Sunday, November 26, 2023

Plays and Parfaits by Maya Corrigan #Giveaway #SpotlightSunday

Yesterday, November 25th, was the 71st anniversary of the longest running stage play ever. Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap opened in London in 1952 and is still going strong. Yesterday was also National Parfait Day. The Mousetrap and parfait are joined in my latest mystery, A Parfait Crime.

 Photo by Ji-Elle, CC BY-SA 4.0  via Wikimedia Commons

Last year my spotlight focused on my writing journey from the first novel I wrote at age thirteen to my mystery series published decades later. A year after I wrote that novel, I had my first taste of live professional theater. As a high school freshman, I went on a class trip to the Shakespeare Festival in Stratford, Connecticut. Reading Macbeth for English class hadn’t turned me into a Shakespeare fan, but seeing Twelfth Night in a place resembling Shakespeare’s Globe theater did the trick. The language I’d found hard to read was easy to understand when spoken by the actors. The stage set was magical. And the play was very funny.

I grew up a subway ride away from Broadway, but tickets for shows then, as now, were expensive. For a while in high school, I had a well-heeled boyfriend who sprang for Broadway tickets, but most of the plays I saw as a teenager featured students playing the roles. The two I remember best were Murder in a Nunnery, performed at my girls high school, and Twelve Angry Men, at the nearby boys high school. Both dealt with murder, one similar to a cozy mystery and the other a gripping legal drama. Since then, I’ve seen many plays focused on crime and justice. The one that made the biggest impression was Agatha Christie’s The Mousetrap.

When I was twenty, I saw Christie’s play in London. It's set in a snowbound country guesthouse, where the lodgers and owners are trapped with a murderer in their midst. I was on edge for much of the play, my heart racing, waiting for the killer to strike again. The surprise ending thrilled me. I liked the show so much that when I was in London five years later, I saw it again. Though I remembered the plot, including who the culprit was, the play was still gripping and enjoyable. The Mousetrap isn’t a whodunit that challenges your puzzle-solving skills. Rather, it stirs up fear and evokes sympathy. It’s an emotional ride punctuated by sound effects, music, and, at key moments, sudden total darkness in the theater. 

You don’t have to travel to London to enjoy Christie’s play. It’s often performed by school and community groups, like the one in my latest Five-Ingredient Mystery. A Parfait Crime centers on rehearsals for an amateur production of The Mousetrap. ​​My book doesn’t contain any spoilers about Christie’s play or reveal her culprit.  My sleuths, café manager Val and her energetic Granddad, are in the cast of Christie's play. When the amateur actors take a break during rehearsals, they enjoy tea and Granddad's parfaits, and they ponder how to catch a killer who has committed a perfect crime. 

Check out the yummy parfait recipe I shared here a few months ago.

To enter a drawing for a copy of A Parfait Crime, leave a comment by November 29 about your favorite parfait or your favorite mystery by Agatha Christie. 

Please include your email address so I can contact you if you’re the winner. The giveaway is open to anyone with a US address. 

A PARFAIT CRIME: Five-Ingredient Mystery #9

Set in a quaint Chesapeake Bay town, the latest novel in Maya Corrigan’s Five-Ingredient Mysteries brings back café manager Val Deniston and her recipe columnist grandfather – a sleuthing duo that shares a house, a love of food and cooking, and a knack for catching killers.

At the site of a fatal blaze, Val’s boyfriend, a firefighter trainee, is shocked to learn the victim is known to him, a woman named Jane who belonged to the local Agatha Christie book club—and was rehearsing alongside Val’s grandfather for an upcoming Christie play being staged for charity. Just as shocking are the skeletal remains of a man found in Jane’s freezer. Who is he and who put him on ice?

 After Val is chosen to replace Jane in the play, the cast gathers at Granddad’s house to get to work—and enjoy his five-ingredient parfaits—but all anyone can focus on is the bizarre real-life mystery. When it’s revealed that Jane’s death was due to something other than smoke inhalation, Val and Granddad retrace the victim’s final days. As they dig into her past life, their inquiry leads them to a fancy new spa in town—where they discover that Jane wasn’t the only one who had a skeleton in the cooler.


