Sunday, February 4, 2024

Around the Kitchen Table: A Trifecta of Foodie Celebrations! #Giveaway

LESLIE BUDEWITZ:  February can be a bit of a challenge. For us northerners, it’s cold and dark, and far too early to be thinking about the joys of spring or starting seedlings. I’ve long thought that’s part of the appeal of Valentine’s Day with its hearts and flowers and chocolates. 

This year, we’ve got a trifecta of foodie celebrations coming up: the Lunar New Year, year of the wood dragon, starts a bit later than usual, on Saturday, February 10. Mardi Gras, aka Fat Tuesday and Shrove Tuesday, is early—February 13. And Valentine’s Day is right on schedule, Wednesday, February 14. 

I loved researching and testing Lunar New Year recipes when I was writing Between a Wok and a Dead Place, like these Longevity Noodles. Many LNY foods are symbolic: long noodles symbolize hopes for a long life, while spring rolls, with their distinctive shape and color, are said to resemble gold bars. 

As for Mardi Gras, King Cake is, well, king. Anything with a Louisiana flair is fair game, as long as you wear beads. 

Valentine’s Day food is all about chocolate, especially if it’s heart-shaped. My late mother always put a small heart-shaped box of Russell Stover Chocolates at our places at the table on V-Day mornings, and even let us sneak a piece after breakfast. I love these Cherry Port Brownies, cut in heart shapes, and this Glazed Chocolate Bundt Cake, and you might, too.  

But my favorite Valentine’s Day recipe story is the year a reader very much wanted to try the Orange Cinnamon Creme Brulee in Guilty as Cinnamon, but was daunted by the idea of using a torch to scorch the sugar on top. So she asked the woman who runs the café in her small town to make it for her. The woman liked it so much that she added it to her dessert selection for her annual Valentine’s Day dinner that year. 

Now that’s the way to an author’s heart.

Readers, which upcoming food lovers' holidays will you be celebrating? You know you have our permission to celebrate them all, right? What will you be making -- or buying? 

💕🌷 💕

LIBBY KLEINWhen I think Valentine's Day, I think Pink! All things strawberry, cherry, rose. And of course, you can't think about the day of heart-shaped candies without your mind going to chocolate. Decadent brunches with chocolate cherry french toast. Luxurious Afternoon Tea with scones laden with strawberry jam. Delicate rose and white chocolate macarons. Silky chocolate mousse. I want to get baking right now! One of my favorite Valentine's recipes is for this strawberry cream cake. I can't wait to hear what you'll all be baking.

💕🌷 💕

LESLIE KARST: The Lunar New Year is a big deal here in Hilo, with a parade and firecrackers, and lots of great Asian food to try all over town. As Leslie B. notes, long noodles signify longevity, so may I suggest this delicious recipe for Ginger Chicken Chow Fun.

And to celebrate Mardi Gras, how about the celebrated Bananas Foster, first created at the famous Brennan's restaurant in New Orleans as a way to promote this fruit being imported into the Port of New Orleans. Here's my easy take on this classic dessert: Crispy Fried Banana Sundae.

And finally, what better way to celebrate Valentine's Day than a romantic date-night-at-home meal? This recipe for Pork with Apricot-Brandy Glaze is simple and quick to prepare, and sure to warm your loved one's heart!  


💕🌷 💕

LUCY BURDETTE: Oooooh, for Valentine's Day, I really want Libby's strawberry cream cake with the pink frosting! But alas, my Valentine is really a chocolate guy, so I'm more likely to make my classic chocolate cake studded with candy hearts

Poor Hayley Snow from my food critic series was desperate to catch her man, so she tried to do it with this glorious raspberry cake. Sometimes if it isn't the right guy, even a magnificent cake won't do the trick...

💕🌷 💕

MADDIE DAY: I'm already drooling from just these mentions by my fellow bloggers! So many chances to make delicious holiday-themed food.

My first post as an official member here were these Mocha-Kahlua Valentine's cookies.

A year ago I presented a yummy recipe in honor of the Lunar New Year and the year of the Rabbit - more long noodles for you.

