Sunday, May 26, 2024

Spotlight on Vicki Delany: Where I've Been

This time for the spotlight, I thought you might enjoy hearing about my travels. I write four books a year, but I still manage to find time to do a lot of travelling. I try to go on two big trips a year.  That’s just vacation trips, not to visit family, or to book related events.

I never mind travelling alone, and I do it often. I’ve never had any trouble. But I also enjoy a trip with one of my daughters or a good friend. When travelling by myself, particularly to a non-English speaking country, I usually go on an organized small-group tour. My favourite providers are GAdventures and Exodus. I plan on arriving a day or two before the tour begins, to have a chance to see the sites in the departing city, but also in case of travel delays.  I like to think I’m a smart solo traveller. I don’t take local public transport or non-authorized taxis and I only stay in ‘respectable’ hotels (although that sometimes means more expensive). I definitely never go out at night alone in a strange city or on a beach.

Earlier this year, I had a fabulous trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos. The Galapagos, in particular, was beyond my expectations. I've been lucky enough to go to Mozambique several times, and I just love it. The beaches are truly the best (and least crowded) I’ve ever encountered.  In fall of 2019 I fulfilled a lifetime dream of going to Russia. Thank heavens I did it then. The chance may not come again.

Here are some highlights of the trips I've been on in the last ten years. (It's hard finding one picture to illustrate each adventure!)

Galapagos 2024:

England 2023: Yorkshire

England 2023: London

Costa Rica 2023

South Africa 2022:


Italy 2022:

 Mozambique 2021:

Malawi 2020:

Russia 2019:

Malaysia 2018:

 India 2017 (with my good friend, the writer Barbara Fradkin):

Iceland 2017. Daughter Alex enjoying the hot springs:

The Netherlands 2016

Tunisia 2016:

Vietnam 2015:

I’d love to hear about some of your great travel adventures. Any places you’d highly recommend? Someplace you've always wanted to go but haven't made it yet? Leave a comment below for a chance to win an advance reading copy of TROUBLE IS BREWING, the fifth tea by the Sea book, coming July 2024.  Giveaway ends Wednesday June 5. US and Canada entries. 

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  1. I agree that Galapagos was just so special.

  2. I also enjoy travelling, and, like you when travelling solo I have used small group tour companies, even in English speaking countries like Australia and New Zealand. No matter where go the people you meet make a difference. When you feel welcomed the trip is that much better.

  3. Sounds like you have had some amazing trips and have some fabulous memories. Photography is a fabulous way of bringing back those memories.

    After retiring, we took a 34 day trip going up the entire coastline of Maine (staying an old coast guard post at the eastern most point in the U.S. to observe the super moon lunar eclipse) and the northern most point before turning to the interior part of the state. Then we made our way to Niagara Falls where I took my first helicopter ride. I was so busy taking photos and seeing it all through the lens of my camera, that in the excitement, I have no memory of the actual ride. Hubby says that’s a good thing since I have a great fear of heights. We then went down into Amish communities before heading home. Folks as why 34 days, well at the time that was as long as the post office would hold our mail. 😊 Definitely recommend the northeast in the fall to see all the amazing colors and sights.

    We have an upcoming trip this summer that I’m super excited about. Alaska is my almost home state and I’ve always wanted to go there. We decided this year to do it. But not only are we going up to photograph bears and other wildlife and scenery, we are making a big circle coming home by way of the California redwoods (lived in CA 9 years as a child and never got to see them) and then going over to all the national parks in Utah before heading home. In total, it’s going to be almost 8,000 miles by car and about the same time span as our first retirement trip.

    Thank you for the wonderful chance to win an ARC of TROUBLE IS BREWING. It’s on my TBR list and would LOVE the opportunity to read and review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Wow Kay, you are wonderful travelers! Love that you're touring the US, we don't always think of that!

  4. Best trip ever was our family trip to Denmark! My grandfather was born there so we always wanted to visit Denmark. While we were there we were able to meet my mom's cousin!

