Sunday, December 17, 2023

Meet our guest Ellen Byron – Pumpkin Chiffon Pie #Holidays #Giveaway

Hello from TINA KASHIAN! I have a special holiday treat for our readers today! My friend and guest is Ellen Byron, and she is sharing a delectable dessert of Pumpkin Chiffon Pie plus giving away a copy of Bayou Book Thief, Vintage Cookbook Mystery #1. Let’s welcome Ellen!




One of the pleasures of writing my Vintage Cookbook Mystery series is that I get to mine my own collection of vintage cookbooks for recipes to include with each book. I love finding dishes or treats that have fallen out of favor, so this recipe for Pumpkin Chiffon Pie, which will be included in French Quarter Fright Night, Vintage Cookbook Mystery #3, caught my eye.


The original recipe, which I’ve adapted and updated, is from Adventures in Good Cooking and the Art of Carving in the Home: Famous Recipes, A Duncan Hines Book (1948 ed.) Unlike Betty Crocker, a fictional character created in 1921 for a Saturday Evening Post contest,  Duncan Hines was a real person: a traveling salesman who compiled a list of restaurants he’d eat at during his travels that he shared with friends. This turned into a book and a food column. Eventually, he licensed his name for baked goods, hence the Duncan Hines mixes we know today.


Chiffon pies were popular in the 1950s and 1960s, but you don’t see them around anymore. After making this recipe, which creates a delectably light and fluffy pie, I think chiffons are due for a comeback.


Pumpkin Chiffon Pie


1 cup brown sugar

3 eggs, separated

1 and ¼ cup pumpkin

2 tsp. cinnamon

½ tsp. ginger

¼ tsp. allspice

½ tsp. salt

1 T. gelatin

¼ cup cold water

2 T. sugar

10” baked pie shell (I used a graham cracker crust because I think it complements the pumpkin)



Place brown sugar, egg yolks, pumpkin, cinnamon, ginger, allspice, and salt in a double boiler. Mix ingredients and cook until the mixture begins to thicken, then turn off heat.


Soak the gelatin in the cold water for five minutes. Add it to the hot mixture, stir until it’s thoroughly dissolved, and cool. Beat the egg white until they form stiff peaks, then beat the sugar into the egg whites. 

Fold the egg whites into the cooled mixture.


Pour into the baked pie shell and chill. Serve garnished with whipped cream. Servings: 6-8.




ABOUT: Ellen’s Cajun Country Mysteries have won multiple Agatha Awards for Best Contemporary Novel and Lefty Awards for Best Humorous Mystery. Bayou Book Thief, her first Vintage Cookbook Mystery,  won the Lefty for  Best Humorous Mystery Award and was nominated for Agatha and Anthony awards. She also writes the Catering Hall Mysteries (under the name Maria DiRico) and will soon debut a new series, the Golden Motel Mysteries.


Ellen is an award-winning playwright, and non-award-winning TV writer of comedies like Wings, Just Shoot Me, and Fairly Odd Parents. She has written over two hundred articles for national magazines but considers her most impressive credit working as a cater-waiter for Martha Stewart.


Giveaway to one lucky reader! (U.S. Only for print). Please leave an email address to enter to win. What is your favorite pie? 

WINED AND DIED IN NEW ORLEANS, Vintage Cookbook Mystery #2: 

It’s hurricane season in New Orleans and vintage cookbook fan Ricki James-Diaz is trying to shelve her weather-related fears and focus on her business, Miss Vee’s Vintage Cookbook and Kitchenware Shop, housed in the magnificent Bon Vee Culinary House Museum.

Repairs on the property unearth crates of valuable French wine over a century and a half old. Ricki, who’s been struggling with upping her social media profile to attract more customers to Miss Vee’s, is thrilled when her post about the discovery of this long-buried liquid treasure goes viral. She’s less thrilled when the post brings distant Charbonnet family members out of the woodwork, all clamoring for a cut of the proceeds when the wine is auctioned off, including Jean-Pierre Charbonnet, a long-lost French relative.

When a dead body turns up in Bon Vee’s cheery fall outdoor decorations the NOPD zeroes in on Eugenia Charbonnet Felice, as the prime suspect, figuring that as board president and the head of the Charbonnet family, she has the most to gain. Ricki is determined to uncover the real culprit, but she can’t help noticing that Eugenia is acting strangely. Ricki wonders what kind of secret her mentor has bottled up, and fears what might happen if she uncorks it.

In the second Vintage Cookbook Mystery, Ricki has to help solve a murder, untangle family secrets, and grow her business, all while living under the threat of a hurricane that could wipe out everything from her home to Bon Vee.