I don't think I've ever made a Mardi-Gras specific meal, but I just checked some recipes. I love grits - so does Robbie Jordan in my Country Store Mysteries - and I think I foresee some yummy shrimp and grits in my near future, or maybe a gumbo! Watch this space...

💕🌷 💕

Molly MacRae: Thanks for the Longevity Noodles recipes, Maddie and Leslie B. Now I know what we'll be making for the Lunar New Year. 

For Shrove Tuesday or Pancake Day, it'll be pancakes. Here's a delicious recipe for gingerbread pancakes. But why not throw in Mardi Gras, too? I had no idea Bananas Foster was invented in New Orleans. Thanks, Leslie K! 

Here's my sister Jenny's recipe for it (one from the collection of recipes she and her husband gave me and my husband as a wedding present 45 years ago). I love the part where the banana mixture bursts into flames as you stir it. Talk about excitement in fine dining.  

And for Valentine's day, cherry pie! 

💕🌷 💕

PEG COCHRAN/MARGARET LOUDON: These all sound so delicious, I want one of each!  When my sister lived in Baton Rouge, she sent me a King Cake so one year I decided to try to make my own for Mardi Gras.  It was great fun and I went wild with the sprinkles!  You can find it here complete with a voodoo doll!

💕🌷 💕

MAYA CORRIGAN: It's not Valentine's Day without chocolate, right? Boxes of bonbons and flowers are the most popular gifts, but for a romantic date, chocolate fondue can't be beat. Around Valentine's Day stores feature mini fondue pots for Valentine’s Day tête-à-têtes. All you really need, though, is a microwave. I shared an easy chocolate fondue recipe when my third book, FINAL FONDUE, came out and I was a guest on MLK. My grandsons love making that recipe and eating fondue all year round. 

💕☕ 💕

CLEO COYLE: February is giving us great reasons to eat with joy. On a personal note, I blew out way too many birthday cake candles this past Groundhog Day. And this coming February 13, I’ll be in the Mardi Gras feasting mood. Like Molly, Fat Tuesday (aka Shrove Tuesday) has always been Pancake Day for me. I’ve shared a few pancake recipes here in the Kitchen, including one of my favorites from more than ten years ago (a 2010 blog post, OMG does time fly). It’s my version of the famous Dutch Baby pancake. The classic recipe uses a cast iron pan, but I prefer to make mine in a cake pan hence my "Cake Pan" Dutch Baby title. I also shared my Chocolate Dutch Baby version, just in time to make for your baby’s breakfast on Valentine’s Day. 💓 So here you go, click the link here for a downloadable PDF of the recipe, and whatever you're celebrating, may you eat with plenty of joy! 

💕🌷 💕

B O O K  
G I V E A W A Y!

Readers, which upcoming food lovers' holidays will you be celebrating? You know you have our permission to celebrate them all, right? What will you be making -- or buying? 

Murder is a Piece of Cake by Valerie Burns 

Between a Wok and a Dead Place by Leslie Budewitz 

Deep Fried Death (audio book) by Maddie Day 

Final Fondue by Maya Corrigan  

Leave a comment with your email address for a chance to win. US mailing addresses only. 

Mr. Kitten, who lives with Leslie B and Mr. Right, will choose the winner Wednesday, February 7.  

💕🌷 💕


  1. One of our local bakeries will start selling paczki on Monday. Paczki is a Polish donut typically with a prune filling. Shrove Tuesday in my area is also known as donut day. The bakery has several fillings available. We will take our young grandsons next week to buy some.

    1. I would love those paczkis! Thanks for stopping by the kitchen today, Renee.

    2. All these wonderful recipes! Yum! Where do I start?

  2. I'd love to win four books! mkotch731(at) I enjoyed reading your suggestions for Valentine's foods. As a retired innkeeper, we used to serve Dutch babies in individual ramekins all the time. Pouring maple syrup over the hot babies as they came out of the oven was very impressive.

  3. Think I’m going to have to make the Raspberry Cake. It sounds so delicious. And my birthday is February 28th, s it will be a yummy treat for me.

