Sunday, August 21, 2022

Sunday Spotlight on Vicki Delany, The One Woman Crime Wave

 Hi, all. 

I’m Vicki Delany, the One Woman Crime Wave, and I have the honour of being spotlighted today at Mystery Lovers Kitchen.

First, thanks so much everyone for following us at MLK.  It’s such a great blog and I was delighted when Daryl Wood Gerber invited me to join several years ago.  I love to cook and particularly to bake, but I live alone these days, so it’s often difficult to get inspired to try something new and different.  But knowing I have a blog post to do, makes me dig through recipes and try exciting new things.

As for me – my writing career has been long and varied. I began writing psychological suspense novels for Poisoned Pen Press and then wrote the eight book Constable Molly Smith series, again for PPP. At the same time, I wrote the Klondike Gold Rush books for the Canadian publisher Dundurn, and novellas for adult literacy.

I started my writing career when I was working as a systems analyst for a major bank.  I’d previously been a computer programmer, a career I absolutely loved. But the tech world was moving fast and I found I had little or no interest in keeping up. So, I thought I’d try my hand at writing a book.  I took some creative writing courses at Sheridan College, in Oakville, Ontario, where I was living at the time. (Shout out to Linda Simmons and Sylvia McNicoll). My idea at first was to write for children; I quickly decided I didn’t want to do that, but I enjoyed the course and wanted to stay.

So – I started a novel. It was a rather turgid effort called WHITEOUT, which is still lurking around at the fringes of online bookstores.  The rest, as they say, is history, and I wrote three books while still working at the bank, which were published by Poisoned Pen.

I was lucky enough to be able to take early retirement, which I did. I travelled around North America for a year with my dog, Shenzi, and then bought a small country home in Prince Edward County Ontario. And became a full-time writer.

It really is the best life.

How, you ask, did I transition to cozies?

I had an idea for a lighter series and I asked my good friend Mary Jane Maffini, if she’d show my proposal to her agent. She did, the agent replied saying she liked it, but she wouldn’t be able to find a home for it.  so sorry.

Then – when Berkley Prime Crime was looking for a writer to take on a work for hire series set in a lighthouse in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, Kim Lionetti at Bookends, remembered me.

And thus the Lighthouse Library series began. 

When the series ended at PRH due to the ‘great cozy massacre’, it was picked up by the good people at Crooked Lane Books. There are now nine books available in that series, then tenth is completed and submitted (look for DEATH KNELLS AND WEDDING BELLS next Spring), and I have contracts for another three.  Those books are published under my pen name of Eva Gates. Which, BTW, is the only use of a pen name. Vicki Delany is my real name.

Once I had my foot in the door writing cozies, I decided I loved it and wanted to continue.  So writing cozies is now what I do and I have five series:

  • The Lighthouse Library Series by Eva Gates now published by Crooked Lane Books
  • The Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Series published by Crooked Lane Books
  • The Tea by the Sea Series published by Kensington Publishing Corp
  • The Year Round Christmas Series, moving to Crooked Lane in 2023
  • The Catskills Summer Resort Series published by Penguin Random House (finished)

I’m often asked why I’ve switched to cozies, and here’s my reply:

The essence of a cozy mystery, as I see it, is real life, with some components stretched and exaggerated for effect.

Cozy writers take the things we love – families, friends, hobbies, crafts, even places – and write them with a loving hand to be slightly larger than life. And then, we thrust murder and sometimes mayhem into the mix.

Cozies are intended to be nothing more than an entertaining read. You won’t learn many lessons about the human condition, there is no one suffering from angst or threating to kill themselves because of depression. No PTSD. No terrorist attacks or serial killers. Just people with friends and lovers and community. And the occasional enemy. And a murder of course.

I’ve dealt with human angst and tragedy, and now I’m happy on the lighter side.  I hope you'll continue to follow me on my journey. 

