Sunday, January 28, 2024

Spotlight on Kallie E. Benjamin aka Valerie (V. M.) Burns #Giveaway

 Once a month at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen, we each take a turn under the spotlight. Today, I'm going to introduce you to my newest (and hopefully last) personality. You've already met V. M. Burns and Valerie Burns. Now, it's time to get acquainted with Kallie E. Benjamin.

My writing career started with three series using my initials, V. M. Burns. My reasoning was simple. I wanted readers to be able to find me. wasn't available, but was. So, I wrote my Mystery Bookshop Mystery series and two other mystery series as V. M. Burns.

Dog Club Mystery (Lyrical/Kensington) by V. M. Burns

RJ Franklin Mystery (Camel Press) by V. M. Burns

In 2020, I decided to close out my Dog Club Mystery and RJ Franklin Mystery series. At the time, it looked as though Kensington wouldn't continue the Mystery Bookshop Mystery series. So, I needed a new start. I wrote a proposal for a culinary cozy mystery, the Baker Street Mystery series, and my agent sent it out. Initially, it looked as though no publishers were interested. So, I wrote another proposal for the Bailey the Bloodhound Mystery series. After five months (yes publishing is slow), my editor at Kensington called my agent and said he'd "changed his mind." I wasn't sure what that meant. I thought they'd decided to continue my Mystery Bookshop Mystery series, but NO. That wasn't it. He decided that he liked my Baker Street Mystery series after all. WHEW! I had a three-book deal and I got to continue writing. The only hiccup was that Kensington wanted me to use a new name. A new series. A new name. A fresh start. Okay, well I chose Valerie Burns (maybe not very original, but it was the best I could do at the time).

Baker Street Mystery Series (Kensington) by Valerie Burns

I had a book deal, but I had been writing three series and I knew I could do more. My new Bailey the Bloodhound proposal was still out on submission, so maybe, just maybe, I could write these two new series. That's when I got a surprise. My agent called to tell me that my editor at Kensington "changed his mind, AGAIN." My first thought was, "they don't want to do my Baker Street Mystery series?" Imagine my surprise when she said, "No. They want two more Mystery Bookshop Mystery books." Well, yippy! I love writing about Samantha, Nana Jo, and the Girls from Shady Acres Retirement Village. I was thrilled to get to keep writing about them.

Mystery Bookshop Mystery (Kensington) by V. M. Burns

I had two series and I was happy. A few months later, I got word that Berkley (a division of Penguin Random House) was interested in my Bailey the Bloodhound Mystery series which was still out on submission. I had dreamed of getting a contract with a big five publisher and here was my chance. The only caveat was they wanted to differentiate this series and wanted a new pen name. 

So, I needed to come up with a new pen name. If I was going to use a different name, I wanted one that meant something (at least to me). This was the birth of Kallie E. BenjaminKallie was my great-grandmother's name. E. is for my mom (Elvira). Benjamin was my dad's name. My mom died in 2013 and my dad died on December 21, 2023, just three weeks after my first Kallie E. Benjamin book was released, so this series is even more special to me. I hope readers will enjoy getting acquainted with Pris and her faithful companion, Bailey. There are also lots of other family connections in this series which starts from the setting. This series is set in the fictional town of Crosbyville, Indiana which I named after one of my great-nephews, Crosby.

Bailey the Bloodhound by Kallie E. Benjamin

Different series. Different names, but it's still the same author and the same wholesome fun. Just looking at the covers, readers will notice that regardless of the pen name, there are common themes in my books. The New York Times said,  "Books, dogs and food — and a well-structured sense of fun — connect almost all of Valerie Burns’s cozy mysteries, regardless of pseudonym." (NYTIMES, December 1, 2023)

Born and raised in northwestern Indiana, Valerie now lives in Northern Georgia with her two poodles.

She also serves as an adjunct professor in the Writing Popular Fiction Program at Seton Hill University in Greensburg, PA.

READERS: I have poodles and my books all include dogs. If you like dogs, do you have a favorite breed? Let me know in the comments for a chance to win a copy of SNIFFING OUT MURDER the first book in the Bailey the Bloodhound Mystery Series (US Only). Please remember to include your email address if you want to be included in the giveaway. 


When a murder unleashes a widespread investigation through Crosbyville, children’s book author Pris and her trusty bloodhound, Bailey, must sniff out the truth before the whole town goes to the dogs.

After deciding that life as a teacher wasn’t right for her, Priscilla found inspiration for her first children’s book in her three-year-old bloodhound’s nose for truth, and so 
The Adventures of Bailey the Bloodhound was born. After the book’s massively pawsitive response led Pris to move back to her hometown of Crosbyville, Indiana, to continue the series, she’s surprised by how things have changed in the town, but even more so how they haven’t.

Pris is frustrated to discover that newly elected school board trustee Whitney Kelley—a former high school mean girl—is intent on making Crosbyville more competitive by eliminating “frivolous spending” on the arts and social programs, including Pris and Bailey’s beloved pet-assisted reading program. A minor altercation between them isn’t anything unusual, but after Bailey sniffs out Whitney’s body in a bed of begonias, locals start hounding Pris and Bailey as suspects for the crime.

