Tuesday, August 8, 2023

How to Make a Virgin Sangria and Amuse Your Cat by author @CleoCoyle


Got overripe fruit? Waste not! 
This virgin sangria is a 
great way to make use of it. 

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

🍉 A Recipe Note From Cleo Coyle

If you're feeling hot under the collar these days, you are not alone. We have at least one solution for you: a wonderfully refreshing and hydrating recipe, especially for sweltering summer days. 

Why virgin? A white wine sangria is delicious, but on a workday, I prefer that my fingers hit my laptop keyboard rather than my forehead, which means no firewater until the day is done.

A virgin sangria is also a good idea for households with kids because it can be converted into an adult beverage at the time it's poured, which means one pitcher can conveniently serve drinkers and non-drinkers.

To download this recipe in a free 
PDF that you can print, save, 
or share, click here.

🍉 Cleo Coyle's 
Virgin Sangria

Makes 2 quarts


1 (11.5 fluid ounce) can of frozen white grape juice concentrate (We like to use Welch's 100% white grape juice, with no added sugar)

1 quart bottled or sparkling water

2 cups sliced strawberries 🍓

4 to 5 peaches 🍑 or nectarines, chopped 

2 cups chopped watermelon 🍉

MIX IT: Empty concentrate into your pitcher or container and stir in the water. When the concentrate is melted into a smooth liquid, add in the fruit. Stir well, cover, and chill for several hours or overnight. The fruit will fortify the white grape juice, making it refreshingly delicious. It will also blush the color from an unappetizing dark yellow to a pretty shade of deep pink.

SERVE IT: Serve chilled in a frosty cold glass and garnish by a triangle of watermelon or small strawberry (see my photos for ideas).


This is a versatile drink for a household with children or one with drinkers and non-drinkers. To serve this drink as an adult beverage, simply mix half a glass of the virgin sangria with a generous splash of port, sherry, or your favorite fortified wine. Brandy, grappa, cognac, vodka, rum, and fruit liqueurs are other possible ways to spike this refreshing summer cooler. (A concentrated wine or hard alcohol will give you better results than standard wines or sparkling wines, which may taste overly diluted by the virgin sangria.) 

As for Amusing Your Cat... 

Photo by Cleo Coyle

Photo by Cleo Coyle

Photo by Cleo Coyle

Yes, when I took the original photos for this recipe post, one of our adopted New York Strays, Durango (aka Dooch!) decided that a peach also makes a very good beach ball. And, of course, after playtime, he decided to take a taste of the delicious water droplets shimmering on the edge of my watermelon garnish. So drink with joy, and...

Photo by Cleo Coyle

Stay cool, everyone!

New York Times bestselling author
of The Coffeehouse Mysteries and
Haunted Bookshop Mysteries

Cleo (Alice) with her husband Marc

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  1. Thank you for the refreshing and delicious sounding recipe! I will be trying it - very soon.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thank you, Kay. Marc and I hope you enjoy it -- and the rest of your summer season!

      ~ Cleo
      Sign up for Cleo’s free Newsletter

      Coffeehouse Mystery.com
      “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
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  2. That is too cute! And the drink sounds refreshing.

    1. Thanks, Alicia, the drink is absolutely refreshing. And it's a great way to make use of fruit in your fridge that's getting a little too ripe.

  3. Aw, Dooch is adorable. Thanks for the virgin drink - great way to use up fruit. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. We love our Dooch, and he loves compliments. So thanks from all of us :))

  4. That sounds oh so very refreshing and healthy, too,...guess I can have a brownie after,...

  5. The recipe look great, but the cat pictures are even better!

    1. Cheers, Libby, Dooch will be happy to know he's cuter than a foodie photo. And I couldn't agree more. :))

      ~ Cleo
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