Sunday, September 24, 2023

SPOTLIGHT SUNDAY: Q&A with Peg Cochran/Margaret Loudon


Q & A With Peg


This is my second spotlight and in the first one I told you the story of my life.  I’m sure you don’t want to read it again.  I thought I’d do a fun Q&A with some questions I found online.  I hope you’ll play along with me.  If you choose a question and answer it in the comments section, your name will go into the hat for a giveaway!

If you were to fail a driver’s test, what part would you fail.

Parallel parking for sure.  I’ve been driving for more than 50 years and I still can’t do it!

Have you ever tried talking to your dog?

All the time! He understood a lot of words like “dinner,” “treat,” “go bye-bye in the car,” “out,” “go for a walk.”

Do you like pineapple on your pizza?

Absolutely not!  It’s an abomination in my opinion.  But I will defend your right to put anything you want on your pizza.

What do you typically do when you’re bored?


Read.  What else? As long as I have a book, I’m never bored.


Do you have an imaginary friend?


Not now—that would be…weird.  But I had one as a child—a turtle I named Happy Snappers.


If you were to be banned from your local library, what would be the reason?


Not returning the books on time!  I’m sure my fines have built additions on several libraries.


Are you afraid of staying home alone?


Not at all.  I enjoy being alone occasionally.


Which of your body parts do you wish to change?


My eyes.  I’d love to have 20/20 vision.  I’ve worn glasses or contacts since I was seven years old.


Are you afraid of flying on a plane?

Yes and no.  I’ve flown a lot but I admit I’m a nervous flyer.


Do you know how to fold a fitted sheet?


No!  Even after watching half a dozen YouTube tutorials, I still can’t do. 


How would you pull off a perfect crime?


I don’t know.  All the criminals in my books eventually get caught!



Remember:  If you choose a question and answer it in the comments section, your name will go into the hat for a giveaway! (Be sure to leave your email so I can contact you. name at email dot com)





A few of my other series include:

Murder in the Margins (Open Book Series):  Amazon   Barnes & Noble
Berried Secrets (Cranberry Cove Series):  Amazon   Barnes & Noble Note: the e-book is currently $2.99
Murder, She Reported (Murder, She Reported series):  Amazon   Barnes & Noble
Confession Is Murder (Lucille Series):   Amazon    Barnes & Noble
No Farm, No Foul (Farmer's Daughter series)  Amazon    Barnes & Noble
Murder Unmentionable (Vintage Lingerie series) Amazon   Barnes & Noble.  Note: e-book is $2.99
Allergic to Death (Gourmet De-Lite series)  Amazon    Barnes & Noble   Note: e-book is $2.99


My web site: 



  1. These are so fun, Peg! I'm with you on the eyes. And now one eye might need cataract surgery soon. Ugh.

    1. According to the reports of several people I know it's like night and day with cataract surgery. The sight improvement is amazing. Or so I'm told. I haven't had to do it...yet.

  2. Great questions, Peg! We once made a list of all the words our last dog understood, and it was well over a hundred!

  3. I love pineapple on pizza, a Hawaiian Pizza. Thank you for this chance at your giveaway. pgenest57 at aol dot com

  4. Me too on the parallel parking Peg! But I'm surprised about your answer on imaginary friends--don't your characters count??

    1. I hadn't thought about that! You're right--my head is filled with an imaginary people who often seem quite real to me!

  5. "If you were to fail a driver’s test, what part would you fail." the eye exam without my glasses, like I did when I was younger and didn't want to have to wear them! The examiner asked me to read line 5 , I could only see 4 lines and then she asked if I wore glasses and to go get them ! and "Do you know how to fold a fitted sheet?" YES! my sole proprietor business was massage therapist/reflexologist - I folded a lot of fitted sheets😉

    1. I was able to renew my license online, which was a relief because I was afraid I wouldn't pass the eye exam this time around!

  6. I’d definitely fail the parallel parking. Got my license at 14 and like you been driving well over 50 years.

    Talking to a dog – who doesn’t. We can talk to them and they aren’t judgmental and always listen intently.

    Pineapple on pizza – in very small doses and only then on one with only ham or Canadian bacon. Not something I would order, but if I was served it, I could eat it.

    When I’m bored, I either read or bake.

    I’ve never personally had an imaginary friend. However, our daughter did and her name was GooGoo. We soon realized that her friend was similar to the cartoon character on The Flintstones. That was all she says on the show.

