Sunday, December 31, 2023

A Unique New Year's Eve Party by Maya Corrigan

On New Year's Eve 170 years ago, a sumptuous banquet took place inside the mold for a full-scale dinosaur sculpture. Benjamin Waterhouse Hawkins, a natural history artist and sculptor, had a commission to create models of extinct animals from Sir Richard Owen, the paleontologist who coined the term "dinosaur." The sculptures would be displayed outside the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, London. To publicize the soon-to-open exhibit, Hawkins invited 20 prominent scientists, businessmen, and newspaper reporters to a multi-course dinner on New Year's Eve in 1853. It was held in the belly of an iguanodon mold. To accommodate the guests, a stage was built around the dinosaur.

Public domain image of the dinner in a dino

The lavish meal included three soups, three fish, three game meats, turkey, ham, chicken, pigeon pie, and a variety of sweets, fruits, and nuts. The wines served with the courses--Sherry, Madeira, Port, Moselle, Claret--made for a merry and somewhat boisterous gathering. 

The banquet was covered in multiple newspapers, attracting the publicity Hawkins wanted. The weekly satirical magazine, Punch, described the dinner in a piece entitled "Fun in a Fossil" (1854 volume 26 page 24). The article ended by congratulating the guests "on the era in which they live; for had it been an early geological period, they might perhaps have occupied the Iguanodon’s inside without having any dinner there."

Though the Crystal Palace burned down in the 1930s, the sculptures Hawkins created survived the fire. You can see them today in London. They are not wholly accurate, but they represent the limited information known about prehistoric reptiles in the mid-19th century. The Victorians apparently also knew little about the perils of eating to wretched excess. 

Most of us will mark the New Year in a simpler way. If you haven't yet decided what to prepare for this New Year's celebration, consider making some easy dips. The recipes for guacamole and for bean dip that I previously shared on this blog require only three ingredients each. My sleuth's granddad in the Five-Ingredient Mysteries loves these recipes because he can make both dips with just five ingredients: avocado, salsa, lime, canned refried beans, and cheese.  


How are you spending the last day of 2023? Any New Year's Eve plans?


Maya Corrigan writes the Five-Ingredient Mystery series. It features a young cafe manager and her young-at-heart grandfather solving murders in a Chesapeake Bay town. Each book has five suspects, five clues, and Granddad’s five-ingredient recipes. Maya has taught college courses in writing, literature, and detective fiction. When not reading and writing, she enjoys theater, travel, trivia, cooking, and crosswords.

Visit her website for book news, mystery history and trivia, and easy recipes. Sign up for her newsletter there. She gives away a free book to one subscriber each time she sends out a newsletter. Follow her on Facebook.

A PARFAIT CRIME: Five-Ingredient Mystery #9

Set in a quaint Chesapeake Bay town, the latest novel in Maya Corrigan’s Five-Ingredient Mysteries brings back café manager Val Deniston and her recipe columnist grandfather – a sleuthing duo that shares a house, a love of food and cooking, and a knack for catching killers.

At the site of a fatal blaze, Val’s boyfriend, a firefighter trainee, is shocked to learn the victim is known to him, a woman named Jane who belonged to the local Agatha Christie book club—and was rehearsing alongside Val’s grandfather for an upcoming Christie play being staged for charity. Just as shocking are the skeletal remains of a man found in Jane’s freezer. Who is he and who put him on ice?

 After Val is chosen to replace Jane in the play, the cast gathers at Granddad’s house to get to work—and enjoy his five-ingredient parfaits—but all anyone can focus on is the bizarre real-life mystery. When it’s revealed that Jane’s death was due to something other than smoke inhalation, Val and Granddad retrace the victim’s final days. As they dig into her past life, their inquiry leads them to a fancy new spa in town—where they discover that Jane wasn’t the only one who had a skeleton in the cooler.


Library Journal: "Thanks to Val’s and her grandfather’s talent for exposing the truth, even a “perfect crime” will be uncovered...a satisfying read and a riveting murder mystery with a sweet ending."


Read an excerpt and see where to buy A Parfait Crime  



  1. We are staying home and probably watch a movie or 2 and then watch the ball drop on tv. I'll also try not to get a migraine from all the neighbors shooting off fireworks for the next 2 nights which are legal in FL but upsetting to animals, our veterans that suffer from PTSD, and migraine sufferers among others. My 2 cats will hide under the bed. For munching during the movies, I will either fix cheeses and crackers or fix my mom's meatballs in the crockpot. Happy New Years to all of you!!

  2. In the past we have gone to First Night Celebrations, but in the last couple of years we have opted to stay home. Even though we go to bed early, we mange to wake up just before midnight to watch the famous ball drop in Times Square.

  3. I woke up today with memories of my Dad. He would have been my Dad’s 104 today. 😊When I was a kid growing up today was the big meal celebration instead of Christmas Day. That way Mom got to enjoy all the Christmas festivities and it made Dad feel extra special. Thank goodness for memories!

    Our today will be a quiet one with normal activities and a simple meal. In honor or Dad's favorite dish, there will definitely be dessert. LOL I have some reading to see to and hubby wants to finish up an outside chore. No late night partying for us. I'd much rather enjoy a quiet evening at home.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kay. Quiet New Year's Eves are the best. You're fortunate to have happy memories about the holidays. Enjoy them.

  4. Like the 3 previous commenters, I prefer a quiet New Years' Eve. One year my daughter and I binged on the multi-episode BBC version of Pride and Prejudice. Darcy and Elizabeth got together just after midnight. Spending New Year's Eve with our grandsons this year, we are going to the giant shrimp drop, Amelia Island's version of the Times Square ball. The shrimp will drop at 7 pm (midnight Greenwich Mean Time). Fireworks will follow. The festivities don't require staying up until midnight.

  5. That is wild! What a way to spend New Year's. Inside a dinosaur is much more interesting than anything I've ever done- I usually have to work those days so I'm in bed at a reasonable hour.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Alicia. I struggle to stay awake until midnight. Happy New Year!

  6. Happy New Year y'all!!!! We are at our son's home playing board games, and will watch the proverbial NYC ball drop at 9AM Pacific.. Tomorrow we drive back home, contented to have spent quality time with our son's family and grandkids. Thank you for the interesting research and recipes! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Thanks for commenting, Luis, and Happy New Year to you and your family!

  7. I love this story so much, especially the quote from "Punch." I saw those dinosaurs last fall when I was in London--wish I'd known the story then!

    Happy new year to you, Maya, to all the other MLKers, and to all of our readers!

    1. Happy 2024 to you too, Leslie. I hope all the MLK bloggers and readers have a healthy new year!

  8. Happy New Year to one and all! Great story, can't wait to get back to London and see those dinosaurs. Quiet night planned here. Movie and some reading with some shrimp, and yet to be chosen other treats.

    1. Our extended family saw town fireworks at 7 and then had dinner at home. The rest of our evening will be quiet like yours. Thanks for commenting, Marcia.

  9. Wow! They knew how to have a unique time back then.
    We;re aiming for something quieter at home.
    My standing rule is: No driving on New Year's Eve.
