Sunday, August 6, 2023

Around the Kitchen Table: Favorite Summer Garden or Farm Stand Recipes + 7-book #Giveaway!

TINA KASHIAN: I love summer! We plant a garden every summer and I look forward to our fresh vegetables and herbs. We always plant zucchini, peppers, mint, parsley, and basil, but my favorite are the Jersey tomatoes. They are famous for their tangy, sweet-tart flavor. We also visit our local farm stands often for fresh blueberries and watermelon. My teenagers can’t get enough of these fruits.

My favorite garden recipe uses the parsley, mint and Jersey tomatoes to make tabbouleh. This healthy salad includes bulgur which is high in fiber and low in calories. I shared this recipe on MLK here:

What is your favorite garden
or farm stand recipe?

                                       🍅 🍅 🍅

MADDIE DAY: Summer is my favorite time of the year for eating locally! I grow my own greens, tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, blueberries, and herbs, and get the sweet corn and other fabulous veggies and fruits from one of my two local farms.

One easy cool salad to make the day after we have corn on the cob for dinner is corn salad. I always buy double the ears of corn we'll eat for one dinner.

This one also featured my own gold cherry tomatoes, cukes, and fresh basil. I toss the ingredients with olive oil and lime juice and dig in.

But for dessert? An easy berry tart with a cream cheese base is the way to go, and the recipe was here at the end of July! 


LUCY BURDETTE: We, too, have a garden, though lately John has been doing all the grunt labor while I write like mad. He gets quite annoyed if I buy something at the farmer's market that is in his garden! One of my favorite recipes for this time of year takes advantage of tomatoes, cukes, and peppers; that is panzanella, aka Tuscan bread salad. It makes my mouth water just to read the ingredients!


LIBBY KLEIN: If you know anything at all about me, you know I have a black thumb. There is nothing growing in my garden but weeds. One of the few things I can keep alive is herbs. Don't get me wrong, I've killed them by forgetting to water them on 90 degree days. But usually they do okay because I know they need full sun. I love to cut my herbs and eat them which sounds barbaric. One of my favorite recipes is summer pasta. Gluten free spaghetti tossed with chopped lemon balm and lemon thyme. A little garlic, some lemon zest, chopped chicken and steamed asparagus tips. Toss the whole pan in olive oil and top it off with shavings of parmesan cheese and toasted walnuts. My whole family loves it and there are never any leftovers.

Lemon Walnut Pasta


LESLIE KARST: Right now, my garden is bursting with zucchini and green beans. (Given all the fog we had in May and June, however, the tomatoes are still, alas, quite green.) I posted a recipe a few weeks back for grilled zucchini, and here's one of my very favorite recipes for green beans: the simple-yet-delicious fagiolini al burro (green beans with butter--what's not to love!), to which I like to add a healthy amount of garlic, as well.

 Serve the beans along with pasta for a luscious summer meal! 

 🌿 🍋 🌱

VICKI DELANY: Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes. Can't get enough of them. Over the years, I've posted many tomato recipes to MLK. This is one of my absolute favourites. And it looks as great as it tastes. You can serve it as an appetizer, a light lunch, or as a side dish at a barbeque.

🌿 🍋 🌱

PEG COCHRAN/MARGARET LOUDON: My husband and I downsized to a condo so we no longer have a garden. Besides, I have a black thumb. When we lived in our house, one year we managed to grow some luscious tomatoes and the next year they were a bust! Fortunately, there is a lot of local produce to choose from--corn on the cob, blueberries, strawberries, zucchini and Michigan cherries. When I was working, the breakroom table was always covered with the excess from people's gardens so I didn't even have to go to the farmer's market. One of my favorite things to make is this old-fashioned strawberry cobbler. It really allows the fruit to shine.