    1. Part of the fun of a birthday, when you bake, is planning the cake and anticipating making it. (I'm already planning mine a month from now!) Enjoy, with our early wishes for a happy birthday!

  4. thanks for the chance to win the books.
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  5. Valentine's Day says two things to me - Almond Roca candy and strawberries. The candy is in tribute to my parent's undying love and extra special romantic way they met on a blind date and married 7 days later on Valentine's Day. The strawberries showing up in the stores are the first food arrival that represents spring is quickly approaching - a very welcome sight for sure.

    My trip to the grocery story yesterday had me finding some of the biggest, prettiest strawberries. Two packages found their way into my buggy. We will be celebrating Valentine's Day a bit early this year because I see my Mom's recipe for Strawberry Cake being made as well as some rich homemade strawberry ice cream to go alongside it.

    Celebrating holidays always makes me think of my Dad. He had a fabulous memory for dates and facts. Any time we had a special meal or ate out, he would recall one of them as to why we were celebrating that day. It could be someone's birthday to it being the day he re-enlisted in the Army. My memory of such things isn't near as good, but trying to come up with one brings a sweet smile to my face remembering him.

    Thank you for the fabulous chance to win four fabulous books by four amazing authors! Would love to have the opportunity to read and review them.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. Thank you for sharing those great memories of your father, Kay. Enjoy the strawberry cake! ~Maya

    2. Wonderful stories, Kay! I worked in Tacoma, WA for a couple of years after law school and drove by the Brown & Haley plant, where Almond Roca is made, every day. Perfume of the gods, chocolate and nuts are!

  6. I will be celebrating Mardi Gras and Valentine's Day at my favorite dining venue "where everybody knows my name". They have already published their specialty menus for those two holidays and they are over the top fabulous with seafood - shrimp and lobster - as well as steak and delightful themed desserts!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. Thanks for your comment, Nancy. That's a restaurant I'd love to have near me! ~Maya

  7. Creating a delectable and yummy treat for my family gives me great enjoyment and pleasure.This week is my husband's birthday and I will be making our favorite cake. Apple Cake is delectable and loved by all. Since it is meaningful because it was a recipe from my grandmother whose expertise was known by all. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Adding yet another food celebration to the mix! Happy happy happy to your honey -- a family recipe will make it all the sweeter!

    2. Happy birthday to your husband, Traveler!

  8. I love all the recipes Thank you

  9. I'm thinking chocolate dipped strawberries for Valentine's Day and that Ginger Chow Fun recipe Leslie K posted has a mighty good chance of showing up for LNY. Thanks for all the yummy ideas!!

  10. Being of Chinese descent my family will definitely be celebrating Lunar New Year. Wskwared(at)yahoo(dot)com

  11. I will be making cookies and candies for Valentines Day! I like to give treats to my family and friends.. Love this blog~!

    1. And I am certain they love getting treats handmade with love!

  12. It's always fun to read these posts and be reminded of past recipes you have all shared with us.
    Many thanks for the tempting foods and books!
    You are all my valentine. <3

  13. These recipes all sound fabulous!
    I would love to win these fabulous books

  14. I've been wanting chocolate fondue. What a great idea for Valentine's Day.

  15. My daughter goes to Catholic school, so they can’t do a Valentine party on Ash Wednesday… but we’re still going to celebrate at home! I love the chocolate fondue idea; all the recipes look delicious! Thank you for them, and for the opportunity to win the books!

    1. Forgot to include my email: lgm_pr (at)

    2. Personally, I think Ash Wednesday ought to be moved to Thursday this year, but I learned not to fight with nuns a long time ago! Enjoy your celebration!

  16. I always order my husband chocolates from our favorite NYC chocolate store, Mondel’s, and I am thinking of baking him the small chocolate cake from King Arthur’s cooking although it means buying two new baking pans. Would love the four books in the giveaway.