You can find me at or I’m on Facebook at Twitter @vickidelany @evagatesauthor Instragram: @vicki.delany

If you’d like to receive my quarterly newsletter with news about forthcoming books and my travels, you can sign up on my web page here: Vicki Delany – Canadian Author of Mystery Novels and Suspense Novels » Contact

To thank you for being a loyal follower of Mystery Lovers Kitchen, I’d like to give away a signed hardcover book to TWO readers. Either the newest Tea by the Sea mystery, MURDER SPILLS THE TEA or the most recent Lighthouse Library book, DEATH BY BEACH READ.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on your reading habits. Do you stick to cozies or prefer something deeper and darker? Do you vary your reading? Do you always read mysteries or switch between genres? Any non-fiction readers out there?





  1. I much prefer cozy mysteries and do not read horror, terror or even suspense that is dark. Thanks for being a cozy author!

  2. I do vary in the books that I read by switching between reading a cozies mystery to something else.
    Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot) net

  3. My reading habit does vary on the books I read by reading a cozies and then switching to another genre.
    Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot) net

  4. Cozies are my favorite because of the fun themes but I also enjoy other mystery/thriller/suspense, plus nonfiction like science/medicine, true crime, history, trivia, and biography. I'll read horror occasionally too.

    1. Variety is always good! Sounds like you read a lot of different things.

  5. I prefer mystery cozies now, but I used to read stories about espionage when I was younger. I love the Lighthouse series and need to try her other books.

    1. I forgot to sign in. My email is cecilialyoung at gmail dot com

  6. You have an amazing and inspiring story Vicki! Congratulations on all your success and I lift a glass for the books and series to continue!

  7. I read mostly cozy mysteries, historical romance, and romantic suspense. Right now all I've been reading is cozy mysteries!!

  8. I just finished Death by Beach Read and enjoyed it very much. I read mostly mysteries along with some thrillers and historical fiction. I read a lot and am very thankful to my local library here in Victoria. Looking forward to your next mystery, enjoy the rest of your summer. ♥️🇨🇦

  9. I usually have three books going at one time: a cozy (my favorite genre), a biography/autobiography & fiction (I'm reading Gossip from the Trees now.) Cozies are my go-to books when I need a mental break, especially on a rainy day. I also love poetry & The Best Loved Poems of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis just about every day.

  10. Thanks for sharing with us.
    I like cozies but also enjoy historical mysteries.
    I think there's a growing category of "cozy grit"--cozies that have a bit more edge to them and touch on heavier topics.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  11. I love cozy Mysteries! The deeper, darker thrillers and Mysteries give me nightmares. Cozies for the win!

  12. Right now all I have been reading is cozy mysteries! I usually switch it up and read romance and Christmas books! I don't read horror or terror.

    Thanks for the chance!


    1. You can get two for one, with the Year Round Christmas series.

  13. Cheers to our one woman crime wave! Thank you, Vicki, for sharing your writer's journey with all of us. xoxo ~ Cleo

  14. I am Lois Rotella @
    I love cozies. I generally read cozies and I also like some romance books. I have a few authors that I read in that genre. I also enjoy your books.

  15. Love your story, Vicki! You inspire me!

  16. Hi, love your books - haven't read the Catskills nor the Christmas Year Round series yet. Enjoyed lerning more about you. Diane

  17. Hi Vicki! I like to mix it up with my reading. Love historical fiction, cozies, contemporary romance and suspense, some fantasy. I rarely read any nonfiction these days. This is Pat D.

    1. Congratulations, Pat. You win! I'll send you an email requesting your address

  18. Would love the chance to enter the giveaway. Either book…love both series (all your series, actually!!!) Trying to join your newsletter, but can’t seem to make it work. I read mostly cozies & YA fantasy.🤷🏻‍♀️

    1. If the newsletter sign up isn’t working please send me an email and I’ll add it manually

  19. I enjoyed reading about your writing journey and how you came to write so many different series.

  20. I love cozy mysteries. Every so often I try romantic suspense and adventure thrillers but only specific authors.

  21. I read cozy mysteries, romance, urban fantasy, and some not so cozy mysteries.

  22. I read mostly cozies and I'm now reading "Death By Beach Read" and loving it. This is one of my favorite series. Looking forward to reading some of your other series. Glad there will be another Lighthouse Library book.
    diannekc8(at)gmail( dot)com

  23. I alternate between mysteries, mostly cozy, and romances with some biographies and scifi/fantasy. I like all of your current series and enjoyed the Molly Smith ones. Thanks for the chance.

