Sunday, January 7, 2024

Around the Kitchen Table: A Year in Reading, and in Eating #Giveaway

VICKI DELANY: A New Year begins! That’s always so exciting, and a bit scary.  What will the next twelve months bring for us and our loved ones? In my family the big event we’re planning is the 100th birthday party for my mother in August. The response has been overwhelmingly positive and we’re expecting family and friends from all over Canada, and even from around the world, to attend.

One big advantage most of us authors have going into a new year, is knowledge of what is going to happen when, in the book world at least. We usually have publication dates a year in advance. How well the book will be received is, of course, another matter, but it’s nice to have that certainly to plan around.

In order to also plan my reading, I asked my fellow cooks in the Mystery Lovers Kitchen what’s on their publishing schedule.  I’ll start:

With four cozy series running now, I have a new book out in everyone of them! And don't forget that the previous book will come out in paperback a month or two before the new release. 


🌿 🍔 🌾

LESLIE KARST: What will the next twelve months bring for me? Well, besides the three mystery conventions I’ll be attending (Left Coast Crime in Seattle; Malice Domestic in Washington, DC; Bouchercon in Nashville—yeeHAW!), my other big event this coming year is traveling to Junction, Texas (yeeHAW again!) to view the total eclipse of the sun on April 8. Assuming it’s not cloudy. Fingers crossed.

As for what’s on my publishing schedule, I am so excited to announce the launch of a brand new series this year, the Orchid Isle Mysteries. In the first book, MOLTEN DEATH (which releases on April 2), retired caterer Valerie Corbin and her wife Kristen, while on a trip to the Big Island of Hawai‘i, swap surfing lessons for sleuthing sessions when a hike to an active lava flow turns deadly.

In addition, the trade paper edition of my last Sally Solari mystery, A SENSE FOR MURDER, will also come out this spring.

🌿 🍒 🌱

MADDIE DAY Bookishly, 2024 will see me traveling to Malice Domestic at the end of April, plus the New England Crime Bake in the fall. On a personal note, I'll be helping my son and his wife welcome home my first grandbaby (born three months early) toward the end of January, and I'm returning to Japan at the start of April for the first time forty-seven years after living there!

My next release is an exciting one (but I don't have a cover yet) - A Case for the Ladies will be out in early March, a story featuring lady PI Dot Henderson working with Amelia Earhart to solve murders of young immigrant women in 1926 Boston. You heard it here first!
Murder at the Rusty Anchor, Cozy Capers Book Group Mystery #6, releases in June.

Deadly Crush, the second Cece Barton Mystery, will be out in October.

🍷 🦞 🥞

LESLIE BUDEWITZ:  My 2024 is a little less settled than my friends,' but that will change soon! To Err is Cumin, the 8th Spice Shop Mystery, will be out July 16 -- I'll be sharing the cover with my newsletter subscribers on January 14th (sign up on my website and get a pair of free short stories) and on Dru's Book Musings on January 16th. It's absolutely adorable -- maybe my favorite yet, and that's saying a lot! 

I've also got a special project coming in late spring, a historical short story and novella collection called All God's Sparrows, featuring a real-life historical figure named "Stagecoach Mary" Fields. The title story, my first with Mary, was published in Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and was co-winner of the 2018 Agatha Award for Best Short Story. I don't have that final cover yet, either, but I can tell you this: I dreamed it. Or something like it -- we'll see what the designer does with my images.  

On the personal front, I've got a milestone birthday coming in March. Mr. Right and I are working out plans for a trip to Alaska, and looking forward to taking our camper all around Western Montana! I'll be meeting up with several of my blog sisters at Left Coast Crime in Seattle in early April -- doubling as a research trip for more Spice Shop mysteries -- and at Malice Domestic in Bethesda, MD in late April. I hope to see some of you there, too!  

🍭 🍰 🍧

LUCY BURDETTE: Wow, so excited for all these books coming from my blog sisters! I have a few to add...the paperback edition of THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS will be out from Severn House on January 25 (UK) and March 26 (US). I loved writing this book--it's not a mystery, but I would be so pleased to have you try it.

Next up, LUCY BURDETTE'S KITCHEN. This one could be right up your alley, as it's a collection of the recipes from all the Key West food critic mysteries. Plus there's a bonus short story!

Last but not least, A POISONOUS PALATE, #14 in the Key West series will be out on August 8. This one has a dual timeline, tracking a disappearance from the late 1970's and a present day murder. Are they related? Read on to find out:). 

