Sunday, May 12, 2024

Guest Author Elizabeth Spann Craig with Mother's Day Recipe + 2-Book #Giveaway @elizabethscraig

Please join me in giving a warm welcome back to Elizabeth Spann Craig, an accomplished author of multiple bestselling mystery series, a busy mother of two, and a dedicated literary blogger who has offered online fellowship to the writing community for years.

Elizabeth is also a beloved alumna of Mystery Lovers' Kitchen, and we're thrilled that she's returned for a visit, especially on this particular Sunday so I can wish her a very... Happy Mother's Day! 💗 ~ Cleo Coyle

🔎 📚 

Elizabeth Spann Craig: What a pleasure to be back posting at Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen! And a very happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. I hope you’re all taking a nice break from the kitchen on this fine Sunday, and are sitting around languidly, like ladies of leisure, being waited on hand and foot.

With that in mind, how about having Dad or your older children grill lamb for you? It’s not as tricky as it sounds, and you know how much Dad enjoys grilling. Plus, this isn’t a messy recipe, so you won’t have any sort of kitchen disaster to clean up after the meal. (I’ve had to clean up after a pancake breakfast before and was completely baffled by the number of implements used in the process!)

Isn’t the photo marvelous for a mystery blog?

A very suggestive knife, isn’t it?


Grilled Rack of Lamb


6 - 8 bones rack of lamb

½ cup olive oil

2 Tablespoons lemon juice/ juice from half a lemon

4 - 5 cloves garlic

8 - 10 fresh mint leaves

1 tablespoon fresh rosemary leaves

1 teaspoon ground black pepper

2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard


1. In a food processor, combine the olive oil, lemon juice, minced garlic, fresh mint leaves, chopped rosemary, black pepper, salt, and Dijon mustard. Pulse until it’s blended into a smooth marinade.

2. Place the rack of lamb in a zipper bag or a shallow dish. Pour the marinade over the lamb, making sure it’s evenly coated. Massage the marinade into the meat. Seal the bag or cover the dish with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 4 hours, or overnight, allowing all the flavors to infuse.

3. Preheat your grill to high heat. If you’re using a gas grill, set it to high; if you’re using a charcoal grill, prepare the coals for direct grilling.

4. Remove the lamb from the marinade, letting the excess marinade drip off.

5. Grill the lamb over direct high heat, starting with the "mostly meat" side down first, for about 4 minutes on each side, or until nicely seared and grill marks appear.

6. Once seared, move the lamb to the cooler, indirect heat side of the grill. If you’re using a gas grill, reduce the heat to medium; if you’re using a charcoal grill, move the lamb to the side without direct heat. Cover the grill with the lid.

7. Continue cooking the lamb for an additional 15-20 minutes, or until an instant-read thermometer inserted into the thickest part of the meat registers 125°F (for medium-rare).

8. Once cooked to your desired doneness, remove the lamb from the grill and let it rest for a few minutes before slicing. This allows the juices to redistribute, ensuring a juicy and flavorful result.

9. Slice the rack of lamb between the bones into individual chops and serve immediately, garnished with fresh herbs if desired.

Enjoy your day, whatever you’ve got cooking!

estselling cozy mystery author Elizabeth Spann Craig is a library-loving, avid mystery reader. A pet-owning Southerner, her four series are full of cats, corgis, and cheese grits. The mother of two, she lives with her husband, a fun-loving corgi, and a shy fluffball of a cat. Follow Elizabeth and learn more about her books by visiting her website at

Learn more below about Elizabeth's latest cozy mystery releases, which both released April 9th: The Type-A Guide to Solving Murder and A Toast to Murder 


The Type-A Guide to Solving Murder

April 9,2024 

Sam turns murder into her most challenging project yet.

Samantha Prescott has a knack for getting things done. Whether it’s organizing a bake sale, hosting a book club, or volunteering at the local animal shelter, she always has a plan and a smile. But when she and her husband move to the sleepy neighborhood of Maple Hills, she wonders if she's in over her head.

Maple Hills is a chaotic mess of barking dogs, a draconian homeowners association, and an enigmatic neighbor who's more rumor than reality. Undeterred by disorder, Sam plunges headfirst into her new community, armed with checklists and a determined smile.

The chaos reaches a crescendo with the sudden demise of the HOA president at a seemingly idyllic neighborhood picnic. Armed with her keen organizational skills, Sam is determined to unravel the mystery behind the murder.

Will Sam solve the murder? Or will her meddling lead her down a perilous path, jeopardizing not only her reputation, but her life?


A Toast to Murder

April 9, 2024

Uncorking secrets, one grape at a time.

