Sunday, June 9, 2024

Please Welcome Our Guest Lorie Lewis Ham #Giveaway


Please give a warm welcome to our guest Lorie Lewis Ham.  You may know her as the editor-in-chief and publisher of Kings River Life but she is also the author of 
the Tower District Mystery Series.

My new book, One of You, the second book in my Tower District Mystery series, just came out. I am excited for my first guest post for the new book to be on Mystery Lover’s Kitchen. When the first book, One of Us, came out three years ago, I was also asked to do a guest post here, and I felt as honored then as I do now! This blog is hosted by such a wonderful and talented group of mystery authors!


As I mentioned last time I was here, my main character, Roxi Carlucci, isn’t much of a cook. However, her housemate/cousin Stephen Carlucci is a wonderful cook—when he has time to cook that is, in between helping Roxi solve murders, and his work as a P.I. At one point in One of You, they are trying to solve the murder of a mystery writer during a Halloween mystery event and have hit a brick wall. So, instead of indulging in more of the great food in the Tower District, Stephen decides to cook comfort food—meatloaf and mashed potatoes (and if you are like Roxi you will add a little garlic to those potatoes)!


Family is extremely important to Roxi, so I decided to share another family recipe. This one is for my mother-in-law’s meatloaf. This was the first recipe she ever shared with me after I married her son, and I’ve kept making it all these years. It’s a fairly simple recipe and perfect for a comfort food dinner! You can pair it with just about anything, but mashed potatoes are Roxi’s favorite! Hope you enjoy.


Mom’s Meatloaf




1 to 1/2 lb. of hamburger meat

1 egg slightly beaten

1 tsp. of onion powder (her original recipe called for a small chopped onion but our kids didn’t like onions so I made this adaption and never went back)

1 to 1/2 tsp. of salt

1/4 tsp. of pepper

1/3 to 1/2 cup of milk

1 piece of bread crumbled






Preheat oven to 350 degrees


Beat the egg and then mix all above ingredients together in a mixing bowl using your hands until well mixed.



Place into a loaf pan and spread out evenly (first spray the pan with a non-stick cooking spray)


Bake for 1 and a 1/4 hours at 350 degrees


When meatloaf is done remove from pan and slice. We add ketchup to ours but you can put any kind of condiment or sauce you prefer.





 What are some of your favorite comfort foods? 



Lorie Lewis Ham lives in Reedley, California and has been writing ever since she was a child. Her first song and poem were published when she was 13, and she has gone on to publish many articles, short stories, and poems throughout the years, as well as write for a local newspaper, and publish 7 mystery novels. For the past 14 years, Lorie has been the editor-in-chief and publisher of Kings River Life Magazine, and she produces Mysteryrat’s Maze Podcast, where you can hear an excerpt of her book One of Us, the first in a new series called The Tower District Mysteries. Book 2, One of You, will be out in June of 2024. You can learn more about Lorie and her writing on her website and find her on Facebook, BookBub, Goodreads, and Instagram @krlmagazine & @lorielewishamauthor.




One of You is available on:



Barnes and




With her life on the California Coast behind her, Roxi Carlucci is beginning to feel at home in the Tower District—the cultural oasis of Fresno, CA—where she now lives with her cousin P.I. Stephen Carlucci, her pet rat Merlin, a Pit Bull named Watson, and a black cat named Dan. She has a new entertainment podcast, works as a part-time P.I., and is helping local bookstore owner Clark Halliwell put on the first-ever Tower Halloween Mysteryfest! The brutal summer heat is gone and has been replaced by the dense tule fog—perfect for Halloween!


She just wishes everyone would stop calling her the “Jessica Fletcher” of the Tower District simply because she found a dead body when she first arrived. But when one of the Mysteryfest authors is found dead, she fears she jinxed herself! The Carlucci’s are hired to find the killer before they strike again. Will Mysteryfest turn into a murder fest? How is the local gossip website back, and what does it know about the death of Roxi’s parents? 




 What are some of your favorite comfort foods?


