Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Solving the MYSTERY OF FRANCH with Author @CleoCoyle

From Cleo Coyle: Because my husband and I write culinary crime fiction, we thought it might be fun to share this mashup recipe for "Franch," which we first heard about via one of the most acclaimed crime dramas ever to air on television. Crime and recipes? Perfect for this blog, right? And so we give you...


Cleo Coyle writes two
 bestselling mystery
 series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

A Note from Cleo

ulinary mashups are common now, but back in 2012, the idea of marrying French and Ranch dressings to create "Franch" was new to the world (and us).

Franch was first mentioned in a fifth season episode of the Emmy Award-winning crime drama Breaking Bad, after which fans had a grand old time trying to create versions of this new idea for a dressing and dip. Marc and I did the same, and we loved the results. 

Franch is a creamy buttermilk dressing with a wonderfully light and tangy zip. We enjoy it as a salad dressing and sandwich spread, and it’s especially tasty on hamburgers. (Yes, we're stoked for the summer grilling season.) Franch also makes an outstanding dipping sauce for raw veggies, chicken tenders, fried shrimp, onion rings, fries, and chips. Best of all, when you serve it, you can share its fun foodie backstory. More on that below...

To see the famous "Franch" scene, which involes a German's company's taste testing of dipping flavors for American fast-food consumers, watch the (disturbingly hilarious) video in the window below... 

If you don't see the window above,
view the clip on YouTube by clicking here.

According to Huffpost, the acclaimed creator of Breaking Bad, Vince Gilligan, came up with the idea of Franch twenty years before he'd launched the show, when he was writing another script, a comedy. He admits he "cannibalized" his own culinary idea for the famous Franch episode, titled "Madrigal," which aired as the 48th entry in the popular series.

As for the recipe itself, Marc and I give you two versions in our post today, the first is from scratch and the second is a shortcut version, using pre-made bottled dressings.

With that culinary mystery solved, let's eat! 

~ Cleo


To download this recipe in
a free PDF document that
you can print, save,
or share, click here.

   VERSION #1 


Cleo Coyle's (from scratch version of)
Breaking Bad's Franch Dressing and Dip

This is our own homemade version of the Franch dressing and dip idea, first introduced to the world by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan. Try it on burgers, sandwiches, salads, or as a dip with chicken nuggets, wings, chips, raw veggies, crackers, fries, onion rings, or anything you'd typically pair with creamy ranch dressing. ~ Cleo

Makes about 2 cups


2/3 cup buttermilk
2 teaspoons minced garlic
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped (or 1 teaspoon dry)
1 tablespoon fresh chives, chopped (or 1 teaspoon dry)
1 teaspoon fresh dill, chopped (or ½ teaspoon dry)
3 whole scallions, minced (including the green part)
1 tablespoon sweet paprika
¼ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons ketchup
½ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
½ teaspoon red hot sauce
½ teaspoon cider vinegar
3 tablespoons fresh-squeezed lime juice
2/3 cup mayonnaise (more or less) to thicken

Directions: Blend all of the ingredient, except the lime juice and mayonnaise. Add the lime juice and blend again. Adjust spices for taste, and then add mayonnaise, 1 to 2 tablespoons at a time, until the dressing reaches desired thickness. Store in an airtight container and refrigerate at least 30 minutes before serving. Dressing will stay fresh for up to five days.



Criminally Easy
Franch Dip and Dressing

Cleo's Recipe Note: Although the original mention of this concept in Vince Gilligan's Breaking Bad described it as "half French dressing, half ranch," we found that ratio to be far too cloying. This is our version. It's a much better tasting Franch, and we think you'll agree. ~ Cleo


2/3 cup of bottled Ranch Dressing
1/3 cup bottled French Dressing

Directions: Combine well and enjoy. Like the scratch version, this recipe works wonderfully as a salad dressing and makes an excellent dip for raw veggies, chicken nuggets, onion rings, and French fries. We even enjoy it as a sandwich spread, and it's quite tasty on hamburgers, too.

Eat (and read) with joy!

New York Times bestselling author
of The Coffeehouse Mysteries and
Haunted Bookshop Mysteries

Cleo (Alice) with her husband, Marc

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The Coffeehouse Mysteries are bestselling works
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  1. I bought Bulletproof Barista to read over the three day weekend and I could not put it down. Sadly I was done by Saturday. What a story, and what fun.

  2. I am always up for a good veggie dipping sauce and this looks delicious. I really enjoyed Ghost Goes to the Dogs. Tell Jack I'd walk his little terrier anytime!

  3. Now I want fried chicken dipped in Franch for breakfast!!

  4. Thank you for the keeper recipes!
    2clowns at Arkansas dot net

  5. That looks so yummy! I'm going to be trying that soon. Thanks for this.

  6. Loved that show and love the idea of Franch. I bet it would be great on just about anything. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  7. Tangy ranch, I like it! Have never been a huge fan of plain ranch dressing, but this sounds like a winner. Thanks!

  8. Ha! I hadn't seen that "Franch" scene from "Breaking Bad" before. Hilarious! I'd watch the whole episode, but I found the show a little too creepy for me. And love the idea of a tangy Ranch dressing, so thanks!

  9. Vive le franch!

  10. Thanks to everyone for stopping by today! Much appreciated. Have a delicious week and -- vive la franch is perfect, Libby, LOL!

    ~ Cleo
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