    Banned from the library – heaven forbid, but if I was more than likely it would be from disturbing the peace. I’m always finding someone to talk to and when I was younger my Mom was always having to tell me to lower my voice.

    I’m totally fine with being home alone. Home is my safety zone. So if it’s the place I feel the saftest how can I be fearful to be there?

    Think mine would be more of a body factor instead of an actual part. If I could change anything it would be the weight issue. My father’s side of the family all have weight issues. I must have inherited that gene because it’s been an issue of mine all my life.

    Never been on an airplane. I do have a fear of heights. However, at Niagara Falls it was ME that suggested the helicopter tour. Yes we went, but I don’t remember anything about the flight at all. Instead I was concentrating on snapping photos of what I was seeing through the lens. When we landed, hubby said it was a good thing because I would have been so scared the way we turned on side and zipped around to have seen anything at all.

    Proud to say that I most definitely can fold sheets. However, I’m the first to admit that most times the sheets come off, going right to the washer and out of the drying to go on the bed.

    Don’t think there is the perfect crime. If not caught by the law, the conscience would get you eventually – or it would me.

    It was fun to play along with you!
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

    1. I'm afraid of heights too. I can't believe you went up in a helicopter! I've never done that and probably never will.

  7. I actually did fail my first behind the wheel drivers test due to the dreaded parallel parking. The man asked me if I could take the test again. I said that my father would again drive from several hundred miles away to bring me the car so I could test again. He told me to take the car out again, let me get about 1/2 way through the parallel parking part, and gave me a passing score!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. My idea of parallel parking is driving around until I find another parking spot. Works every time!

  8. Great spotlight, Peg! I would have failed parallel parking for my license except for the snow that fell before and while I took the test. Though I was probably 3-4 feet from the curb, no one could see where the curb was.

  9. parallel parking would be a fail. the driving test was likely the only time i did it correctly.
    I always think i will get kicked out of the library for having too many items checked out.
    fruitcrmble AT comcast DOT net

    1. The one and only time I successfully parallel parked was on my driving test too!

  10. Fun questions! I definitely can't parallel park. I always talk to my dogs (because telepathy doesn't work). I tried pineapple on pizza once and it was horrible. ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot)com

    1. I'm glad I have a fellow pineapple-on-pizza-hater!

  11. Thank you, Peg/Margaret, for the interesting questions you answered! The one question that interests me most is this:
    "Are you afraid of flying on a plane?" I am a retired airline executive, and I have flown all my life. My dad was proud to say he took me on a small plane just before I was 2, and I was thrilled. After that, I have flown almost weekly for work, and admit that I was a nervous flyer for many years. Gradually, I was unsensitized enough that I don't even think about it any longer. I guess "practice makes perfect" may have been the reason. Thank you for delighting us with your wonderful cozies. I want them all :-) Luis at ole dot travel

    1. I do find if I haven't flown in awhile I'm more nervous than when flying a couple of times in a row. I loved flying when I was younger but that was when I thought I was immortal!

  12. I can fold a fitted sheet. And now I find myself doing it a lot at work.

  13. About those fitted sheets--I don't know what happened. I thought I used to know how to fold them but now they just mess with me! I like the video I saw of a woman "teaching" how to fold them: she wadded it up and tossed it in the linen closet!
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. Life is too short to stress over how your sheets are folded in my opinion!

  14. I haven't mastered the art of folding sheets. I talk to my dog all day and he is aware, and tuned into my every mood and tone. Libraries are my haven. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  15. I am not afraid of flying - in fact, I love it! This is because I only have to find my gate, get on the plane, and then I can read or sleep for the entire flight. It's very relaxing for me. Thank you for the opportunity to win! aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. That's what my daughter loves about flying. Her hubby is a nervous flyer so she makes sure his doctor gives him something to relax him.

  16. What fun, Peg! I learned to drive in a 74 Continental -- I can parallel park anything! But I am totally with you on pineapple and pizza, a combo (with Canadian bacon) that my late mother adored. As for imaginary friends, isn't that what our characters are?

  17. Am I afraid of being home alone? Not at all! I can do whatever I want!

  18. Fun questions!!!
    I would definitely fail parallel parking, I've been driving for 60 years and still can't do it.
    I like to be home alone except at night....things still spook me!!