🌞 🌸 📚

MOLLY MACRAE: Wow, there’s so much going on in the kitchen! I’m looking forward to attending Malice Domestic after missing it for the past two years. I’m also going to Bouchercon in Nashville. As for the total eclipse on April 8, we live just a couple of hours from the path of totality, so you can bet we’ll be there. Another place you’ll find me (sort of) is on the Ice Age Trail that runs through Wisconsin.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

The reason I said sort of is  because I’m keeping track of the miles I walk every day here at home and just pretending that I’m trekking the 1,200 miles of the trail. It’s a fun goal. Last year I “walked” from John O’Groats in the north of Scotland to Land’s End at the tip of Cornwall. It was a spectacular trip and I finished that long haul hike the same day I finished writing my 20th book.

Speaking of books – Come Shell or High Water, the first book in my new Haunted Shell Shop mystery series comes out this summer (and is available for pre-order now). As for that 20th book I finished writing, I don’t know it’s title yet or when it will be out. I wrote it under my pen name, Margaret Welch, as part of a continuity series (a situation where several authors write the books in a series). When I do know title and date, I’ll let readers know in one of my Mystery Lovers’ Kitchen posts. 

CLEO COYLE: Marc and I are grateful to our readers for helping us celebrate the 20th anniversary of our Coffeehouse Mystery series with our (just released) publication of Bulletproof Barista (#20 in the series), and we’re now finishing up the writing of our 21st Coffeehouse Mystery, which is scheduled for publication later this year...

We cannot yet share the title or storyline of Coffeehouse Mystery #21 with you (sorry about that), but we’re very excited about our upcoming Clare & Company adventure. We're also thrilled with how the cover is progressing. We always work closely with our artist in moving from concept to sketch stage to the final cover painting. Below are some fun examples of the early stages of art from Bulletproof Barista. This sketch stage is where we are now with the creation of our next Coffeehouse cover (#21), which will be out later this year...

As for our other long-running series, we're happy to report that we signed a contract for three more Haunted Bookshop mysteries, and we’ve already begun the writing on our next Jack & Penny "Ghost" adventure. We’ll be finishing that one up soon with a publication date (and more exciting news) to be announced, and then forging ahead on the writing of the 22nd Coffeehouse before the year is over. So, 2024 will be a busy writing year for us, and we’re happy to report to our readers that both series will be continuing into the future... Happy New Year, everyone, and Happy Reading! ~ Cleo

Click here
 or on the image above to learn more about our long-running Haunted Bookshop Mysteries, featuring the ghost of Jack Shepard, PI, and his haunting of our widowed bookseller and amateur sleuth, Penny Mclure.


MAYA CORRIGAN: I love reading about the 2024 books coming from the Kitchen! Congratulations to all of you on your upcoming titles! With no book coming out this year. I’m the odd woman out in this group of wonderful writers. I took a break from writing in 2023 to decompress and to deal with some health issues like getting a new knee.

My writing plans for 2024 include updating a suspense novel I was ready to pitch when I received a contract for my cozy mysteries series. The main character is Claire Rainey, who helped Val and Granddad solve the crimes in Bake Offed, the 8th Five-Ingredient Mystery. The unpublished version of the novel won the Daphne award and was a finalist for the Malice Domestic. I have high hopes for an updated version that incorporates what I’ve learned about writing crime fiction while publishing nine cozy mysteries. Happy reading and eating in 2024!


B O O K 
G I V E A W A Y! 

READERS: For many of us reading is about more than just sitting in a comfy chair being wrapped up in a book. We have book clubs and snacking rituals around our reading activity. If you are a member of a book club, we’d love to know what sort of foods (if any) are served at your meetings. If you’re a solitary reader, do you have something in particular you enjoy munching on as you devour a good book? Do you deliberately attempt to match your snacks to your books?

Leave a comment below on your noshing while reading habits for a chance to win this great prize pack of fabulous mysteries.   

The Sign of Four Spirits (ARC) by Vicki Delany

A Clue in the Crumbs by Lucy Burdette

Deep Fried Death by Maddie Day

Murder on Tour by V.M. Burns


Join the

Include your email address, 
so we can contact the winner

 Comments open through
Wednesday January 10. 



  1. I am usually so engrossed in the book that I rarely even take a break to take a sip of my soda, never mind eating. I loved reading about all the books to look forward to in 2024. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  2. So many great books coming out! And Lucy, a recipe collection? I want to hear more.