  🌿 🍋 🌱

LESLIE BUDEWITZ: After a series of disasters -- flood, drought, deep early frost, deep late frost, and invasions of grass and voles -- our garden is best described in baseball terms: A rebuilding year. I've been spending an hour or so several mornings a week cleaning the flower beds that surround the house, replacing plants, and laying down cardboard and wood chips. (One of those disasters included a 60+ foot spruce hitting our back deck, so we have plenty of wood chips.) And the vegetable garden? That might be next year's project!

But you know me, I always have herbs, some in pots and some in the garden: parsley, basil, oregano, tarragon, chives, and thyme, at the very least. So here are a couple of our favorite herb-forward summer dishes, Roasted Mushroom, Tomato, and Herb Salad for days when you're brave enough to turn on the oven and Green Beans with Tarragon Vinaigrette for days when you don't dare!


MAYA CORRIGAN: Eating freshly picked tomatoes is my favorite part of summer. Even the tomatoes sold at our local farm market can't compare to the ones from our plot in a community garden. They are on our dinner table every night during the growing season, garnished with the basil that also comes from our garden.

Does slicing tomatoes and serving them with basil count as a recipe? Maybe not, but I shared a delicious summer side dish recipe: Southwest Ratatouille that uses eggplant, zucchini and tomatoes from the garden and corn from the farmers' market.

☕ 🍅🍇

CLEO COYLE: My dad grew up during The Great Depression when his father impressed upon him the importance of having a food source for his family during tough economic times. With that end in mind, he was a serious backyard gardener, who provided our family with baskets of gorgeous produce and homemade wine from his grape vines...

My father Tony
in his Army Air Corps uniform
with his mother Grazia (Gace)

I miss those days and my dear parents, grandparents, and Aunt Mary, all of whom have since gone to heaven, where they now wait for me to join them in the most beautiful garden of all. Thanks, Tina, for reminding me of those delicious memories. And I’m happy to share how our family made our FRESH GARDEN TOMATO SAUCE in a step-by-post post that also shares a little more about the background of my Italian family. ~ Cleo


Happy August!


To be entered in this week's drawing
for the 7 terrific mysteries below,
join us in the comments.

Do you have a favorite
garden or farm stand recipe?

Join the

Include your email address,
so we can contact the winner! 


> A CLUE IN THE CRUMBS by Lucy Burdette

> MURDER IS A PIECE OF CAKE by Valerie Burns



> FINAL FONDUE by Maya Corrigan

> ASSAULT AND PEPPER by Leslie Budewitz

Comments Open through
Wednesday, August 9

Don't forget to include
your email address.



  1. my favorite summer recipe is a tomato pie with lots of mozzarella balls. yum!

    1. I plant cukes and tomatoes i add mint for cold cucumber soup! Sedaglian at aol dot com

  2. There is nothing like fresh from the garden. Although age and medical issues mean that our garden is a lot small now (At one point, we were supplying veggies for 14 families and even sold tomatoes to a Mexican restaurant for their salsa for 3 months.), there's nothing like playing in the dirt and then seeing God's bounty to come forth. There's the tomatoes that I've plucked off the vine and popped in my mouth to the mouth watering thoughts of that fresh corm coming out of the pot.

    One of my favorite summer recipes is for Fresh Peach Delight. As shown in the recipe, it can be altered to be used with any fresh fruit so that you can start using it when the first available until the last ones in season. This is the copy of the recipe taken from my personal cookbook.

    The magic of his favorite dessert is that it is versatile for whatever fruit is in season at the time. To change it up with different fruit (strawberries, blueberries or peaches), you just change the flavor or jello or use your own homemade pie filling.

    Here's the recipe using peaches. It was the original recipe my Mom started using decades ago.