  1. Apple crumb pie.

  2. Hi Ellen! My favorite pie of all time is any form of apple, but pumpkin is a very close second! Merry, merry and happy holidays to you and yours! :-)

  3. Pecan Pie Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Ellen here, and I LOVE pecan pie!

  4. Pecan pie is my favorite! Fascinating about Duncan selling his name.

    1. Honestly, it's mine too but this new pie is now a close second!

  5. i have to confess to not being a big pie fan - more of a crisp person myself - but i had to pick one it would be sour cherry.

    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

    1. I like crisp better too! But certain pies like this one make the cut for me.

  6. Blueberry pie. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  7. My favorite pie is pecan pie. My mother made the best pecan pie ever!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  8. My favorite pie is also a pumpkin pie. I still enjoy using my mom's recipe for Praline Pumpkin Pie. She always made the two variations of pumpkin pie for holidays. The praline one has a pecan praline layer between the crust and the pumpkin layer giving a delicious surprise to the unsuspecting eater. It always made mom smile to see the expression on the face of those eating it for the first time.

    Thank you for the fabulous chance to win a copy of "Bayou Book Thief"! It's on my TBR list and i would love the opportunity to read and review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Kay, thank you!! And that praline pie sounds delicious!

  9. I love cherry pie. Key lime is a close second.

  10. Oh Yum. Thanks for sharing your recipe. I agree, these pies need to make a come back. Oh but your book looks wonderful. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  11. How wonderful to welcome you, Ellen/Maria!!!! I fully agree...chiffon pies deserve to have a comeback! I am anxious to make your recipe and enjoy it at my son's house. Both he and I are avid pumpkin pie fanatics, and your recipe will be a most pleasant surprise for both! I am a ladies' vintage hat collector, so I appreciate everything vintage. I did not know where the Duncan Hines brand came from, but now, thanks to you, I know! Have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas, and may your New Year be brilliantly written! Luis at ole dot travel


    2. Oh, I bet your hat collection is amazing! Let me know how the pie goes. You can email me through my website. And thank you!!

  12. Nice to have you in the kitchen, today, Ellen. That's a great-looking pie!

    1. I was so happy with how it turned out. And it's actually as low-cal as a pie gets. Check out the ingredients. No butter, oil, etc.

  13. That pie sounds delicious! My favorite is pecan or chocolate pecan. 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com.

    1. Pecan is the hands-down winner as a fave here! (Mine too - but now this one as well!)

  14. I'm not a big lover of pumpkin. I think it's the over-use of clove that has spoiled it for me.
    I'm happy to see you do not have clove in your ingredients. ;o)
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. I think there's pumpkin spice overkill at the holidays. But this recipe was worth it, IMHO.

  15. My mom used to make a Chocolate Chip Pie that was light as a feather. It melted in your mouth. It was my favorite! Sadly mom is gone; I have her recipe but her's tasted better!

    1. Chocolate Chip Pie?!! OOOOOH! You must share that recipe!

  16. My favorite pie is pumpkin pie!!

    Thanks for the chance!


  17. Rhubarb is my all-time favorite, but almost any fruit pie is fine with me! I just have to say I love the Vintage Cookbook series and already have the first two books in the series, so no need to enter me in the drawing. Looking forward to French Quarter Fright Night.

  18. Ellen, it is always great to have you join us at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen. That pie looks so pretty.

  19. Lemon Meringue Pie is my favorite. Light and tart. Your pumpkin pie looks delectable. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  20. I love all meringue. There's some in this pie. And you know what, you could top this pie with it. And LOVE lemon meringue!

  21. Cherry pie! Which, like chiffon, seems to have gone out of fashion--I have the hardest time finding them for sale or offered as desserts at restaurants.

    So wonderful to have you as a guest today in the Kitchen, my dear!

  22. Way too many great pies to ever choose one favourite. For the purposes of entering the giveaway, I'll say peach pie as the first pie I ever baked was a peach pie.

  23. That looks delicious@ Favorite pie is probably Key Lime. I love citrus!

  24. my favorite pie is a Lemon Merique Pie my Mom made Thank you for the recipe


  25. Pumpkin pie is my absolute favorite.

    jlmhenshall (at) yahoo (dot) com

  26. Ellen, it's great to host you and sharing this delicious pie recipe with us! I also love pies, any kind. My favorites are lemon meringue, apple and pumpkin.

  27. My favorite pie is an English apple pie. It has a streusel top and is delicious. My Mom always made it without a bottom crust. Love Ellen's books, I haven't started this series yet.

  28. This sounds delicious! And thanks for the shout-out!

  29. Egg Nog Cream Pie

  30. Is there a release date for French Quarter Fright Night? TY

  31. Cherry pie is my choice.
    journeybound2010 at gmail dot com

  32. I like chocolate pie and pecan pie! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  33. The pie looks good! Yum
    strgth4yu (at) hotmail (dot) com

  34. Chocolate Satin

  35. My favorite is peanut butter pie. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com
