Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Cranberry Almond Butter Cake with Sour Cream Glaze -- a birthday treat and #bookgiveaway

LESLIE BUDEWITZ:  Mr. Right and I enjoy going out to dinner for special occasions, and when it’s truly special – a birthday or our anniversary – we’ll often indulge in dessert. But one of the joys of cooking and baking, for me, is making my own birthday cake. I’d been craving this one since last fall, when I bought a bag of cranberries we didn’t use, but only recently did I find the almond paste – actually, almond filling – and indulge myself. 

And yes, today is my birthday. It’s a milestone, so I’m celebrating publicly! You can see that the cake plate’s been around a long time – it’s more than a decade older than I am, part of the Fostoria Americana collection that started as wedding gifts to my parents. I always loved the glassware, and after my mother gave me her pieces, I started buying more. She found a few and friends have given me some, so now I have a wonderful, haphazard collection I use almost every day. 

A cake plate through the ages!

A couple of notes on ingredients: Our kitchen can be a bit chilly, making it hard to soften butter. Our microwave is not reliable, so this time, I heated the back of a plate with hot water, dried it and covered the bowl of butter with it, and stuck the bowl in front of our gas fireplace. It wasn’t on, but the heat from the pilot light was enough to get the butter just right. Score! Also, I couldn’t find almond paste so I used almond filling, which was already sweetened, and cut back the sugar. She scores again! I have not tried this with frozen cranberries, but think it would work fine as long as they are thawed in a colander and drained. 

Bundt cake pans have a fun history that brings together multiple traditions. According to this story in Food and Wine Magazine, a group of Jewish women in Minneapolis wanted to recreate the ring-shaped cakes they’d made in Europe, and asked David Dalquist, owner of Minnesota Nordic Ware, to make a pan for them. He did, casting aluminum in the now-familiar round shape with indentations for easy slicing. He originally called it “bund,” meaning bond or alliance, but then added the t, either for the trademark or to distance his company from a pro-Nazi group. I grew up with one – who knows, it may have been another wedding gift – although now I use a nonstick version. 

Other Bundt cakes I’ve shared that you might enjoy include this Glazed Chocolate Bundt Cake and this Chai Spice Coffee Cake  from Chai Another Day

I’m a big fan of cake or pie for breakfast, and I assure you, this cake pairs perfectly with a cup of coffee or tea!

What’s your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? What’s your favorite birthday dessert? Do you make your own cake or another treat – if you do, what kind? THREE lucky readers will win their choice of a signed paperback from my Food Lovers’ Village mysteries. 

Cranberry Almond Butter Cake with Sour Cream Glaze 

8-10 oz almond paste*

1 ¼ cup sugar

1 cup butter at room temperature

zest of one orange 

6 eggs

1 cup all-purpose flour

½ tsp baking powder

pinch salt

2 cups fresh cranberries

*If what you find is almond filling, already sweetened, reduce the sugar. For the cake shown, I used a 12 ounce can of filling and 1 cup sugar. 

Heat oven to 325 degrees. Grease and flour a Bundt cake pan. 

In the bowl of your stand mixer, cream together the almond paste and sugar. (Lumps are fine. Add the butter and orange zest and mix. Add the eggs one at a time and mix thoroughly, scraping the bowl if needed. In a separate small bowl, stir together flour, baking powder, and salt, then add to creamed mixture. Mix only until just incorporated. Fold in the cranberries. 

Bake for 55 minutes, until top (bottom!) of cake is golden and has begun to pull away from the sides of the pan. Cool thoroughly in the pan on a rack before unmolding onto your serving plate. If the cake breaks when you unmold, no worries – just stick it back together and use your glaze to disguise the cracks. 

Sour Cream Glaze 

1/4 cup sliced almonds, toasted

½ cup sour cream

3/4 - 1 cup powdered sugar

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

1-1/2 teaspoons milk

Toast the almonds in the oven, at 325 degrees, for 8-10 minutes, shaking pan occasionally. Remove from oven. Remember that they will continue to brown as they cool, so don’t overbake. 

In a medium bowl, combine sour cream and powdered sugar; mix until smooth. Add vanilla extract and milk. If glaze is too thick, thin with additional milk, starting with half a teaspoon until it’s a good consistency for drizzling. 

Glaze cooled cake. Top with sliced almonds. Celebrate!

