Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Risotto with Chanterelles and Peas #recipe by @LeslieKarst


Risotto, though fairly labor-intensive, is actually a great dish for a dinner party, as most of the preparation can be done in advance, leaving only the last few minutes of cooking until right before service.

This is the recipe from my newest Sally Solari mystery, A Sense for Murder, which is used for the vegetarian main at the Pages and Plums benefit dinner the sets the story in motion, but chicken stock works equally well. And if you can’t find fresh chanterelle mushrooms, feel free to substitute another kind, such as crimini—or canned mushrooms, as I do here.


Risotto with Chanterelles and Peas


5-6 cups vegetable or chicken stock (unsalted)

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 small onion, finely chopped

½ - ¾ lb. chanterelle (or other fresh) mushrooms, coarsely chopped (or 2 4-oz. cans sliced mushrooms)

4 cloves garlic, minced

3 teaspoons fresh thyme or sage, chopped

1½ cups Arborio rice

½ cup dry white wine or white vermouth

1 cup peas (fresh, or frozen and thawed)

salt and black pepper

1 cup finely grated Parmesan and/or Pecorino Romano cheese

chopped chives or parsley, for garnish



If using canned mushrooms, drain them and add the mushroom liquid to your stock. Heat the stock in a saucepan and keep it at a simmer as you prepare the risotto.

In a large, non-stick skillet, heat the oil over medium heat till it shimmers, then add the onions and cook, stirring occasionally until they start to soften, about two minutes. Add the garlic, thyme or sage, and mushrooms, and continue to cook until the mushrooms have softened (if fresh), or until they start to brown at the edges (if canned). 



Turn the heat up to medium-high, then add the rice and stir well, so all the grains are coated with the oil in the pan.  


As soon as the rice starts to crackle, pour in the wine and continue to cook, stirring often, until the wine has all been absorbed. 


Ladle in enough simmering stock to just cover the rice, and keep stirring until the stock is absorbed. Continue to add one or two ladlefuls of stock, stirring until absorbed, then adding more stock. Once the rice is par-cooked—i.e., it still has quite a bit of bite to it (which should be after about 10 minutes)—you can turn off the heat and let the risotto sit until ready to finish cooking right before service. 


About ten minutes before you want to eat, add the peas to the risotto, then reheat the stock and the rice. 


Taste for seasoning, and add salt and black pepper as desired. Continue to ladle in stock and stir the risotto until absorbed, repeating the process until the risotto is done: the rice should be cooked all the way through, but still slightly al dente.

Stir in the cheese and one final ladleful of hot stock, then remove from heat and serve immediately, garnished with chives or parsley. 


🌿  🍸  🌱


the brand new Sally Solari mystery

is now available for purchase!




“[Sally is] sassy, irresistible company... Culinary cozy fans will be in heaven.”

 --Publishers Weekly


“An enjoyable read for mystery mavens and foodies alike.”

--Kirkus Reviews

Also now available:

Justice is Served:  A Tale of Scallops,

the Law, and Cooking for RBG

(available for purchase here)

"a suspenseful, exhilarating memoir; Karst relays her determination to serve the 'perfect' meal to RBG alongside an uplifting, enlightening portrayal of one of the most admired justices in the history of the Supreme Court." 

-Foreword Reviews (starred review)


"[This] book is a romp from cover to cover—and, just like a great meal, left me ready for more."

-Karen Shimizu, executive editor, Food & Wine-

All of the Sally Solari Mysteries are available through AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Bookshop.





  1. Thank you so much for the Risotto with Chanterelles and Peas recipe. It sounds more time consuming than difficult and something I can't wait to try.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Yes, it isn't difficult at all, and if you you can convince your family or guests to hang out in the kitchen with you while you stir it, it can be a social occasion!

  2. Thank you for the recipe. I've never made risotto but this looks like a recipe I could follow. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. I was nervous the first time I made it, too, but now it's one of my go-to recipes!

  3. I love risotto, and have not had Chantarelles in quite a while. I will try to make this delicious recipe. Thank you so much Leslie! Luis at ole dot travel

  4. This does sound like a winner.
    Hm...I have some lobster meat in the feezer. I think they were made for each other!

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  6. Thank you for the recipe this is a new one to me sounds delicious