Library Journal: "Thanks to Val’s and her grandfather’s talent for exposing the truth, even a “perfect crime” will be uncovered...a satisfying read and a riveting murder mystery with a sweet ending."


Read an excerpt and see where to buy A Parfait Crime  




  1. I adore Agatha Christie and I know this book will be great. November 25th was National Parfait Day according to the National Day calendar!!

    1. Thanks for commenting, Emily. I hope you enjoy the book. ~Maya

  2. So far my favorite Agatha Christie book is Death on the Nile. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Death on the Nile is one of my favorites too. Thanks for commenting, Paula. ~Maya

  3. that's a great story Maya--you were meant to write this book!

    1. Thank you, Lucy. It's amazing how early experiences make their way into writing long after they happened. ~Maya

  4. Never found a parfait that I didn't like. :)

    My favorite Agatha Christie book is FIVE LITTLE PIGS.

    A PARFAIT CRIME is already on my TBR list. Can't wait for the opportunity to read and review this fabulous sounding book.

    Thank you for the chance to win a copy!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thank you, Kay. I love what you said about parfaits. :-) I think Five Little Pigs is Christie at her best, with a great puzzle and complex characters. ~Maya

  5. Death on the nile is my favorite. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    1. Thanks for commenting, Kim. Death on the Nile is one of Christie's best mysteries. ~Maya

  6. I love Death on the Nile.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Jess. Another vote for Death on the Nile. The comment just before yours also named Death on the Nile as a favorite. ~Maya

    2. Definitely a fan fave!

  7. Your new book sounds so good! My favorite Agatha Christie book is And Then There Were None. cking78503(at)aol(dot)com

    1. Thank you, Christi. I hope you enjoy the book, and good luck in the giveaway drawing. ~Maya

  8. I have the Mousetrap to read and now I think I'll get it down. The parfait I make this time of year is a gingerbread with vanilla pudding, so good! Thanks for the opportunity to get your book.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Anne. That sounds like a delicious parfait. ~Maya

  9. I forgot my email.

  10. The only parfait I ever had was the Peanut Buster Parfait at Dairy Queen. Yum! I like Murder on the Orient Express. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Thanks for commenting, Carol. Murder on the Orient Express is one of Christie's great ones--and it really films well. ~Maya

  11. A parfait dessert is a real treat. So light and soothing. Agatha Christie's novels are enthralling and my favorite is And Then There Were None. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Thanks for commenting. That was voted the favorite Christie title worldwide a few years ago. ~Maya

  12. Thank you so much for your blog today, Maya! I am always intrigued when I see the name Agatha Christie, and have read and watched just about everything that has been printed or filmed. I vividly remember eagerly waiting for the curtain to go up when my wife and I attended our first THE MOUSETRAP performance in London. As for you, we went back a few years later and saw it again. I would see it again and again, given the opportunity, and I have the website in my bookmarks: I have not yet read A PARFAIT CRIME, but I must correct that, since I am quite a fan of Val and the gang. Thank you so much for giving us readers so many hours of fun reading your cozy mysteries. I am thankful for you!!!! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. I forgot to of my favorite Agatha Christie mysteries is AND THEN THERE WERE NONE. I just love so many of her mysteries! Luis at Ole dot travel

    2. Thank you for your kind words about my mysteries, Luis!

  13. I love a good strawberry parfait. Thank you for the chance to win. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. Thanks for commenting, April. I wish strawberries were in season now (I'm on the East Coast). Then I could have a parfait made with them.