With Bailey’s sharp senses and Pris’s hometown know-how, can they prove to the community that they’re all barking up the wrong tree?



  1. My favorite breed has always been beagles. I think it started from watching Snoopy as a kid (I still watch) and our neighbor raised beagles and we were always over there to see them especially when there were puppies. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. I love Snoopy, too. They are great dogs. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  2. I love all dogs and rescue is my favorite breed.

  3. You are amazing Valerie! I'm in awe at you writing 3 books at once. I do understand the name confusion, though I only have two:). Congratulations on all your success!

    1. Thanks, Roberta. I think two names is plenty to keep track of. You are smart to keep it simple.

  4. second Sherry in having "rescue" as a favorite breed.

    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  5. Love all critters (and love capturing them with my camera in their natural surroundings) - especially dogs! Although we have always owned smaller breeds because they have been inside dogs, one dog I would have loved to have called mine was the biggest Doberman Pincher I'd ever seen, but was a gentle as could be and already trained. My problem was the same as the owners that surrendered him, no space and no fence. I made it my job (which is what I did) to find him the best home possible (which I did).

    Growing up in a military family living on base, we weren't allowed to have fences. This lead to an inside dog and ours was a Manchester and rat terrier mix. Then my first dog out on my own was a cocker-doodle. Our daughter's dog was a toy poodle. Our last furbaby was a chihuahua, who crossed the rainbow bridge at 17 years, 7 months, 17 days. All of our babies lived long, happy lives and were more than a dog. They were members of the family and greatly loved. We know we will eventually be found by the newest member of our family, but at the present, the sorrow is too great. It won't do a new member justice to be constantly compared to Snickerdoodle. We will know when the time or when the "one" selects us. In the mean time, give your furbabies and extra hug from us. <3

    Thank you so much for the chance to win a copy of "SNIFFING OUT MURDER"! It's on my TBR list and I would love to read and review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Aww. I completely understand needing time after losing a member of your family. My last toy poodles, Coco and Cash lived to 18. You'll know when the time is right. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  6. Congratulations on so many books! I have read most of them and think they are wonderful! I love dogs. Books with dogs on the covers always catch my interest. All my dogs have been rescues and I love Basset Hounds the best. (The Bloodhound's short-legged cousin.) ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Thanks. I have a coworker who loves Bassets, too. They are awesome. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  7. I, too, love dogs! I've had an Irish Setter, a rat terrier, a Chow, a rottweiler cross, a collie, a boxer, a blue heeler and dachshunds. Currently I have 2 1/2 dachshunds and a Jack Russell terror. (Yes, play on words as when he was a puppy he was a terror - he could sniff out my bamboo knitting needles and would chew them beyond use!) One of the dachshunds is half dachshund half red heeler. I keep saying "no more" when my current pack is gone - however I do think we will always have a dog. Probably a dachshund or a boxer. Thank you for the chance to win.
    I loved the dog club and mystery shop series. Will there be anymore in either one? madamhawk at gmail dot com

    1. That's a lot of different breeds. I'm rather jealous. I also understand the "terror." When my 4-year-old poodle, Chloe, was a puppy, she somehow got an envelope with my replacement credit card and chewed it up. A friend still calls her "Credit Card Chloe." I can't imagine not having a dog and will probably always have a poodle. More books? The answer is yes and no. At the moment, I have no plans to continue the Dog Club Mystery (I can only manage 3 series at one time). YES, there will be at least 2 more Mystery Bookshop Mystery books. Book #10 is due to my editor next month. YIKES! I better get busy writing. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  8. My favorite beed of dog is the West Highland White Terrier - Westie - mostly due to our very loving and loyal dog named Charlie.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Nancy, Westies are awesome little dogs. They are tough, too. A coworker had a lovely Westie, Izzy. She recently crossed the rainbow bridge and we are all heartbroken. Hugs to Charlie. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  9. Never had a dog but always liked corgis

    1. Corgi's we Queen Elizabeth's favorite breed, too. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  10. Love the naming story -- or stories! I admit to being partial to border collies, as we had a pair for years, but that bagel (half beagle, half basset hound) of my childhood still holds part of my heart! Congrats on the new series!

    1. Thanks, Leslie. I am so impressed with border collies. Those dogs are super smart. I also love the "bagel." Awesome.

  11. My favorite dogs are pugs. I love their little squishy faces.

    1. Nicole, pugs have great faces. Love the expressions. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  12. Wonderful Spotlight, Valerie! On breed of dog fave, I love animals so much, dogs included (big ones, small ones, I'll hug them all). Marc's dog growing up was Eric the Weimaraner, and he loved that dog dearly, so I'd venture to guess that's his fave! I also want to add that I appreciate your sharing your behind-the-scenes insights into choosing the names that you write under, especially the most recent. The connection to your late dad, mom, and great-grandmom is so moving (angels on your shoulders as you write, no doubt). As for all of your work, I could not agree more with the NY Times: "Books, dogs and food — and a well-structured sense of fun — connect almost all of Valerie Burns’s cozy mysteries, regardless of pseudonym."

