Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Gluten Free Pumpkin Biscotti Ghosts #Recipe by @LibbyKlein #Halloween #Giveaway

Libby Klein, I have been a long-time lover of biscotti. Sweet Italian cookies that are meant to be dipped in coffee, tea, or cocoa. Or if you're an Italian purist, they're traditionally dipped in sweet wine - but that biscotti isn't covered with chocolate. I had a friend who just didn't get it. She thought I was crazy and called biscotti "Dried bread." Heathen. I forgave her. Mostly. These are pumpkin pie flavored little ghosties in time for Halloween. The white chocolate gets lovely and melty when you dip these in a hot drink. 

My Halloween book launched back in July, and it's pretty bare on Halloween-themed recipes which I admit is weird. But Poppy was busy making Italian dishes for a certain Italian Momma's restaurant, so you have some delicious recipes for Manicotti and tiramisu. Had Libby seen these biscotti ghosts while writing Mischief Nights Are Murder, you can believe Poppy would have made them in the book. Let's just call this a bonus recipe. 

Do you make any themed holiday foods? 

And since it's Halloween, I'll give away one copy of Mischief Nights Are Murder to a lucky commenter below. I have an Audiobook link if you are in Canada so just let me know in the comments. 

Pumpkin Biscotti

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Biscotti Ghosts


4 tablespoons butter, softened

2/3 cup granulated sugar

2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice  

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon salt

1 large egg

½ cup canned pumpkin

2 cups gluten-free flour

½ cup slivered blanched almonds


For Decorating

12 oz bag white chocolate chips

Either mini chocolate chips or candy eyes.


Pumpkin Biscotti Mise en place



  Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment.

In a medium-sized bowl, beat the softened butter, sugar, spices, and salt until the mixture is smooth and creamy.

Pumpkin Biscotti ghosts

Beat in the egg and pumpkin. At low speed, add the flour and baking powder, mixing until smooth. Add the slivered almonds and mix again.

Scoop the dough onto the prepared parchment paper. Shape it into a flat log. Pat the log into a long, flat rectangle, and smooth the tops and sides. Make sure it is not too high or the biscotti will be too fat. I like to roll the log in the parchment paper to prevent it from spreading too far.

Pumpkin Biscotti ghosts 
Pumpkin Biscotti ghosts

Bake the dough for 25 minutes. Remove it from the oven. Let cool for 5 minutes then remove the parchment paper, placing the cookie log on a cutting board. Replace a sheet of clean parchment for your cookie sheet.

Reduce the oven temperature to 325°F.

Using a serrated knife, cut the log crosswise into 1/2"  slices. Try to keep them all the same thickness. Set the biscotti on the prepared baking sheet. 

Return the biscotti to the oven, and bake them for 40 to 45 minutes, until they're starting to turn golden brown around the edges. They'll still feel a little soft in the middle. Turn off the oven, crack the door open a couple of inches, and let the biscotti cool right in the oven.

Pumpkin Biscotti ghosts

Remove the biscotti from the oven when they're completely cool. Melt the white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl. Dip each biscotti in melted white chocolate. Add mini chocolate chips or candy eyes and set aside on wax paper or parchment for the white chocolate to harden.

Pumpkin Biscotti ghosts

*inspiration for decorating from

Mischief Nights Are MurderPoppy McAllister discovers that gluten-free Halloweens can scare up another case of murder in the latest installment of this delightful culinary B&B mystery series! - Kirkus Reviews

Poppy is none too pleased when her B&B is coerced into participating in the Cape May Haunted Dinners Tour during Halloween season. Though her knack for finding dead bodies has given the place a spooky reputation, the Murder House is a completely undeserved nickname. At least it used to be . . .
While Poppy wrangles with some guests who can’t stop squabbling with each other—including a paranormal researcher, a very quirky pet psychic who freaks out her portly Persian, and an undercover tabloid reporter eager to catch her staff in a lie—one of them winds up facedown in a plate of tiramisu. And now she has bigger worries than getting her house TP’d . . .
Includes Recipes from Poppy’s Kitchen!

