Sunday, June 2, 2024

Around the Kitchen Table: Summer Picnic Food + 4-Book #Giveaway



LESLIE KARST: "Official" summer doesn't arrive for a few more weeks, but since Memorial Day has passed, we can now wear white gloves and declare that the summer "season" is upon us. Which means lots of outdoor dining--be it picnics, BBQs, potlucks, or simply buying a hotdog from a street-side vendor and enjoying it on a convenient bench.  

So the question in the Kitchen today is, what is your favorite picnic or finger-food? (Napkins will be provided for those with white gloves.)

For me, it's gotta be deviled eggs. (Have you ever noticed that they're always the first thing to disappear at potlucks?) And other than peeling the darn things, which always seems to be a pain, whether the eggs are fresh or a month old, they're so easy to make! Here's one of my favorite recipes for deviled eggs, with cumin and chutney.


Fellow MLKers, what picnic foods do you look forward to come summertime?

Readers: Comment below for a chance to win 4 fabulous books from our Mystery Lovers' Kitchen authors!


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LESLIE BUDEWITZ:  I'm with you on the deviled eggs, and your variation sounds delish. Now, if this hypothetical meal is a picnic, I'd bring a huge bowl of this Tortellini Salad. It's my reconstruction of one I often got as takeout in a deli on the ground floor of the building where I worked in Seattle--readers of my Spice Shop mysteries will recognize it as Ripe, the deli run by Pepper's good friend Laurel. It was one of the first dishes I figured out how to recreate from something I'd loved, when I didn't have a recipe, and that's still big food fun in our house. 

If we're staying home, or we're coming to your house and you've got the grill on, I'd bring these Grilled Caprese Skewers, what my hunny aptly calls Summer on a Stick.

Curiously, both recipes originally appeared in Treble at the Jam Fest, in my Food Lovers' Village series. It's great fun to give the characters I love the food I love!

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Libby Klein I go to a lot of picnics away from home. Having several food intolerances, I have to be careful with what I choose, but my main rule after gluten is avoid mayonnaise. Those deviled eggs are at the top of my must-have list when the barbecue is at my house. And I bet all the cooks in the Mystery Lovers' Kitchen make amazing deviled eggs. But If I'm going to an all day outdoor event in the summer at ninety plus degrees, I prefer not to get food poisoning. My Gluten-free Pasta Salad is a great choice since everything is safe in the heat. Plus all those fresh vegetables and a really good olive oil is such a healthy choice that you can splurge on one of my gluten-free strawberry hand pies!


MADDIE DAY: I love summer picnics. And I'm with Libby on no picnic mayo away from home when it's warm out. I included a mayo-free Avocado Deviled Eggs recipe in Murder at the Taffy Shop, which would be a perfect picnic food.

Olive oil in a salad is a great picnic choice, but so is sesame oil. The Asian Noodle Salad recipe I shared as a Mystery Lovers' Kitchen guest before I was a regular blogger here is a perfect room temperature picnic food.

Robbie Jordan served the dish in her country store restaurant back in Death Over Easy, which takes place in July.

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PEG COCHRAN/MARGARET LOUDON: You need dessert at a picnic, right?  After you've polished off the deviled eggs, chips and dips and pasta salad.  Cookies are a natural.  They are a "finger food" dessert--delicious and easy to eat.  They're easy to pass around and can be made to accommodate any size crowd.  I'd bring a plate of these white chocolate cranberry orange cookies that Monica Albertson baked in Berried Motives, book #6 in my Cranberry Cove Series.

KORINA MOSS: My favorite finger food for any occasion is... (surprise, surprise) cheese! This was just one of several cheeseboards for the outdoor launch party of my first book, Cheddar Off Dead. But what I like about cheese is that you can get as elaborate as you want or you can have just one or two kinds, even without accompaniments. It's easy to pack, easy to eat, great for a crowd, and always delicious. 

VMBURNS: My favorite picnic food is roasted corn. I love corn in pretty much all of it's variations (boiled, fried, roasted, etc.), but there is something extra yummy about roasting corn on a grill. 

