Friday, December 22, 2023

Mulled Wine for the #WinterSolstice #Holiday from @MaddieDayAuthor #giveaway

MADDIE DAY here on the winter solstice. Today is the shortest day and longest night in the Northern Hemisphere, and the inverse in the Southern Hemisphere.

In northern climes, earlier cultures were rightly afraid that the sun might never return. Would the days lengthen again? Would they be able to grow food and be warm ever again?

And so rituals formed, practices to celebrate light and heat that would banish the night. Many of these are now incorporated into European traditions of lighting candles at this time of year, of bringing evergreens into the house to remind us of something green, of decorating with red berries to remember seeds and to bring joy, and of enjoying nourishing, warm food and drinks.

I love taking the longer, more secular view about holidays like Christmas. (Mind you, my childhood nativity scene is set up and I've been baking cookies decorated with red and green sugars for days. I can't not!) Isn't it comforting to know we share a history and practice with so many people who aren't exactly like ourselves, who might practice a religion different in details but basically alike in values?

In celebration I bring you a spiced mulled wine to warm your innards on this solstice. If you don't drink alcohol, try one of the non-alcoholic red wines or apple cider, and omit the brandy. And read down for a celebratory giveaway!

Hot Mulled Wine, or Glühwein


1 (750 ml) bottle of dry red wine
1/4 cup brandy (or orange liqueur) - omit if desired
1 peeled orange, sliced into rounds
8 whole cloves
2 cinnamon sticks
1 cardamom pod
2 to 4 tablespoons sugar, honey, or maple syrup to taste (or your desired sweetener)


Combine ingredients. Add wine, brandy, orange slices, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, and 2 tablespoons sweetener to a large saucepan.  Stir briefly to combine.

Cook the mulled wine on medium-high heat until it just barely reaches a simmer.  (Avoid letting it bubble — you don’t want to boil off the alcohol.)  Reduce heat to low, cover, and let the wine simmer for at least 15 minutes or up to 3 hours.

Serve in a mug with an extra cinnamon stick and a half an orange slice. 

Happy Solstice! May the light return. If you celebrated Hanukkah, I hope it was a happy one, and if you are a Christmas and/or Kwanzaa celebrant, may it be merry and meaningful.

Readers: What's your favorite hot drink in the winter? I just got in a box of next week's book and would love to send a copy of Deep Fried Death to a commenter!


Murder Uncorked, featuring my new wine bar manager Cece Barton, is out!

My next book to release is Deep Fried Death, #12 in the Country Store Mysteries.

It will come out the day after Christmas this year!

Check out all my writing:

We hope you'll visit Maddie and her Agatha Award-winning alter ego Edith Maxwell on our web site, sign up for our monthly newsletter, visit us on social media, and check our all our books and short stories.

Maddie Day (aka Edith Maxwell) is a talented amateur chef and holds a PhD in Linguistics from Indiana University. An Agatha Award-winning and bestselling author, she is a member of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America and also writes award-winning short crime fiction. She lives with her beau and sweet cat Martin north of Boston, where she’s currently working on her next mystery when she isn’t cooking up something delectable in the kitchen.


  1. I love drinking Glühwein. I first drank it on visits to Germany & Austria in the cute Christmas Market mug. More recently, I enjoyed drinking Glühwein Chicago's Christkindlmarket in Daley Plaza.

  2. I either have hot chocolate or peppermint tea after I've had my coffee fix. Happy Holidays to you and your family!! Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  3. Merry Christmas. Today is my birthday. Woohoo. Thank you for this recipe. Oh this book sounds like a lot of fun. Have a wonderful rest of the season. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  4. Love hot spiced apple cider! However, this recipe sounds so yummy that I could almost smell the spices and flavors as I read it. Thank you for the recipe. Can't wait to try it!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  5. I love a nice cup of Trader Joe's Maple Espresso tea. Thanks for the giveaway and Merry Christmas! aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

  6. We usually have hot tea, hot chocolate or apple cider.

  7. CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming new book birth :-), dear Maddie! Thank you for this warm recipe, Maddie! My favorite hot drink is eggnog espresso every morning in December after the pumpkin spices have been tucked away until next year. Starting in cocoa with marshmallows! Thank you for allowing meto win DEEP FRIED DEATH...I hope it arrives today so I can take it with me when we travel to our son's home early tomorrow morning. MERRY AND BLESSED CHRISTMAS to y'all!!! Luis at ole dot travel

  8. I enjoy Hot tea. Soothing Chai which is my favorite for cold winter days and nights. Merry Christmas! saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Mine actually is hot mulled wine. We make it every Christmas

    1. Good choice! You are our lucky winner, Laurie. Congratulations, and please check your email.

  10. I forgot to leave my email

  11. As always, coffee in the morning, spiced tea in the evening, but this sounds fun for the season. Looking forward to the release of Deep Fried Death. Just about to start Murder Uncorked. Thanks for all the happy reading hours! Merry Happy! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  12. Hot chocolate or hot tea. Happy holidays to everyone.

  13. My favorite is hot mulled cider, I've never tried mulled wine but it sounds delicious.

  14. Baileys or a spice tea. Love your books, I'm looking forward to this one. Thanks for the recipe

  15. Eggnog, Hot apple cider or hot cocoa is my winter time drinks Thank you for the recipe.

  16. I've been wanting some mulled wine. So I bought a bottle at Aldi's to try out. Only to discover that the seal was broken. Dare I drink it? While I was trying to get around to returning it (store is the opposite direction from the one I usually take), I picked up a bottle at Fresh Market. Only to discover it's alcohol free! I think this requires some orange liqueuer and/or brandy.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

  17. Hot cocoa and hot tea are my favorite wintertime drinks. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  18. I would normally say hot coffee with Bailey's and whipped cream, but this year my friends introduced me to mulled wine and that may be my new favorite. Merry Christmas 🎄 and Happy New Year.

  19. Hot coffee in the morning and hot chocolate with whipped cream! Yum!

  20. Laurie is our lucky winner!. Congratulations, Laurie, and please check your email. Thanks to all for these great hot drink suggestions. Merry Christmas!
