Sunday, October 29, 2023

Libby's World #LibbyKlein #SpotlightSunday #Giveaway #Figaro #Halloween #Mischief Night


Libby's World

Welcome to Libby's World

Where we celebrate all things chocolate, coffee, cats, and cozy. Full of gluten-free baking and sarcasm. Just so you know, Sir Figaro Newton (pictured above) is pretty much in charge.

Miss Eliza Doolittle
I grew up in South Jersey where the sass comes from. I did not always want to be a writer. That seemed so far above my abilities it didn't even enter my mind that it could be possible. Instead, I worked a host of minimum-wage jobs that allowed frequent visits to the orthodontist since I was raising four kids in braces. My absolute favorite job was working in a bookstore. There was something very gratifying about putting the books in order on a bookshelf. My kids learned very young that the way to get out of trouble fast was to make me laugh. Humor has always been one of my love languages. Along with coffee. Here I am with my writing partner, Miss Eliza Doolittle. I have typed entire scenes one-handed just like this. I wrote my first book, Class Reunions Are Murder at the urging of my husband who had a lot more faith in me than I had in myself. And you'd better believe that I was both thrilled and stunned when it was published. It's a very fictionalized version of my life including my real-life cat, Sir Figaro Newton, and my real-life grandmother as Aunt Ginny Frankowski. Here we are below. I'm the one ripping open that present.

Little Libby and Aunt Ginny
Growing up I wanted to be a pastry chef. That was before I was diagnosed with Celiac and Hashimoto's. Two diseases that mean gluten is your enemy. Gluten is the protein structure in most baked goods that makes them light and fluffy and stretchy so they rise and get all tender and chewy and lovely. Without gluten, most baking becomes a matter of magic and trickery. How can I make this dough think it's bread and not a yeasty doorstop? Being an avid reader of culinary cozies, I quickly learned how impressionable I am to the power of suggestion. If the main characters are eating cupcakes, I start craving cupcakes. The only problem is that cupcakes make me explode. When I began writing my series about a plus-sized, middle-aged woman with Hashimoto's starting life over in her hometown of Cape May (a lot of coincidences there) I wanted to include gluten-free recipes for people like me who could normally only lick the page. Now we can eat the book goodies too. All my recipes in Mystery Lovers' Kitchen are gluten-free.

As my series has grown, I've loved bringing my readers a taste of Cape May. The beach, the landmarks, the culture. My Halloween book is my most recent release where I introduce you to a South Jersey holiday - Mischief Night. A real event that happens the night before Halloween also known as prank night. Aunt Ginny signs Poppy up to host a gourmet dinner tour and neglects to mention that it's a Haunted House tour complete with ghost stories. Stories about ghosts that they don't have. Or do they? People are starting to call Poppy's Bed and Breakfast the Murder House even though no one has ever died there. Until now. The entire book is full of fun Halloween pranks, a Paranormal TV Show investigation, and Owen Rodney - Pet Psychic. Here's my clan as the Addam's Family including a Pugsly Fig. And below is five of my eleven grandchildren! I'm really not that old. When properly motivated, your kids can make you a grandparent in your mid-thirties.

Five Grandchildren
Some Random Facts About Me

As I've gotten older I've become dyslexic. That means a lot of typing, backspacing, and retyping. I've typed entire words completely backward. Even I was impressed. I'm not always sure what's wrong with a word, I just know the red squiggly line means it's wrong.

I have always been a cat person. I give off a cat lady vibe, and wherever I go, cats in the area will chase me down meowing for attention.

I've been married for thirty-seven years, and my father still owes me a car for not getting divorced before my second anniversary.

I have written and performed in plays at my church. Here is me in one of my costumes. You're missing the hot pink velour pants. I look a lot like one of my best friends when she's not in costume. That may or may not have been an accident.

I can't remember most of my childhood or adolescence anymore, but I can name 70s and 80s rock songs by the first couple of notes.

I don't like seafood. Nothing. Nada. Not even ______ fill in the blank. 

If you want to spend more time in my world, come on over to my website and sign up for my Mischief and Mayhem Newsletter. It comes out monthly most of the time and includes Figaro's self-help column which isn't that helpful unless you consider catnip holistic medicine. If you have a problem you want to receive some utter nonsense for, send Figaro a message. Here he is in his office waiting to make fun of you like he does me.