MAYA CORRIGAN: I wish I could go to a picnic where each us brought the dishes we're describing here. Watermelon is the food I associate with summer and picnics. When I was growing up, eating outdoors meant we could spit the big black seeds on the ground. Now that we have (mostly) seedless watermelon available for much of the year, I eat it more often, sometimes in combination with other fruit, as in the recipe I shared for watermelon berry salad

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CLEO COYLE: I think of picnic food as comfort food, and I’m always up for fried chicken and potato salad. Last summer, I shared my recipe for Mock Potato Salad, which is a nice option for anyone watching carbs. The recipe is delicious with standard potatoes, too, and I use baby reds and baby Yukon golds when I make it that way. 

As for the "mock" version, which subs cauliflower for the taters, there are some tricks to getting the best results, and I shared what I've learned in this recipe. Does it taste exactly like the real thing? No. But it's close. And if you or your loved ones are looking for a creamy, crunchy, low-carb side for a picnic, this one is worth a try. Have a delicious summer, everyone! ~ Cleo 

My Mock Potato Salad. Chilly. Crunchy. Creamy.
And good for you, too. Click here for the recipe
& downloadable PDF.

B O O K  
G I V E A W A Y!

Readers: What are your favorite foods of summer (white gloves not required)? Include your email address in case you win our fabulous giveaway!

Two Parts Sugar, One Part Murder by Valerie Burns

Death Over Easy by Maddie Day (aka Edith Maxwell)

Treble at the Jam Fest by Leslie Budewitz

Molten Death by Leslie Karst


  1. Being a New Englander I always relate seafood to summer. I can have it year round but it just tastes better in the summer. Lobster rolls, steamers, corn on the cob, strawberry shortcake for dessert is a perfect summer meal for me.

    1. I wish we could get good lobster rolls here in California, Jen!

  2. My favorite are deviled eggs, peach cobbler, and tri color pasta salad.
    Thanks for the chance!

    1. Those three would go together great for a picnic, Jess!

  3. If we have a get together, deviled eggs are a must! I grill year round, but love grilling fresh veggies in the summer! Yum!

    1. My zucchini are just starting to pop out, and looking forward to cooking them on the grill!

  4. As a child, to me picnics meant fried chicken. I look back now and think poor mom. She had to get up, cook everything for the day, package it to where it would still taste delicious come time to eat, and then clean up the kitchen because there was no coming home to a dirty kitchen all before we even left the house. There are many fond memories of a picnic at the park or traveling across country on vacation stopping at some shady place for a quick picnic of packed chicken before we went along on our journey.

    Today it is still a picnic food. Even though most drive through some place a grab a bucket, homemade is always the best. Add to it the fresh grown tomatoes and watermelon for later in the day and I'm ready to say - "Sign me up!".

    Thank you for the fabulous chance to win some fabulous books by some of my favorite authors!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Yes, it is amazing what our mothers did, Kay! As for fried chicken, I'm with you--I absolutely adore eating it, but making it, not so much. Too messy with all that oil! But nothing beats fried chicken and watermelon on a summer day!

  5. We do a lot of camping, so summer foods to me mean lots of grilling! Ribs, foil packs, steak - with a big tater salad or cowboy caviar with pasta as sides. And always a dessert, especially easy ones!

  6. I haven't tried it yet, but it's supposed to be hydrating and really good especially since it's hot outside.
    It's called Hwachae or Korean Watermelon Punch.


  7. My sister-in-law makes the best potato salad. I also love deviled eggs. Thank you for this chance. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Nothin' like deviled eggs and potato salad, Robyn!

  8. I love a simple picnic in a pretty setting. I have individual lunch bags for everyone so everyone carries their own on a walk. A big sandwich, chips, pickles, and some fruit. A cold drink helps keep everything chilled. So many parks to explore.
    suseyhomemaker@gmail dot com

    1. I like that idea, Susey--make everyone carry their own food! Save the hampers for when you have a car.

  9. I'm from the south, and potato salad and deviled eggs are mandatory at cook outs and picnics. Also macaroni salad.

  10. Deviled eggs, potato salad, asparagus roll ups, watermelon , and freshly squeezed lemonade make up my ideal summer picnic 🧺

    1. Asparagus roll-ups sound really good, Dorothy. Maybe for dinner tonight?

  11. since i'm always in camp dessert - texas sheet cake
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

    1. Lol! Not sure what makes Texas sheet cake different from any other, but now I want to try some!

  12. If I'm grilling at home I love to do fresh pineapple slices. If I'm going to a potluck, I always take shoepeg corn casserole. Fresh, homemade lemonade is always a hit.