    Ingredients for crust
    1 cup flour
    1 tablespoon sugar
    ½ cup butter softened, 1 stick
    ¼ cups finely ground pecans
    Ingredients for creamy layer
    1 cup sugar
    8 ounces of cream cheese, softened
    9 ounce tub of cool whip (As you can see old recipe. You can use the small tub or part of big tub. I usually use big tube and add a bit more than half of it.)
    Fruit layer
    3 cups of fresh, sliced peaches
    Top layer ingredients
    1 cup sugar
    2 tablespoons of cornstarch
    1 ½ cup of water
    1 small package of peach flavored jello

    Mix crust ingredients until well blended. Spread in 9x13 pan. Bake in a 350 degree oven until light golden brown. Cool.
    For creamy layer cream the sugar and cream cheese until smooth and blended. Fold in cool whip. Spread over cooled crust.
    Top with the sliced peaches and put in refrigerator
    For top layer combine the sugar and cornstarch. Stir in water. Cook until thick. Stir in jello until thoroughly blended. Cool. (I often speed this up by placing pan in sink with water and ice. Constantly moving pan around while stirring so it doesn’t just cool on mixture closest to the pan. You don’t want it to set – only getting thick or it won’t spread properly.) Spoon glaze over peaches covering them completely. If they stick up, take your finger and push them down into the cheese layer. If you don’t, the fruit will turn dark.
    Chill until serving.

    Thank you so much for the fabulous chance to win a wonderful collection of books from some awesome authors! Shared and I would LOVE to be the very fortunate one selected.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. I don't plant a garden. I just do Cherry tomatoes in hanging baskets. I love to snack on them while I'm working. Next year I hope to grow leaf Lettuce and maybe try cucumbers again. I've tried growing cukes before, it didn't work out very well.

  4. All those recipes look so delicious I like to make eggplant parmigiana and fried yellow squash or zucchini and zucchini bread. Thank you for the chance

  5. I love strawberry rhubarb pie and zucchini bread. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  6. How wonderful of all of you to post such delicious and easy recipes! Thank you!! We have a vegetable garden, but this year the tomato plants are very slow growers, and we have only had a few plum tomatoes, but our herbs are thriving, so our favorite deliciousness is sliced tomatoes, basil, mozzarella balls and olive oil...Caprese salad. I love all your books and have read most, but not all yet...I shall be correcting that momentarily :-) Luis at ole dot travel

  7. Thank you for the easy healthy recipes! My all time favorite summer salad is simply cut up grape tomatoes and cucumbers in a balsamic vinegarette. Though the next time I make it, I think I'm going to add in some fresh corn after seeing Maddie's photo. The tomatoes this year haven't been that great, but I'd love to make a tomato tart too.
    Thank you for the chance to win. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  8. Picking just one favorite garden or farm stand recipe is an impossibility for me! I love all the fresh summer produce! I love yellow squash cooked with onion and bacon. Okra cooked with onion, tomato, and bacon is great! I've been cooking fresh corn on the cob in the husk, simply dunked under the faucet, and cooked on high in the microwave for 3 minutes. (Careful - let it cool ! It is hot as blue blazes at the end of the three minutes!) My current number one recipe is ratatouille. Eggplant, yellow and zucchini squash, onion, mushrooms, bell pepper, and lots of Parmesan cheese - so easy, so healthy, and so yummy! It is good hot or cold, in my book! Happy cooking and eating!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. We always plant plenty of cabbage for holubchi, tomatoes and onions for eating plain or adding to dishes, a peach tree means peach pie or crisp. Rhubarb is done for the year. I love corn but haven't been having the best luck with it, but can get some from our neighbor- we often trade veggies amongst 3 other neighbors. This year we also have some melons that sprang up on their own.

  10. My favorite is a peach cake recipe that I got from my mom. Easy to make and can be frozen.

  11. My mom’s recipe for strawberry rhubarb pie! Tastes amazing and such great memories!

  12. Cooking is not my thing, but I love all the fresh veggies. If I had to choose one, it would be asparagus.

  13. These books are amazing so glad I found these authors.

  14. Since moving to senior living apartments no longer have a garden do miss my cucumbers and cherry tomatoes

  15. Tomatoes in the summer are delectable and so appetizing. I make a tomato tart which is greatly enjoyed by all. A pasta primavera salad with cherry tomatoes is refreshing and yummy. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  16. One of my favorite summer recipes is cucumber salad with thinly sliced onions. They marinate in a mixture of water, vinegar and sugar. So tasty!