Enter my Giveaway!

Leave me a comment on my post and I'll let Figaro select a random winner to receive one of my books. US and Canada only. The giveaway ends Monday at midnight, MISCHIEF NIGHT!
Meanwhile, this is happening on my desk.

Mischief Nights Are MurderPoppy McAllister discovers that gluten-free Halloweens can scare up another case of murder in the latest installment of this delightful culinary B&B mystery series! - Kirkus Reviews

Poppy is none too pleased when her B&B is coerced into participating in the Cape May Haunted Dinners Tour during Halloween season. Though her knack for finding dead bodies has given the place a spooky reputation, the Murder House is a completely undeserved nickname. At least it used to be . . .
While Poppy wrangles with some guests who can’t stop squabbling with each other—including a paranormal researcher, a very quirky pet psychic who freaks out her portly Persian, and an undercover tabloid reporter eager to catch her staff in a lie—one of them winds up facedown in a plate of tiramisu. And now she has bigger worries than getting her house TP’d . . .
Includes Recipes from Poppy’s Kitchen!

Silly Libby
Libby Klein grew up in Cape May, NJ where she attended high school in the '80s. Her

classes revolved mostly around the Culinary sciences and Drama, with one brilliant semester in Poly-Sci that may have been an accident. She loves to drink coffee, bake gluten-free goodies, collect fluffy cats, and translate sarcasm for people who are too serious. She writes from her Northern Virginia office where she serves a very naughty black smoke Persian named Sir Figaro Newton. You can keep up with her shenanigans by signing up for her Mischief and Mayhem Newsletter on her website.


  1. thanks for writing a cozy with GF recipes and that whole concept of people needing to eat a specific way. now i just wish someone would write vegan cozies.
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

    1. Gigi Pandian writes a fun mystery series with a vegan "accidental alchemist" who ends up sharing her home with a French chef that she convinces to cook vegan.

  2. Already on your email list. LOVE your books and LOVE the A Poppy McAllister Mystery series. MISCHIEF NIGHTS ARE MURDER is on my TBR list and I can't wait for the opportunity to read and review it. Although hubby and I don't require gluten-free recipes, I've found some that I just had to try and have some in my recipe file for when dear friends show up that have to have gluten-free.

    Sir Figaro Newton is a kicker and I always look for his post. I'd probably ask him which breed of dog does he find the more annoying? And can he help me figure out why my grandcat just has to get into EVERYTHING she's not suppose to when she's not the center of attention?

    Thank you for the fabulous chance to win one of your books. Have a fabulously fun filled upcoming week!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. I love your questions for Figaro. I'll send them along and see if he has any advice!

  3. Congratulations on the new book! You sound like such a fun person. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  4. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy Aunt Ginny and her group of lovable friends! I too have celiac disease and enjoy your recipes way more than I should 😉.
    Can't wait to read your latest addition.
    Thank you
    sandra Shenton 13 at gmail dot com

    1. Aunt Ginny and the biddies are fabulous! I want to be them when I grow up. I have some wonderful recipes coming up for us. I'm working on making us jelly donuts. Stay tuned!

  5. I love all of this post, Libby! So good to get to know you better.

  6. What an amazing, talented, creative and special person you are. I enjoyed learning about your life, writing and enjoyed the beautiful photos. Wishing you happiness, enjoyment and fun. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  7. Love your spotlight, Libby. You have captured our hearts. Sir Figaro Newton is adorable (no doubt he would be the first to agree). Wishing you, Poppy, and Figaro continued success with your wonderful series and especially MISCHIEF NIGHTS ARE MURDER, the perfect read for a Happy Halloween! ~ Cleo

    1. Thank you so much, Cleo. Figaro is the hero of my series - so he keeps telling me.

  8. Hi! I have read all of your wonderful, hilarious books so don't need to enter the giveaway. But I DO need to thank you for this fun column, as well as your series!

  9. Good stuff!
    Well done on your husband's part to get you to write the first book.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  10. Oh, WOW! That's brilliant to help others by introducing recipes. I'm a sugarholic myself. My brother gave me grief on going to Starbucks. He said I was ordering a milkshake not coffee. I love the idea of including your furbaby. Sweet.

