Sunday, July 23, 2023

Spotlight on Murder is a Piece of Cake by Valerie (V. M.) Burns #SpotlightSunday #giveaway

One Sunday every month, Mystery Lovers' Kitchen turns the spotlight on ourselves to allow readers a chance to get to know each of us better. Today is my turn in the spotlight. However, I think if you've read any of my books, you already know a lot about me. Let's see.

I was born and raised in South Bend, Indiana. Never heard of it? It's in the Northwestern part of Indiana, only 90 miles from Chicago and close to the Michigan state line. It's also the home of one of my alma maters, the University of Notre Dame (Go Irish)! My R.J. Franklin Mystery series is set in the fictionalized version of South Bend. I call it, St. Joseph, Indiana. Why? St. Joseph is the county for South Bend. It's also the name of the river that passes through the town. There's even a prominent catholic university there. In the books, I call it JAMU, Jesus and Mary University. I'll bet you can guess what I based that on.😄 All of the titles in my RJ Franklin Mystery series are taken from Negro Spirituals. There are also soul food recipes in the back of the book. TRAVELLIN' SHOES is the first book in the series and it's the first book I ever wrote.

After graduating from Northwestern University (undergrad) and the University of Notre Dame (Masters), I got a job in St. Joseph, Michigan. St. Joe is 30 miles north of South Bend. If you've read my Mystery Bookshop Mystery series, you might recognize St. Joseph as the fictionalized town of South Harbor, Michigan. It's a quaint town on the shores of Lake Michigan with cobblestone streets and loads of charm. Later, I moved to Benton Harbor, which I refer to in the series as North Harbor. Benton Harbor is the home of bookshop owner, cozy mystery author, and amateur sleuth, Samantha Washington. Sam was a high school English teacher who dreamed of quitting her job, opening a mystery bookshop, and writing British historic cozy mysteries. I was never a high school English teacher, but Sam and I share the same dreams. I don't have the mystery bookstore (YET), but thanks to this series, I get to write both a contemporary mystery AND a British historic cozy because there is a story-within-a-story. Oh, and Sam and I have one more thing in common. We both own toy poodles. Samantha has two chocolate toy poodles and so did I. In fact, the toy poodles on the covers of the Mystery Bookshop Mystery series were based on my dogs. In the books, they are named Snickers and Oreo. In reality, they were Coco and Cash. Sadly, they have both crossed the rainbow bridge, but I'm thrilled that they can live on in my books. 

After publishing my Mystery Bookshop Mystery series, my publisher asked if I wanted to write another series. That started my Dog Club Mystery series. This series it features a CPA and amateur sleuth, Lily Anne Echosby. At the start of the series Lily lives in Northwestern Indiana (sound familiar?). Later, she relocates to Chattanooga, Tennessee. I was never an accountant (math isn't my thing), but I did work for a CPA firm for twelve years. I left the CPA firm and went to work for an appliance manufacturer in Southwest Michigan. This company asked if I wanted to relocate to their new facility in Tennessee. Leave the cold Midwestern winters and move to the South? YES! I jumped at the chance. Like Lily, I needed a change and I longed for warmer weather. In the first book in the series, Lily gets a black toy poodle and gets involved with a dog club (and I got a black toy poodle). I too, used to belong to a dog club where I competed with Coco and Cash in canine obedience and agility. Look at Coco fly!!

My Baker Street Mystery series started in 2022. The first book, TWO PARTS SUGAR, ONE PART MURDER, released in August 2022. It features Madison Montgomery, a social media influencer who is dumped by her fiancé during their livestreamed wedding. Maddy is humiliated and looking for a place to hideout, when she learns she's inherited a house, a bakery, and a 250lb English mastiff named Baby from her Great Aunt Octavia. But, in order to get her inheritance, she has to live in the house, run the bakery, and keep the dog for one year. The only problem is, Maddy can't cook. Here's where my life veers away from my books. I'm not a social media influencer. In fact, truth be told, I kind of suck at social media. I don't own a big 250lb dog. I have 2 toy poodles who weigh less than 20 lbs TOGETHER. And, unlike Maddy, I do know how to cook. In fact, I love baking. So, why write about a character who is completely different from me? Because I also enjoy living vicariously through my characters. In this series, at least for a little while, I can be the cool social media influencer with the amazing designer wardrobe and the big dog.

Here are my two poodles, Kensington (aka Kenzie) is the black toy poodle. YES, I named her after my publisher. She is 8 years old and loves to cuddle. Chloe is 3 years old. She is the troublemaker. Don't let that calm demeanor fool you. She's plotting mischief. 

That sums me up in a nutshell. Was I right? Did you already know everything about me simply by reading  my books? Well if you want to stay up to date on book sales, new releases, enter giveaways, and find out what the poodles are up to, follow me on these social media sites. 




READERS: Madison Montgomery in my Baker Street Mystery Series is a Social Media Influencer. Do you use/like social media? If so, which ones are your favorites? I'm on Facebook, Instagram, and Threads. Let me know in the comments to be entered for a copy of Murder is a Piece of Cake. US ONLY (Sorry, the customs fees are just too much. Last time I sent a book to Canada it was $40). Be sure to include your email address if you want to be included for the giveaway.