  13. Nothing says Summer more to me and my first fresh tomato from the garden. I slice it and put it on two pieces of fresh crunchy bread with a little mayo, salt and pepper. I’ve had this delicacy most of my life. It’s simple. It’s yummy and always brings good memories.

    1. Agreed, Lucy--that first tomato of the season is so special--and amazing!

  14. I love deviled eggs. The corn on the cob also looks great and the potato salad. We also usually have barbecued sausage.

  15. Forgot my email!

  16. I love the roasted corn. I also love tomatoes for a picnic

    1. I forgot my email

    2. Yes--let's hear it for roasted corn!

  17. My go-to is a tomato, mozzarella, and fresh basil salad with olive oil, black pepper, and a hint of sea salt. Heaven!

    1. Oooo...insalata caprese--love that SO much, Beth!

  18. I love dips and cheeseballs with fun crackers

    1. Cheeseballs with fun crackers--sounds like a a party, indeed!

  19. I love to make deviled eggs and bbq meats. Lots of berries and taco salads. Oh but thanks for all the ideas above. Our daughter and her boyfriend are coming home for a weekend at the end of June and I cant wait. i am making a few of her favorite foods. There are allergies that I will have to work around but that is totally ok. thanks for the book give a way. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

    1. Yes, taco salad! And berries, berries, berries galore!

  20. Happy almost summer y'all !!! You have me salivating this early mornng while I am on my eliptical trying to stay as fit as I can (not as a fiddle 😂). My favorite foods to eat at a picnic are deviled eggs (with cumin and mango chutney, believe it or not!) plus a delicious Russian Salad that my daughter-in-law makes. It is a potato salad with carrots, peas, dill pickles and avocados...scrumptious! Thanks for all the great options you shared! Luis at ole dot travel

  21. We do a lot of camping in the summer. So that means grilling out! We do easy foil dinners over a fire with my garden tomatoes and zucchini. I also enjoy potato salad in the summer.

    Thanks for the chance!


    1. I haven't done a foil dinner in ages--I think it's time again!

  22. Fried chicken and pasta salad. Yum! ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  23. I want to read all of them! And try the recipes.

  24. I would love to sign up. I love to cook. I am gluten intolerant. But I make foods you can never tell that it is. I can make pretty much any recipe into a gluten free one and you can’t tell. You can ask my family and friends. I cook for my friends that have dietary issues too. I pride myself that any party I have or go too, I fix things that anyone can eat. It’s important to have food for everyone. So it’s not hard for me and my friends appreciate it. It’s an act of love and I consider it an adventure. Your recipes look wonderful. Enjoyed looking at them all. I am not a sea food person or liver, but my family is. Thanks. Look forward to getting and sharing with you all❤️👩🏻‍🍳👩🏻‍🍳

  25. Deviled eggs and my brother-in-law’s grilled teriyaki chicken

  26. Chicken thighs, good bread and tomato salad, chilled dry white or rosé wine, maybe cookies for dessert. My Mom and I used to pack a version of this when we went to Tanglewood and sat on the lawn for the concerts.

    1. That sounds like the perfect picnic--and concert! Just lovely.

  27. I love summer picnics. I agree that deviled eggs are a great thing to bring to a picnic, as they always go first. I love to grill in the summer, so I would bring bratwurst and hamburgers to grill and my mom’s famous potato salad!!

    I would love to read all these books, as I love to cook. Great giveaway.

  28. I think we'd all be happy to join you in a picnic! Such yummy offerings.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  29. Summer picnic foods are so wonderful! Some of my favorites are fried chicken, potato salad, deviled eggs, watermelon, corn on the cob, ribs, and grilled hamburgers and all the fixings, and ice cream in waffle cones.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. I'd like to eat every single one of those things, Nancy! But maybe not all at once...

