Sunday, June 23, 2024

Spotlight on Molly MacRae – Trivia and a #Giveaway #SpotlightSunday

It’s my turn in the Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen spotlight, again, so let’s have some fun with MM trivia. There’s one correct answer for each question. 

Don't worry about getting the answers right. Just let me know your favorite question and answer in the comments for a chance to win one of three copies of Come Shell or High Water, book #1 in my new Haunted Shell Shop Mysteries. I’ll choose winners around noon on Tuesday 6/25.

MM Trivia

(You'll find the answers below.)


1.      What’s the most out-of-the-blue surprising thing a reader did after reading my Haunted Yarn Shop mystery series?

A.     Named a racehorse after the yarn shop

B.     Opened a haunted yarn shop with its own ghost

C.    Named their new baby girl Geneva after the ghost

D.    Painted a portrait of Geneva the ghost


2.      What’s the most surprising place one of my books has been mentioned?

A.     In a menu at a café in Scotland

B.     On the local six o’clock news

C.    In Murder, She Wrote: Domestic Malice by Jessica Fletcher and Donald Bain

D.    During a funeral for a museum curator


3.      What do I love about freshwater mussels?

A.     Their beautiful shells

B.     Their freshwater pearls

C.    Their names

D.    Their role in alerting us to changing environmental conditions  


4.      What are my brother Andy and I doing in this pile of leaves?

A.     Having lunch

B.     Waking up from a nap

C.    Staying out of the way while the rest of the family rakes

D.    As budding mystery writers would, we’re looking for clues


5.      Why is this dog reading Plaid and Plagiarism book #1 in my Highland Bookshop Mystery series?

A.     He has an audience of puppies listening to every word

B.     He misses Scotland

C.    He’s in the book

D.    He’s killing time before his appointment at the vet


6.      What kind of pet traveled the farthest with her reader fan to visit me?

A.     Llama

B.     Chicken

C.    Hedgehog

D.    Iguana


7.      I play the bagpipes like a pro.

A.     True

B.     Kind of true

C.    Absolutely and completely false


8.      I knit like a pro.

A.     True

B.     Kind of true

C.    Absolutely and completely false


9.      I cook like a pro.

A.     True

B.     Kind of true

C.    Absolutely and completely false


10.  I can sing Old MacDonald in Gaelic.

A.     True

B.     Kind of true

C.    Absolutely and completely false



1. The answer is A – there’s an honest to goodness racehorse out there named Weaver’s Cat because a reader likes the books so much.

2. The answer is C – in Murder, She Wrote: Domestic Malice by Jessica Fletcher and Donald Bain, Jessica reads my book Lawn Order before bed.

3. All the answers are true to some extent, but the real answer is C for me and for Maureen Nash, the amateur sleuth in Come Shell or High Water. We love the names like Fatmucket, Sheepnose, Higgin’s Eye, and Purple Wartyback.

4. The answer is D – we’re looking for clues (and that early practice worked. We both write mysteries).

5. The answer is C – that’s the real-life Quantum on whom I based the dog in the Highland Bookshop Mysteries. Quantum was an amazing dog who herded sheep and ducks. He was also an internationally certified therapy dog, and he appeared in the Westminster Dog Show.

6. The answer is B – a chicken named Red traveled from Alabama to Illinois to meet me. What a nice chicken!

7. Absolutely and completely false - I can tootle on the chanter but that's about it.

8. Absolutely and completely false - my limit is knitting flat rectangular things.

9. Kind of true. I made my way through school as a cook, first in a delicatessen, then in a bar and grill, then in a dormitory for 2,000 students. I’ve ended up a pretty good cook.

10. True - Old MacDonald in Gaelic is a ton of fun to sing.

Thanks for playing trivia with me!  

For a chance to win one of three copies of Come Shell or High Water, let me know your favorite question and answer in the comments. I’ll choose winners around noon on Tuesday 6/25.


 Out next week!

When widowed folklorist Maureen Nash visits a legendary North Carolina barrier island shell shop, she discovers its resident ghost pirate and the mystery of a local’s untimely death . . .