Silly Libby
Libby Klein grew up in Cape May, NJ where she attended high school in the '80s. Her

classes revolved mostly around the Culinary sciences and Drama, with one brilliant semester in Poly-Sci that may have been an accident. She loves to drink coffee, bake gluten-free goodies, collect fluffy cats, and translate sarcasm for people who are too serious. She writes from her Northern Virginia office where she serves a very naughty black smoke Persian named Sir Figaro Newton. You can keep up with her shenanigans by signing up for her Mischief and Mayhem Newsletter on her website.


  1. I like to make Halloween sugar cookies. Ghosts and pumpkins mostly and decorate them. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  2. i don't have any Halloween based treats

    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

  3. When we had kiddos around, I made lots of different Halloween themed goodies from cut out cookies that were Halloween themed in both shape and decorations as well as cakes and candies. It was fun to figure out how to turn our favorites into ones fit for a Halloween party.

    Thank you for the yummy recipe, that I will most definitely be trying, and for the fabulous chance to win a copy of MISCHIEF NIGHTS ARE MURDER! It's already on my TBR list and I can't wait for the opportunity to read and review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. I'm such a holiday fanatic. I love anything "special" that we do - especially the holiday treats.

  4. We do cutout cookies for Christmas, but one of my co-workers does them for every holiday. My mom just saw a recipe for brownies with shredded wheat sprinkled over the top and marshmallow pumpkins added to make a pumpkin patch. We tried that, but with pumpkin bars instead of brownies. Those were good, and went over big at work.

  5. Biscotti = Dried Bread? Oh, the horror. I am glad you (mostly) forgave your heathen friend, Libby!!! We usually don't make Halloween decorated treats, partly due to the fact that we live in the mountains, and kids don't dare venture out this far to get candy when they can just go downtown, where our small town merchants hand them out freely. We love biscotti, and never had them with pumpkin. I already printed your fun recipe from your newsletter, and will be making them for my wife and me to enjoy, and we will be thinking of you, Poppy, Figaro, and Aunt Ginny! Thank you for the hours of fun you bless us with. Luis at ole dot travel

    1. That dried bread comment had her on probation for a while- LOL> I hope you love the biscotti, Luis.

  6. I make Halloween cut-out sugar cookies, cakes and we do mummy hotdogs which are fun!

    Thanks for the chance!!


    1. Those mummy hot dogs look so cute. I think I made them for the kids one year.

  7. I love seeing all the holiday themed foods. I have yet to try making them. lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. When you try something, make sure you let me know how it goes.

  8. Biscotti is a favorite treat which I enjoy with tea. I make pumpkin biscuits which are perfect for everyone to enjoy. Just a touch of vanilla and not too sweet. Ideal for a snack or at night with tea. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. Kitchen is the size of a closet. No room. cheetahthecat1982ATgmailDOTcom

    1. I very often marveled at how my grandmother was able to cook full dinners for years in her galley kitchen that was roughly the size of a walk in closet.

  10. Thank you for the recipe I want to make it

  11. Thank you for sharing the recipe. I make the Halloween Foot Loaf. Thank you for this chance! areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. The Halloween Foot Loaf! I'll have to go google that!

  12. I make a ginger chocolate chip biscotti for Christmas, plus cut out cookies. This sounds really good. Thanks for the chance!

    1. I make gingerbread biscotti for Christmas! The recipe is in my Christmas book.

  13. My daughter, who just turned 17, considers Halloween her favorite holiday. She has been making Halloween treats each week for the past few weeks. So far she has made monster cookies, witches brew, vampire floats, and ghost smore's dip. I have been making more fall related treats like pumpkin bread. It's been fun. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  14. Those are the cutest ghost treats! I make sugar cookies every Christmas.

  15. My sister makes butter cookies. She has different molds/cutters for all of the holidays. I get to enjoy eating them.

  16. Congratulations to Anne Lovell - Winner of Mischief Nights Are Murder!
