Monday, February 12, 2024

Lazy Day Lasagna from @TinaKashian1

Hello from TINA KASHIAN! For all my friends, it is with great sadness that I am leaving MLK. I’m juggling family (my two teenage girls), the day job, and writing. I love this blog, our readers, and all the MLK authors, and I hope to visit and share more Mediterranean and other recipes as a guest. As for today’s post, we love a good lasagna in our house, but it can be time consuming to prepare. I found a simple recipe on Pinterest and gave it a try. It’s especially nice because I used a crock pot and could prepare it on a workday and come home to a good meal for the family. I hope you enjoy it too!



1 lb lean ground beef

½ small onion diced

2 cloves garlic minced

1 ½ teaspoons Italian seasoning

Salt and pepper to taste (I used 1 tsp salt and ¼ tsp pepper)

1 large jar (45 oz) high quality pasta sauce

4 cups mozzarella cheese

1 large package (25-30 oz) cheese and spinach filled ravioli (uncooked)



Brown ground beef, onion, and garlic over medium heat until no pink remains. Drain fat. Stir in Italian seasoning and pasta sauce. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes. 



Spray the inside of a crock pot with cooking spray. Layer sauce, ravioli, and cheese.



Repeat layers ending with cheese. 



Cover and cook on low for 3-4 hours. Enjoy!


 Readers, what is your favorite Italian dish? Please share!



Tina Kashian writes the Kebab Kitchen Mediterranean mystery series, and her first book, Hummus and Homicide, spent six weeks on the B&N bestseller list. Tina is an attorney and a mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. Tina spent her childhood summers at the Jersey shore building sandcastles, boogie boarding, and riding the boardwalk Ferris wheel. She also grew up in the restaurant business, as her Armenian parents owned a restaurant for thirty years. Tina still lives in New Jersey with her supportive husband and two daughters.

You can also connect with Tina at:



  1. I love lasagna and ravioli so this recipe sounds perfect for me. I wish you well in your future endeavors and do hope that you will visit when you have new book releases and a good recipe.

  2. I love lasagna and ravioli so this recipe sounds perfect for me. I wish you well in your future endeavors and do hope that you will visit when you have new book releases and a good recipe.

  3. Tina, we'll miss you very much and hope you'll visit often! thanks for leaving us with a delicious but easy sounding recipe...

  4. Hi, Tina - Your last official post here at the Kitchen looks delicious and easy to make. Thank you for all of your valuable contributions to the Kitchen, including the wonderful, heartfelt posts about your family's history and recipes. You are a very special person, and we'll miss you here at the blog. We hope you come back often to catch us up on your life and work. In the meantime, Marc and I wish you and your lovely family the very best! xoxo ~ Cleo

  5. You will be missed, but it's very understandable how things can get so hectic in one's life that you have to reassess and sadly let some things go.

    Thank you for a recipe that not only sounds yummy, but is also easy to make. Saving it to my Pinterest recipes to try.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  6. Tina, I am sorry to hear that you are leaving, but I TOTALLY understand. We women sometimes push it to the limit, until we just start unraveling. God bless you and may the sun shine on you always.

  7. I don't know how you all manage the amount you do! We'll miss you in the kitchen.
    This is a great alternative lasagne. One step less work? Skip the meat.

  8. Tina, you will be missed. I hope you come back often. Wishing you lots of luck and good success in all that you do.

  9. Oh Tina, I am so sorry to see you leave but understand how crazy life gets. Best of luck and hope to see some return visit posts! Thanks for the parting recipe. It looks delish.

  10. We'll miss you, Tina. I wish all the best as you juggle your family, job, and writing responsibilities. Don't forget to carve out downtime to do something you enjoy--reading, cooking, or even just a walk in the sunshine. I look forward to seeing you at book events and having you as a guest on MLK.

  11. I'm glad you're taking the time to keep yourself (and family) sane, Tina, but oh I will miss your recipes! Come back to the kitchen for visits, please, and best wishes for all that you're doing!

  12. Dear, Tina, I will miss you so very much as a member of MLK, but look forward to your visits to the Kitchen and to your future books, as well! Good luck with all your future endeavors!

    And as for the recipe, what a marvelous idea! And I think I might even have some spinach and cheese raviolis in the freezer!

  13. That recipe looks so good! And easy. You'll be missed, so visit often!