    1. We love our King Arthur pans -- enjoy!

    2. If you are ordering chocolates from NYC, consider LiLac chocolates. They are fantastic!

  17. I will celebrating Valentine’s Day with friends, sadly all widows. We each bring something, so a surprise.

    1. Holidays can be hard, I know. Glad you found friends to celebrate with -- sometimes called "Galentines"!

  18. I think I'm going to try the cake pan dutch baby recipe. looks yummy!

  19. Will be baking hamantaschen soon for Purim. They are little tart pastries in the shape of a triangle.

  20. I plan on celebrating them all. I will be eating what ever chocolate candy I have here.

    1. Life's too short to pass up a celebration, right? Especially when there's chocolate involved!

  21. Valentine’s Day Chocolate dipped strawberries from a local bakery


  23. Our family will celebrate Mardi Gras as the day before the beginning of Lent. Because Ash Wednesday falls on Valentine's Day this year, we will pack our celebration into Tuesday and then fast on Wednesday. My boys love chocolate chip cookies and flavored popcorn,so those are likely to make an appearance.

  24. If only I would actually be ambitious enough to try all the wonderful recipes that are shared in these great books! Kathy Abretske.

    1. LOL! You notice how many of us it takes to keep the recipes coming!

  25. Valentine's Day because you can never go wrong with anything chocolate. Chocolate should be a major food group. Thank you for this chance. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

  26. Valentine's Day...we will have to bake for my grandkids. I don't know what yet but they will be happy with anything. lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  27. I would love to win a new book. These dishes look wonderful.

  28. I would love a new book !

  29. I would love the books! Food mysteries are some of my favorites! We will definitely celebrate Valentines with shrimp scampi and a pink dessert. Our favorite upcoming holiday is Pi Day on March 14. We have been celebrating it in our house for 25 years or so. Pizza pie (homemade) with Razzleberry pie (Thanks Marie Callendar) for dessert.

    1. Oh, Pi(e) Day! Even Clan of the Cake members love Pi(e) Day!

  30. I'm going to make Texas Hot Cocoa Sheet Cake and cut into squares with valentine hearts on top. It would be wonderful to win books! My email is

  31. I will add Superbowl Sunday to that list since I will be making a bunch of appetizers and dips as well as brownies for dessert. We also celebrate Mardi Gras by eating out at a Cajun restaurant and having king cake for dessert. Valentine's Day my daughter wants to make a strawberry dessert cake. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Ah, yes, another big food day falls in the mix this year, doesn't it? Go, team!

  32. My big foodie holiday is Shogatsu, Japanese New Year, which was on Jan. 1. I make kuromame (with black soybeans), kinpira gobo (fried shredded burdock root), zarusoba (cold buckwheat noodles with a light broth). My husband is the main cook in our house (he's retired, I am a working public librarian), and he doesn't pay attention to holidays. He is an excellent cook and likes Mexican/East Indian fusion, Greek/Mediterranean, Cajun and Creole, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese, and some Japanese cuisine. teenlibn(at)hotmail(dot)com.

  33. We like to visit our favorite local Chinese restaurant for Lunar New Year. <3

  34. I am making a strawberry short cake this year!!


  35. Lunar New Year. I bought frozen shrimp dumplings and fresh egg noodles from Chinatown today.

    Valentine's Day. I will get a box of assorted chocolate truffles from Hummingbird Chocolates, our local bean-to-bar artisan chocolate maker.

    grace dot koshida at gmail dot com

  36. Ooh, for Valentine's Day I always look forward to chocolate-covered strawberries! Long ago, I told the hubs to stop buying me roses; those die. Get me something I can really enjoy- food! lol

  37. thank you ladies for sharing. when our two kiddos lived at home and yes when they were younger, I did a lot of trying out different foods with pinks, reds etc. One year they were both in grade school and I made for breakfast pinkish scrambled eggs. LOL they would not touch them. Honestly I didnt blame them. So I pulled out the oatmeal and put some pink in it and cooked it and yup another one that kids would not eat. Dont blame them. It was like a huge pink blog and when added milk it was a little grossss. LOL But I had a lot of fun with valentines deserts. One of our favorites was cherry cake with hot cherry sauce to go over it. Yummmm
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  38. For Fat Tuesday, paczkis are a must. There are lines at bakeries for them on Fat Tuesday in the Chicago area. Also, I will definitely been ordering Chinese food from my favorite Chinese restaurant.

