Sunday, September 10, 2023

Victoria Hamilton #Guest @recipe #giveaway

Today, I'm super excited to welcome Victoria Hamilton to Mystery Lovers' Kitchen. Victoria has a great recipe and a GIVEAWAY!!!!


Thank you so much to Valerie Burns for hosting me today.

There is only one time of year I enjoy eating tomatoes, and that is right now, from mid August to late September, when our local field tomatoes are luscious, big ripe sweet globes of goodness. At the same moment my herbs are at their best. The basil went crazy this summer, so I’m drying a lot, making bruschetta, and using it in recipes like this Roasted Tomato and Basil soup. I saved this to make on a cold day, and served it up with toasted slices of cheese bread, but I was tempted to make some fresh croutons out of the cheese bread, cutting big hunks, drizzling with olive oil and toasting for a few minutes in the oven.

Maybe next time.



3 large field tomatoes – 1 ½ - 2 pounds

3 tbsp olive oil

1 small to medium yellow onion, diced

4 garlic cloves, minced

1 tbsp fresh thyme, minced

1 tsp kosher salt

½ tsp fresh ground pepper

1 - 28 ounce can crushed tomatoes (I use Muir Glen Fire Roasted which have the richest flavor of any canned tomato I’ve used, but use your favorite brand.)

1 Cup fresh basil, roughly chopped

1 tbsp sugar (I used white sugar, but next time I’ll try light brown sugar, which cuts the acidity of tomatoes better, in my opinion.)

2 Cups chicken or vegetable stock (your own, or a commercial brand.)

2/3 to 1 cup of heavy cream (Next time I’ll go for the higher amount. You could substitute with half-and-half, canned milk, regular milk, or if you want to cut out the dairy, the same amount of additional chicken stock.)

*Optional: 3 cloves of roasted garlic. Whenever I’ve got the oven on for anything else, like roasting the tomatoes for this recipe, I roast a head or two of garlic. Slice the top off the garlic bulb, drizzle it with olive oil, grind some coarse pepper and sea salt over it, twist it into some foil and roast for 30 – 40 minutes in a 350 – 375 degree F. oven, then take out and let it cool. Put it in a covered container in the fridge for a few days to a week, squeezing some of the roasted garlic out for recipes or garlic toast.


1 - Preheat oven to 375°F.

2 - Cut tomatoes into fat slices. I used my thumb to squish out most of the seeds and cut out the core, as well as trimming dark spots and scars on the flesh. Spread the slices on a parchment lined baking sheet. Drizzle with 1 tbsp of the olive oil, and grind fresh black pepper and sea salt over them.

3 - Roast tomato slices for about 45 minutes. When you take them out, set them aside until needed. You could put them in a container at this point to use later, but don’t do this too early.

4 - Heat 2 tbsp olive oil, (or butter if you don’t have olive oil but, I mean, who doesn’t have olive oil?) in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion and sauté for about 5 minutes, until translucent and fragrant.

5 - Stir in the garlic, thyme, salt, and pepper. Sauté for another minute.

6 - Add crushed tomatoes, basil, and sugar to the pot. Lower the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes.

7 - Add stock and the roasted tomatoes into the pot. If you are adding roasted garlic - 3 cloves are enough - do it now. Simmer for 30 minutes, stirring every now and then.

8 - Use an immersion – sometimes called a stick - blender to purée the soup. You can blend the soup in a blender in batches if you’re careful (it’s hot!) but an immersion blender makes it simpler!

9 - Stir in the cream, bring back up to heat, but don’t boil. Serve with a grilled cheese sandwich, or croutons, or – as I have – a piece of cheese bread toasted under the broiler.

This is a great way to use the wonderful field tomatoes available at farmers’ markets right now, but I love it because it’s adaptable and could easily be made vegan. Any nice fleshy tomatoes would work well. So… enjoy!


Sieve and Let Die - Vintage Kitchen Mystery #11 – Coming from Beyond the Page October 17th 2023!

It’s October; falling leaves, warm sunshine followed by chilly nights, sweaters and apples and yummy fall foods.

Food columnist Jaymie Müller is busy as usual with work and family, and helping her best friend, Val Nibley, build a catio for Denver, Val’s feline buddy. But everything shudders to a halt when someone with whom Val had a recent confrontation over a prescription is found dead – by

Jaymie and Val! - on the back steps of her pharmacy. Val, suspected of a terrible crime and the subject of gossip and rumor, takes a leave of absence while she and Jaymie investigate; is it murder? And if it is, who did it?

Why was the victim so absent minded lately? And why accuse Val of tampering with medications? They had known each other for decades and in high school were even friends.

Jaymie must rush to clear her best friend before the rumor mill ruins Val’s good name and her whole life in Queensville.

