Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Cheesy Zucchini and Potato Casserole #recipe by @LeslieKarst


Yes, I still have a plethora of zucchini growing like aliens in my garden: one day they’re the size of my index finger, the next as big as a loaf of French bread. And even if you aren’t growing your own zucchini this summer, it’s a good bet your neighbors are trying to pawn some off on you. (And if nothing else, it’s at its cheapest at the grocery store right about now.) So here’s a delicious way to use up some of that abundant squash. 


This recipe is pretty simple in its flavorings, so feel free to use or add other seasonings as you wish: hot sauce, curry powder, whatever strikes your fancy! (Note: I sprinkled my serving with Sriracha sauce.)

Cheesy Zucchini and Potato Casserole

(serves 4)


2 large or 4 small zucchini (about 7 cups, cut into bite-size chunks)

5 smallish Russet potatoes (about 5 cups, cut into bite-size chunks)

3 oz. butter (¾ stick)

¼ cup flour

3 cups warm milk (you can do this in the microwave)

2 teaspoons garlic paste (or fresh garlic, finely chopped)

1 teaspoon herbes de Provence or Italian seasoning

½ teaspoon black pepper

2 cups grated cheddar cheese

4 tablespoons olive oil (not pictured)

¼ cup panko or other breadcrumbs



Bring a large pot of water to a boil, then add the chopped potatoes to the water. (I left the skins on, but feel free to peel the taters if you wish.) 


Cook until the potatoes are close to done, but still hard in the middle (7-10 minutes), then add the chopped zucchini to the pot. Continue to cook until the zucchini are par-boiled but still firm (3-5 minutes). 


Drain the vegetables into a sieve and set aside.

In the same pot, melt the butter over medium heat, then add the flour and stir until incorporated. Cook this roux, stirring frequently, until it starts to darken a little (1-2 minutes). 


Add one cup of the warm milk and, using a wire whisk, whisk until it comes back to a simmer and all the lumps are gone. Add the rest of the milk and continue whisking until it once again comes back to a simmer. Add the garlic paste to the white sauce and stir it in. 


Dump the potatoes and zucchini into the pot and mix them into the white sauce. Then add the herbs, pepper, and grated cheese, and stir until everything is well mixed and the cheese is melted. 


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.

Grease a 10” x 14” baking pan with 2 tablespoons oil, then dump the white sauce/veg into the pan and spread it out evenly. Sprinkle the panko evenly over the top, then drizzle on the other 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


Bake for 30 to 45 minutes, until the top is a golden brown. Let cool slightly before serving. (See photo at top.)



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the brand new Sally Solari mystery

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Also now available:

Justice is Served:  A Tale of Scallops,

the Law, and Cooking for RBG

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"a suspenseful, exhilarating memoir; Karst relays her determination to serve the 'perfect' meal to RBG alongside an uplifting, enlightening portrayal of one of the most admired justices in the history of the Supreme Court." 

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All of the Sally Solari Mysteries are available through AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Bookshop.



  1. Oh - this sounds so yummy! Thank you for the recipe. We all need more zucchini recipes this time of year. We try to plant less and low and behold they plants super produce to make up for it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. I know, right? I only have one plant, and WAY too many squash to eat!

  2. Thank you for this easy and fast recipe, Leslie! I have everything to make it, and I am sure it will be a hit! Luis at ole dot travel

  3. Delicious - and an old standby for vegetarians!

    1. Ha--so true! Reminds me of my college years, when we ate a lot of veggie casseroles!

  4. Thank you for the recipe - I love zucchini and potatoes and this sounds healthy as well. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  5. Sounds tasty.
    My challenge with casseroles is that by the time I've prepped everything to go into the oven, it seems like it should be ready to serve! Toast the Panko with some butter and sprinkle it on top of the servings.
    I'd be worried that the zucchini would be turning to mush after all the cooking.

    1. That's why I only par-boil the zucchini before baking. Love the panko with butter idea!

    2. I know the worst fires are on Maui, but I hope your hideaway in the Hilo area is safe.

  6. Leslie, this sounds marvelous! Thanks for sharing, and thanks for Sally!