What’s your favorite way to celebrate your birthday? What’s your favorite birthday dessert? Do you make your own cake – what kind? Three readers will win their choice of a signed paperback from the Food Lovers’ Village mysteries. (US mailing addresses only. Mr. Kitten will choose the winner Friday, March 8.) 

TO ERR IS CUMIN -- A Spice Shop Mystery (Seventh St. Books, coming July 16, 2024 in paper, ebook, and audio)

From the cover: 

One person’s treasure is another’s trash. . .

Pepper Reece, owner of the Spice Shop in Seattle’s Pike Place Market, wants nothing more than to live a quiet life for a change, running her shop and working with customers eager to spice up their cooking. But when she finds an envelope stuffed with cash in a ratty old wingback left on the curb, she sets out to track down the owner.

Pepper soon concludes that the chair and its stash may belong to young Talia Cook, new in town and nowhere to be seen. Boz Bosworth, an unemployed chef Pepper’s tangled with in the past, shows up looking for the young woman, but Pepper refuses to help him search. When Boz is found floating in the Ship Canal, only a few blocks from Talia’s apartment, free furniture no longer seems like such a bargain.

On the hunt for Talia, Pepper discovers a web of connections threatening to ensnare her best customer. The more she probes, the harder it gets to tell who’s part of an unsavory scheme of corruption—and who might be the next victim.

Between her quest for an elusive herb, helping her parents remodel their new house, and setting up the Spice Shop’s first cooking class, Pepper’s got a full plate. Dogged by a sense of obligation to find the rightful owner of the hidden treasure, she keeps on showing up and asking questions.

One mistake, and she could find herself cashing out. . .

Available at Amazon  * Barnes & Noble  * Books-A-Million * Bookshop.org * And your local booksellers!

Leslie Budewitz is the author of the Spice Shop Mysteries set in Seattle's Pike Place Market, and the Food Lovers’ Village Mysteries, set in NW Montana. As Alicia Beckman, she writes moody, standalone suspense, most recently Blind Faith. She is the winner of Agatha Awards in three categories: Best Nonfiction (2011), Best First Novel (2013), and Best Short Story (2018). Her latest book is Between a Wok and a Dead Place, the 7th Spice Shop mystery.  

A past president of Sisters in Crime and national board member of Mystery Writers of America, Leslie lives in northwest Montana with her husband, a musician and doctor of natural medicine, and their cat, an avid bird-watcher.

Swing by Leslie's website and join the mailing list for her seasonal newsletter. And join her on Facebook where she shares book news and giveaways from her writer friends, and talks about food, mysteries, and the things that inspire her.


  1. That cake looks delicious and I agree with you about cake for breakfast. My husband and I say all the time that we are adults and we can have cake for breakfast if we want to or dessert first at dinnertime. I used to make my own birthday cake all the time or my mom would make it for me no matter how old I was. Now we go out for dinner and share a dessert, usually cheesecake. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Cake for breakfast? Why not? It's got nuts and eggs galore! A great way to start the day.

  2. This sounds like a recipe we would enjoy (almost as much as a good mystery book). I was curious if you ever had a problem with cranberries floating to the top. I have often halved cranberries to avoid that problem. Maybe this batter is thick enough to avoid that. For my birthday my husband prepares a special dinner and I do the same for him on this birthday, that follows only a few weeks after mine. This year though, our combined ages are 150, so we are planning a party for neighbors and family.
    Happy Birthday! Enjoy and thank you for the gift of enjoyable hours that you have given your readers.

    1. Thanks, Lois! This batter is quite thick and the cranberries stayed nicely distributed, although you're right that they can be unruly in some recipes! Your big party sounds fabulous!

  3. Pint of chocolate chip ice cream store bought. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

  4. Happy Birthday, Leslie! Marc and I wish you all good things. xoxo Your cake looks absolutely delicious - pass me a plate, please? Cheers! ~ Cleo

    1. Thanks, Cleo! Sliding an extra big slice to share through the screen now!

  5. Happy Birthday! Wow this recipe sounds Delicious- I love cranberries and almonds. I make a cake for the Holidays called Cape Cod Cranberry Almond Bundt Cake that is loaded with whole cranberries sauce and almonds, just love these two ingredients together. I love having a great dinner out with family and my favorite birthday cake is German Chocolate Cake with German Chocolate coconut pecan icing that my spouse makes me every year - yummy. Thanks for the recipe and hours of fun reading. Rose roseb2007@verizon.net

    1. Thank you, Rose! I no longer know where I found this cake recipe, but it may well have been inspired by the one you mention.

