Thursday, March 2, 2023

Green Goddess Biscuits @LucyBurdette

LUCY BURDETTE: We are coming up on St. Patrick's Day, time for corned beef, Irish soda bread, and various green foodstuffs. I found this recipe in the King Arthur baking newsletter, and it was instantly irresistible to me. I love biscuits of all shapes and sizes and we happened to have more basil than I could otherwise use. (For more biscuits, see my recipes for pimento cheese biscuits and Jane Brody's cottage oat biscuits). I did tweak a few things, but found the results to be delicious and very green, good for the body and good to serve at Saint Patrick’s day! I think they will become a favorite in our home.


10 tablespoons frozen butter, unsalted

One and three-quarter cup unbleached cake flour

1 cup all purpose flour

4 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1 cup +1 tablespoon buttermilk, or one cup milk with 1 tablespoon cider vinegar added

1/2 cup basil, packed

1/2 cup parsley, packed

1/2 cup spinach, packed

1/4 cup chives, chopped

2 tablespoons mayonnaise

Perhaps I shouldn’t be making tweaks before I’ve tried the original recipe, but I did leave out the garlic powder because I didn’t have it. And I did not use an egg for wash. (The price of eggs, ugh!) I think you could be very flexible with the herbs you choose as well (I'm picturing dill), just keep the proportions about the same.

Preheat the oven to 400.

Mix the dry ingredients together in one bowl, including the cake, flour, the all purpose, flour, the baking powder, and the salt. (The garlic powder would go in here if you were using it. ) place a box grater in the bowl and grate the frozen butter into the flour mixture. (You might recognize this message from scones. It makes for a lighter batter.) store this mixture in the freezer while you do the next step so the butter stays close cold.

Wash the greens and dry them, then mix them together with the buttermilk and mayonnaise, blending well until it’s a bright green mixture with no big clumps. (I used my food processor, you could also use a blender.)

Add the herb and spinach mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well but gently until all the flour is incorporated.

Place a piece of parchment paper on a baking sheet. Scoop the batter onto the baking sheet, about a quarter cup per biscuit. Grind black pepper over top of each.

Bake for 10 minutes at 400, then lower the temperature to 350 and bake for another 10 minutes. The biscuit should be browning on top and light brown on the bottom. Serve hot with butter! Maybe some honey too. 

Aren't they cute??

Lucy Burdette writes the Key West food critic mysteries. A CLUE IN THE CRUMBS (#13 in the series) is now available for pre-order!


  1. What an interesting recipe and what a great addition to the St. Patrick's Day theme! Thanks for the recipe and for being the first to try it and pass it on.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Wow, that is something different. Going to have try the recipe. Plus, your book looks great. Thank you!

  3. These sound delicious and perfect with a bit of irish Stew or Chicken Soup! Thanks!

  4. I love the picture with the dog peaking under the plate. So cute.

  5. Yum sounds delicious and what a great way to get your serving of vegetables

  6. What a cool idea? I would not have thought to make green biscuits but the herbs sound delish!

    1. That question mark is a typo! These really do sound cool. Not in a sarcastic way.

    2. LOL Libby, we are just delighted to have you here in the kitchen with us!

  7. King Arthur has some great ideas to play around with.
    No garlic powder?! How do you survive?
    They call for 2 teaspoons, for those who wonder.

    1. LOL Libby, right after I made these I bought a jar for a brisket rub, so now I'm set!

    2. Garlic powder is so essential in my house and family that my 2 year old grandson uses an unopened container of it to season his food. (That's how thay limit how much he gets. Keeping it to a reasonalbe [large] amout.) Like his father, he loaves garlic and spiciness in food.

  8. Yum sounds so delicious. I need to make it.

  9. Those biscuits are as cute as your pupper!

  10. These look so amazing - but I can’t find them on your Pinterest page??
