Monday, June 10, 2024


KORINA MOSS: The good things about this soup: it's easy, it's tasty, it's healthy, it can be made ahead of time, and the leftovers can be frozen, giving you more easy, tasty, healthy meals! 

1/2 TBL olive oil + 1 tsp (or butter)
20 oz pkg butternut squash, already chopped & peeled (makes it easy)
1/4 cup white or yellow onion
2 garlic cloves
1 tsp real maple syrup
2 TBL applesauce
nutmeg & cinnamon to taste
1 cup (approximately) vegetable broth
optional: sunflower seeds

Put squash in bowl and drizzle with 1 TBL olive oil. Mix to coat.
Place coated squash on parchment paper on a baking sheet. 

Roast at 400°F for 30 minutes.

Put back into the bowl and roughly mash. Spoon into blender. (You don't have to mash it first, I just find it's easier on the blender.)

Chop onion and garlic
Warm 1 tsp oil and/or butter in soup pot, add onions and garlic and gently cook. 

Put cooked onions and garlic into the blender with the squash. 
Add syrup, applesauce, nutmeg, and cinnamon.

Add some of the vegetable broth and blend, continuing until the soup is the consistency you want. 

Taste and adjust syrup, applesauce, nutmeg, and cinnamon as needed.

Pour back into soup pot and heat.

Spoon into bowls. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds if desired. Refrigerate or freeze leftovers. Enjoy! 

Do you like soups in the summer? 

The fifth book in my Cheese Shop Mystery series, FONDUE OR DIE, releases on October 22nd and is available for preorder

KORINA MOSS is the author of the Cheese Shop cozy mystery series set in Sonoma Valley, including the Agatha Award winner of the Best First Novel, Cheddar Off Dead, and a finalist for Best Contemporary Novel, Case of the Bleus. Her books have been featured in USA Today, PARADE Magazine, Woman’s World Magazine, AARP Magazine, and Fresh Fiction. You can follow Korina on Facebook or Instagram. For more information or to sign up for her free monthly newsletter, visit her website at 


  1. Thank you for the BUTTERNUT SQUASH SOUP recipe!

    We love soup - any time of the year. For me, there's nothing like my mom's vegetable beef soup when made with all fresh from the garden veggies instead of store bought or canned.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. I can imagine how good that must be, Kay, with fresh picked veggies!

  3. Soups are one of my favorite things to make and eat! I'm with Kay. I almost always have at least one container of homemade vegetable beef soup in the freezer and fresh vegetables definitely make it better. Tuscan Minestrone, Lentil, and Pumpkin Ginger soups are also favorites. Your butternut squash soup sounds yummy and easy to make with precut squash. I have to try it soon. Thanks!

  4. Hi, Korina - Like you, I'm a fan of soup all year long. The evenings are still chilly here in NYC, and I could have inhaled your butternut soup last night. I'm lovin' the flavors in your recipe: the applesauce, spices, and touch of maple syrup. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing and have a great week!

  5. It's always time for soup in south Florida thanks to A/C!
    That said, I wonder how this tastes cold? Like a variety of gazpacho?

  6. What! No cheese? :-) Thank you for this easy peasy recipe. I love any kind of soup, and this one could be made almost instantly, except for the 30 minutes roasting the squash. I really will try to top with some cheese, and be thinking of you. Luis at ole dot travel

    1. I do need to put a cheesy recipe on the docket!

  7. I love homemade squash soup! I usually take the whole squash, cut it in half and scoop out the seeds, then bake for an hour. Then you can scrape the cooked squash out of the shell, mash it up with your mixer and put it into the soup pot. I'll have to tryadding maple syrup and applesauce to my recipe.

  8. I like butternut squash. This soup sounds delicious with the addition of maple syrup, applesauce, nutmeg and cinnamon. I prefer soup when it is cooler outside so I may not get a chance to try it anytime soon.

  9. Oh nice recipe for a friend of mine. Thanks, Korina! :) aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com