  6. I sometimes will make a cake. My birthday used to be celebrated, but not too much anymore. My family is dwindling. We do go out to dinner and the place we go to will sometimes give me a Birthday treat and Birthday wish. I love Chocolate cake. calgalsh@aol.com

  7. My mom always made our birthday cakes when we were kids. When I was younger I usually picked all vanilla, as I got a little older I switched to chocolate cake with vanilla frosting. Mom had lots of the fun shaped cake pans, and so did the library if there was a different one we wanted. She had taught herself decorating (and later did take some actual classes) so she had all the different tips to do fancy frosting all over. She made our graduation cakes too.

    1. Love the idea of checking out special cake pans at the library!

  8. Happy Birthday! Thank you for the recipe and the history of the cake plate. My favorite birthday cake is red velvet; if it's a birthday dessert then Lemon Ice Box Pie from the Whistlestop Cafe Cookbook. If it's birthday pie I would have to say Key Lime or Lemon. When I do have homemade birthday treats I make them. If I am making for someone else I will make their favorite - my Mr. Right's is Gooseberry Pie - sometimes a double crust pie and sometimes a Gooseberry Custard Pie. Thank you for the chance to win. madamhawk at gmail dot com

    1. Thank you, Madam Hawk! Gooseberry custard pie sounds fab -- my mother made a rhubarb custard that I still make. So good!

  9. Cake is my favorite birthday dessert. We will get one from a favorite bakery.
    Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot)

  10. This recipe looks so yummy! One of my best friends is really good at baking cakes. Every year she makes my favorite for my birthday. It's a chocolate chip cake. Wonderful! ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  11. Your cake looks delectable. My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is at home with my family. I create a festive meal. Close, warm and fun. Usually I make a chocolate, marble cake which everyone loves and is enjoyed greatly. A cake is a must for a birthday celebration. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  12. That looks delicious Leslie, and happy birthday!

  13. HAPPY AND BLESSED BIRTHDAY, dear Leslie! WOW...I want to change my favorite birthday cake to yours...everything about it looks and sounds perfectly delicious! Thus far I love to have my wife make me a carrot cake, but now I will experiment with your recipe and I may just have found the perfect substitute! Thank you so much for sharing the recipe and pictorial on the process. Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Thank you, Luis! Carrot Cake is pretty special too -- you can see the Carrot Graham Cracker Cake I made a few years ago in one of the plate pictures. (I did share the recipe on MLK -- it's in the index.)

  14. I like to celebrate my birthday with a dinner with family and friends. I like a white birthday cake with chocolate buttercream icing. I have a tradition with several friends. When it is their birthday, I bake them a cake with the cake flavor and frosting flavor of their choice. They get so excited!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  15. I like key lime pie. We usually buy it.

  16. Happy Birthday! This cake sounds delicious. I am a culinary vagabond when it comes to birthday cakes. Seems like every year I want something different. A favorite from a few years ago was a pear tart. I often make my own, but this year one of my sisters made me a German chocolate cake. It was denser than what I have made, but it was excellent! Enjoy your day!! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

    1. Thanks, Marcia! I love the phrase "culinary vagabond" -- it perfectly describes me as well!

  17. The cake looks delicious! I love baking bundt cakes and was happy to learn the origin of the bundt pan. I realized years ago that any quick bread recipe could be baked in a bundt pan with the same temperature and timing & made a much nicer presentation! Much later I discovered mini bundt pans and baked them for special desserts, each person got a personal cake with a scoop of ice cream in the middle. These days I don't bake anymore since I am retired and live alone, my sister has become the family baker when we get together. For my birthday my sister takes me out for dinner and we share a dessert.

    1. Oh, I didn't know that about quick breads -- thanks for the tip!

  18. Happy birthday, Leslie! Thanks for a delicious recipe.

  19. Happy, happy, HAPPY Birthday! May your day be special and full of fun memories making moments.

    When I was a child growing up, I always requested my Mom's homemade Hungarian Coffee Cake for my birthday. Think 50's version of the sticky bun cake all homemade with little yeastie balls rolled in butter and then sugar and cinnamon and lots of chopped pecans and a caramel gooey mixture poured on top before baking. Oh makes my mouth water and brings back such fond memories of my Mom just thinking about it. I still make it and it's delicious, but I still think it missed my mom's secret ingredient - her love. Love the idea of experimenting with a new recipe on your special day. Way to go girl!

