Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Curried Ground Beef with Peas #recipe by @LeslieKarst


I’ve become a big fan of the curry paste you buy in a jar. Sure, I sometimes like to make curries from scratch, roasting and grinding my own spices, but sometimes it’s nice to be able to whip up some tasty Indian food in just a few minutes—which is what this simple recipe does.

I used a “Tikka Masala Curry” spice paste here, but there are any number of similar items for sale in your local grocery store, which would work just as well. For the dish pictured here, I used Impossible fake beef, but feel free to use real ground beef, lamb, or turkey. If you use real ground beef, you won’t need to use any oil, as it will render plenty of fat on its own.


Curried Ground Beef with Peas

(serves 2-4)


2 tablespoons vegetable oil (unless using ground beef)

½ lb. ground meat of your choice

1 onion, thinly sliced

2 tablespoons curry paste (or less, depending on how spicy you want the dish to be)

1 tablespoon flour

1 cup water

½ cup tomatoes, roughly chopped

1 cup frozen peas, thawed

2 teaspoons lemon juice

½ cup yogurt (not pictured)



Heat the oil, if using, over medium heat in a large skillet. Once shimmering, add the meat, and break up into smallish chunks. Brown the meat, stirring often to keep from burning. When the meat starts to brown, add the onions, and continue stirring. 


Once the onions start to soften, add the curry paste, and stir it into the meat and onions until they’re coated with the paste. Sprinkle on the flour, and stir to coat the meat and onions.



Let this cook for a minute or so, and then add the water and stir. Once the sauce thickens, add the tomatoes, then lower heat and let it simmer for about 5 minutes.


Add the peas and stir. Squeeze in the lemon juice, then add the yogurt and stir to incorporate. Serve over steamed rice. 


🌿  🍅 🌱


Look what's new from Leslie!

Justice is Served:  A Tale of Scallops,

the Law, and Cooking for RBG

(available for purchase here)

"a suspenseful, exhilarating memoir; Karst relays her determination to serve the 'perfect' meal to RBG alongside an uplifting, enlightening portrayal of one of the most admired justices in the history of the Supreme Court."

-Foreword Reviews (starred review)


"[This] book is a romp from cover to cover—and, just like a great meal, left me ready for more."

-Karen Shimizu, executive editor, Food & Wine


the newest Sally Solari mystery

is now available as a paperback!





“A page turner for me from the very first chapter, THE FRAGRANCE OF DEATH had everything I’m looking for in a mystery and more.”

Lisa K's Book Reviews

"[An] enjoyable fifth outing for Santa Cruz, Calif., chef Sally Solari.... This well-done culinary cozy should win new fans for the ever enterprising Sally."

Publishers Weekly

All of the Sally Solari Mysteries are available through AmazonBarnes and Noble, and Bookshop.



  1. Looks delish Leslie! I'm curious about how the impossible burger meat tastes and also what kind of curry paste you like?

    1. I used a Tikka Masala curry paste, but have used other kinds, and they work well, too. A lot of it has to do with how hot a paste you want, as they vary. And I love the Impossible "meat"! It works well as burgers, but also as ground meat--though you need to add oil if you're going to use it as ground meat.

  2. Thank you for the recipe. I've always wanted to try curry. aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com

    1. You are so welcome, April! And this is an easy way to get started with curry!

  3. Yummy! I could eat curry every day... and I have while in India :-) Thank you for this recipe! It looks like a great, delicious and quick one! Luis at ole dot travel

    1. I could, too, Luis--I adore all varieties of curry!

  4. Sounds yummy! Thank you for the recipe.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  5. This looks good and will be a good summertime dinner. I've never made curry before so this will be a new experience.

  6. Curry is a favorite here, too.
    Somehow I always want potatoes in my curry mix.
    This looks delicious.

    1. I considered adding taters to this dish (as they go so well with curry and peas!). Simply par-cook some potato chunks, then add them to the mix along with the tomatoes, and you're set!