Don’t miss a yummy fall recipe at the end! Sign up for my newsletter at for information on this book and all my series, my upcoming book blog tour details and future promotions!


Victoria Hamilton is the bestselling author of the national bestselling Vintage Kitchen Mysteries and Merry Muffin Mysteries, as well as a the historical Lady Anne Mysteries. She collects vintage kitchenware and bake muffins. She drinks tea and coffee on writing days, and wine other times. It doesn’t do to confuse days. A solitary being, she can be coaxed out of her writing cave for brownies and cat videos.

She started her writing life as Donna Lea Simpson, bestselling author of Regency Romances, paranormal historicals and historical mysteries, and still has a soft spot for the Regency period.

You can find her online at: 

Website: (Sign up for her newsletter for all the latest!)




What do you like eating/cooking in the fall?  Comment below to enter to win a prize package including my favorite skully teaspoon, Victoria Hamilton Mysteries bookmarks, an ‘I have no shelf control’ book bag, a cute ‘so many books so little time’ keychain and a $25 USD gift certificate from Amazon dot com or Amazon dot ca! Open to Canada and the USA. 

Don't forget to leave your email address so we can reach you! Contest runs from today, Sunday September 10th, to Tuesday, September 12th. 


  1. I love cooking in fall with apples, pumpkins, the aroma that lingers is great.

    1. I love apples! The actual recipe in the book is an apple recipe!

  2. I love a good beef stew like my dad used to make. My mom made the bread to go with it. Pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for dessert. Yum! Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Oven stew is awesome. I would love to make baked beans like my Mom made, but I just don't have the knack!

  3. Delicious recipe, Victoria! Thanks for joining us today. I am awash in garden tomatoes right now, and roasting them with olive oil, salt, and garlic is my favorite way to make sauce. More will happen this afternoon.

    1. Hi Edith! I have so much basil I'm drying it, but I've run out of counter space to dry it. So I've bought drying racks for my toaster oven combo! I'll be able to dehydrate three racks of herbs at a time!

  4. I'm not really a seasonal cook. I make anything anytime. But I'll say Potato Soup and homemade Chicken Noodle or Chicken Rice soup.

  5. homemade applesauce rocks
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  6. I love cooking lots of soups, stews, and chili in the fall. And lots of desserts with apples.

  7. Welcome back to the Kitchen, Victoria! Your roasted tomato soup looks amazing, and it's the perfect time of year for it, too. On your fall foods question, I agree with you that end-of-summer tomatoes are the best. For the rest of fall, Marc and I always enjoy apples, apple cider, and even candy apples. Pasta dinners are back on the menu, too. Cheers and congrats on your new Vintage Kitchen Mystery, SIEVE AND LET DIE (great title).

    1. Nice to be back, Cleo! I always love coming to Mystery Lovers Kitchen!

  8. I love to eat pumpkin spice baked goods

    1. Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot) net

    2. I love chili and cornbread while watching football followed by homemade apple crisp and warm cider.

  9. Fall is when I start to make chili and corn bread. grammyd01@comcast (dot)net

  10. Living in Texas, I try not to use the oven much during summer, so fall means I can bake again. Muffins, bread, pies and cakes. There's also my favorite meatloaf and casseroles. 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I get you on the oven thing... summer here is humid and sometimes hot! I do use my slow cooker in summer, and my small toaster oven for baking. It doesn't heat the house up.

    2. I don't use the oven in summer either... here it gets hot and humid, so I understand!

  11. Thank you for the delicious sounding recipe. Since we have so many tomatoes in our own garden, I bet the flavor is even more so by using homemade crushed tomatoes instead of can ones too.

    Fall to me is savoring the flavors of the fresh veggies from our garden because you know it’s soon going to come to an end. That last BLT of the year or the last corn on the cob rolled in butter has to last you until the next year’s season. Although we have some of each put in the freezer and they surely top frozen store bought, it’s still a different flavor than freshly picked.

    Fall to me is the season of apples and pumpkins. One of my favorite things to look forward to is my Mom’s old recipe for Praline Pumpkin Pie. To me it screams FALL IS HERE! It also brings back wonderful memories of fall time in my past.

    Praline Pumpkin Pie
    1/3 cup pecans, finely chopped
    1/3 cup brown sugar, packed
    3 tablespoons butter
    3 eggs, slightly beaten
    ½ cup sugar
    ½ cup brown sugar, packed
    2 tablespoons flour
    ¾ teaspoon salt
    ¾ teaspoon cinnamon
    ½ teaspoon ginger
    ¼ teaspoon cloves
    ¼ teaspoon mace
    1 ½ cups pumpkin
    1 ½ cups light cream, warmed
    1 pie crust, unbaked
    Combine butter, pecans and 1/3 cups packed brown sugar. Press into the bottom of pie shell. Prick sides. Cook in a 450 degree over for 10 minutes. Cool at least 2 minutes before filling with pumpkin filling.
    For the pumpkin filling combine eggs, sugar, ½ cup packed brown sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, mace, pumpkin and light cream. Stir until smooth and blended. Pour over slightly cooled pie crust. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 50 to 60 minutes. Cool before cutting.