With small town New Bison’s Spring Festival just around the corner, the pressure is on Maddy to continue her late great-aunt Octavia’s legacy. That means scoring the top prize and transforming Baby Cakes into Southwest Michigan’s must-visit bakery, even though her inexperience in the kitchen brings nightmares of humiliating tagged photos and scathing reviews.
There’s another reason for lost beauty sleep. A second bakery is opening in town under the ownership of CJ Davenport, a shrewd investor with a reputation for sabotaging anyone who gets in his way. And savvy, flashy Maddy tops his list. It’s a sticky spot to be in—more so when Davenport turns up dead with a Baby Cakes’s knife stuck in his back.
Maddy’s whole life just went from #thriving to barely surviving. Now, supported by the crafty Baker Street Irregulars and her new boyfriend, she must find the courage to face off against a killer who could very well get her name trending for the first and last time . . .

MURDER IS A PIECE Of CAKE, the second book in the Baker Street Mystery series released on June 27, 2023. 


  1. Hi Valerie. Thanks for the update on you. I'm mostly on Facebook. I rarely use Instagram and Threads.

    1. Dru Ann, I love your daily words of wisdom on Facebook. Thanks for the comment.

  2. I use Facebook and Instagram.
    Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot) net

    1. Christine, I think Facebook and Instagram are the most popular social media platforms for cozy mystery readers. You're in good company. Thanks for the comment.

  3. I use Facebook. Thanks for the chance!

    1. Jess, thanks for leaving a comment. I hope you'll follow me on Facebook! Good Luck!

  4. Congrats on all your success Valerie! I love hearing the backstory, especially about your dogs. that's an amazing photo!

    1. Thanks. That's one of my favorite photos, too. Hard to imagine my life without those poodles. :-)

  5. Hi Valerie! I loved the Dog Club Mystery series - please write more! Currently I am reading the Mystery Bookshop series (Killer Words is where I am). I use Facebook most, Instagram some, just signed up for Discord and will have to check out Threads. Thank you for the chance to win a book in a new to me series. madamhawk at gmail dot com.

    1. I'm so glad you have enjoyed the Dog Club Mystery series. I might add more to the series one day. You never know. Good luck!

  6. Hi, I use, Facebook, Bookbub, Goodreads for books and newsletters to my favorite Authors.


    2. Deborah, thanks for sharing your favorite social media sites. Bookbub and Goodreads are great for staying up to date with authors and for sales. Good luck!

  7. Facebook, Instagram and Goodreads. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  8. Congratulations on another book! I love your puppies! I only have Facebook. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Riley, Thank you for sharing. Facebook seems to be the common denominator here. Good luck!

  9. I love getting to know you better through this spotlight, Valerie!

    1. Edith, thank you. It's surprisingly hard to talk about yourself. :-)

  10. Not on social media

    1. Some days, I think not being on social media would be such a blessing. Thanks for commenting and good luck!

  11. Hi! As you know, you are one of my favorite authors and I would LOVE to win your book! I use Facebook just about every day. I review books on Goodreads. lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Linda, you are so kind. Thank you! I know authors appreciate the reviews (especially the positive ones). Thank you for being such a great supporter. Good luck!

  12. I use Facebook mostly, for staying up to date with friends/family (and favorite authors). I have Twitter but no one I know does so that's more for keeping up with book announcements too. I got Instagram for book stuff too but I rarely go on because I just don't get it. I have a hard time figuring out what button does what as far as saves and shares and whatnot. Not sure if it counts, but I use Goodreads for keeping track of the books I own and my wishlist so my sister and I can easily see if we want to borrow something or get a gift idea.

    1. Alicia, I think you're not alone with not being sure about which buttons do what in Instagram. Goodreads and Bookbub are great sites for keeping up with authors. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  13. Wonderful Spotlight, Valerie. Loved reading about the inspirations for the settings and ideas in your many terrific books and learning about your adorable dogs (so cute that you named one of your poodles after your publisher). Cheers and happy congrats on the publication of your new Baker Street Mystery, an Amazon Best of the Month, woot!

    1. Cleo, thank you so much. You are very kind. When my new series that comes out in December was being considered by Berkley, I thought about naming Chloe after them. However, they hadn't made an offer, yet and I thought I would jinx it if I did.

  14. What fun to read more about you and the inspiration for your wonderful series! I remember fondly sitting with you at Malice the year we met chatting about our time at Notre Dame, though our years there did not overlap, and you know I love this series! Congratulations!

    1. Leslie, I absolutely remember sitting next to you at Malice. I was in awe. Thanks for the support. So nice to meet another Domer. Thank you!

  15. Thank you for this post. I love reading about authors' lives. I happen to love toy poodles and I think putting Coco and Cash on your covers is a beautiful way to remember them. I do like social media and use Facebook and Instagram daily -mostly to keep up with family and Kensington's Between the Chapters Book Club. I love that you named your poodle Kensington as well. Thanks for the chance to win. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. April, thank you so much. I love Kensington's Between the Chapters Book Club and the fact that they don't limit the conversation to just books they publish. Thanks for the comments and good luck!

