Thursday, March 14, 2024

Cauliflower Mash @vmburns #recipe #giveaway #Stpatricksday

 Vmburns: I am trying to make better food choices in the hopes of improving my health and (of course) losing some weight. I've learned that I can't do everything at once, so my goal is to make better choices. I realize that Cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes is great for folks on a low-carb diet. It took me a while to get on the cauliflower bandwagon. There was something about the texture that just wasn't hitting it with me. However, considering I was pairing the cauliflower with a stuffed chicken marsala that was NOT diet-friendly (but oh so delicious), I decided to make one better choice with my meal. While scouring the Internet, I ran across a variation from Every Last Bite which claimed her cauliflower mash was the best. Their version was not only low-carb but Paleo, Vega, Keto, dairy-free, grain-free, gluten-free and Whole30. WHEW! That's a lot to expect from a head of cauliflower. My version isn't all those things. She used Almond Milk. I used heavy cream (it was all I had).  She used Coconut oil. I used butter. I have to say, this was the best cauliflower mash that I've ever made. I will definitely make it again. NOTE: I don't have a picture of the ingredients before I started. I was halfway through the recipe before I remembered. Sorry! 

Cauliflower Mash

  • 1 Head of Cauliflower
  • 1 Cups of heavy cream
  • 1/2 Cup of Water
  • 1/2 Teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 Teaspoon ground pepper
  • 2 Tablespoons butter


    1. Cut the cauliflower into chunks, place in a food processor, and pulse until the cauliflower is crushed into small pieces.

    2. Place the butter into a large skillet and heat on medium. Then, add the cauliflower and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
    3. Cook until the cauliflower turns golden brown, approximately 7-8 minutes.
    4. Add the heavy cream and water and cook until the milk evaporates, approximately 10 minutes.

    5. Transfer the mixture back to your food processor or blender and puree until smooth.

    READERS: Do you like Cauliflower? - Let me know in the comments for a chance to win a KINDLE copy of MURDER ON TOUR (US Only). I have several copies so if you're interested, include the word YES in your comment. Please remember to include your email address if you want to be included in the giveaway. 


    Bookstore owner and Michigander Samantha Washington is thrilled to see her debut historical mystery finally on the shelves, but a killer seems determined to steal away the spotlight . . .
    While Sam wraps up her first whirlwind book tour, Nana Jo has kept Market Street Mysteries running smoothly. The last stop is a prestigious book festival in Sam’s hometown of North Harbor, Michigan. But not everyone thinks the guest of honor, bestselling author Judith Hunter, deserves stellar reviews. Sam witnesses nasty arguments between Judith and two different authors—who accuse her of plagiarism and sabotage . . .
    When a publicist is poisoned during a cocktail reception, Sam wonders if the killer missed the intended target. It’s a twist that echoes the plot of Sam’s mystery, 
    Murder at Wickfield Lodge. But fact can be stranger—and deadlier—than fiction. How much collateral damage is the killer willing to risk? With feisty Nana Jo and the girls from Shady Acres Retirement Village lending a hand, Sam tries to solve the case before the festival delivers another fatality . . .


    1. Yes I love cauliflower. My dad had a big garden when I was growing up. We have always just cut it up and steamed it. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    2. Yes, I love cauliflower, too. I'm not a big fan of the riced version, but my husband roasts it with a little olive oil and, usually, some broccoli. He adds some seasoning, and it's sooo yummy.

    3. I haven’t tried cauliflower mash but it looks good.
      Yes to kindle copy
      Thanks, Jess

    4. I love cauliflower. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. We love cauliflower, but I have to admit I've never made the cauliflower mash. Wonder how hard it would be to make with no food processor?
      Would LOVE to read it, but I can only read paperbacks. :(

      1. I actually use a KitchenAid Chopper. For me, the texture was a problem. I think you can use a blender, too.

    7. Thank you for another great recipe, Valerie! You always come up with amazing culinary delights, and this one is healthy, so it is extra special. I never liked cauliflower as a child, but as an adult you 'develop' a taste for so many foods that you rejected as you were growing up. Have a blessed day. Luis at ole dot travel

      1. Luis, I agree. I never liked cabbage until I was an adult. Thanks so much.

    8. I fsiled to write the MAGIC word: YES Luis at ole dot travel

    9. Read and loved Murder on Tour! Keep Sam and Nana's adventures coming!! I too have been struggling to make better food choices. It's always a battle. That being said, this looks like something worth trying.
      Thanks for the recipe and the inspiration!!

      1. Marcia, I am so happy that you loved Murder on Tour. That made my day. Thank you!

    10. You can improve the health level of dishes requiring cream by replacing it with evaporated (NOT condensed) milk. It gives a similar mouth feel without the high fat content.
      libbydodd at comcast dot net

    11. I adore cauliflower! Roasted, as part of an Indian curry, and as a mash! I think I could eat it every day, but for the fact that it can be rather pricey. Thanks for this scrumptious recipe, Valerie!

      1. Awesome. I usually, steam it, but cooking it in butter was AWESOME.

    12. I don't mind raw cauliflower in salads, but I also don't mind if it isn't there. I don't think I have ever had cooked cauliflower.

      1. Sherry, I don't mind cauliflower and broccoli in salads either. I might have to find more recipes with cauliflower.

    13. Yes I like cauliflower with a cheese sauce on top.

    14. Yes! Cauliflower is one of my favorite veggies. I especially like it roasted in the oven with a little oil and salt and pepper. The browner it gets the more favorable it is.

    15. I love cauliflower! I like eating it raw with veggie dip or even roasted in the oven with other veggies.

      Thanks for the chance!


    16. YES! I think my mom and I would like this. We like Cauliflower! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

    17. yes
      bn100candg at hotmail dot com