  3. Well it looks like there will be some great books coming out this year! I'm looking forward to them!

  4. WOW, you all have busy (and productive) plans for 2024!
    Looking forward to reading your new books.

    More (international) travel for me. Going to Seattle (really Bellevue) Left Coast Crime (LCC) in April. Too bad about the solar eclipse. Ottawa is right in the viewing path but I will be flying to Vancouver that night & will miss it! Shortly after LCC, I will be going on a foodie/cultural getaway to Singapore & Malaysia. Also going to a smaller mystery festival in Montreal in late May (meeting up with some online friends in person). And I am also looking forward to my first trip to Nashville in August for Bouchercon. Those are the confirmed 2024 trips. More are in the plans for later on in the year.

    1. Congratulations on being fan GOH next year at LCC. As for this year, I'll see you there. I was in Malaysia a couple of years ago, and just loved it.

    2. Awww, thanks so much, Vicki! Looking forward to seeing you in person soon!

    3. Oops, forget my email address above. grace dot koshida at gmail dot com

  5. I'm looking forward to reading the new books coming out! It's always exciting to have a new book come out in a series.
    I do sometimes snack while I read but mostly I drink hot tea, coffee and sometimes hot choc in winter. I like to snack on fruit and sometimes chocolate. I do read while I eat lunch if no one joins me.

  6. 2024 looks like another great year for books! If I have a snack while reading, I go with sweet and salty. I like a few Hershey kisses with either pretzel sticks or mixed nuts. cking78503(at)aol)com)

  7. Good morning! I just love your blog and all the comments you each made. I can't WAIT to get my hands on these books. I like to read in the bathtub often, so snacks sometimes go with me (pretzels) but not often. Possibly coffee or a glass of wine, if it is in the appropriate time frame!

  8. I agree lots of good reads to look forward to.

    I don't have any particular snack at hand while reading - mostly i drink some nice warm tea.
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  9. I will eat almost anything if I'm reading a good book, but I prefer almonds or pistachios.

  10. Looks like 2024 is going to be full of delicious new mysteries. I always have a glass of sweet tea and maybe some M& M's and chips while reading.
    Thanks for the chance to win. barbiefan(@)comcast(.)net

  11. Totally blown away with all the new books coming out. My TBR list just grew by leaps and bounds and that makes me one happy reader. There's a lot to anticipate and look forward to in 2024.

    Notice a few are putting seeing the eclipse in their list of things to do in 2024. Fortunately, we live right in one of the best spots to see it meaning we will sitting out in the yard, hopefully with a clear day, to observe it. Also, like Leslie, we planning a bucket list trip to Alaska this year.

    As for munches while reading, I use to love anything salt - nuts, chips, crackers - that I could eat with one hand while holding my book with the other. I've always been partial to salty over sweet leaving the sweet for desserts. I've also realized that snacking while reading was often empty calories - meaning calories consumed without really any knowledge of eating them. Since I can look at food and gain weight, that makes for a bad combination. Since I'm once again trying the work on that dirty four letter word - diet, snacking is at present a thing that's taboo. Do I missing my snacks while reading - yes. Was it a habit - yes. But snack or no snack, I will continue to "exercise" my right to read. :)

    Thank you for the wonderful change to win a grouping of four fabulous books! Always more than happy to review and share those reviews to spread the word of the fabulous books out there.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  12. I had to repost again, as my comment was anonymous. It says to leave your email, but I am reluctant to post my email for all to see!!

    Good Morning. I just love your blog and all the comments you each made. I can't WAIT to get my hands on these books. I like to read in the bathtub often, so snacks sometimes go with me (pretzels) but not often. Possibly coffee or a glass of wine, if it is in the appropriate time frame!

    1. Thanks for joining us. I totally understand your reluctance to put your email address out here.

    2. Thank you. I know that throws me out of the giveaway. I just love this blog, and ALL the writers, recipes and posts.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It sounds as though I will have plenty of great books to read in the upcoming year. My snacks are usually cheese crackers or mixed nuts. 3labsmom(at)gmail(dot)com

  14. Congrats on all the forthcoming books--I'm making a (long) list! My book club abandoned snacks but despite our pretensions to health and time management, at almost every meeting someone has brought "just a few" leftover holiday cookies, or, just happened to try a new cake recipe that very day (hooray!). bdewolfe at roadrunner dot com

  15. I usually do most of my reading in bed, so no snacks there. When i read in other places I usually have a drink by my side like coffee or water. Right now I'm snacking on a Smores snack mix my friend made me.

  16. I try not to nosh while reading, but I can’t resist chocolate.

  17. Oops! I hit publish above before checking to see if I'd signed in. I think I am now, but at any rate, I can't resist chocolate any time, but it's especially good while reading!