    1. Big fat jelly doughnuts, for those who haven't tried them!

  39. I will be enjoying Chinese food on Lunar New Year, as there is a birthday celebration for a friend that evening. I’ve never really celebrated Mardi Gras, but I think having pancakes as a celebration sounds fun. I tend to ignore Valentine’s Day other than the pictures my nieces and nephews send.

  40. My Mother always bought a box of cherry cordials for Valentine's Day and I usually do the same. Other than that, I don't really celebrate Singles' Appreciation Day as it has become.

    1. My late mother adored them, and I often took her a box this time of year. May every bite be sweet!

  41. i always have Chinese food to celebrate Lunar New Year. I will also make jambalaya to have on Tuesday night for Mardi Gras. My favorite Italian restaurant is having a buffet night this Saturday so there might be some treats from that to have during the week. Also, many of us will observe Ash Wednesday on Valentine's Day, too. It's time for tuna melts and grilled cheese season. egoehner(at)roadrunner(dot)com.

  42. All these desserts look amazing! I will only be celebrating Valentine’s Day. We go out dinner so I can get a nice break. I’ve never celebrated Mardi Gras or Lunar New Year. But we do get fastnachts for Fat Tuesday.

    1. Another name for big fat jelly doughnuts! Now I want one -- or three!

  43. We only celebrate Valentine's Day. We like to make heart shaped sugar cookies, but I might have to try some of these yummy sounding recipes.

  44. This is an awesome giveaway!! I will be celebrating Valentine's Day by eating lots of chocolate!! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  45. I try to celebrate all 3 in my own way. I love Mardi Gras even though I'm not Catholic. I have the beads and wish I could get to go celebrate in person. I'm going to buy a King Cake from a baker friend of mine. Of course chocolate for Valentine's Day and I wear pink. Chinese New Year of course it's the food. My husband and I love egg foo yung, eggrolls and fried rice and sometimes we have cashew chicken. Yum!! pgenest57 at aol dot com

    1. Now that's the way to celebrate! Cheers!

    2. You celebrate the best way -- with food! Thanks for commenting, Paula!

  46. Oh I definitely do celebrate them all. I love making themed food. So I always find a way to incorporate the holiday into food.

  47. We have been preparing for Valentine's Day for two weekends. Our two granddaughters visit us each weekend, and we have been using scrapbooking materials and printed outlines to color, design and make special Valentines. As a retired teacher, I have plenty of supplies. And Valentine's Day was my favorite holiday with second graders. We would have a "sweet" class party with decorated "mailboxes" and plenty of treats. When our daughter was in elementary grades, I would take mine home unopened to let her open and read them to me so the day lasted a nice long time. I am an avid reader and enjoy cozy mysteries,

  48. What a lovely time you'll all have! I cherish a fond memory of making Valentines with a grade school friend in her family's playroom -- we're still friends, still remember, and still making things!

  49. LNY is my kind of holiday! I love to cook in my cast iron Wok. I live near a lot of ethnic markets and have become familiar with a lot of ingredients.

    1. Wonderful to have access to such an array of ingredients!

  50. Murder, mayhem, mystery and Valentine Day treats ...that's a perfect way to spend the day! In the mountains, we've had a colder than normal Winter with more snow than usual and I'm now inspired to bake Valentine goodies to show appreciation for the people who have had to work much harder to keep it all running smoothly...U.S. Mail, power company, delivery people, etc❣️

    1. Oh, what a lovely idea! Here in NW Montana, we just came through record-breaking cold, and I am so grateful for all the folks who kept things running and moving and plowed!

  51. I'm celebrating Groundhog's Day with cookies! c85516246 (at) Gmail (dot) com

  52. All these delicious treats and I can't decide which one to make first. Thanks for sharing them! 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com

  53. Anon, cookies again? :) Brenda, that's the spirit!