  17. I love fresh ripe Jersey tomatoes as is. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Jersey tomatoes are the best! The rest of the country has no idea what they are missing, do they?

    2. Jersey tomatoes are in my garden! I just picked two more this morning.

  18. THANK YOU for all the wonderful recipes!
    I’ve tried gardening but never been very successful.
    Regarding Summer recipes, I don’t have a favorite. I like to try recipes that focus on fresh ingredients like strawberries or cucumbers. I like recipes that don’t require baking so I don’t heat up the kitchen.

  19. Nothing like fresh fruit and vegetables to use in all your great recipes. Then after eating those delicious meals , reading all the great books by all you folks, my TBR keeps growing with all your new books thanks to you all!

  20. We make cucumber salad. It’s a family favorite.

  21. My favorite summer recipe is my Mom's corn salad. It's good any time of the year. It's corn, green pepper and onions in a creamy dressing. It's easy and delicious.

  22. I love fresh cucumber salad and corn dip. Homegrown tomatoes are the absolute best!

    1. My mother used to make cucumber salad and I want to make it again soon.

  23. I love to make a summer flan. I have special fluted pans for this. It takes a Jiffy cake mix (makes 1 layer). Once the cake is cooled, I add fresh berries to the top. I partially thicken a red Jello (any flavor) and pour some sparingly over the top of the berries to "glue" them together. I've gotten many compliments on this dessert.

    Thank you for the opportunity to enter this drawing. Geri

  24. So many things come to mind: Cucumber slaw (cucumbers with bacon and balsamic vinegar); cucumbers and tomatoes in a vinegar and oil dresssing; green beans with lots of bacon; eggplant fried in a batter and eaten hot. Now that I'm older and single again, I don't make a lot of these as much as I did when my husband was alive. Hard to make a small batch for just one person. txmlhl(at)yahoo(dot)com

  25. Chocolate zucchini bread or cake, Caprese salad made with all tomatoes or a peach/tomato combination, fresh sweet corn on the cob, all say “summer”.

  26. Anything from my husband’s garden, simple recipes- Sautéed zucchini in EVOO with fresh garden basil, Sliced Jersey tomatoes with EVOO , garden basil, slices of mozzarella cheese and balsamic glaze drizzled on top and finally his sweet peppers sliced and baked with EVOO a sprinkling of pink Himalayan rock salt…..Lori at

  27. In 20+ years I have not yet learned to be a desert be honest I was never much of a gardener to begin with! Yet, I do love fresh vegies and fruits. When I lived in Colorado where green beans and dill were ready to harvest at the same time I used to can dilled green beans. These days just give me a fresh tomato with a touch of salt and pepper and I'm happy. When I can get my hands on a bushel of tomatoes I make tomato jam. I've canned and frozen it to use throughout the year. Tasty on a burger, chicken or pork loin! Happy harvesting to all the gardeners! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  28. Libby, I'd have no trouble polishing off a dish of your pasta! Might even catch me licking the plate clean.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  29. Fresh tomatoes means it's BLT season!

  30. No favorite recipes. My DIL made us fresh mozzarella and tomato grilled sandwiches yesterday with tomatoes from our garden. I am not sure of the type of tomato, but they were sure tasty. They grow fancy kinds.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  31. Summer means fresh tomato sandwiches or tomatoes stuffed with tuna salad. They are my favorite summer vegetable. 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com.