  18. So many books to look forward to. Thank you! I don't usually snack while reading but we did get some really nice chocolates for Christmas and I've been nibbling one each night during reading time. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

  19. So many good books to look forward to- I'm adding to my list now. I don't usually eat while I read. I have on occasion read while eating supper, but then I'm afraid I'll spill something on the book... I mostly just cuddle up with my cat instead.

  20. I'm so excited for these books to come out. Unfortunately our library system seems to not be acquiring as many cozies as they used to. I have added so many of your books to the wishlists. I'll follow up with a donation and see if that helps.
    I used to belong to a book club at said library but found most of the selections quite depressing so after COVID I did not return . We did try to match our food as best we could to what was happening in the book. One time we were reading about people defecting from North Korea and I brought in rice, Kimchi along with sesame crackers.
    At home I'm more likely to have an apple or yogurt while reading, always accompanied by tea. My mom was always reading in bed at night with a cup of tea and I have kept up the tradition.
    Thank you all for the wonderful stories you write, that get me through my toughest times.
    sandra shenton 13 at gmail dot com

    1. Sandra, thanks for letting your library know you'd like more cozies. Library staff really do want to know what their patrons want, both titles and formats.

      And we are grateful for our readers!

  21. So many books to read! So many dishes to cook! My book group always has dinners. The hosting does the main dish and the rest of us (we are 7 total) bring appetizers, vegetables, salad, bread and dessert. And there is always wine. When I host I try to tie my entree to the book. Suzette Ciancio

  22. I have a snack mix I make with peanuts, pecans, cashews, banana chips, pretzels, and raisins I enjoy or chocolate

  23. I favor salty snacks. Usually with some hot tea. Looking forward to reading all of the new books

  24. Some great storylines to add to my list! I read during my 30 minute lunch and sometimes forget to finish my lunch 😉.

  25. I like a nice cup of hot tea (mint or Gingerbread ). I usually don’t snack while reading because I’m snuggling with my sweet beagle❤️

  26. I do belong to a monthly book club, but we don't serve food. In February, I will be leading our discussion of Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt. When I read, I like to snack on nuts and I drink Pepsi Zero. I am excited to learn about everyone's upcoming books!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  27. So many good books to look forward to. Our book club always has snacks and wine. Usually some type of dip with pita and something sweet. If the book we are reading has some type of food involved, someone will bring it. I enjoy some chocolate while reading.

  28. I don't know how you do it! And some of you have to keep track of not just various stories, but alternative writer's names!
    Well done, all of you!
    And many thanks.

    1. Ooops libbydodd at comcast dot net

  29. Love learning about all the new books to come! I am a popcorn eater when I read, or sometimes chocolate! Thanks and Happy New Year! ljbonkoski@ yahoo. com

  30. A lot of it depends on the time of day. If I'm reading and it's daylight outside I may just have a cold drink. Nighttime I may be munching on tortilla chips or cheese and crackers.

  31. Wonderful books which would be greatly enjoyed. I always drink hot tea when I am reading. Tea and a baguette with hummus is my reading snack. It is my favorite enjoyment. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  32. I no longer snack when I read, can't afford the extra calories and I don't want to get the book dirty!! I still read each day and can't wait for all the new books to come out.

  33. I am not much of a snacker when I read but I do sometimes read while I eat lunch. I always have a glass of water and often a cup of tea or coffee at hand. I am very excited to see all the new books in the birthing process, keep 'em coming!!! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  34. I generally drink tea or sparkling water when I read. Looking forward to all the great reads being released this year!
    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  35. My book group meets at restaurant or diner for brunch so I have a meal while discussing our latest book.

  36. WOW - this site is terrific!! In the winter, I typically read in bed :) During the warmer months, I like to sit on my balcony with book in hands and have either iced coffee or iced tea next to me. I'm going to be ordering quite a few books now that I've been "transported" to this site :)

  37. I tend to not snack when I read, but I do enjoy a good cup of tea while I am reading! Oh, I also read during my lunch hour, so I guess I DO eat while reading (sometimes!) Thanks for the chance to win four great books, and Happy New Year to the Kitchen crew! aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

  38. The books clubs is bling to are online. So when I read the mo the book or pleasure read my go to eat is cheese, cured meats, and crackers.
    Kitten143 (at) Verizon (dot) net

  39. I have written down all the titles, so I can add them to my wish list. I am on a limited income, so I use our local library and share with the librarians on which books they need to order. I love that there will be a new Key West mystery. My email is

  40. So many good books coming out, lots of great reading in 2024. I always have water or iced tea and sometimes cheese and crackers or a snack mix. Thanks for the great giveaway.