    Thank you for the chance to win an amazing prize package!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  12. What a delicious recipe! I'm going grocery shopping today for the ingredients! I love vegetable soup ideas for fall 🍁! Any apple desserts like apple crisp are a favourite this time of year.

    1. I love that this soup can even be made vegan with a substitution or two!

  13. Fall means it's cooling down enough to not completely heat up the house using the oven, so there's more baking- cake, cookies, bread. Plus foods like pizza, meatloaf, certain casseroles, and soups and stews. We always have tons of tomatoes so what isn't eaten plain is put in chili, goulash, spaghetti, pizza casserole, hamburger stew...

  14. Chili and cornbread while watching football. I forget to include my email:

    1. Chili is one of my favorite foods, but only my own... LOL.

  15. I love to make all sorts of soups and stews, but my favorite one to make is loaded potato.

    1. I have that pinned on my pinterest board, but have not tried it yet.

  16. I can’t say I like any one food item but I do love the stews and soups and heavy desserts—pumpkin themed items and heavy chocolate desserts—that are associated with fall. This is called the happy fall diet!
    Elaine. (

    1. LOL... 'Happy Fall Dessert'! My new favorite phrase.

  17. Thanks for joining us today at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen! I'm thrilled that you decided to share your recipe and amazing giveaway! Best of luck with the new release.

    1. Thank you so much for having me! I appreciate it.

  18. I love to bake pumpkin pies in the fall. It makes the house smell like fall.(

    1. I've never mastered homemade pumpkin pie... just the canned filling type!

  19. I like to make homemade chicken soup or beef and vegetable soup for fall I also like baking zucchini bread, pumpkin bread and banana bread.

    1. Soup is one of my favorite things to make. I save the bones from rotisserie chickens all summer to make a huge pot of chicken soup in fall.

  20. Grill cheese sandwich. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    1. Grilled cheese would be so good with this soup!

  21. I love thick rich soups as well as crisp apples drizzled with unsalted peanut butter (I have found one brand that is very thin and will drizzle). Fan Girl of your Kitchen Mysteries! Thanks…….

  22. Thank you for the recipe. I love making and eating homemade soups in the Fall. I also love any type of stew. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  23. My favourite fall recipe is apple crumble to both make and eat!

  24. Welcome back to the blog, Victoria! While making dinner last night, I had the TV on and caught a few minutes of "The Great American Recipe," a cooking challenge show featuring non-professional cooks that actually seemed quite sweet. The challenge was comfort food, dinner, in an hour. I thought "Tomato Basil Soup, with cheese-and-herb breadsticks." And here you are with just the ticket! Pair with a good book for maximum comfort in minimum time!

  25. In the fall it's all about the pumpkin spice and I love baking pumpkin bread and muffins.

  26. I like to make soup.

  27. Homemade tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches are my favorite Friday night Fall meal. Thank you for this recipe! I make one similar but now want to make a few changes and try your with the roasted garlic. Sounds delicious

  28. Fall always makes me think of pumpkin pie. Yum! ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  29. This is my favorite time of year for many reasons but especially for food. There’s just something about fall that says warm soups, chili, Fire roasted vegetables and tomatoes! I know it’s not cooking but I absolutely love tomato sandwiches and I never get tired of having them. Thanks for the recipes and thanks for the chance!

  30. My favorite thing to cook in the Fall is soup.
    I love the Vintage Kitchen Mystery series.

  31. Fall is my favorite time of year! I cook a lot more soups and bake more. Lots of pumpkin and apples! Thanks so much for the chance!


  32. oh what a wonderful recipe. thanks for sharing. I had no idea roasting tomatoes brought out the sweetness. I love cooking soups and stews in the cold months. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  33. At this time of year BLTs are one of my favorites with farmers market tomatoes. Or mine. And it is about to be apple season. There is nothing like a local apple orchard's fresh picked apples!

  34. That looks like a great recipe.
    Theoretically, as we move into fall the weather should be more and more conducive to soups simmering on the stove.
    Living in south Florida that is not the case. But that is (in my opinion) why we have A/C!
    Bring on the simmering pots of goodies.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  35. I love using my crockpot in the Fall to make so many different dishes. Thank you for sharing the recipe, and for this chance to win! areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

  36. I enjoy baking with apples. I like making pies, apple loaf cake and even using apples with puff pastry. Apples remind me of fall.
    Thanks for the chance. Lois Rotella

  37. I love to cook seasonally. In the autumn, I love to cook winter squashes, cabbage , soups, stews, and chili!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  38. Thank you for sharing! I love peppers and spices in fall including soups and chili. Stuffed peppers with a spicy sausage is yummy to make as well. There are so many good vegetables coming off the vine in September! Cheers!

