Sunday, September 17, 2023

My Grandmother's Cookies by Christine Falcone #borrowedtrouble

LUCY BURDETTE: I’m delighted to bring my writing pal Christine Falcone to the blog today. I’m especially thrilled because she will have book 2 in her Melanie Bass mystery series out next month, and, because she brings us cookies! Don’t forget to leave a comment to be entered in the drawing for a copy of Ex’d Out. Welcome Chris!

CHRISTINE FALCONE: Thank you Lucy for inviting me here today on Mystery Lovers Kitchen. It isn’t as if the main character in my mystery series, visiting nurse Melanie Bass, can’t cook. As a matter of fact, she feels she is a good cook. However, since her divorce a few years previously, after work she tends to grab quick meals rather than doing a lot of cooking and baking. This is beginning to change, however, as in the latest book, BORROWED TROUBLE, she now has a boyfriend to impress. One of the things I think she might make for her new sweetheart is sugar cookies, especially since her involvement in solving crimes is often a sour note in their relationship.

I have a recipe for sugar cookies I inherited from my Irish grandmother—as well as a couple of her original metal cookie cutters! These cookies are a favorite of my children and grandchildren alike. The other day my grandson who is in college called me to ask for the recipe. He needs it for a globalization class he is taking where they discuss ancestry and tradition. The cookies are usually a tradition at Christmas at our house – all my children would help cut out and decorate them when they were younger, and then my grandson took over that task. These cookies are great whatever the season, however, depending on the cookie cutters you use.

Ingredients for the cookies:

½ cup Irish butter, softened          

½ tsp vanilla

            1 cup sugar                                   

½ tsp salt 

1 egg                                            

1 tsp baking powder

1 Tbsp milk                                  

1 ½ cup flour – plus ¼ cup (or as needed) to roll out

Colored granulated sugar for decorating

Mix the butter and sugar, then add egg, milk, and vanilla, and mix that in.

Sift together dry ingredients in another bowl.

Add dry ingredients to butter mixture and mix well. 

Roll out and cut. (I usually refrigerate dough for about 1 hour or even overnight to make easier to handle)

After cutting out cookies decorate with colored granulated sugar and place them on a greased cookie sheet.

Bake at 400 for seven to ten minutes. 

The recipe says it makes 18 cookies, but I have found it depends on the size of your cookie cutters. (And I usually double the recipe!)

Leave a comment about your family’s favorite cookie recipe to be entered in the drawing for Ex’d Out!

About BORROWED TROUBLE: After the murder of her ex-husband is solved, visiting nurse Melanie Bass is confident she will never again cross paths with Detective Sunny Cody. She is shocked when the detective suddenly shows up on her doorstep to ask Melanie for a favor. What starts out as an assignment Detective Cody assures her is quick and simple, instead soon puts Melanie, her dog Bruno, and Detective Cody herself in serious jeopardy. Melanie quickly becomes increasingly enmeshed in an investigation involving drugs, lies, and danger.

To make things worse, Melanie’s good friend Lynn Duncan is being stalked by an unknown man, and Melanie’s love life is threatened by her commitment to helping Detective Cody. While compelled by what she feels is a moral and personal obligation to be involved with Detective Cody’s investigation, Melanie must also find a balance in her personal life and avoid putting her life in further jeopardy.

About the author: Christine Falcone’s short stories have appeared in publications such as Imagine, Larcom Review, and Deadfall: Crime Stories by New England writers. After working for nearly forty years as an RN in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Christine is delighted that retirement coincided with the publication of her first full length mystery, EX’D OUT,  published in October 2022. The second in the series, BORROWED TROUBLE will be out in October 2023. She is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America.

She lives on the Connecticut Shoreline with her family and a dog who is not nearly as well behaved as Bruno, the beloved canine in her novel. Read more on Facebook and Christine’s website.

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  1. Chocolate crinkle cookies are the most popular holiday cookies that I make each year.

    1. Grace I don't think you can go wrong with anything chocolate!

  2. I loved the pumpkin cookies that my parents made every fall. They were so yummy and moist. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Melanie might appreciate the recipe for those cookies! This book ( as you might guess from the cover) takes place in October.

  3. Beth's cookies - which was a bit like a shortbread/sugar cookie w/ a spot of jelly in the middle and white icing around the edge.
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  4. We like chocolate chip cookies , sugar cookies with sprinkles, and gingerbread cookies!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Haven't made gingerbread cookies in years, but the toll house are also a favorite in our house!

  5. Congratulations on the upcoming release of BORROWED TROUBLE! Always thrilled to find a new to me author. Following you now everywhere and can't wait for the opportunity to read and review your books.