  16. I use Instagram. I find a lot of books there! Thanks for the giveaway! c85516246 at Gmail dot com

  17. I just love your Baker Street series, dear Valerie. I guess I now do know more about you 😊 Thank you for all your brilliant writing. Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Luis, thank you so much. I appreciate your kind words and support. Good luck!

  18. Ah the vicarious lives of authors. What fun!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. Libby, I wish my life was as exciting as the characters in my books. Of course, that might be a problem since they all keep stumbling across dead bodies! ROFL. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  19. Think I just found a new series to read. I’m on Facebook and Instagram.

    1. Woot! Woot! So glad you found me. I hope to catch you on Facebook or Instagram!

  20. Love your books! This was a nice way to know more about you! I use Facebook, Instagram and Goodreads. Mostly following authors and book reviews. Thanks for the chance!


    1. Thanks for the comment. I agree Facebook, Instagram, and Goodreads are great ways to follow authors. You might also want to consider BookBub. They do a great job of notifying followers about book sales. Good Luck!

  21. So fun to learn all these details about the intersection (or not) of your life and books, Valerie. (And that photo of Coco at agility class is fabulous!)

    1. Leslie, thank you. That's one of my favorite pictures of Coco. Ears flying back in the wind and up, up, and away. She loved agility and especially tunnels. I have one photo where she was going so fast through a tunnel that she wiped out at the end. It was awesome!

  22. I only use Facebook. Love the Baker Street mystery series and can't wait to read the latest! aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. AWESOME! Thank you so much. I'm thrilled when I hear people love my books. Thanks for the comment and good luck!

  23. I use Facebook and Twitter. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Paula, Thank you so much for the comment. Good luck!

  24. I am so-so with social media. I use Facebook and am just learning Instagram. Having social media allows me to connect with authors I would probably never get to meet in real life. I was on with you and members of Cozies,Conversations and More the other day. I love your books and have read all but your newest series. Thanks for the chance.

    1. I'm so sorry about the technology issues I had during the Cozies, Conversations and More. I hope January will be better. So, glad you've enjoyed my books. Good luck!

  25. I use Facebook. Thanks for the giveaway.
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

    1. I spend more time on Facebook than anywhere else. Thanks for sharing and good luck!

  26. Facebook is it. I follow a few book related blogs. I loved reading about your smart little troublemakers!

    1. LOL - Those poodles are definitely troublemakers. Glad you've enjoyed reading about them. Good Luck

  27. I am usually on FB. I dabble in others a little bit. I loved reading all about you. Wow, you are one busy woman. Awww love your poodles. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Lori, I'm so glad you enjoyed the spotlight and the poodles. :-) Hope to see you on Facebook and good luck!

  28. I love learning a little more about you - I really enjoy the Mystery Bookshop series and the first Baker Street Mystery book. I'm looking forward to more! I basically just use Facebook, although I have a lot of origami how-to videos on YouTube (for my library). I'm a cat person, but I love mysteries that feature dogs, too! teenlibn(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. So glad that you've enjoyed the books. Thank you so much and good luck!

  29. I love my my book clubs on Facebook and post about what I’m reading on Instagram.

  30. I enjoyed reading about how your life and your books intertwine, Valierie. Facebook is the only social medium I am on. I mean to go on others but which ones? A few years back I was getting psyched to go on Pinterest. Now, nobody even mentions it.

    1. MaryAnn, it's amazing to me how quickly social media changes. I use Pinterest but you're right. I don't hear people talking about it either.

  31. Thank you for introducing Coco and Cash, and your books!! I can't have enough of Kenzie and Chloe - and I thought they are same age!

    1. Emily, I loved including my dogs in my books. They are an important part of my life. Glad you've enjoyed reading about them. Good Luck!

  32. Facebook and pinterest are the only ones I am active on lately. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  33. I enjoyed reading this post Valerie and getting to know you!

  34. Yes I use social media but I don't like any of it. I am a user of Facebook and Instagram.
    Donna McKenzie

    1. I can understand your feelings about social media. My feelings change from one day to the next. Thanks for sharing.

  35. Valerie, Thanks for the update! I love your books!

  36. I’m only on FB—spend enough time on that. I’m from MI and know the settings for your books. Great to get to know you.

    1. How cool. Nice to meet a Michigander. Thanks for commenting.

  37. I read your book “Murder is a Piece of Cake”. I couldn’t wait! I LOVED the book.

  38. I'm always on Facebook. I read the first book in the series and loved it!

    1. Thanks for sharing. So glad you loved Two Parts Sugar, One Part Murder. I hope you will enjoy Murder is a Piece of Cake, too. Good luck!

  39. I have mixed success with book clubs on Facebook. Most times unless it’s a livestream I fell like I miss half the posts even if I keep refreshing. I spend a little time on Facebook and an even smaller amount on instagram. I really like the Mystery Bookshop series and would enjoy learning more about Madison. awanstrom(at)
