Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Maple Syrup-Brown Butter Glaze #ThanksgivingRecipe by @LeslieKarst


You’ve no doubt already settled on the sides for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, but in case you’ve decided on Brussels sprouts but are wavering on just how to prepare them, here’s a delicious and easy recipe made with ingredients you likely already have on hand in your kitchen.

And even if you don’t make them for dinner tomorrow, after reading this post, I’m guessing you’ll want to make these sprouts some time in the very near future—for that maple syrup-brown butter is simply divine! (I seem to be on a brown butter kick of late, since this is the last recipe I posted here, lol.)


Roasted Brussels Sprouts with Maple Syrup-Brown Butter Glaze

(serves 2-4)


1 lb. Brussels sprouts

1 tablespoon olive oil

¼ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

2 oz. (¼ stick) butter

1 tablespoon maple syrup

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

¼ cup panko



Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Remove any brown or yellow leaves from the sprouts, cut off the bottoms of the stems, and slice them in half (or in quarters, if large). Reserve separately the loose leaves that come off the sprouts.


Toss the sprouts with the oil, salt, and pepper, spread out in a single layer on a baking sheet, and place in the preheated oven.


While the sprouts are roasting, prepare the glaze. Melt the butter over medium-low heat in a saucepan (a light-colored pan makes it easier to see when the color changes). Stirring often to keep the milk solids from burning, simmer the butter until it turns a light brown and has a fragrant, nutty aroma.


Remove the butter from the heat and stir in the maple syrup. 


Roast the Brussels sprouts for about 20 minutes—until a fork goes into them easily. Remove from oven and add to them the balsamic vinegar and loose leaves. Toss well, then return to the oven and roast for 5-10 more minutes, until done to your liking.


Remove the sprouts from the oven and toss with the brown butter and panko, and serve. 


🌱  🍗  🌿



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  1. This recipe makes even this one who isn't a brussel sprout fan want to try them. Thank you for the recipe and giving me the nudge to try them again.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. You just made my day, Kay! Call me the Brussels sprouts evangelist, lol!

  2. I had to smile when I was in the grocery store late last week and a woman walked up to the checkout line carrying a two-foot long stalk of brussels sprouts. Nothing else -- just the sprouts! I wonder if she needs your recipe?

    1. Ha! Love it! What a great image! How I wish I could get those stalks here in Hawai'i, where our sprouts tend to be on the not-so-fresh side....

  3. I have never tried brussel sprouts but the added maple flavor sounds really good. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  4. This certainly sounds like a winner!
    The trick with brussel sprouts is to cook them until they are crispy done and not mushy.