    Thank you for the recipe! Sugar cookies bring back such wonderful memories for me. It was also a tradition of fixing them during the Christmas holidays. We would help Mom pick out the shapes, Then after baking, my brother and I would spend half the day icing and decorating them. We would have several bowls of colored icing and all sorts of sprinkles and candies to do so. Looking back, I think Mom was very smart. Not only did we product cookies we enjoyed making and took pride in, but she also had a way to keep us occupied and not arguing like siblings do for half of a day during school break. :)

    In our home, cookies are the main go to. We would just as soon if not more so select a cookie to bake over a cake or pie. My favorite cookie is similar to a sugar cookie, but rolled a little thicker and not as crunchy as a regular sugar cookie. It's my Granny's recipe for Tea Cakes that are served either plan or may have a slight dusting of sugar on just before baking. Hubby's favorite is Snickerdoodles with extra cinnamon. Of course you can't go wrong with a chocolate chip cookie base because you can change it up so much. You can change the flavor of the chips or you can add things like nuts, cranberries, oats.

    Thank you for the wonderful chance to win a copy of EX’D OUT! Shared and hoping to be the extremely fortunate one selected.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Kay - you are making hungry with the mention of all these wonderful cookies! My daughter's favorite variation on the chocolate chip cookie is one where you add crushed potato chips, pretzels, and peanuts. I have heard them called by several names, but we just call them everything cookies.

    2. Oh my! I just might have to whip up some like those and give them a try. Thanks for the idea!

  6. Our favorite cookie recipe is Buckeyes—chocolate covered peanut butter balls—but you must add the rice crispies for the extra crunch!
    I love cozy mysteries. They are my go-to

    1. Caryn- I love peanut butter cookies and these sound delicious!

  7. Nice to meet you, Christine! Thank you for the recipe for your delicious looking cookies! Our family is addicted to Pecan Tassies at Christmastime. We make about 7 or 8 varieties of cookies, but the Pecan Tassies are the first to be eaten. They are mini pecan pies that are relatively easy to make, but are time consuming. We love them. I shall try to bake yours and hope they become favorites also. I can't wait to read EX'D OUT and BORROWED TROUBLE!!! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Hope you enjoy the books! My favorite pie at Thanksgiving is pecan pie so I know I would love Pecan Tassies!

  8. We always make cut out sugar cookies and decorate them. Another favorite is pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

    Your book sounds so good! Thanks for the chance!

    1. Good luck on winning the book! One funny thing I have found in making these sugar cookies is that some shapes work better then others - many an elf has come out looking like a frightening blob.

  9. Congratulations on the new book! Sounds wonderful and so do the cookies. Our favorite cookies are the chocolate chip ones from my mom's old recipe. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  10. Welcome to Mystery Lovers' Kitchen, and Congratulations on the new book. LOVE cookies. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you for reading! Hope you like both the cookies and the books.

  11. What is the difference between Irish butter and butter in the US?

    1. It says Irish butter on it! Really, though, you can certainly use butter from the US. I actually think my grandmother did.

  12. One grandma's chocolate chip cookies and my other grandma's Twix bar cookies. Cut out cookies sugar cookies for Christmas are a must, we use my cousin's wife's recipe and it makes a huge batch. My mom has tons of cookie cutters, even a few her grandpa made himself. Then I also like to try one new recipe along with it at the holidays. The last couple years were hot chocolate cookies and Cool Whip crinkle cookies. Haven't picked anything yet for this year, might have to try this one. Your books are new to me so I'll be trying those too.

    1. Thank you - hope you enjoy the books. Those cool whip crinkle cookies sound interesting!

  13. Krumkaker shaped like an ice cream cone. Great with ice cream or a creme filling. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    1. Ice cream in a cookie - what's better than that! Good luck with the book raffle Kim.

  14. Congratulations! My family favorite is sugar cookies. This year I'll try your recipe-I bet the Irish butter makes all the difference. Thank you for the chance to win. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. Hope you like the recipe. As I said in a previous message I used Kerry Gold butter and the cookies came out great, but I'm sure you can use any butter that you would like and they will be fine.

  15. Every Christmas my daughter and I make Christmas tree cookies with a cookie press. I started making them as a kid and have made them every Christmas.

  16. Every year my Aunt Becky would make sugar cookies with icing and assorted toppings. She would use cookie cutters to make different shapes.
    Those cookies were always a holiday staple growing up. It was always a treat for my aunt to show up with her cookies at Christmas time.