  30. Grilling out in our backyard, as a child in Ohio, always meant ribs along with burgers and hot dogs. I may be weird but I like my hot dogs "blackened" on the grill. LOL Mom made potato salad with green onions from the garden and fresh tomatoes sliced for the burgers. Dad grilled the ribs just right, tender & delicious. We knew a farmer who grew sweet corn down the road and they would call mom when they were picking. We would jump in the car and go get 2-3 dozen "roastin' ears" just picked when the corn is sweet & delicious. That and a tomato sandwich is a MEAL! As for deviled eggs, my mother's name was Lora so Dad would always call them "Lora-ed eggs" tongue in cheek. Needless to say, Mom didn't appreciate the joke but she always made them every picnic!

    1. I sometimes like my dogs blackened, too. And nothing like sweet corn picked fresh--oh, boy!

  31. I love barbequed ribs and grilled veggies. Thank you for this chance. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Grilled veggies are the best! (Okay, maybe after ribs...)

  32. Mine is easily watermelon. I Love watermelon, I make a watermelon water too

    1. Yes, watermelon is kind of the perfect food, right? Yum!

  33. A tasty and healthy orzo salad. My ultimate favorite during the summer. Perfect for lunch and supper. Orzo, diced peppers, tomatoes, basil, and perfection. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  34. My favorite summer food is the fresh fruit, especially strawberries, watermelon, cherries and raspberries. raspberries 🍉🍓🍒

    1. I just had my first strawberries of the season a couple days ago--wonderful!

  35. Fried Chicken, Watermelon, corn on the cob, deviled eggs, potato salad and fruit salad. Thank you for all the recipes. Deborah

  36. Potato salad and corn on the cob.

  37. I always look for deviled eggs and since they are gone almost as soon as they hit the table, I'm OK with mayo base. Thanks for the cance!

    1. I think we all need to make MORE deviled eggs!

  38. Grilled burgers with fresh tomato slices, grilled fresh corn on the cob, a huge green salad and fresh peach cobbler with homemade vanilla ice cream if we are in the back yard. If the corn isn't quite ready yet, German potato salad is a great side. Deviled eggs and watermelon are just a given for any picnic or outdoor meal! Happy summer! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

    1. Oooo... peach cobbler! Can't wait for the peaches to come into season!

  39. Grilling burgers, potatoes, peppers. Corn on the cob. These things mean summer picnics to me.
    bmedrano34 at

  40. I like cheese burgers, hot dogs, salads, homemade ice cream, and watermelon! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. I love biting into a cold piece of watermelon on a hot day! I also enjoy potato salad and corn on the cob!

    1. Nothing like chilled watermelon on a hot day, for sure!

  42. I could eat fresh berries all day. Corn on the cob and a juicy burger from the grill

    1. I'm craving a juicy burger and some sweet berries right about now!

  43. Fruit salad with blueberries, strawberries and kiwi.
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  44. Mine is Fried Chicken and garden tomatoes.
    Sherry Brown

  45. I love a good potato salad! I know everybody has their own recipe, but we like ours with a mixture of Miracle Whip & mayo and some yellow mustard as well. I like how the Miracle Whip gives it a slight sweetness.

  46. Deviled eggs are a must have, along mixed melon and blueberries. We always had oven fried chicken and potato salad and angel food cake with strawberries. Love summer picnics! ljbonkoski @

  47. Way back, we started plopping smoked beef sausage on the grill. When it was done, we'd cut it into 4 or 5 inch pieces, adorn it with some barbeque sauce, and roll it up in a flour tortilla.

  48. Yummy. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  49. Being from New England. I would say my favorite summer barbecue food to bring would be baked beans casserole.

  50. Deviled eggs, corn on the cob, potato salad and fresh fruit

  51. I make a vinaigrette potato salad, with chunks of red-skin potatoes (boiled to just-tender), and lots of chopped celery, cucumber, carrots, tomatoes. I make a dressing with balsamic vinegar, olive oil, a little garlic, and lots of chopped herbs - usually parsley and some chives. Another salad I started making a few years ago - I use a jar of sliced nopales (paddle cactus), a can (strained) of black beans, a small can of chopped green chili peppers, bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumber, and fresh cilantro. I add lime juice (from 2 fresh limes), and mix everything together. If I want it a bit spicier, I add some chopped fresh jalapeno. teenlibn(at)hotmail(dot)com

    1. Those salads sound mighty tasty! I haven't tried cooking with nopales, though I've eaten them in Mexico. Maybe I will now!

