Thursday, June 29, 2023

Profiteroles @LucyBurdette

LUCY BURDETTE: Probably the most memorable dessert I had in Paris in April was a profiterole served at Parcelles restaurant. As you can see from the video below, the pastry puff was stuffed with coffee flavored ice cream. Then hot fudge sauce was poured over the top of the puff at the table. 

It was spectacular and of course I had to try to recreate it at home--what better way to continue to celebrate THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS?

Ingredients for the choux puff pastry

I was relieved to find that both the Joy of Cooking and Dorie Greenspan's Baking Chez Moi listed the same ingredients. I used their list:

1/2 cup whole milk

1/2 cup water.

1 stick a.k.a. 8 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into four pieces.

1 tablespoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon fine salt

1 cup flour

Four large eggs at room temperature

Preheat the oven to 425 with the baking racks positioned at the bottom and top thirds of the oven.

Add the milk, water, butter, sugar, and salt to a medium sauce pan and bring to a low boil. Add the flour all at once, and stir vigorously with a wooden spoon over medium low heat. 

Once the dough comes together, begin to add the eggs one by one, beating thoroughly after each addition, until no signs of yolk and white remain. The dough will come together into a smooth ball by the end of the last egg.

Using a cookie scoop, place the puffs on parchment lined baking sheets, about 2 inches apart.

Put the cooking sheets into the oven and turn the heat down to 375. Bake at this temperature for 20 minutes, then rotate the pans up and down and back to front and back to bake for another 10 to 15. 

You will know they are done when they are beginning to brown and sound hollow when tapped. Transfer to a rack and let the puffs cool.

When it’s time for dessert, slice the puffs in half and add a scoop or two of ice cream in between. (We gave our guests the choice of chocolate, coffee, or strawberry--or a mix.) Finally, douse in hot fudge sauce. (Find that recipe here.) Ooh la la!


Is there a recipe for the perfect life?

Thirty-two-year-old ‘happiness guru’ Dr. Cooper Hunziker has it all—a dream job as assistant psychology professor at Yale University, a soon-to-be published self-help book, The Happiness Connection, and the perfect guy. But there’s a problem. Cooper isn’t happy.

Of course, it doesn’t help that she’s facing cut-throat competition for her tenure at Yale, an accusation of plagiarism that could cost her everything, or that her new book has irritated the department chairman, who assigns her to co-lead a happiness group at the New Haven library.

As her friendship with the other ladies in the group flourishes, Cooper finds herself questioning her choices. Forced to face a life-changing betrayal, a gargoyle’s wisdom, and her own traumatic past, can she navigate her own path to happiness?





  1. These sound so yummy! Question - do you remove the pan from the stove before you beat in the eggs? And if one doesn't have a cookie scoop, how big should the balls be? Two inches? Three? Thanks.

    1. Yes remove the pan from the heat. I'm guessing two inches, but it will depend on how big you want them to be!

  2. I may be missing it but how much flour is used in the recipe? This used to be one of my standard desserts for company. I would enjoy adding them into my rotation again. Thank you!

    1. Oops I'm glad you caught that--1 cup of flour! I added that on the blog, thanks Marge.

  3. Thank you for the yummy sounding recipe. I will be giving this one a try.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  4. Qoh la la indeed Lucy! Thank you for this happy recipe. It looks so easy to do, but I have failed a few times...practice makes perfect, so now you have inspired me to try again! The ice cream component has endless possibilities, and I haven't tried that before. Congratulations on THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS. Just the title is motivation enough to read it...but to know you wrote it makes it imperative reading! Thank you so much. Luis at ole dot travel

  5. oh my gosh those sound delicious - especially with my favorite coffee ice cream. Thank you for the recipe. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I first had profiteroles at the Ritz in Boston. I decided to learn to make them (thank you Julia Child) and had them cooling on a rack to be filled and served to company. When I went back to the kitchen, half of them were missing and some were sticking to our bearded collie!

    1. The culprit didn't hide himself very well LOL! They must have been delicious Peg!

  8. I used to get those at The Magic Pan . . . delightful, as is the book <3
    Storyteller Mary

  9. Oh my! Sign me up!