    1. How wonderful! Even though I haven't done it over the past two years or so, I would make the first batch of sugar cookies the day after Thanksgiving. This was the official start of the Christmas season. I have to get back to doing it this year!

  17. My sister makes really good butter cookies with different cookie cutter’s depending on the season/occasion.

    1. I love butter cookies, too. I found with my recipe the cookie cutters that work best are "hollow" one - just the shape, no design. The dough sticks to the ones with the design built in and i end up with a mess!

  18. Welcome, Christine! I have those cookie cutters, too -- they were my mother's!

    1. They are the best! A couple fell apart over the years and the newer ones aren't as good!

  19. Yes, those cookie cutters are very familiar!
    I love to bake cookies and other sweet treats. Sadly, there aren't enough people here to eat them. The pressure is then on me to eat enough of them to justify making them before they have to be thrown out!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  20. I hope that every once in a while you give in to that pressure and indulge! Cookies are so comforting.

  21. I fall in with a long line of women who cooked and baked only when absolutely necessary, but I love a good culinary cozy. My mother did have one no-bake cookie recipe that we begged her to make at least once a month - something with cornflakes and peanuts and caramel and peanut butter - they were super easy to make and SO delicious!

    1. You can't argue with anything that is easy and delicious!

  22. My grandmother made the best date nut cookies. Thank you for the recipe, and this chance.

  23. It is just not Christmas around here without pizzelles. My favorite are the standard anise flavored, but almond and lemon go fast too. I have tried a chocolate variety and everyone loves them, but they get really sticky in the press and are a challenge to get baked and cleaned up after. Spritz cookies shaped like Christmas trees are always fun too! Congrats on the new release. makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

    1. My husband loves pizzelles - my mother-in-law used to make them for Christmas but I'm afraid I have never tackled them.

  24. Welcome to the kitchen, Christine! Looking forward to your books. I love the artwork on the cover of Borrowed Trouble.

    1. Thank you Molly, I was really pleased with the cover myself.

  25. My grandmother could bake like a wizard. My favorites of her delectable biscuits are rugalech, lemon biscuits and shortbread cookies. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. I have to say that the only cookies I remember my grandmother making were the sugar cookies, but I'm sure she made others- the sugar cookies stood out however. I also remember her excellent hot cross buns at Easter!

  26. How wonderful that you have a couple of your grandmother's cookie cutters!

    1. Yes Vera, they are my favorites to use when i bake the cookies.

  27. Mom used to make her mother-in-law's recipe for butterscotch cookies. It is a drop cookie and we found if you covered them while they were cooling on a platter they'd stay nice and soft. Perfect for those days your braces were tightened.

    1. That's a good tip to keep soft cookies soft - thanks!

  28. I have a chocolate chip cookie recipe that is my own version and everyone absolutely loves them

  29. Butter spritz cookies made by my dad and my husband's favorites he made with his mother. We both inherited their mirro cookie presents and I inherited my dad's metal cookies cutters like the one pictured here on the post! They have been holiday favorites that we made with our children and now our grandchildren.

    1. I think being able to use cookie cutters passed down from parents and grandparents really add to the tradition.

    2. I think that having the inherited cookie cutters really adds to the feeling of tradition!

  30. My favorite cookie is the walnut sugar cookies we make every Christmas.

  31. My cookies and cream flavored cookies are a family favorite for my cookie platters. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. They sound similar to the oreo balls my daughter makes at Christmas. In any case - I love the cookies and cream combo!

  32. My mother would make Pecan Puff cookies every Christmas! It became a favorite of my whole family. I have taken over making them since my mom has passed.

    1. I bet you think of your Mother every time you make them, too. I love pecan, and these sound delicious.

  33. Love to make pumkin cookies with real pumkin

    1. Pumpkin cookies always smell like fall while they are baking, don't they?

  34. Crescent cookies or Mexican Wedding cookies

    1. I have a recipe for mexican wedding cookies - I haven't made them in a while, but now you have reminded me of them maybe i will this year!

  35. Chocolate chips cookies are the one requested most, then cowboy cookies which are chocolate chip with oatmeal (lol). email kotzt77@

    1. My family loves chocolate chip, and the cowboy cookies sound very interesting!

  36. My favorite cookie is a sugar cookie. My husband likes chocolate chip but even when I make them I eat the cookies that have only a few chips. I like plain cookies!

    1. You can tell, sugar cookies are one of my very favorite also.

  37. I like sugar cookies with frosting especially during the holidays! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  38. It is Angel Wing cookies. It is a recipe I got from my Grandmother. My daughters and I make them every year.

  39. We love to make no-bake cookies, they are amazing.