If you'd rather visit Scotland, try my Highland Bookshop Mysteries. 

In the mood for yarn and cool, green mountains of Tennessee? Try my Haunted Yarn Shop Mysteries.

There are short stories and stand-alone mysteries, too.

And super-gentle cozy mysteries written under my pen name, Margaret Welch.


The Boston Globe says Molly MacRae writes “murder with a dose of drollery.” She’s the author of the award-winning, national bestselling Haunted Yarn Shop Mysteries and the Highland Bookshop Mysteries. As Margaret Welch, she writes books for Annie’s Fiction. Her short stories have appeared in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and she’s a winner of the Sherwood Anderson Award for Short Fiction. Visit Molly on Facebook and Pinterest and connect with her on Twitter  or Instagram.


  1. I enjoyed all of your questions, Molly. What a great way to share the many wonderful aspects of your life and work. Love the pics, too. (And you fooled me. I would have guessed that you were an expert bagpiper!)

    1. Thanks, Cleo! Playing the pipes is one of the dreams I've let get away from. There's still hope though.

  2. I liked 6. What kind of pet traveled the farthest with her reader fan to visit me?

    1. It was so much fun meeting Red the chicken. She made a sweet purring sound when I petted her.

  3. I love these, Molly! We could play trivia with all of us around the kitchen table some Sunday!

  4. Replies
    1. And a pet chicken is especially fun. Thanks for stopping by.

  5. All the questions are fun, however my favorite is about the freshwater mussels, I love the colors inside their shells , especially the ones sometimes tinged with attractive iridescent colors. Thanks for the chance to win your book. Have a wonderful week. Rosemarie-

  6. How fun! I feel like I learned so much. I had no idea your brother wrote mysteries, too. Must be in the genes.

    1. Thanks, Valerie! There are six of us and we're somewhat interchangeable.

  7. Number 5 was my favorite.
    Kitten143(at) Verizon (dot) net

  8. I love 2's real answer and 5's fake answer about the vet. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. It was so much fun to read about Jessica Fletcher reading my book. Tickled me pink. And I think Quantum probably did carry a book with him to read at the Vet's office. He was an amazing dog.

  9. Tracey A calgalsh@aol.comJune 23, 2024 at 9:15 AM

    I have to say I only got 3 right to your quiz! I loved that the chicken was a visitor to you! Your book sounds fun!

    1. Good for you for getting any right! That chicken was a sweetheart.

  10. Yay, Molly! What a fun trivia game! This is so clever of allows us to know more about you. I loved trying toanswer and then compare mine with your correct ones. If I must select one, it would be #6! Who would have thought of bringing a chicken across several states to meet an author :-) I have already been blessed by you as you selected me a winner in another contest. I am enjoying COME SHELL OR HIGH WATER, and am in the middle of it. I have had an eye infection that is clearing away slowly with antibiotic drops, so I hope to be able to read and finish your fun mystery shortly. I can't wait until THERE WILL BE SHELL TO PAY is born (Hopefully soon, since you typed "The End" alresdy :-) Thank you for the hours of fun you shower us eager eraders with...along with your culkinary treats! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Thanks, Luis! I'm so sorry to hear about the eye infection, though. I hope it clears up quickly. Take good care of it.

  11. #1. I think it’s cool/fun that a racehorse has a related name.

    1. The racehorse is such a fun, odd thing to happen. Thanks for stopping by the kitchen!

  12. Your questions and comments have me chuckling, especially you and your brother looking for clues and the pet chicken traveling to meet you!

    1. Red the chicken was a complete hoot. She made the sweetest purring sounds when she sat on my lap.

  13. What fun, Molly! Congrats on the new book, which you know I thought was delightful!

  14. I enjoyed all the questions. I loved the photo of you are your brother the best of all. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Thanks, Traveler! We were the right age for our teenage sisters to practice their photography skills.