Myrtle Clover had quite a fondness for getting things for free. So she was delighted when a former student and current winery owner invited her and a friend to a free tasting. When Myrtle and Miles visited the charming Serenity Springs Winery for a relaxing afternoon of tastings, she anticipated nothing more than sipping fine vintages and enjoying the picturesque vineyards. But as any seasoned sleuth knows, murder occurs in the most unexpected places.

She and Miles were savoring the various offerings and relaxing in front of the winery's large fireplace when they realized the guest dozing in the armchair nearest them was not just napping--he was out for good.

Can Myrtle and Miles find the killer before more trouble ferments?


Enter to win a free ebook copy
of both of Elizabeth's new
cozy mystery releases! 

This giveaway is now over.

Congrats to the winner:

Debora Ortega!

This giveaway is now over.

Congrats to the winner:

Debora Ortega!


  1. Thanks for hosting me today at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen! A happy Sunday to you all. :)

    1. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Wishes for a peaceful day to all


  3. Welcome back to the Kitchen, Elizabeth. That grilled lamb looks amazing. I can't wait to try your recipe for this summer's grilling season, and LOL on that knife! Cheers on your terrific new cozy mystery releases. Thank you so much for sharing with us today and your generous giveaway. I wish you and all the wonderful Moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day! xoxo ~ Cleo

  4. Happy Mother's Day Elizabeth, and welcome home to our kitchen! Lucy

  5. Happy Mothers day!

  6. The same to you! Thanks for coming by!

  7. Demi Pengelly SewellMay 12, 2024 at 8:50 AM

    Wonderful to have you here and love the lamb recipe! I will definitely be looking into getting your books from the library and reading them!!!

  8. Happy Mothers Day! These books sound wonderful!

  9. Happy Mother’s Day to everyone! Love your recipe. ❤️❤️

  10. Thank you for the recipe & this awesome giveaway!! Happy Mother's Day!!

  11. Happy Mother's Day and thanks for the chance to win. I love the Myrtle books.

  12. Happy Mother's Day!! I love the Myrtle series!! I always look forward to the newest book!! Have a great day!

  13. Love lamb and mint, I'venever thought to grill it. It would be a lovely Mother's Day to win your books.

  14. Love your books Looking forward to more. Happy Mother’s Day

  15. Happy Mother’s Day! Recipe looks wonderful

  16. Happy Mother’s Day

  17. Happy Mother's Day.

  18. I love cozy mysteries

  19. Thank you for the Lamb recipe and Happy Mothers Day.

    1. Congrats to you, Deborah, your comment has been randomly chosen to win Elizabeth's giveaway!

      Enjoy Elizabeth's latest cozy mysteries and thanks again to Elizabeth for joining us in the Kitchen. We hope you'll come back again soon! xoxo

  20. Happy Mother's Day.

  21. heidi9148@hotmail.comMay 12, 2024 at 10:37 AM

    Oh these books sound great! I wonder if the winery one was based on my hometown? North East, pa where we have 18 wineries nestled along lake erie. Can't wait to read this book.

  22. Welcome back to MLK and what a gift! That lamb recipe looks like it will be amazing and simple to do. Hope you have a lovely Mother's Day and thanks for the opportunity to win the books. makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

    1. Hope you enjoy the lamb! Happy Mother's Day to you, Marcia!

  23. That grilled rack of lamb looks delicious.
    I enjoyed your Southern Quilting Mystery series. I look forward to reading your other series.

    1. Hope you enjoy the other books, Tina! Thanks for reading!

  24. We'll see if any cooking happens today!

  25. Happy Mother's Day, and thank you for the recipe. I'm all in on letting someone else do the cooking today! I love discovering new authors, and both the books you're giving away sound great. Thank you!

  26. Lamb is a favorite of mine. The only change I'd make is to swap thyme for the rosemary.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  27. Happy Mother's Day everyone! Lamb and cosies? Great combonation

  28. Happy Mother's Day! Recipe looks delicious. Elizabeth is a new author to me. Her books sound like great reads.

  29. Happy Mother's Day! My son took care of the 4 kids/grandkids all day and allowed me and my dIL a day to relax. He also made lunch and dinner after working a full shift. Weren't we lucky? lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  30. Happy Mother's Day! You have very eye-catching book covers!

  31. Happy Belated Mother's Day! I love your recipe idea (especially when it involves me NOT being in the kitchen). Thanks so much for posting!


    1. Staying out of the kitchen is the only way to go with Mother's Day!

  32. How awesome to meet you Elizabeth, and to read about your cozy mysteries! I will be doing some research and start reading them!! I love lamb, and have not eaten any in too long. I will also try your recipe. Which looks and sounds delicious 😋 Thanks for visiting us Luis at ole dot travel

  33. Can’t wait to start your new series! Type A is OK by me!

  34. I seem to be rather Type-A myself, ha!