    1. I need to lower my sugar as well. Maybe January should be keto recipes in Mystery Lovers' Kitchen!

  11. I love your cat and in the Addams Family photo he is a hoot as Pugley. Thank you for the fun post.

    1. I realized last night that now Fig has been both Pugsly and Wednesday Addams!

  12. Please let Figaro know that I think his column is the "bees knees"! Thoroughly enjoyed the spotlight and your books! Thanks makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  13. Love your stories, and the amazing Figaro! I'm working on getting caught up with the series.

    1. I'm so glad you are enjoying Poppy's shenanigans.

  14. I love the photo of Figaro! aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  15. Cheers from one cat lady to another! Love your books!

  16. You had me at sarcasm, bookstores, and cupcakes. Love all these tidbits about your life, Libby! (Do kids really still TP houses? Love it!)

    1. TP may be too expensive right now. They may be downgrading to silly string!

  17. I enjoyed reading your biography. I have loved all your books. They made me feel like I'm back in Jersey. Please continue to write more. I love Aunt Ginny!

    1. Thank you so much! That means the world to me. xoxo

  18. Amazing blog. Thank you so much for letting us readers know more about you. It really is wonderful to connect your books to you. It has been so much fun reading and laughing and trying to solve the murders along with Poppy. Your recipes are also delicious and so creative. Thank you so much for the hours of fun. May you be inspired to write many more books. Luis at ole dot travel

  19. I love this series! I grew up in North Jersey, and we called the night before Halloween Goosey Night. To this day, I still don't know why. :) Happy Halloween. Thank you for this chance. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. I have just recently learned about Goosey Night! What a fun fact.

  20. Your books are simply the best! I love their humor, character development, and really everything about them!

    1. Thank you so much for the kind words, Laura. xoxo

  21. Loved your bio! Does your cat have a Napoleon complex? Somehow he frightens me. World domination?

    1. My cats dominate the entire world that they know about!

  22. Your spotlight is so much fun, Libby! Thanks for giving us a peek into your funny and creative life.

  23. LIBBY: I loved learning more about you in this post! Your GF baking is delish and I have enjoyed reading and baking my way through your series.

    You not liking seafood was a surprise...just send any unwanted aquatic creatures for me to eat!

    And have a happy Mischief Night tomorrow!!

    grace dot koshida at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you so much, Grace! All my squids will go to you!

  24. Adorable writing partner. I love your books . Thank you for your exemplary writing Great to learn about you here.

    1. Thank you, Laura. That is so kind of you to say.

  25. I am just starting to read your series and I love your sense of humor and sass. Your writing is fun and inventive!

  26. I enjoyed your post and gaining more insight into your life. Thanks for sharing! cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  27. I am just started reading your series and I absolutely love the humor!
    Thanks for the chance!


  28. Thanks for sharing about yourself. Your books are so much fun to read! Happy Halloween!! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  29. Always a fun read! The blogs and books ! Thank you !

  30. I’m just starting your series and thoroughly enjoying it. It was a pleasure to meet you in Mechanicsburg! skforrest1957(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I was so glad to meet you too. The Mechanicsburg events are always wonderful!

  31. Aunt Ginny and her Girl Posse are the best! The shenanigans they get up to!! And I love Figaro too. And Poppy is amazing to put up with everything.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    barbiefan AT

    1. I love that term - Girl posse! Thank you so much, Ann.

  32. Congratulations on the new book. I really like “And now she has bigger worries than getting her house TP’d . .” Hahaha!!

  33. I love this series and enjoyed the mischief and mayhem at The Murder House.

    1. I'm at

    2. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Poor Poppy. She'll never get away from that name now!

  34. Love the photo of Figaro! Have a fun Mischief Night and Happy Halloween. musiqmom(at)yahoo(dot)com

  35. Thank you for sharing your background information! And thank your husband for being encouraging and supportive! We would be missing out on some good reads and that would be a loss. madamhawk at gmail dot com

  36. Giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to Pat Dupuy! You've won a copy of Mischief Nights Are Murder!