  39. I like using the oven as the days are finally getting cooler. And the produce from the farmers market and our neighbors gardens give us lots of opportunities. Today will be apple bread.

  40. When fall arrives I enjoy creating tasty and flavorful family meals. Salmon with roasted veggies, tilapia with red baby roasted potatoes, apple cake, and marble cake. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. I love eating soup when it gets cold outside while I read a book. I cook more pasta in colder weather and pumpkin pie of course.

  42. I love using my crockpot in the Fall making soups and stews with herbs and the smell all day, thank you for the recipe it sounds very good and your new book, Penney

  43. Glad to have you in the kitchen, today, Victoria! Great recipe.

  44. Looks like a yummy variation on an all-time favorite, tomato soup. I will have to try this soon. This is the time of year when I start thinking about turning the oven on again, so pot roast (so I can make vegetable beef soup with the leftovers) meatloaf, shepherd's pie, baked split pea soup, all sorts of tasty apple and pumpkin breads and muffins. Love this time of year! Thanks for the recipe and the chance to win. makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  45. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. I like making chili during the autumn months. I am going to try your recipe,

  47. In the Fall I like cooking chili and Dutch apple pie. You recipe looks delicious, I'm going to give it a try. diannekc8(at)gmail(dot)com

  48. I like freshly picked apples in the fall. sgiden at verizon(.)net

  49. I like making English sausage rolls and shepherds pie

  50. Welcome back, Victoria! Thank you so much for this enticing recipe. I love making special soups that we can have with homemade artisan bread! I will definitely make this delicious soup. I printed it so it is on the TBM (to be made) list!!! One of my favorite seasons is Fall, because of all things pumpkin that you can make. I love this stuffed pumpkin recipe, which is made inside a pumpkin, and you can also make it inside smaller ones, to serve individually:
    Thank you so much again for your delicious visit, and for your cozy books, which I love! Luis at ole dot travel

  51. I love to use my crockpot to make comfort food, such as braised short ribs. Karen Carter.

  52. As soon as the temperature starts to cool, I love baking anything that's portable. I always share with my work family! Thank you for this delicious recipe!

  53. I like tomato sandwiches in the fall, but that’s not exactly cooking. With the cooler temperatures, I get back to baking cookies and muffins. I made blueberry muffins this weekend. awanstrom at yahoo dot com

  54. I love to bake, especially apple bread and pumpkin bread. Thanks for sharing your recipe. It is still to hot in Florida for soup right now so I will have to wait until it is cooler. Looking forward to making homemade chili when it is cooler as well. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  55. I like soups during the Fall too. Unfortunately I am unable to eat tomatoes so that's out! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  56. I love eating the Apple Butter and Apple Sauce we make from crab apples; love Pumpkin muffins with raisins and Pimpkin pie that I make(mostly the muffins

  57. The first time a neighbor gave me a zucchini, I had no idea what to do with it. I found a recipe for a zucchini loaf and gave it a try. It has been a family favorite ever since.

  58. I enjoy any kind of baked breads or soups to keep me warm!

  59. So many good things about fall/winter cooking - chili!; homemade soups; baking with fall fruits (or the frozen peaches from my tree)! Your soup sounds wonderful and I will be trying it. Thank you for the yummy sounding recipe and the chance to win the fun package. The spoon would be great to use when I have my tea!

    1. I love chili! And I love that everyone has their favorite version/recipe.

  60. I forgot to add my email to the above comment - madamhawk at gmail dot com. Thank you for the chance to win.

  61. I am such a food eater, and my husband is such a good cook and I do okay that we eat anything and everything all year round. We eat well. So many good things to eat out there. We make lots of stuff when we cook and freeze some of them so we can have more later. One of our favorites is his Gumbo which takes an hour to make the best Roux. Another is his nursery school food (70 years ago) which was Shepherds' Pie. I could go on and on--Salmon with Dill Sauce, Beef Stroganoff, best Taco meat, Mexican enchilada Sauce, Roma Tomato Spaghetti Sauce, Soups, Garlic Bread, Steak, and so on. He could have been a chef but that is so much work that he was not interested in doing that. I think that he could beat Bobby Flay. Who knows? But we eat well. Madeleine Spangler

    1. Where do you live and can I move in? LOL. I don't mind cooking, but I'm not the world's best cook.

  62. I love making chicken soup. In fact my ex-husband paid me $20 to make it for him when he was sick.

  63. I love making chicken soup. In fact my ex-husband actually paid me $20 to make it for him when he was sick.