  5. I love that you share your travels! It opens our eyes to the fact that this is in deed a beautiful world. Thank you.

  6. The only trip I've been on was an exchange trip to Germany in high school- a week with a host family and two weeks traveling the country, spending one or two days in a city. I'd like to go back sometime and revisit favorite places and see some sights we didn't get to. Ireland, Australia, England, New Orleans, and Alaska are all top of my wishlist too.

  7. WOW! How cool. Those are some great pictures and I'm sure you have wonderful memories. Awesome!

  8. I also love to travel and have been many places in this beautiful world. I read your audio books Vicki and we live about 10 minutes away from each other. The latest mini trip I was on is Parc Omega, Montebello, Quebec, Canada where you experience being close up and personal with wild animals native to Canada. It was a magical experience.

  9. The Isle of Iona is one of my most loved places to visit. The tiny island is part of Scotlands Inner Hebrides and involves multiple modes of transportation to get there but worth the journey.

    1. I’ve been to Scotland but never the Hebrides. Love to go someday

  10. Wow! You've had so many amazing trips! My dream vacation was many years ago to Australia. We met wonderful people and I got to hold a wombat. Like a live teddy bear. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Cheers for sharing your adventures abroad, Vicki. Your photos are beautiful evidence of the wonderful world we have.

  12. Thanks for sharing your travel adventures. I especially enjoyed Switzerland and Japan when we traveled there.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  13. Vicki’s stories are a delight to read!!! Tea By the Sea, Sherlock Holmes, The Lighthouse mysteries…these are some of my very favorite (cozies).
    I have been to Armenia & Jerusalem a couple of times each & would recommend either in a heartbeat!
    Thank you for this chance!!!💞💞💞

  14. You've been so many amazing places, Vicki, it's hard to recommend one! But I'd say - if you haven't been to Sicily - add that to your list. It was a colony of Ancient Greece, and the best Greek ruins in the world are there (because it has a dry desert climate and ruins don't 'ruin' as quickly.) Fabulous ruins, art, history (the Normans conquered Sicily in 1060 which is why I have dark red hair and green eyes) It's just about my favourite place in the world and I'd love your take on it!

  15. Thank you for sharing your travels, Vicki. My daughter, who mostly travels alone, has enjoyed several GAdventures tours. She also went with my husband and me to the Galapagos. We had a trip to Sicily planned for May of 2020. Didn't happen, of course, but I'm determined to go there soon.

  16. Wow, some amazing and beautiful places, Vicki! Thanks for sharing with us!

    My favorite place to travel (besides Hawai'i, which isn't so much "travel" as it is my second home) is France--especially Paris. But my bucket-list trip is one to Istanbul and Alexandria. Some day, I hope...

  17. Hooray for travel🥳 I do so appreciate your visiting our beautiful world 🌎 There is so much to see. My wife and I have traveled for over 50 years. I retired from the airline industry in 2017, and am a travel agent. I get the privilege of sharing my experiences with my dear clients , and do research and make all arrangements for them. I am focused on their needs until they are back home. That includes tracking their flights live, to ensure they make their connections in time, and am there if something happens. Last year I had 4 clients whose flight from Athens to Atlanta got diverted to St. John’s due to a medical emergency on board. Then they were flown to JFK, where their flight ended due to crew rest restrictions. They had to overnight there and take an early flight to Atlanta and connect to Dan Diego. I was with them on my phone and text all the time. They were happy when they returned, and booked a 23 day tour of the British Isles in about 2 months from their return. I still have to make it to the Seychelles, which has been on my bucket list for so long. Thank you so much for sharing your travel experiences with us as well as culinary delights AND your amazing 4 series, which I so enjoy. Luis at ole dot travel

  18. Thank you for sharing your travels. What beautiful experiences! I have not traveled outside of the United States, but dream of going to Ireland as a first trip outside of the USA.

  19. Fantastic armchair travel for us today on Memorial Day Weeknd! Mille Grazie! My favorite spot has to be Ireland, been three times, and love the truly genuine Irish and their sincere wish for you to enjoy your stay. While a friend and I were walking down a street in Kilkenny, we heard someone running towards our backs so we immediately clutched our bags and cameras,… but it was a local who raced up to welcome us to his city and gave us wonderful tips to enjoy it even more!!