    1. I think parallel parking spaces should be outlawed lol!

  19. I agree with you on the eyes. I've had cataract surgery and one eye is fine, the other has a dry spot that is really annoying even with eye drops several times a day. I would love to have better eyesight.

    1. I had a torn retina in my left eye and since then it's become my "bad" eye while previously it was my "good" eye. Glad I can still see!

  20. Oh, this is so much fun! Thanks, Peg, for the entertaining spotlight. Loved your answers to the random Qs, and these comments are a hoot, too. So...

    I'm with you on the eyesight since I've worn glasses since the third grade. And on that driving test (many years ago!) I did manage to pass because my dear dad taught me to parallel park at 15 with a learner's permit, but the instructor was hesitant to pass me because he said my foot was "a little heavy on the gas." In the end, he did pass me, and I've obeyed the speed limits ever since. Really, I have. :)

  21. The drivers test not for car driving, but the school bus test. I failed the parts test the first time, but aced it the second time. Then aced the skills and driving test. I am Anita Allgood. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Anyone who is even willing to try driving a bus is amazing in my opinion!

  22. This is so much fun! Have you ever tried talking to your dog? Yes, all the time! He knows the words "Eat dinner" "Walk" "Go for a ride" My daughter taught him how to "spin" and "beg" for a doggie treat.

    Thanks for the chance!

    1. I read somewhere that dogs can learn almost 200 words! Of course some of those words they tend to ignore...!

  23. I am embarrassed to admit this but a dear neighbor taught me how to drive in his Camero, so I was familiar with his car. The day of my driving test his car wouldn't start so my Mom said I could borrow her car for the test. I will never forget the Yellow banana mobile V.W. rabbit. Be it as it may I had never driven it. My friend drove me to d.m.v. first mistake. Second mistake not knowing how to unlock the steering wheel when the driver instructor said to leave the parking lot. I fumbled with it could not figure it out. He calmly said you have failed handed me the score paper and said you need knowledge of the car you are driving and exited the car.I have to admit I sat in the car for five minutes crying I was so angry and embarrassed.My dear friend didn't know how to react.

    1. What a story, my heart goes out to you. Then again, you learned an important lesson early--and not about driving. Dealing with bureaucracies often leaves people in tears. :)

  24. I talked to my dog all the time. Now I talk to my brother's dog when I babysit her. I talk to my backyard birds, the chipmunks, bunnies, etc. Thanks for the chance to win. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  25. Do I know how to fold a fitted sheet? Habahabahabah. No. Been a homemaker for 28 years now and still can't do it.
    clarksrfun at gmail dot com

    1. I've been at it for 50 years and I'm sure I'll never learn to fold a fitted sheet!

  26. I would fail parallel parking. And the vision test for my drivers license.

  27. Parallel parking would be my failure. I lived in Chicago and could do it, but after 50 years in other towns no way.

  28. No to pineapple and yes to folding a fitted sheet! But I got expert help on the sheet because I worked as a housekeeper at a hotel. Khpinelake (at) gmail (dot) come

  29. One thing I like on pizza is pineapple! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com

  30. I finally learned how to parallel park, but my solution to fitted sheets is practical, because I still cannot fold them, so I just put them back on the beds...No folding needed! makennedyinaz at hotmail dot com

  31. I would probably fail the written 🤣😂. I have been driving for 37 years...I think I know what I am doing.


  32. Some of your answers to the questions were hilarious. I would have to say that pineapple on my pizza is not something I could eat. For me, it is horrible. To each his own. Everyone has different taste. cherierj(at)yahoo(dot)com

  33. I would fail the parallel parking part of the driving test. I still can’t do it after all these years. I also talk to my dog a lot. cking78503(at)aol(dot)com

  34. Loved this. I can parallel park, but it'll take an hour and I'll need a nap afterward, but fitted sheets . . . NOPE.

  35. What a fun post! I can fold a fitted sheet, but my daughter insists I didn't pass the secret on to her in part of a mom-daughter conspiracy for not doing her homework as a child.

  36. Do you ever get inspiration from Your neighborhood different stores or coffee shops, neighbors.

  37. The only vehicle that I cannot parallel park is our 1984 Sierra Classic, 22 feet long, truck. Not only is it big, it is also a standard. I hate going forward in it and backing up is brutal. I am only 5'2'', my husband is a foot taller and does a much better job.

  38. My Pug Max understands a lot of word like up, out, park, walk and dog bone Thank you for the fun quiz
