include with each book. This one is no exception and I can't wait to try variations as well. Thank you for the giveaway, fingers crossed!

  62. Hi Linda. That grilled cheese sandwich looks amazing! Grilled cheese sandwiches are such a comfort food. Our family loves raspberries and any kind of cheese, so I know we will love these sandwiches! Thank you for this recipe and for the opportunity to win your book!
    Nancy Urtz