    Everyone here loves pies more than cakes. That means when I do make a cake, it's mostly for me. I also love to try new recipes. Your birthday cake sounds heavenly and exactly like something I want to try on my next cake. Appreciate the new recipe and knowing it's got your thumbs up approval.

    Now remember birthdays are meant to be spread out and celebrated for more than one day. In my younger adulthood, my family joked that it was "your time" until someone else had a birthday. We are the last two of the family now. Hubby and my birthday's are exactly 6 months apart. We laugh and say we each get half the year to celebrate. :)

    Thanks you for the wonder chance to win a signed paperback copy of one of your books from the Food Lovers’ Village mysteries!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net
    Everyone else h

    1. Thank you, dear Kay! Your mother's special cake sounds wonderful! My BFF says we should celebrate the octaves -- 8 days before and after. That's a boon for those of us always late mailing the cards and prezzies!

  20. Happiest of birthdays to you!! My favorite birthday cake is chocolate with peanut butter frosting! Your recipe and book both sound great!

    1. Thanks! I don't think I've ever had pb frosting!

  21. Happy Birthday Leslie! I hope you have a wonderful day. I tend to celebrate my birthday with a special treat like a cupcake. This year, I'm thinking of a few sticky Cherry Almond Italian cookies from my favorite local Italian bakery. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  22. My sister was the baker of birthday cakes in our family. Since she passed five years ago my neice(her daughter) has made some or we buy from a bakery. My favorite cake is yellow with chocolate frosting. bella_ringer@hotmail.com

  23. I'm happy with almost any dessert that includes dark chocolate!
    Years ago I tried to find a recipe for a cake that was the baked equivalent of a Reese's Cup: Yellow cake, peanut filling, chocolate ganache topping. I could not find anything, not even from a bakery. Now I see recipes like this frequently. But I don't have enough eaters around anymore!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  24. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day! My cake varies each year depending on mood and availability. Sometimes it has been cookies cream and other times it has been chocolate, red velvet or an ice cream. I have a twin sister, so we decide on one cake we both like. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  25. Happy birthday, Leslie! Sour cream glaze would work well with my favorite rum cake.

  26. Happy Birthday I like a Strawberry Shortcake or Cheese Cake. I have made a Cranberry Orange bread that I love. Thank you for the recipe.

  27. Happy birthday, my friend! The cake sounds yummy.

    1. Forgot the cake question - the darker the chocolate, the better! Or a chocolate cheesecake. And I'd rather not make it myself. Treat me with something from a fabulous local bakery.

    2. Oh, I love all those options! And I would LOVE a local bakery that made such delicious things, but no luck IRL -- the reason I created a fabulous bakery on the page in the fictional version of my town!

  28. My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is going to my favorite restaurant. My favorite dessert is Chocolate Satin pie and I don't make it. Have a very Happy Birthday!

    1. Thanks! Pie is a great way to celebrate your birthday!

  29. Your cake sounds delicious! Happy Birthday! Hmmmm, my favorite way to celebrate my birthday is to drive up to my sister's home in Costa Mesa, with or without my adult children. She bakes me the most delicious cakes- gluten & lactose free! Usually chocolate, Yum. We extend it for several days so I can get sushi with my daughter & pho or ramen with my son! Double yum! I didn't know about the origin of the bundt pan. That is very interesting. My sweet Jewish mom made lots of bundt cakes. My favorite was a chocolate chip cake with dark chocolate glaze. So rich & delicious! I would help her grind the chocolate with an old fashioned grinder that she used for chocolate & nuts, not meat.

    1. Thank you, Dragon Lady! I have one of those old grinders -- chopping nuts with it was one of my kitchen jobs as a kid.

  30. Happy Birthday! i love to take a walk on the beach and go out for dinner. my husband always bakes me a cake! usually a lemon one!