  20. You are so cool, Vicki! I admire your writing, cooking, and your traveling chops. I haven't been to nearly enough places, more than a few, though, and my travel wish list is long. Thanks for the inspiration to make things happen!

  21. I love Pattaya Beach, Thailand. It's so beautiful and you can get anything you want at the beach like a massage, food & drink, hair braided, henna tattoos, etc. I did it all. We had a condo there on the 20th floor and the views were amazing. For a future trip I would choose Venice, Italy and then to the Greek Isles. Has been a dream of mine for a long time and I'm not getting any younger. LOL Thank you for this lovely chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  22. I can imagine it was hard to choose one picture to represent each trip location, but you seem to have done a great job!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  23. I have been to The Netherlands/Belgium, Italy, England/Scotland, France, and Spain on study abroad trips.
    Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot) net

  24. Awesome travels, Vicki - you've been a number of places I still would like to visit, India and the Galapagos among them!

  25. Oh my goodness you have been to some amazing places I never even considered! I did one of those thank heaven we went in 2019 trips when we traveled to Israel. It was spectacular, but not a great spot for travel these days. My bucket list is beyond long, but Istanbul is definitely on there. Would love a return to Ireland. Italy, Scotland, Spain, Morocco and a safari are also on my international list. Keep traveling and writing too! Thanks for all the happy hours you have given me. makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  26. Have not traveled recently, but did a lot in the past mostly by myself.
    I’ve found when going alone I have had more opportunities to meet other travelers.
    A lot of trips have been by train. Those that I would particularly recommend would include across Norway, with a side trip through the fjords, anyplace in Switzerland, across Canada and the Canadian Rockies. There are also a number of scenic train routes going across the US which can include the Grand Canyon and the Rocky Mountains.

    Croatia, including Dubovnik and a stop or an overnight stay at Plitvice Lakes which is a national park where the upper waterfalls which tumble into lower ones going into the lower lake.
    Postonja Caves in Slovenia is also worth a visit. These places might be better done with a small tour group since transportation might be an issue in getting from one place to another.

    Denmark is one of my favorite places and can be combined with the other Scandinavian countries. They are always on the list of the happiest people in the world.
    Almost anywhere in England such as the Cotswolds and Lakes District with its scenery and literary history of authors such as Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter.
    In this country, two of my favorite cities are New Orleans and Charleston South Carolina, both with a sense of history, wonderful food, friendly people.
    I’m a little prejudiced, but I have to mention my home area of Boston and New England in general for scenery, food, and all sorts of museums and cultural activities. Everything is fairly close, this can include going from a beach or a whale watching trip in southern New England to the scenic views of the mountains in the northern states. They can all be done in a couple of days.

  27. My husband and I have visited many of the same places you have. We enjoy traveling by cruise ship. That's a great way for single travelers to see the world. Alaska and the Panama Canal are interesting cruises.

  28. My most memorable trips were to Greece and Egypt. I no longer fly so I’m glad I was able to see them when I did.

  29. Your travels are marvelous. I would like to visit Siem Reap and Angor Wat and associated temples in Cambodia. I’m not very good with heat and humidity and the long flight time mean I haven’t tried to go yet.

  30. Thanks for sharing your wonderful travels! I have always wanted to travel to Alaska!

    Thanks for the chance!


  31. Loved Stowe Vermont we went there for our honeymoon and stayed at the Trapp Family Lodge

  32. Thank you for sharing about your travels. My favorite trips have been my cruises. I especially loved my stops at Puerto Rico, St. Thomas and Grand Turk. I would love to travel to England and Japan someday. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  33. We met via email while you were in Costa Rica. I was on that exact trip in 2020(just before the pandemic closed everything down) it was great there and I would go back.

  34. I would like to go to New Zealand. It looks amazing. I like your travel tips l. @ s u s e y h o m e m a k e r gmail dot com

  35. Last summer we drove 6500km from Calgary to Dawson City Yukon and back . It was so green and full of trees. 9 bears along the way. So peaceful and beautiful there💕

  36. I would like to see Hawaii and Alaska Thank you Deborah