    1. Aww. Thank you so much. You brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.

  13. Love dogs, especially small, lap-size snuggelers. I especially love shih tzus, but only rescues come home. Whether it's V.M. or Valerie or Kallie, you've given me many happy hours of reading, thanks! makennedyinaz at

    1. Marcia, thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words. I love all dogs, too. Shih Tzus are fun. I had a friend who used to compete with a cutie named, Chili. He was so smart. Loved him. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  14. I've always wanted a black lab. I also like huskys.

    1. Alicia, labs are great dogs. My boss at the day job has a chocolate lab named Mojo. Great family dogs. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  15. Congrats on your newest release, Valerie. It sounds very interesting. I love dogs. Corgis and Yorkies are a couple of my favorites.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    1. Ann, thanks so much. I almost got a yorkie when I got my first dog. I wonder how different my life would be if I'd done that. No regrets with my poodles, though. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  16. Fascinating background information.
    I prefer mutts. They just seem the most interesting and stable dogs.
    I can't quite wrap my head around the modern "designer mutts". You pay thousands of dollars for a mixed breed. Heck, go to the local shelter and find your own special breed.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. Libby, I am amazed at the growth of "designer dogs" too. Poodles seem to find their way into many of these pairings. However, genetics are hard (dare I say impossible) to control. As several others have mentioned, rescues are awesome breeds. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  17. Books, dogs, and food? Yes, please! My favorite dogs are terriers, because they have so much verve and vitality. So happy for your new series, Valerie! Huzzah!

    1. Leslie, thank you so much. Terriers are great dogs and I agree about the verve and vitality. Fingers crossed for the new series, too. And congrats on your Lefty nomination!!!

  18. Wonderful spotlight on a stellar career, Valerie!

  19. Burns/Benjamin is such a talented writer!

    1. Priscilla, thank you so much. We all appreciate the kind words. :-)

  20. Rescue pups are my favorite ❤️

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. We have an Irish Red and White Setter (my favorite breed). He is so sweet and gentle with everyone. He is sure that everyone that he meets is a friend.

  23. The family has 3 dalmations. I don't have any dogs now. I had 2 dogs in the past that were my own and both were rescues and purebred miniature pinschers. They are my favorite breed but I can't keep up with their energy level anymore. Fortunately, we have enough property for the dalmations to run and get their energy out for the most part that they don't get too crazy. lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  24. My favorite breed is the Rottweiler. If they are well bred, well socialized and well trained they make great companions. I loved “Sniffing Out Murder”! And convinced my friend to try your Mystery Bookshop Mysteries! Now she is hooked! All of your books are great! I am so glad that the publisher is continuing the series!

  25. Hello Valerie! You gifted me a copy of Sniffing Out Murder and I read it in one sitting. Bailey is so lovable and smart and Pris is relatable and someone I’d like for a friend. Great start for your series! Our dog is a 6 year old, 85 lb brindle Boxer named Rocky. He is exuberant and sweet and much like Bailey, a bit slobbery at times. A big baby. I tried to put my name and messed up. This is LucyDee from NC. The recipe looks yummy.

  26. My favorite breed are huskys!! Thanks for the chance!!

  27. My favorite breed is labradors. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  28. My favorite breed is Siberian huskies.
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  29. Hi! I have never owned a dog, but I like Collies! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. Thanks for sharing how your names came about. You already know how much I loved the new book! I have met a few dogs I like, but in general I'm not a fan of dogs with humans who don't train them. Sorry, cat person here. ;^)

  31. I enjoyed hearing about the birth of your pen name, Valerie, and wish you great success with all three series. I like mutts who combine the best of different breeds.

  32. Congratulations on your new series!:While I favor cats, I do enjoy dogs, too. My favorites are cocker spaniels and Sheltied. jeaniedannheim (at) Gmail (dot) com

  33. I love how you came up with your new author name: Kallie E. Benjamin. Congratulations on your new series. I love dogs and cats and well you get the idea. I grew up on a farm and we had an Irish Setter (I loved Sharee) and a mix breed (loved Lady) both such wonderful family dogs. When I got married we got a Keeshond (Penny) perfect family dog for us. I loved all of them. And then there were the dogs that came and healed and stayed for a short bit and then left to go home to their own families. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  34. Valerie, having attended a few of your author chat events, and reading your bio here, I feel that I have known you a little more. I love how you chose your pen-name for Bailey the Bloodhound Mystery series - it's so meaningful and heartwarming.
    Thank you for sharing your fun stories and pictures of Chloe and Kenzie.
    Although I have two cats, I think I also love dogs - they are so faithful! If I wanted to have a dog, I would choose Golden Retriever because I kinda have a special bonding with GR - my sister in law had one (who crossed over the rainbow bridge years ago), and my old neighbor had one who always greeted me whenever he see me .
    Thank you for your books, dogs and food cozies!
