Tuesday, September 26, 2023

NO-BAKE KEY LIME PIE CHEESECAKE by author @CleoCoyle #KeyLimePieDay


From Cleo Coyle: In honor of National Key Lime Pie Day (yes, there is such a thing!), I'm re-sharing this delightful cross between a no-bake cheesecake and a Key lime pie. This is a beautiful, light dessert that's incredibly easy to make. 

Despite the dessert's title, you don't actually have to use the small round Key limes or Mexican limes. If you substitute the larger, much more common Persian limes, the flavor will still be great, and no one is likely to notice the difference. So what is the difference? See my note at the end of this post. 

Now let's get our lazy cheesecake going!

Sweet & Dreamy  
Tart & Creamy

Cleo Coyle writes two
bestselling mystery
 series with her husband.
To learn more, click here.

🍈 A Note from Cleo

The no-bake cheesecake has been around for years. Where did it come from? Best guess, it originated on product packaging or in a newspaper's recipe section. This particular recipe came from my husband's late mother, Evelyn, who spent many years living and working in Florida. 

In a little tribute to her, Marc and I sent our amateur sleuth (coffeehouse manager Clare Cosi) to Florida in our 13th Coffeehouse Mystery, Billioniare Blend, where Clare blissed-out at the South Beach Food and Wine Festival on her way to resolving a series of suspicious crimes, including a car bombing outside her Greenwich Village coffeehouse. 

🍈 And on that note, I'd like to reiterate...

Using the more common Persian limes in this dessert, instead of the small, round Key limes, would not be a crime. However using bottled juice for this recipe absolutely would be!

For best results, use freshly squeezed lime juice. Do not use bottled, even bottled "Key lime" juice, which will impart a sourness to your pie. Freshly squeezed juice is what you want.

Other than taking the time to squeeze fresh juice, this recipe is an insanely easy one to make. Marc and I always enjoy it. We hope you do, too...

To download a free PDF
of this recipe that you can
print, save, or share,
click here.

Cleo Coyle's 
Key Lime Pie Cheesecake 

Makes one 8-inch pie


1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk

3/4 cup freshly squeezed lime juice (Key or Persian can be used)

2 (8-ounce) packages of cream cheese, softened

1 graham cracker pie crust (pre-made is fine)

(optional) sweetened whipped cream


(1) Place the sweetened condensed milk, freshly squeezed lime juice, and softened cream cheese in a blender or food processor and process until smooth. If you have a low-power blender, you may need to stop the blender and give the mixture a stir. You want the cheese to be completely whipped into the other ingredients, no clumps or lumps. Blend until smooth, about the consistency of a thick milk shake.

(2) Pour the mixture into an 8-inch graham cracker crust. A pre-made crust is fine to use. On a lazy day, I'll use one to save time and drop the foil pan into a glass pie plate for stability (as you can see in my photos). Use a spoon to smooth and even out the top.

(3) Chill for at least 6 hours, overnight is even better. Slice, garnish with whipped cream. Try a sprinkling of lime zest for a bit of color, or a few mint leaves, and...eat with (lazy cheesecake) joy!

Key Limes vs. Persian Limes

What's the difference?

Key limes are smaller, rounder, more aromatic, and have a thinner rind than our more common Persian limes, the ones we're more likely to see in US grocery stores. 

The Key lime is picked green and turns yellowish as it ripens. Of course, the fruit’s association is with Florida, but today most limes we think of as "Key limes" are a variety cultivated in Mexico and Central America. Around the world, this little round lime is known by other names: the West Indian lime, the Omani lime, the Mexican lime, and the bartender’s lime.

What about the taste difference? Is there one? 

Yes. The larger, Persian limes were created in 1895 by a California man who wanted to develop a lime that was milder than the Key lime, and it is milder. I've done my own blind taste test to affirm that fact. But, don't worry. The more common Persian lime will still do a fine job providing plenty of lime flavor for this recipe.


Lime Juicer.
To learn more or buy,
click here.

If you're new to juicing Key limes, a hand press is what we use, as you can see in my photo above. It makes quick work of juicing the little orbs. Of course, there are other methods and devices that will help you with the task of juicing Key or Persian limes. If you have trouble finding such kitchen tools at your local store, try an online vendor. Click here to see a selection.

☕ Serve with 
Cleo's Cold Brew!


Eat (and read) with joy!

New York Times bestselling author
of The Coffeehouse Mysteries and
Haunted Bookshop Mysteries

Cleo (Alice) with her husband Marc

Visit Cleo's online coffeehouse here.
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  1. I am counting down the days until Bulletproof Barista appears in my Kindle!

    1. Aw, thank you, Loretta. Our new Coffeehouse Mystery was great fun to write, and we hope you have even more fun reading it. Cheers for the nice words.

      ~ Cleo
      Sign up for Cleo’s free Newsletter

      Coffeehouse Mystery.com
      “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
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  2. Your pie looks scrumptious, Cleo. It's looks easy to make (I have a fruit press so squeezing limes is a snap). While I'm waiting impatiently! for Bulletproof Barista, I met a gregarious ghost named Jack Shepard in Ghost Goes To The Dogs. Now I'm hooked.

    1. Hi, Becky -- This is one of our favorite desserts. Not just because of the amazing sweet-tart, creamy-dreamy flavor, but (as you mentioned) because it's so easy to make. When we're under deadline, that lazy graham cracker crust is a huge plus.

      And cheers for the nice words about our mysteries. The new Coffeehouse is a fun read, and we're thrilled to know you've finally met our irresistible PI ghost. Jack may be hard-boiled but he's got a great sense of humor and (shh!) a soft heart. We just love writing him. FYI - Our ghost "re-appears" in eight other Haunted Bookshop Mysteries, and we're working on the next one now. We hope you enjoy them all.

      ~ Cleo
      Sign up for Cleo’s free Newsletter

      Coffeehouse Mystery.com
      “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
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  3. Thank you for the recipe. I agree - fresh squeezed limes are so much better in a recipe than the bottled stuff. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. Agreed, April, and thanks for dropping by the Kitchen.

      ~ Cleo
      Sign up for Cleo’s free Newsletter

      Coffeehouse Mystery.com
      “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
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  4. Key Lime Cheesecake that is no bake! That’s earns 11 stars out of 10, and I can’t wait for the next book, too! Thanks again for all the great books and recipes! sharonrizzo@hotmail.com

    1. Aw, you're a sweetheart, Sharon. Thank YOU for the lovely comment! xoxo

      ~ Cleo
      Sign up for Cleo’s free Newsletter

      Coffeehouse Mystery.com
      “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
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  5. This sounds delightful. I can almost feelit sliding into my mouth!

    1. I would pass you a plate through my laptop screen if I could, Libby. :) Cheers and thanks for stopping by. It's always a pleasure to see you in our Kitchen.

      ~ Cleo
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      Coffeehouse Mystery.com
      “Where coffee and crime are always brewing…”
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