  32. We love cucumber salad as well as salsa.

  33. Cavatelli with tomatoes, zucchini, corn and a little red sauce.

  34. Homemade pickles made with lots of garlic and dill, no vinegar

  35. sara

    Fresh cucumbers from the garden, sliced
    1 cup of Water
    1/2 cup of white, distilled vinegar
    1/3-1/2 cup of sugar
    Bring this to a boil, then pour over cucumber slices, add some fresh or dried dill
    Refrigerate and enjoy

  37. My favorite is a mixed berry tart.
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  38. I don’t have any recipe. I just like sliced tomatoes 🍅 with salt and pepper 😄

  39. My mother was a Master Gardener and taught us all well. We have the freshest veggies all summer long and into the fall.

    1. How nice! Nothing better than fresh from the garden

  40. I love a good salad ! Thanks for the chance !

  41. I love fresh from the garden. My go to recipe is tried and true, cucumber salad. Just mayo, sour cream, vinegar and sugar with cucumbers and onions. I also make refrigerator pickles with my brother-in-law's "Clausen" copycat recipe. Just love this time of year!

  42. We now have a farmers market in our town. I love the taste of a fresh corn salad or a watermelon feta salad.

  43. Memories of my mom's rubarb pie. We grew it at home . Sadly, I don't have the recipe.

  44. My favorite summer recipe is cut off corn to freeze snd to eat.

    1. Sorry I forgot. suefoster109 at gmail dot com

  45. I have a black thumb. Right now my husband is just growing herbs, green onions, turmeric, and ginger - which he uses in our everyday cooking. He's the chef! I do love to bake strawberry-rhubarb pie, but down here in Florida rhubarb is not easy to come by. I also like to make jams, and one of my new faves is watermelon jam, which I make from locally-grown fruit. teenlibn(at)hotmail(dot)com.

  46. Peach cobbler! I got the recipe from the stand where I buy my peaches.

  47. Love my moms cucumber salad recipe very refreshing
    Thin sliced cucumbers sour cream few drops lemon and olive oil and sprinkle with fresh crushed mint mix throughly

  48. My favorite food with fresh veggies is a good old tomato sandwich. Luckily this year our tomato plants produced enough. Creamed corn is best made fresh too.

  49. My Mom used to make Roasted Spaghetti Squash in two ways. One was savory..she roasted it with garlic and butter and the other way was a sweet version with brown sugar and cinnamon!!!

  50. We live in a co-op so we don't have access to a garden. What we do have is an amazing fruit and vegetable store half a mile from our apartment that has amazing products on sale at reasonable prices. Yes I make Eggplant Parmesan at least once a m9nth tear round.

  51. I make a yummy cucumber salad my mom made it every summer.
    I use 2 cucumbers
    1small onion thinly sliced
    1cup mayonnaise
    1/4 sugar
    1/4cup vinegar
    1/4tsp salt
    Mix the mayo, vinegar, and salt together add cucumbers and onions let chill for at least an hour
    So refreshing in the summer

  52. I don’t cook, but mom made several favorites. Cucumber salad, smothered pork chops and mincemeat pie!

  53. What a great Giveaway to win. My husband likes to garden did not do it this year. It rains almost every day here in Colorado since June. is my email address if I win. Great prize to win and let my friend read them.

  54. I live in a apartment and cook once a week

  55. New Jersey Tomatoes sandwich with mayo or (I make 2 salad one with just tomato onions and cucumbers any kind of dressing or a BLT salad all with Jersey famous tomatoes)

  56. My recipe is a little too easy 🙈.

    I love fresh cut or sliced cucumbers.
    I sprinkle JavaMomma brand Mojito lime seasoning with an extra pinch of sea salt and squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
    I have added green beans and tomatoes and even avocado to this for a little more of a salad, but just cucumber is delightful.