  14. We put on 12 Angry Men in high school. Since we had a mixed cast (with me included) it was called 12 Angry Jurors.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. Thanks for your comment, Libby. The play should be retitled 12 Angry Jurors! ~Maya

  15. This year I read about 65 Agatha Christie Mysteries, one right after the other. One that really stood out to me is her Mystery of the Blue Train.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. 65 of Christie's mysteries in one year! Wow. That's quite an accomplishment. Thanks for commenting. ~Maya

  16. I first saw the Mousetrap in London in 1966.

    1. Thanks for commenting. It must have impressed you if you remember exactly when you saw it. ~Maya

  17. Wonderful Spotlight post, Maya. Thanks for the fascinating look into your creative spark behind A Parfait Crime (a "parfait" title, too). Cheers and happy congrats on your brand-new Five-Ingredient Mystery!

  18. Wow your recipe sounds delicious, I love tiramisu so I certainly will have to try this, one of my favorite Agatha Christie novels is The Mirror Crack’d side from side. Just goes to show a kiss can be deadly.

    1. Thanks for commenting, Rose. The Mirror Crack'd is a sad story full of emotion. It works well on the screen too. ~Maya

  19. I saw "The Mousetrap" in London back in the '70s and have no memory of whodunit, so I guess I'd better see it again! Sounds deliciously exciting--as does your latest Five-Ingredient mystery!

  20. And Then There Were None is one of my favorite Agatha Christie books. The parfait looks yummy. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thanks for you comment, Cherie. A lot of people name And Then There Were None as their favorite. The plot is so clever. ~Maya

  21. We saw The Mousetrap in London in the fall of 2019. It was fun but the play that really drew me in was Witness for the Prosecution. I haven't read it or seen it as a play but loved the movie with Charles Laughton, Tyrone Power, and Marlene Dietrich. Loved it! And parfaits!

    1. Thanks for your comment, Pat! Christie and most theater critics said that Witness was her best play. And I totally agree with you about the fantastic movie version. ~Maya

  22. My favorite Christie book is "Murder On The Orient Express ".

    1. Thanks for commenting, Dianne. I enjoyed the book and all the films that have been made of it. ~Maya

  23. My favorite Christie book is Murder On The Orient Express! My favorite parfait? That is touch as I love all kinds! I do love a strawberry parfait. Thanks for the chance!!


    1. Thanks for your comment. Such a great book. I've reread it and seen the film versions several times. ~Maya

  24. My favorite Christie book is And then there were none. I love any parfait with fresh fruit. Thanks for the chance! ljbonkoski

    1. Thanks for your comment, Lori. I'm a big fruit fan. I'll eat fruit on or with anything. ~Maya

  25. I saw The Mousetrap in London in 1974. Same trip I read The Man in the Brown Suit on a train to Norway.
    I really enjoy your 5 ingredient mysteries MaryAnn, especially Gingerdead Man.
    Thanks for this contest.

    1. Thank you for your comment. I'm so happy you enjoy my mysteries. I recently reread The Man in the Brown Suit. Many critics don't give it high marks, but I thought it was a good mystery with solid characters. And while I like Poirot and Marple, I also appreciate Christie's books in which they don't appear.

  26. Diane. dls318@att.netNovember 27, 2023 at 3:24 PM

    Thank you for this opportunity. Look forward to reading. Love Agatha Christie - besides Nancy Drew books, hers were ones I read

  27. I can't pick just one favorite Christie but I reread Evil Under the Sun and it really held up for me. I like chocolate parfaits--my mil makes one with vanilla ice cream and fudge sauce. But I def need to try your recipe.

    1. Thanks for your comment, Susan. Evil Under the Sun has a clever plot. ~Maya

  28. I have a hard time choosing a favorite story. My parents left me the complete set of Christie's Stories. Every year or so I'll flip open the book and read whichever story is staring at me. As to parfaits I use a pudding base to start and then toss in whatever looks good.

  29. I've never read any Agatha Christie books, I'm fairly new to reading the cozy mystery genre.
    My favorite parfait? I like yogurt parfaits with granola.

  30. My favorite Agatha Christie book is And Then There Were None, but honestly I love them all! I usually make simple fruit and yoghurt parfaits, but the Tiramisu Parfait sounds really delicious.