  52. My favorite summer foods are potato salad and macaroni salad. I also love a good cucumber, tomato and onion salad. Thank you for the chance to win! aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. I'm with you, April, those chilly, creamy salads are especially satisfying on hot summer days. Sliced, peeled cucumbers and red onions are a great combo for us, too. Marc and I like to mix them lightly with chilled sour cream.

  53. What happens when you need to follow a very strict dietary plan because you have a condition called ileus (a complete paralysis of the GI track) intestines did you know are stomach don't digest corn that's why you still see it after it passes through you nor the skins of peas and most all fruits I can't have any fruit without peeling and deseeding it ,no cauliflower, broccoli fresh carrots celery, lettuce, I can have deviled eggs, salad without the salad potato salad with eggs bacon radishes banana bread and my favorite homemade lemonade. 😊😏so dose anyone have a picnic suggestion for me. Kat

    1. Hi, Kat - Food restrictions can be a challenge. My mom was lactose intolerant near the end of her life, and I expect that will happen to me, as well, so I'm always listening to people who figure out how to continue enjoying culinary delights, despite allergies and food sensitivities. You have my admiration. Good for you on figuring out tasty solutions that keep you happy and (most importantly) healthy. xoxo

  54. Watermelon, strawberry shortcake, homemade vanilla ice cream, deviled eggs, fried chicken, sweet tea, grilled burgers and hot dogs...give me all the Summer foods!!!
    barbiefan (@) comcast (.) net

  55. I like a nice pasta salad. Growing up Mom always used macaroni with ham, cheese, celery, olives, diced onions and well mayo and mustard. I also like watermelon. awanstrom(at)

    1. Pasta salad is such a wonderful, refreshing meal!

  56. Fruits, hearty salads & crisp white wine. Positive.ideas.4youATgmail

    1. Crisp white wine--now you're talkin' my language!

  57. Some of my favorite summer foods are ribs, potato salad, and watermelon. I also love an occasional pina colada. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  58. Deviled eggs, potato salad and brownies. Yum.

  59. My favourite summer food is burgers from the grill. I don't always have them with a bun. Sometimes I load them up with everything tomatoes, lettuce, avocado, dill pickles and anything else that I have on hand and eat it with a knife and fork.
    My husband and I also love green salad made with lime and lemon jello, pineapple, cottage cheese and mayo. The best part of it is that no one else likes it so we get the entire salad.
    Thank you for these amazing recipes,
    sandra shenton 13 at gmail dot com

    1. My mom used to make that jello salad when I was a kid and I adored it! Now I realize I need to make it again for myself....

  60. My favorite side dish for summer picnics is a lemon pasta salad-- so simple, lemon juice, zest, cooked spaghetti, parmesan cheese, and olive oil plus S&P. It's light and safe for hot weather consumption since there is no mayo involved.

  61. I guess I love me some hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, and all the traditional yummy sides. Occasionally, there might be some London Broil in there. But, I guess I’m old fashioned at heart.

  62. My birthday is on the first day of summer! I have always loved this ever since I have been little. When I think of summer foods, I think of all the traditional kinds of foods, of course. But one dessert that I associate with summer is a refreshing lemon raspberry cake. Yum! It seems to epitomize summer for me.

    Thank you for this opportunity!
    Nancy Urtz

  63. White peaches and plums and and a fruit salad are summer in a bowl to me! Great ideas here.

  64. All of these are so inspiring!
    Residing near Cape May , reading mysteries on the beach is my peaceful place. We pack picnics for dinner during summer , watching sunsets on the beach . Some of our favorites are Honey fried
    chicken, strawberry thyme salsa with cinnamon sugar roasted pita chips. Lavender tea cookies and almond sand dollar cookies.
    Thank you for this lovely opportunity !