  24. I read many genres and usually after I read one , then the next from a different genre unless I am reading a series.

  25. I used to read different genres but after I discovered cozies years ago I just don't find anything else even tempting. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  26. I love to read a variety of genres. Besides cozy mysteries, I enjoy contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, suspense and historical romances. I enjoy alternating to keep my reading fresh and exciting. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  27. I am an avid cozy fan and I also love medical and legal thrillers. I also read biographies and some additional non-fiction. I just love to read!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  28. I prefer cozies for much the reasons you love writing them! I dip my toes into the occasional thriller and historical fiction, usually WWII era. I love your Lighthouse Library series and still have the Tea By the Sea and Sherlock Holmes Bookstore books on my TBR list. Thanks for your stories and enjoy your travels!! makennedyinaz(at) hotmail(dot)com.

  29. CONGRATULATIONS for being spotlighted here at MLK dear Vicky!!! To answer your question: Life is too short to read anything but cozies for me. I do read news and try to be up to date on what goes on in this world, but even though there is at least one murder in your books, I prefer your world to spend time in :-) My wife and I have almost read every cozy mystery you have written, and are so in tune with how you write...but we have yet to figure out whodunnit before you reveal the murderer to us. We are beyond thrilled that you have finished the 6th. Year Round Christmas Mysteries by Crooked Lane. We are also celebrating that there will be at least 4 more Lighthouse Library mysteries, and that you finished the third Catskills Summer Resort mystery! We look forward to reuniting woth all our BFF's in your books, and pray that you will find more and more inspiration to kill off some more characters in ingenious ways. Luis at ole dot travel

  30. I really enjoyed reading about your path to being a cozy mystery writer. Also, I am always happy to discover a fellow Canadian who writes books I like. I vary my reading, having ten or so authors that are favourites, but I only occasionally read non-fiction. I read a variety of genres, but almost never horror. Cozy mysteries are my relaxing, entertaining reads. I frequently am reading a cozy at the same time I am reading another book. I found I was reading more cozy mysteries during the pandemic. I needed the light, fun, entertainment they provide. I have read books from 3 of your series, but have not read the Tea by the Sea or the Catskills Summer Resort series. (I noticed you mentioned in a comment that you have family in Victoria. I live in a community also on the south shore of Vancouver Island)
    Wishing you continued success!
    gnluciow (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Congratulations and thanks for entering my contest. you win! I'll send you an email requesting your mailing address

  31. I read mainly cozies, but I do vary it up and read thrillers and memoirs. I also read some non-fiction, if the topic interests me. aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

  32. SO glad Vicki changed careers! Her stories are magic!

  33. I love cozies and read them most of the time. Occasionally, I like to read a biography.

  34. Cozy mysteries are my escape. I have read all of your captivating novels set in Ontario and B.C. Riveting and amazing stories. Thank you for your creative and extraordinary writing.

  35. When I read Vicki's books I am transported and am completed entertained with the story. I enjoy the different series and standalone novels. I read fiction, historicals and mysteries.

  36. I used to read everything and every genre. As I got older, my likes changed. I usually read cozies and some other mysteries. No more science fiction, horror, hard core murders with serial killers and gore; but I still read some nonfiction and biographies and some best sellers, but they generally disappoint me. I love your Eva Gates books and have them all and am a bit behind in reading them but they are on the TBR list next as I just got the new one. I would love any of your Vicki Delaney books. So many books, so little time. Keep it up. Just in case it makes me anonymous--Madeleine Gilbert Spangler

  37. I like cozy mystery, fantasy, paranormal, historical fiction and some romance. Thank you for the chance