  31. Happy Birthday! My Birthday is on Sunday. I have always had a Carvel Ice Cream Cake for my Birthday, and the tradition continues. Thank you for this chance! areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

  32. Happy Birthday!!! 🎂🎈🎉
    My family’s favorite cake was Wacky Cake with a fantastic cooked chocolate frosting. Since my brother and I had birthdays 5 days apart, I let him have the Wacky Cake. I opted for a brown sugar and walnut cake with a delicious brown sugar frosting. Both are outstanding. Now my niece makes our cakes for us, she has followed the family tradition.
    I just love spending my birthday with family and friends. I especially like going to The Montana Club and getting our age percentage off on the birthday person’s bill. Tomorrow is my husband’s birthday and that’s where we are going! Yay!

    1. Thanks -- and a Happy Birthday to your husband! A friend took her grandmother to the MT Club for her 100th birthday and it was free!

  33. Strawberry Shortcake is my favorite birthday treat. Not really a cake at all, but homemade sweet biscuits with crushed strawberries over the top.

  34. We don’t do much, my son takes me out for lunch. If they have a dessert, I get it. This year we went to Applebees, and they brought me a brownie with ice cream. Thank you for this recipe, it sounds good!

  35. Wow, you had me at almond paste! Can't wait to make this cake. My husband turns 70 in April, and I follow suit in June. We're still thinking about how we want to celebrate, but probably a trip up the CA coast (our favorite place) wlll be included. Happy Birthday to YOU, Leslie! I hope you're having a great day. lgmiller831@gmail.com

    1. Thanks, Laurie! Enjoy the cake -- and the coastal drive. So beautiful!

  36. Deirdre Anne GreeneMarch 5, 2024 at 7:54 PM

    Happy Birthday! I absolutely love your cake platter history! So many amazing memories for so many celebrations centered on a beautiful piece of family history.
    Your cake is similar to one my dad loved. I remember having small bites as a child. My favorite cake now is anything GF with a yummy frosting. They are usually simple!
    I hope that you have a spectacular birthday day. Life moves fast, live in the moment and enjoy. Celebrate a full day with your family and friends while physically here. 💕

    1. Thanks so much, Deirdre Anne! I'm laughing at those early pictures -- such a 1960s kitchen and I can spy several other things in it that I also still have! Happily, between Libby's beautiful posts and Daryl Wood Gerber's recipes in the archives, we've got a lot of GF recipes to offer!

  37. We celebrate birthdays with a family dinner and usually have choclate chip cookie cake.

  38. My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is to go out for a nice dinner and enjoy a piece of White House cake from the restaurant. It's one of the best cakes I've ever had. Happy Birthday and have a fun day!

    1. And what, pray tell, is a White House cake??? (Thanks for the good wishes!)

  39. Happy Birthday. Don't celebrate my birthday as it was never done for me when i was younger so i never really learned how to.
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

    1. Thanks! All you really need for a celebration is to be willing to focus on yourself for a bit, to thank the people who love you and acknowledge your place in the world. But of course, cake helps!

  40. Happy Birthday!! We make our birthday cakes. I love chocolate cake with a chocolate peanut butter frosting. We usually celebrate at home with a special dinner of choice by the birthday person.

    Thanks for the chance!

  41. Since passing the 50-year mark I really don't celebrate anymore (it doesn't help that my birthday falls on Christmas Eve). I prefer to mark the day relaxing though. As for a birthday cake or dessert treat... it's cheesecake every time! Preferably with cherries. One year my older daughter made a cheesecake from scratch -- it was phenomenal!

    Email is zvanoizu@hotmail.com

  42. And goodness! I hope you had a happy birthday!

    1. Thank you -- I did! Homemade cheesecake is so good -- and not too difficult. Lucky you!

  43. Happy birthday! We usually celebrate birthdays with a family dinner out at a restaurant with the kids and grandkids. I love to make myself a red velvet cake for my birthday. I started making them almost 40 years ago when I was in high school. My group of friends would take turns making the cake for each other's birthdays. Email - dianadeforest@yahoo.com

  44. Happy Birthday! I usually celebrate my birthday by taking a little road trip to some historic spot. When our boy's were younger we would take a trip up to the mountains and spend the day. The mountains are so peaceful and rejuvenating. Now I live all the way across the country from them, so birthdays are tough! On top of that my birthday falls either on Mother's Day or just before or just after. I used to make my own birthday cake, usually Carrot Cake, or cheesecake, but now we order a cake from a bakery nearby. Email is pscoup@gmail.com

    1. Thanks! Hard to be so far away from them, but it sounds like you have lovely birthday memories!
