Tuesday, September 12, 2023

DAIRY-FREE HONEY APPLE CAKE (No Milk, No Butter, No Kidding) from author @CleoCoyle for #RoshHashanah


From Cleo Coyle: Dipping honey in apples is the traditional way to symbolize the hope for a sweet new year, which is why this delectable cake makes a wonderful dessert for Rosh Hashanah, the holiday that begins Friday evening, Sept. 15.

This tender, mouthwatering cake is also an excellent treat for coffee and tea breaks, especially during apple season. 
So let's start get our Honey Apple Cake on!


Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

🍏 A Note from Cleo

Years ago, I developed this delicious dairy-free Honey Apple Cake in honor of Rosh Hashanah and shared it on my recipe blog. 

More recently, I published it in our 19th Coffeehouse Mystery Honey Roasted, which will soon have a brand-new edition in mass market paperback, releasing October 10th (see the cover below)...

    paperback edition,
     coming Oct. 10th!

As for making the cake, my suggestion on the best type of apple to use is Golden Delicious—not to be confused with Red Delicious. Golden Delicious apples are slightly sweet and buttery and a very nice apple for baking. To see more reviews of apples for baking, click here to read a helpful at-a-glance post from Huffpost.

One final note, because of the "honey" culinary theme in our Coffeehouse Mystery Honey Roasted, Marc and I included a fun little guide to honey varieties at the top of the book's recipe section as well as plenty more delicious recipes (some with honey and some without). 

May you eat (and read) with joy! 

~ Cleo

To download a free PDF
of this recipe that you can
print, save, or share,

click here.

Click here to download
Cleo's free Recipe PDF.


Cleo Coyle's 
Honey Apple Cake 

Dairy-Free (No milk, No butter)


3 medium apples, peeled (I suggest Golden Delicious, see my Recipe Note above for the reason why.)
1/4 cup honey (For great flavor, I use raw honey)
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger (do not use fresh)
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
4 large eggs
3/4 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup granulated white sugar
3/4 cup canola or vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon Kosher salt (or 1/4 teaspoon table salt)
1-1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

Pan prep step: Fit a 9 x 13-inch pan with a parchment paper sling (see my photo below). The excess paper that hangs over the sides will act as handles and allow you to lift the cooled cake onto a serving platter. (Tip: I like to spray the pan lightly with non-stick spray first to help the paper to stick better to the pan’s bottom and sides.) The sides without paper should be sprayed with non-stick spray also.

Step 1 – Make the honey-apple topping: Shred the peeled apples with a boxed grater or food processor. 

Put the shredded apples in a saucepan and toss well with honey, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. Cook and gently stir over medium-high heat for 10 to 15 minutes. This pre-cooking will evaporate the excess moisture from the apples and soften and caramelize them for great flavor. When finished cooking, most (but not all) of the visible liquid should be gone from the pan; remove from heat and allow to cool while you create the cake batter.

Step 2 – Mix batter with one-bowl mixing method:
 Whisk eggs until slightly frothy. Add brown and white sugars, oil, salt, and baking powder, and whisk until well blended. Sift the flour into the bowl. Stir only enough until a smooth batter forms; do not over-mix or you will develop the gluten in the flour and your cake will be tough instead of tender. Batter will be loose.

Step 3 – Pour batter into pan and top with apples and honey: Pour the loose batter into the prepared pan and gently tilt the pan back and forth until the batter coats the bottom of the pan in an even layer. 

Using a fork, gently pick up the shredded, cooked apple topping (from Step 1), leaving behind any visible liquid, and drop the apples in small mounds across the batter in the pan. 

Use the fork’s prongs to separate these mounds and continue to spread the topping into an even layer across the batter. 

Drizzle the final 1 to 2 tablespoons of honey over the cake top. (If using raw honey, warm it a bit for drizzling consistency.)

Step 4 – Bake: Bake in a well-pre-heated oven at 350°F for 30 to 40 minutes. The time will depend on your oven. Cake is done when the batter has turned golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out free of batter. (Tip: The cake center will take a bit longer to cook than the outside edges, but take care that your cake’s edges do not over-cook.)

Serve: Cool the cake in the pan. Gently run a knife between the cake and the pan sides that are not covered with parchment paper (to loosen the cake and prevent sticking); and then use the parchment paper “handles” to gently lift the cake onto a cutting board or serving platter and slice into squares. 

This cake is delicious on its own or with dairy-free whipped cream (made from coconut milk). If you’d like that easy recipe for making whipped cream (without milk or cream), click here to download a free PDF (give a few moments to load), and…eat with joy!

☕ Serve with 
Cleo's Cold Brew!


Eat (and read) with joy!

New York Times bestselling author
of The Coffeehouse Mysteries and
Haunted Bookshop Mysteries

Cleo (Alice) with her husband Marc

Visit Cleo's online coffeehouse here.
And follow her at these links...

Our 20th 

Coffeehouse Mystery!

Bulletproof Barista

Pre-order now at:

Bulletproof Barista
includes a killer menu
 of delicious recipes!

New Paperback Edition!

Includes a mini guide
to honey varieties
and a wonderful menu
of delicious recipes...

Click here or on the image above
for Cleo Coyle's Free Illustrated
Recipe Guide to Honey Roasted

Don't Miss Our New
Haunted Bookshop


Jack & Pen 
Together Again!


~ Fresh Fiction

"DELIGHTFUL" ~ Kirkus Reviews

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Cleo is now working on her 
next book and 

Don't miss her book news, 
bonus recipes, and fun 

prize package giveaways!



Click here to download
Cleo's free Recipe PDF.


  1. That is a honey of a honey apple cake Cleo. Now that I slipped in that pun I want to tell you how excited I am about Honey Roasted. I listened to the audiobook last year and decided I had to have it. Thanks for your stories and your recipes.

  2. Thank you for this delicious sounding recipe! Perfect now that it's almost apple season too.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Wonderful recipe. Thanks, Cleo.

  4. This cake looks so delicious. The first photo should appear in the dictionary as a description of "delicious" :-) With so many apples in season already starting, it is great to have a new option to bake. Thank you for sharing! Luis at ole dot travel

  5. Wow that looks delicious and perfect for Fall! aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  6. A perfect way to start a sweet new year!
    Well done and thanks.

  7. Thank you love apple recipes and this sounds delicious

  8. Just dropping in to thank you all for the lovely comments. I'm so happy to know you enjoyed the post. xoxo

    This is a great time of year for apples, isn't it? Apple cider, apple picking, even candy apples. And in keeping with the honey-apple theme for Rosh Hashanah week, I like to make them with honey rather than corn syrup. Check out that recipe by clicking this link, if you're interested in seeing it >> CLEO'S CANDY APPLES WITH HONEY and have a delicious September, everyone!

    ~ Cleo
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