Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Gluten-Free Raisin Scones #Recipe by @LibbyKlein

  Libby Klein I love Afternoon Tea with a passion. My girlfriends and I started going to Afternoon Tea twice a year for our birthdays many years ago because our birthdays were really close together. That morphed into four times a year because we kept adding friends to the group. Then came the year that for whatever reason we decided that I would make the afternoon tea. And when I say "we decided," I mean "they decided." I've had a long history of being volunteered to bake things. My first tea party was so huge and so tasty... That genie would not go back into the bottle. Have you ever been to Afternoon Tea? Let me know in the comments.

Poppy hosts her first tea party in Beauty Expos Are Murder with a lot of the recipes I used at my first tea party. I've included the tea recipes in the back of the book.  I have many afternoon tea sandwich recipes that I love, but my favorite is the gold standard - cucumber and cream cheese. And if you have nothing else at a tea party, you have to have scones. With proper clotted cream, jam, and lemon curd. Here is my recipe for gluten-free scones, and here I've put raisins in them. You can serve them at your next fancy-do and no one will know they are gluten-free. 

Disclaimer - Read all your labels to make sure your ingredients are gluten-free. Gluten can be sneaky.

Gluten-Free Cream Tea Scones

 Serves 12

Gluten-free scones for Afternoon Tea with jam and clotted cream.


3 cups Gluten Free Flour blend that contains xanthan gum or add 1 teaspoon of xanthan gum to the mix
1 tablespoon baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup sugar
8 Tablespoons Cold butter
1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract
1 ¼ cups heavy whipping cream
1/2 cup raisins, soaked in water and drained

Additional heavy cream, to brush on top of scones before baking


Gluten-free scones mise en place


Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment.

Into a food processor bowl, combine gluten-free flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar. Pulse until well combined.

Dry ingredients for gluten-free scones

Add cold butter by the tablespoon and pulse until combined.

Add the vanilla extract to the heavy cream. Pour in a little at a time while pulsing.

Heavy Cream and Vanilla  Add cream to the scone mix

You should form a lovely cohesive dough. Not sticky, but no flour left in the bottom of the bowl either. Lightly dust your counter with gluten-free flour. Turn the dough out and let it rest for a minute.

Pat the re-hydrated raisins into the dough

Form the dough into a ball and flatten it with your hands. place your raisins over the top of the dough and knead them in. Form into a ball and flatten it with your hands again. Roll out to a thickness of about ¾ inch thick. Cut into rounds with a biscuit cutter.

Cut out your scones with a floured biscuit cutter

Place rounds on a prepared baking sheet. Brush the tops with heavy cream.

Bake for 15 minutes and check for doneness. I usually cut that last ugly one I mashed together with the leftover dough in half to see if the middle is baked all the way. If they need a little more time, put the pan back in the oven for five minutes. If the tops are getting too brown, turn the oven down to 350 degrees for the last five minutes.

Remove from oven and let cool until you won’t burn your mouth. Serve warm and spread with Devonshire Cream and Jam or Lemon curd. Or all three. I’m not judging. 

Like the Allison in Wonderland Tea Pot


Fans of Jana DeLeon and Joanne Fluke will love Libby Klein! Gluten-free baker Poppy McAllister is about to see the ugly side of beauty expos...

Easter weekend on the Jersey Shore is hopping. Poppy's Bed and Breakfast is busier than ever, but she needs to leave things in the hopefully capable hands of Aunt Ginny--and paws of Figaro the black smoke Persian. She's selling her paleo muffins and keto cookies at the Health and Beauty Expo in Cape May's Convention Hall. Normally sharing a booth with the love of her life would be a treat, but she's recently discovered secrets that throw her new romance into chaos.

But more secrets are about to be exposed at the expo. In his keynote address, prominent cosmetic surgeon Dr. Lance Rubin reveals his breakthrough anti-aging technology. Unfortunately, someone has one-upped him with a truly foolproof anti-aging formula: murder. With the plastic surgeon dead under his own UV mask, and bedlam reigning in the hall and back at the B&B, Poppy needs to follow a twisted trail marked by glowing footprints to unmask a killer...  See it here.

Silly Libby

Libby Klein
 grew up in Cape May, NJ where she attended high school in the '80s. Her

classes revolved mostly around the Culinary sciences and Drama, with one brilliant semester in Poly-Sci that may have been an accident. She loves to drink coffee, bake gluten-free goodies, collect fluffy cats, and translate sarcasm for people who are too serious. She writes from her Northern Virginia office where she serves a very naughty black smoke Persian named Sir Figaro Newton. You can keep up with her shenanigans by signing up for her Mischief and Mayhem Newsletter on her website.


  1. No, I have never been to a proper English afternoon tea but I would love to some time.

    1. They are delightful. I adore the tiny sandwiches and the scones. Yum!

  2. I love all your tasty recipes, Libby! I have to try your recipe, because you instruct us to brush the tops with heavy cream. We rarely have no scones at our house, but never brushed heavy cream on top of them, so that should be interesting. We love afternoon tea, cream tea, high tea, or whatever version of a proper "tea" we can find during our travels. When researching a new destination, we always try to find out if and where there are afternoon tea offerings, and the second one: Thai restaurants. I have never seen clotted cream in a jar, but will try to find it, so we don't have to make it from scratch. Thank you for all the fun you share with us readers/bakers/cooks. You are a beloved author and cooking mentor at our home! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. Brushing the tops with heavy cream before baking is why they have such a lovely brown color. I have never had afternoon tea in a Thai restaurant. How fascinating! Before I discovered I had Celiac I had afternoon tea in many places including Fortnum and Mason, Brown's Hotel, and the Savoy - all in London. For the clotted cream, Devonshire Cream is also delightful. You can usually find both in British specialty stores and, I believe, online at igourmet . com.

  3. Pass a napkin please. I seem to have started drooling reading this post. Sounds delicious! Thank you for the recipe.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  4. My sisters and I used to go to tea at least once a year, but now we are scattered across the country, so I haven't gone in years. May have to try to revive the tradition with my girlfriends. Went to high tea once at Harrods when I was in London. Thanks for the recipe. Will have to give it a try!

    1. I bet Harrods was a lovely Tea. If they are going to do a proper Afternoon Tea, London is the place.

  5. Delightful!
    Butter AND cream?! You are decadent! about soaking the raisins in some whiskey to plump them?

  6. Yes, I first enjoyed an afternoon tea in London, England during my solo travels long ago. We have a real nice afternoon tea at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier. It is very pricey, though, so I only go once a year.

    1. I will be sure to put the Chateau on my list! It is a decadent treat considering how little food one actually gets - lol.

  7. I've never been to an afternoon tea but I bet it would be fun. Thank you for the recipe. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

  8. I had an afternoon tea I served tea in pretty cups with saucers, tea, cucumber sandwiches and lemon bars it was fun Thank you for the recipe