Lori is giving away one copy of ONE OF YOU to a lucky someone who comments below. (Sorry, U.S. only)


  1. Welcome back, Lori, and congratulations on the new book! The meatloaf sounds yummy, and today will be cool and rainy in New England, so meatloaf might be for dinner tonight.

    1. Thanks so much for having me!

    2. Welcome back. Looking forward to checking out this book.

  2. Becky Sue EpsteinJune 9, 2024 at 8:24 AM

    Congratulations Lori! Mashed potatoes are my comfort food - with or without the meatloaf.

  3. congrats on the book.
    for comfort food - nut butter on toast or non-dairy ice cream

    1. Thanks! I have never tried nut butter.

    2. Lorie, no peanut butter?! And then there are cashew, almond, etc.

    3. I am allergic to all nuts :(

  4. We love meatloaf! Years ago, I found a recipe for meatloaf that like this one is easy to make, but it's cooks in the microwave oven and is done in in 11 minutes. We put ketchup on ours too. In fact, this recipe has you putting it on half way through the cooking process.

    Other comfort foods to us are a pot of beans cooked with bits of ham and a pan of cornbread, hamburger steak with mashed potatoes (the fast way when you don't have time to bake a meatloaf) and a favorite from my childhood - grilled cheese sandwiches with cream of tomato soup. In essence, to me comfort food is delicious tasting food that doesn't take a lot of prep or cooking to arrive at the table. Sometimes comfort food is anything someone else does all the work on and you just get to settle back and enjoy it. :)

    Congratulations on the release of ONE OF YOU! Would love the opportunity to read and review this fabulous sounding book that is already on my TBR list. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. That is a good description of comfort food. And thanks so much!

  5. Congratulations, Lori on ONE OF YOU!!!! It sounds like a fun cozy mystery, and I would like to read it. Thank you for the meat loaf recipe, whcih is easy and is sure to be a success when I make it. We haven't made meatloaf in's aboiut time we enjoyed it. My favorite comfort food is any kind of pasta. Being from an Italian family, I was hooked on all pasta dishes since early childhood...I joke that instead of a bottle, I was given spaghetti as a baby :-) Thanks again! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Nice! Since my main character is Italian I may have to steal that line lol

  6. For me, comfort food means things loaded with starch and carbs, like macaroni and cheese, potatoes in any form, pasta. Love it all! Congrats on the new release and thanks for Kings River Life. makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks! Those definitely sound good!
      And you are very welcome!

  7. Welcome back to the kitchen, Lorie! Happy congrats on the publication of your 2nd Tower District Mystery, ONE OF YOU. The first in your series was terrific, and I'm looking forward to visiting with Roxi again. (Murder of an author at a Mysteryfest looks like a fun story, and I can't wait to dig in.) Cheers for sharing the good news with us and this great comfort food fave, as well. Happy "Book Birthday" week to you!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words and for having me here today!

  8. Welcome Lorie, welcome to the Kitchen. Congrats on the new book and thanks for sharing.

  9. Welcome back to the Kitchen, Lorie, and congrats on the new book--woo-HOO!

    As for comfort foods, that would be thing things my mom used to make: Mexican food, fried chicken, and yes, meatloaf! Yum!!

    1. Thanks!
      I haven't had fried chicken in forever!

  10. Hi all! Love love love this newsletter/blog, love all the recipes! Thanks for introducing us to Lorie Lewis Ham and her incredible books! I'll be sure to buy and read them now. I appreciate it when you interview new authors. I'd love to have you interview writer Elizabeth Crowens, who has just released her new book (that I'm reading now), "The Hounds of the Hollywood Baskervilles," which is a fun, quirky mystery/caper/suspense story set in 1940's Hollywood. (She apparently worked in the movie industry in the past). Thanks again for the great recipes and articles!

    1. Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy my books!

  11. Welcome, Lori! The ultimate comfort food for me is mac and cheese, but ice cream is a close second!

  12. Welcome Lori. Congratulations on your new book! My favorite comfort food is Chicken Soup with Challah. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. Congratulations on your new book, Lori! My comfort food is pot stickers. jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  14. Meatloaf means yummy sandwiches tomorrow!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  15. My husband loves meatloaf sandwiches!