  15. These were great! I especially loved #6 with the chicken named Red who traveled to you. Very cute! cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  16. Definitely a fun post. Number five is my favorite. You can beat a dog that can herd ducks. Our dog, Shadow, would herd our chickens and our neighbors would ask us to send Shadow over when their chickens got out. And your dog could read, too. Thanks for providing the answers. lroth(at)pcext(dot)com

    1. Ducks and chickens aren't easy to herd, that's for sure.

  17. I like #2, it's fun when the book I'm reading mentions other books/authors/movies I enjoy too. But the fake answer about the funeral- I was half hoping that was actually the correct answer because there would be a really good story behind it!

    1. It was so much fun reading about Jessica Fletcher reading my book. It still tickles me.

  18. I have seen different names for oysters but did not know that mussels are also named. I am in landlocked Ontario, lol.
    And Blogger is not playing nice today. It won't let me comment using my Google account.
    grace (dot) koshida(at)gmail (dot) com

    1. Blogger is a rascal. Glad you like the mussel names, too, Grace.

  19. A game--how fun!! And I love that photo of you and your brother!

  20. Those were all fun questions. I like the one about a racehorse the best.

    1. Isn't that cool? Such an unusual thing to happen.

  21. This was fun! I liked the picture of you and your brother looking for clues.

  22. I love #10 and want to see a video of you singing it.

    1. Ha! You probably don't really want to see a video, but it is a fun song - especially the the "here a moo, there a moo, everywhere a moo moo" part.

  23. Great questions but I liked the racehorse one best. What does your brother write? Thanks for the chance.

    1. Andrew writes short stories and has two fun novels - Murder Misdirected and Murder Miscalculated.

  24. Fun quiz! I liked #4. My brother and I would have been in metal tubs, "rowing" around the leaves.

  25. I liked #8, I would have thought you would be an accomplished knitter since you wrote a series featuring a yarn store. I'm the same kind of knitter only my specialty is knitting scarves. Looking forward to reading your new book.
    diannekc8(at)gmail (dot)com

    1. I'm kind of disappointed in myself about not being a better knitter. Maybe someday.

  26. My favorite is question #3 - the names of freshwater mussels. Like you i love the unusual names! They are so fun to say. Thank you for the trivia AND the chance to win. madamhawk at gmail dot com

  27. #5 is my favorite question and answer because I love watching herding dogs do their work. I also liked #3 because I learned that shellfish have names besides clam, mussel, etc.

    1. A talented herding dog is an amazing sight, isn't it? I'm glad you like the mussel names, too.

  28. Congratulations on a wonderful quiz, Molly! Can’t wait for the new book to be out in the world

  29. My favorite is Question # 6 with Answer B: Chicken.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. There's a lot to like about a traveling chicken.

  30. #3 I too enjoy the comical names that go with them. 😏😊 Kat

    1. It would be fun to make up a rhyming picture book with the names.

  31. Question 3 was fun because of their names. Thank you

  32. I like question #6. The answer is B.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  33. I have heard several songs in Gaelic and I can imagine that Old MacDonald IS fun to sing. I might have to ask my friend in Ireland to try it. egoehner(at)roadrunner(dot)com

  34. How fun! I loved the questions! My favorite is question number 8. I always enjoy when I'm watching a movie and a book I read is mentioned. How cool is that!? Thank you for the chance!!


  35. I was lucky enough to read advance copies of your first two “Plaid and Plagiarism” Books when Pegasus was distributed by Norton. I fell in love with the books ad have continued reading them Go Scotland! Looking forward to catching up on your other books!

    1. Thanks, Suzette! So glad you liked the Scottish books. I hope this one tickles you, too.

  36. Question 1, answer C , definitely Geneva

    1. It would be fun to meet a little girl named Geneva.

  37. I loved this--so much fun! I cook like a pro. Anyone who knows me at all knows that this statement is totally false! I can eat chocolate desserts like a pro though!! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  38. I like question six about the pet traveling with their reader to meet you. The chicken is hilarious, but probably all of them would be. awanstrom(at)

  39. Number 6. I want to meet Red! What a neat memory. Khpinelake (at) gmail (dot) com

  40. My favorite was #4 and waking up from a nap was my favorite answer. That could happen at my house with my grandkids.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  41. Happy to know this terrific book is out in the world now.

  42. I enjoyed all the questions, it was fun to play along!