    Here’s my email:

  57. I love recipes that include cucumbers--my favorites!!

  58. No favorite recipe, but I love zucchini fixed various ways! dolphingalsmurphy at yahoo dot com

  59. I love zucchini and can eat it a million ways. One of my favorites is zucchini pizza with fresh herbs and cheese. Yum

  60. Sadly, I haven't worked on my herb garden in years. I do have fruit...but those will harvest later. When I was a kid we'd go strawberry picking and my mom would make strawberry freezer jam and an amazing fresh strawberry pie. As an adult my mom found a recipe for pickles, that didn't require canning. Both of us made those-but we haven't in ages.

  61. Fresh tomato pie.

  62. I have no real seasonal favorite but I am looking forward to cooking more with zucchini this year. I miss the neighborhood gardeners of my childhood and the giving nature of them all. I like going to the farmer's market to see what offerings they have. egoehner(at)roadrunner(dot)com.

  63. Um, my favorite recipe is Cowboy cavier...I believe that is the name. Chopped red onions, those tiny sweet red, yellow, orange green peppers, tomatoes diced, and Italian dressing. Mixed together. Eat it with Tortilla chips. So good and refreshing.


  64. i live off the charity of other peoples gardens lol i trade the soup i make from the harvest!

  65. Tomatoes, fresh mozzarella with a drizzle of vinaigrette.

  66. My favorite is fresh sliced watermelon! Yummy… Jessica K

  67. Since we grew plenty of tomatoes, green peppers, zucchini and cucumbers in our garden, I headed to the local farm stand for sweet corn. I made lots of zucchini loaves to freeze and give away.

  68. I love serving fresh off the vine tomatoes sliced with an olive oil vinagrette. So tasty! cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  69. I'm not a grower or much of a cook, so no recipes to share. But I am enjoying the ones everyone has been sharing.
    Thanks for the chance to win. barbiefan(@)comcast(.)net

  70. I grow a garden every year. My favorite is zucchini bread! Thanks so much for the chance!

    The Best Zucchini Bread

    2 cups all purpose flour
    1 ½ cups sugar
    2 teaspoons baking soda
    1 tablespoon cinnamon
    1 teaspoon salt
    3 large eggs
    2 cups zucchini grated/shredded
    ¾ cup vegetable oil
    1 tablespoon vanilla
    1 ½ cups walnuts chopped

    Preheat the oven to 350˚F. Prepare two 8×4 loaf pans with parchment paper.
    Combine flour, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, and salt in a medium bowl. Whisk to combine and set aside.
    In a large bowl, beat the eggs. Add the zucchini, oil, and vanilla and mix together.
    Add the dry ingredients to the wet mixture. Add the walnuts and mix till just combined.
    Divide evenly over the prepared pans and bake for 50-60 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean.
    Cool in the pans for 5 minutes, remove from the pan, and cool on a wire rack.

  71. I always go to the local farm stand for fresh peaches intending to make my Aunt Janice’s peach cobbler recipe. But fresh peaches are so delicious that our family usually eats them before I can make the cobbler.
    cindyblades92 at gmail dot com

  72. I blueberry picking season and fresh homemade blueberry pie, yum. Wildflowermother at

  73. Since I don't have a space for a garden, I have a few tomato plants in pots to eat fresh as they ripen. That is, if the chipmunks and the deer don't help themselves first. I really like seeing all of your recipes here! I will have to try some of them. We have a roadside stand nearby where I can purchase fresh veggies. Yum!

    ElaineE246 at msn dot com

  74. I don’t know what I love more about these blogs, the wonderful food ideas or the stories that go along with them!!! Keep them coming.

  75. Can’t wait for the new book to come out! I enjoy gardening but waiting until next year with our new build, so hard!! Started a few plants in pots and the deer keep eating them! Have to get strategic next year!! Love fresh veggies!!
    ~ Margie

  76. I don't really garden, so no recipes.

  77. Absolutely loving a spinach salad with fresh peaches, Local herbed goat cheese and an apple cider vinaigrette. Sounds like something Claire would whip up for Mike on a hot summer night. Huge coffee house mystery fan and would love to learn about the other authors. You’ve changed the way we buy, prepare and drink coffee! Xo

  78. No garden, just weeds. A pasta salad is nice in the summer or a regular salad, but no tomatoes or cucumbers for me.


  79. I love the cherry tomatoes. I can eat them like candy. I love going to the vegetable stands that farmers have each year.