  41. Thank you for this chance. I snack on whatever is in reach at the time. areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

  42. So many new authors. I am always excited to find a new series. I try not to eat while I read unsuccessfully but something salty is my go to.

  43. I'm so happy to have discovered so many new (to me) authors, and my Kindle is bursting with many of your books. Looking forward to adding to the stack this year. I snack on fruit, chips, or chocolate (especially chocolate-covered pretzels).

  44. All of these books look so wonderful!!! Ususally, I don't snack when I read. I have eaten popcorn while reading, is fairly decent calorie-wise.

  45. I am not much of a snacker while reading since I do most of my reading at night. I used to enjoy eating Reese's Pieces and drinking iced tea when I was younger and did not have to watch my weight as much. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  46. I eat mixed nuts. Never thought about pairing.

  47. So many great books to look forward too. I got the notice that my 9th book in the Poppy McAllister series will release in September this year just a couple days ago when I was contacted for an interview. It's funny that I'm often the last to find out.

  48. Popcorn is my favorite snack when reading or grapes or cherries [these last two when in season and affordable] or apple slices. That's when I'm reading on the back patio or down in the den/mancave/basement. When I'm listening in the car for my commute, it's my grownup sippy cup of coffee. When I'm reading my bedtime Kindle/Nook book, typically not snacking.
    I'm really looking forward to all of the new books coming out!!
    VWinship at aol dot com

  49. Fabulous summary of new book births this year!!! I will savor each and every one of them, and thank you for all your efforts to entertain us grandly. I can't wait!!! As far as snacks while wife and I usually have just tea while reading, and don't snack between meals. Our book club meets via Zoom after the pandemic, especially since several live in different states. When our book club started, we met at a tea parlor (sadly closed now), and the owner, who organized the club used to bake items that were mentioned in the books we read. Those were the days, as they say... we will never forget the fun we had. For the final review of a book we used to dress up as a character in the book, and play games like guessing who you are dressed up as. After the tea parlor closed, we met at a book shop, and the owner provided tea, but we all brought in some delicacy to eat. We are all partial to scones, so there were always a variety of scones available. Then...the pandemic hit, and we all hid at home until we started our club via Zoom and have been so happy to be visited by some of you, dear authors. Those visits are highlights for us! Thank you most sincerely. Happy New Year y'all! Luis at ole dot travel

  50. I’m excited for all the new books! Usually if the munchies hit, I grab some chips to eat with my Diet Coke.

  51. thanks ladies for sharing your books coming out. I was in a book club for many years and we only had drinks (non alcoholic) Now I am a solitary reader at home and I love either hot tea or iced tea. I love to share my books with friends and my love of reading with my nieces and nephews and great niece and great nephew. I am so looking forward to the new books coming our way. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  52. I like a snack with my coffee. Muffins are great. I don't usually snack while reading, but I might eat a meal while listening to an audiobook.

  53. I usually have a drink (normally water) next to me and something like pretzels to snack on. I am trying to cut down on the snacking!

  54. 4 Great authors.I snack on whatever is in the house 😁no I so glad to be a part of this blog You are all my favs it's going to be a great year ahead

  55. wow, great reads during our snowy cold days - would love to have these in my library

  56. Thank you so much for all the fantastic books you all write . We are so happy to read them. When I'm reading I tend to drink coffee . If I get the chance at lunch time I will pull a cozy mystery out and attempt to eat and read whatever I have with me. I'm diabetic so I'm trying to eat more meat and cheese 🧀. Thanks again. Happy New year !! I will say I'm a girl scout leader so I will be munching on some thin mints very soon.

  57. My snacks generally match the season more than a specific book, though cookies or chocolate are favorites! My email is c85516246 (at) Gmail (dot) com.

  58. So many great books to look forward too! I usual snack on a peanut mix or pretzels. Either a cup of coffee or tea will join me in the morning with my book!

    Thanks for the chance!!


  59. Thank you for introducing all these new books! My to-be-read list just got longer. I typically do not snack while eating. I do have a cup of hot tea near me unless I am reading in bed, which is nightly. I am a member of a few on-line book clubs, and a member of our local library board. Thank you for the chance to win. madamhawk at gmail dot com

  60. I usually have a cup of coffee and some chocolate while reading. Thank you for this opportunity!

  61. I always have cheese and crackers and sometimes add black grapes.

  62. Jennie SenapatiratneJanuary 10, 2024 at 9:19 PM

    I love a great cup of tea and walnuts while I enjoy a great kitchen book