  16. Congratulations on your new release, favorite comfort food is a good olive burger and fries.

    1. Thanks! Don't think I've ever had an olive burger

  17. Some of my favorite comfort foods are Southern fried chicken and mac and cheese. I have a sweet tooth, so I also love fudgy brownies for dessert. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  18. Congrats on the new book Lorie. It sounds terrific. I already have the first one on my TBR so I just added One of You. Mashed potatoes are definitely one of my favorite comfort foods. In the winter, I love beef stew. It takes me back to childhood even though it never tastes quite as good as my mom's did.

  19. Congratulations on the new book.

  20. My favorite comfort foods are potatoes in any form

  21. Mashed potatoes would be one of my comfort foods. Pasta, stir frys, and desserts are others. I also like fruits and vegetables and salty snacks.

  22. Beef stroganoff but meatloaf is a close second!

  23. Your book and characters sound great! I love cheese enchiladas, mac and cheese, chicken fried steak with cream gravy. You know. All those healthy dishes.

  24. Funny but hubby requested meat loaf tonight so meat loaf it is! Along with mashed potatoes and maybe peas. My ultimate comfort food is anything pasta.

  25. My favorite comfort food is artisan and homemade bread! I am now wheelchair bound and cannot walk or stand alone so I have found that a fresh slice of bread with butter is my go to pick me up especially for my low blood sugar There are lots of other comfort foods on my list but delicious crusty bread is the easiest for me to eat! Congratulations on your recent book!
    Cynthia Blain in MAssachusetts

  26. I love homemade soups as comfort food. Favorites are Chicken Noodle with lots of veggies, White Bean, kale and ham and Beef barley.

  27. Congratulations on your new book, Lorie! The meat loaf recipe sounds really good! Thank you for sharing!
    My comfort food is spaghetti with meatballs or sausages or mushrooms or just plain marinara sauce! We normally plant some tomatoes during summer, and when we have a lot of tomatoes, we will cook our own marinara sauce and freeze them!

  28. Growing up it was meatloaf with spinach potatoes. These days it’s sushi. sgiden at verizon (.)net

  29. Congratulations on the book! Thank you for the recipe!! Meatloaf is a definite comfort food in my book - also homemade soup or chili. Thank you for the opportunity to win. madamhawk at gmail dot com

  30. Thanks! And you are welcome!

  31. Hi from Lodi, California! My all time comfort food is mashed potatoes! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Thanks for stopping by! You aren't very far from me!
      Mashed potatoes seem to be a common one.

  32. This is my first visit to this site. What a great combo: mysteries and cooking! Two of my favorite things. We have a family recipe that takes a meatloaf approach to burgers. They were originally called "Man-Size Burgers," but when I protested as a teen, my dad changed the name to "Person-Sized." They taste good whatever we call them.

    1. That sounds really good! Glad you stopped by.

  33. Congrats, Lorie, on your new book! I would have to say that pizza is one of my favorite comfort foods. I grew up in Northwest Indiana, right outside of Chicago. Nothing beats a good Chicago-style pizza! And for my sweet tooth, I love homemade chocolate chip cookies! Thank you for this opportunity!
    Nancy Urtz

    1. Thanks! You are very welcome. All of that sounds great too!

  34. I have lots of comfort foods including ice cream, pasta, etc

  35. I do have to say I enjoyed the first one!

  36. Congratulations on this new book Lori ! I’done to win a copy to read this summer !
    Meatloaf is not only a comfort food to me but a true favorite of mine. With baked potatoes and green salad 🥗. Also love mashed taters and biscuits and gravy !

  37. Mary Holshouser
    I love warm bread pudding, filled with lots of raisins.
    Especially on a cold winter day. Looking forward
    to reading your book. thanks. txmlhl(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thanks! Nice to see you over here Mary! Bread pudding does sound great!