  80. No garden except for some plants that don't need much care. I like to make a veggie stirfry with summer squash, zucchini, mushroom, red and green peppers, onions, and snow peas. Some times I'll add broccoli and green beans to it, it all depends on my mood and what we have at home. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  81. My favorite is a cucumber, tomato, feta salad for the summer. Thanks for the chance.

  82. My favorite recipe is super easy - take fresh peaches, after washing cut in half, pit them, put cut side down on hot grill for about a minute - turn and let the center well fill with the peach syrup, remove from grill and serve with ice cream or whipped cream. I also like any fresh veggie grilled. Thank you for the chance to win. I will be checking out some of the ideas shared here! madamhawk at gmail dot com

  83. what a wonderful post today. thanks ladies for sharing your recipes. I go to our Farmers Market yearly and get wonderful apples and can them and put them up for the winter/spring/summer. :) than repeat in the fall. I grow tomatoes and can salsa, with home grown peppers and store bought fruits. I can tomatoes for sauce. I freeze a lot of peppers. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  84. It's not really a recipe, but there's nothing better than a simple tomato sandwich made with homegrown tomatoes, white bread and mayo.

  85. I love fresh mixed veggies on the grill with. Touch of olive oil and seasonings

  86. I absolutely love fresh veggies. I have peppers, tomatoes, herbs and cucumbers in my garden. I love cutting up fresh zucchini in strips or half if they are smaller and covering in olive oil and different seasonings .Badias complete seasoning is fantastic.

    1. I love all the recipes and information about new mysteries. I hope I win -

  87. i live in apartment so no garden for me. I do love a fresh fruit crisp any time of the year fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  88. Fresh blueberry pie. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  89. Pie made with the freshest fruits or berries! My email is c85516246 at Gmail dot Com

  90. OMG, fingers crossed since my backyard woodland critters haven't gotten to my garden!! Cucumbers, yellow and red tomatoes as well as cherry tomatoes, summer squash, and zucchini as well as lots of herbs! My wish for this summer's recipe is zucchini stuffed with ricotta, beaten egg, and either ham or prosciutto. Then dipped in beaten egg, dredged in flour, and finally fried!!

  91. I recently received a fresh farm cookbook from Taste of Home and it had a wonderful recipe for fresh tomato soup!!! I love it!!!

  92. I remember my Mom and her huge garden. She canned everything and we eat all winter long from it. Rhubarb pie was another great treat.

  93. Love the recipes, I love pasta salad, Thanks Penney luvhistoricalromance(at)

  94. Went up to one of our local farms and bought the best sweet corn and juicy sweet peaches. Nothing better than the fruits and veggies that were " picked today"

  95. I enjoy homemade soups year round during the summer I make homemade dumpling soup with rice noodles at night for lunch bunwiches and for
    breakfast muffins or toasted English Muffins with eggs,bacon and cheese. Kat

  96. So many wonderful recipes and pictures, thank you for sharing! This is our second summer in our new to us home and my hubby has planted a couple of tomato plants so we are enjoying fresh tomatoes paired with mozzarella cheese, balsamic, and basil for a Caprese salad on the hot days. I will be adding several of these recipes into the line up this week to be sure. Thank you for the generous giveaway, fingers crossed! or tracy dot condie at gmail dot com ( I am never sure which one works LOL).

  97. I don't have a specific recipe, I just love fresh from the farm produce. Corn so sweet you don't have to do anything to it but boil for a few minutes. Caprese salad is a must during tomato season.

