Thursday, August 24, 2023

Brown Sugar and Honey Glazed Carrots @VMBURNS #recipe

 VMBurns: When I was younger, I never liked cooked carrots. I liked raw carrots, but if you cooked them, then count me out. As often happens, as I aged, my taste buds changed. Or, maybe my Burns Family sweet tooth kicked in. I don't really know, but I now like glazed carrots. On a recent trip home to visit my dad, I was running out of quick vegetables to make for his dinner. While rummaging through the fridge, I found a bag of carrots and Voila! He must have liked them because when I finished my meetings and went to finally eat my dinner, there were no carrots left. 



  • 1 lb carrots, sliced
  • 1/4 Cup of water
  • 2 Tablespoons butter
  • 2 Tablespoons Brown Sugar
  • 1 1/2 Tablespoons Honey


  1. Rinse the baby carrots and place them in a sauce pan.
  2. Add water and simmer.
  3. Add the brown sugar, honey, and butter.

  4. Cook the carrots over medium heat for 10-15 minutes, until bubbly and caramelized.
  5. Salt to taste and serve.


With small-town New Bison’s Spring Festival just around the corner, the pressure is on Maddy to continue her late great-aunt Octavia’s legacy. That means scoring the top prize and transforming Baby Cakes into Southwest Michigan’s must-visit bakery, even though her inexperience in the kitchen brings nightmares of humiliating tagged photos and scathing reviews.

There’s another reason for lost beauty sleep. A second bakery is opening in town under the ownership of CJ Davenport, a shrewd investor with a reputation for sabotaging anyone who gets in his way. And savvy, flashy Maddy tops his list. It’s a sticky spot to be in—more so when Davenport turns up dead with a Baby Cakes knife stuck in his back.
Maddy’s whole life just went from #thriving to barely surviving. Now, supported by the crafty Baker Street Irregulars and her new boyfriend, she must find the courage to face off against a killer who could very well get her name trending for the first and last time . . .


  1. Replies
    1. My dad must have liked them since he ate them all and didn't save any for me. :-)

  2. I think I can almost smell them! :) Now I'm craving carrots.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  3. Wow! He ate the whole pound of carrots?! Impressive.

  4. Interesting recipe, which I shall try. I do love carrots in everything, but have never made them with added sugars. Thank you for sharing, dear Valerie! Luis at ole dot travel

  5. I make my carrots the same way - love them. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  6. I roast them in the oven and it brings out the sweetness of the carrots

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