    1. Oops, my email is kittygirl15401(at)yahoo(dot)com

  31. Oh my! How to choose one favorite Agatha Christie? Hmmm, I’ll have to go with “And Then There Were None”. Favorite parfait? Totally not ambitious: chocolate pudding, vanilla pudding, with vanilla wafers in between and fudge sauce on top. Thanks for writing such fun books and for whetting our appetites - I’m looking forward to this new one!

    1. Oops - I was so excited to write to you that I forgot my email address!

    2. Thanks for commenting and for your kind words about my books. Good luck in the raffle. ~Maya

  32. My favorite Agatha Christie book is Murder on the Orient Express. I love a good chocolate parfait! jstomalis1053(at)comcast(dot)net

  33. I love all parfaits. Death on the Nile has to be the best Agatha Christie book. Thank you.

  34. Mary Holshouser
    I don't think I've had a parfait - or
    didn't know that's what it was when
    I ate it. I saw the Mousetrap many
    years ago - it was wonderful.
    thanks for the chance to get the
    book. txmlhl(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thanks for your comment, Mary. The Mousetrap definitely is a memorable experience. ~Maya

  35. I'm looking forward to reading Parfait Crime and By Cook Or By Cook. Plays And Parfaits sounds interesting@

  36. I love parfaits. I do not think I ever had one I did not enjoy!

    shawnstevensbooks (at) gmail (dot) com

  37. Love the recipe and the book sounds great!

  38. I have a vague memory of seeing The Mousetrap at the theater. And The Man in the Brown Suit being the first book I read by Christie.

  39. I have not had a parfait in ages due to dietary restrictions. I am going to look for one I can have. I like the Hercule Poirot books. debby236 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks for your comment, Debby. Good luck in the book raffle.

  40. My favorite Agatha Christie mystery is And Then There Were None.

  41. I've never seen The Mousetrap, but saw a production of And Then There Were None last year and, of course, have seen the movie of Witness for the Prosecution. Dame Agatha's plays are always entertaining! I don't have a favorite book, but the one I enjoyed most recently is Death on the Nile, which I coincidentally read just before reading Murder at the Mena House by Erica Ruth Neubauer and loved that both were set in part at the Mena House. I'm also looking forward to Colleen Cambridge's next Phyllida Bright book which will be set in London as one of Agatha Christie's plays us about to open. As you can tell, I love books by or related to Agatha Christie novels so would love to read your book!

    1. Thanks for commenting. I also love books by or related to Christie. I'll have to check out Murder at the Mena House, and I'm looking forward to reading Colleen Cambridge's next book. ~Maya

  42. I can’t wait to try this recipe and read the book!

    1. Here is my email

  43. How do I change the anonymous to my name?

    1. You may need to log in with a Google or Facebook account name. Sometimes that login option is just below where you comment. When I show up as anonymous on some blogs, I just add my name at the end of my comment. But even if you're listed as Anonymous, as long as you leave your e-mail address, you will be entered into the book raffle.

  44. thanks for sharing. I love Agatha Christie novels. I really love Hercule Poirot books and Murder on the Orient Express and Fie Little Pigs, oh my so many of her books. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Thanks for your comment, Lori. Christie is so good that it's hard to pick a favorite book of hers.

  45. That looks delicious!!! I don't know if triffle can be described as a parfait but it is the only recipe that I have had that has a custard in it. I love triffle but unfortunately my family is not as enamored with it so I rarely have it. Maybe this year. Hope you have a wonderful Holiday Season!!
    sandra shenton13 at gmail dot com

    1. Thanks for your comment, Sandra. I believe a trifle is a parfait because it has layers of cake, cream, and flavorings.

  46. When I was growing up, my father and I would walk 8 blocks to Hygeia Dairy and order a Hula Lula Sundae. It was like a parfait but so much better. I wish I could go back and slurp one up.