  98. My favorite garden dish is ratatouille, we plant all the veggies used in this favorite recipe and I always have the garlic and spices on hand. I have made it many times in the summer. Thanks for all the recipes shared and a great chance to win the books. Thanks again Rosemarie-

  99. I really love an open face tomato sandwich when the garden vegetables are coming into season. A slice of bread toasted, mayonnaise, slice of tomato with salt and pepper. It lets me know summer has arrived.

  100. Since I was a kid helping in my grandmother and mom’s garden we always had a perfect snack on a hot summer day. Sliced cucumbers on ice with salt & pepper and apple cider vinegar.

  101. I have a black thumb so enjoy the efforts of others. Caprese salad is a favorite.

  102. We grew veggies, but headed to the local farm stand for sweet corn. I made lots of zucchini bread from our zucchini.

  103. Forgot to add email. I am the zucchini bread maker.

  104. My favorite summer garden recipe is garden grazing. I use large pots to grow vegetables so I only have 2 green bean pots, started 2 of snap peas and one of cherry tomatoes. If I don't pick enough for dinner, I eat what I pick. I also purchase a 10 pound box of New Jersey blueberries each year as part of a library fund raiser. I freeze them and enjoy them as ice cubes in drinks. I can't wait to try these revipes!

  105. I just picked my first zucchini and made fried zucchini. I slice them thin, dip in evaporated milk, then shake them in a zip bag with flour ,garlic salt ,and garlic pepper to taste. Fry in hot canola oil until crispy. All were gone in seconds.

  106. My favorite recipe is my mother, zucchini pie, which uses zucchini, onions, and tomatoes, and Parmesan cheese. It is yummy!

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. I love to eat salads with tons of tomatoes and cucumbers. There is a local farm that I frequent every summer for fresh produce. I also love cutting up watermelon and eating it when its cold, sometimes I add salt.

  109. I plant a garden every Spring. My favorite recipe is just a simple Summer salad with cherry tomatoes, onion, cucumbers, bell peppers, a little feta cheese, salt, pepper, and vinegar.

  110. My favorite is homemade salsa using the tomatoes, onion, garlic, jalapeños and cilantro all from my garden!

  111. I love visiting one of the local farms and picking tomatoes and peppers. I always pick more than I should because it all looks soooo tempting. This means days of tomato and pepper salad, throw in some fresh Jersey corn scraped off the cob and some basil leaves, maybe some mozzarella, a splash of vinaigrette, and yum! Then back to the farm for more! For dessert, some fresh picked blueberries and peaches.

  112. I have sweet corn, potatoes, 3 types of tomatoes, zucchini, summer squash, acorn squash, spaghetti squash, green beans, peas, watermelon, and 200 feet of 6 types of pumpkins. I make simple meals with my produce because it has been so hot this summer. I have been freezing a lot so that I can have a cozy home this Fall with all the great baking smells.

  113. We generally get tomatoes, zucchini and onions and just incorporate those items into meals that we would ordinarily make. But I really like fresh tomatoes in sandwiches with a little Italian dressing. pmr3956 (at) gmail (dot) com

  114. My favorite is a strawberry rhubarb pie served with whipped cream on top!

  115. We love a fresh capreese blt. Just had that for dinner tonight. Used black prince tomatoes, fresh basil from my window sill, fresh mozzarella and pepper bacon. Oh and butter lettuce for the leafy green.

  116. I have a broccoli salad that I made for family get to gathers.
    Sherry Clark

  117. What a wonderful collection of books! I just made garden fresh green beans for dinner last night! Always a favorite at our house!

  118. My favorite summer recipe involves cutting up a watermelon and cutting it into cubes. That's it.

    Oh, and pouring the watermelon juice in the bottom of the serving bowl into a glass and adding some lime juice before drinking it.

    bonnijean.marley(at) gmail (dot) com

  119. I don't have a favorite recipe because I don't cook. But I do love to read and I would love to win these books

  120. I love Tomato, cucumber and onion salad with oil and vinegar and sugar!!
    I also love to just eat the veggies just plain and raw!!!
