Thursday, January 5, 2023

Blue Cornmeal Pancakes with Blueberries and Fruited Yogurt @LucyBurdette

LUCY BURDETTE: Last Christmas my friend Paulette gave me a gift package containing a recipe, a bag of Sea Island blue cornmeal, and a bag of pine nuts. I had eaten some delicious pancakes at her house, and she wanted to be able to share the recipe with me. Isn’t that a great idea? I of course added things in order to make it feel more like supper – I’m not usually making a cooked breakfast in the morning, I’m writing!


Three-quarter cup Sea Island blue cornmeal (I imagine that any blue cornmeal would do the job.)

One cup boiling water

1/2 teaspoon salt (reduced from the original recipe)

1 tablespoon white sugar

1/2 cup milk

1 egg, beaten

2 tablespoons of butter

3/4 cup unbleached all purpose flour

2 teaspoons baking powder

To make the pancakes, mix the cornmeal, salt, and sugar. Stir in the boiling water. Cover the bowl with a plate and let it stand. Meanwhile, combine the milk, the beaten egg, and the melted butter. Stir this into the waiting blue cornmeal.

Combine the flour and baking powder and stir that into the batter, mixing minimally, until it’s just absorbed. Before you are ready to cook the pancakes, add frozen, blueberries, as many as you like.

Melt some butter or unflavored oil in a skillet over medium heat and add pancake batter. As you are about to turn the pancakes over, sprinkle them with pine nuts.

Keep the finished pancakes warm in the toaster oven while you cook the rest of them. Meanwhile, chop a banana and an apple and mix those with some whole milk unflavored yogurt.

Serve the pancakes with the yogurt fruit mixture and top with maple syrup. Enjoy!

 Lucy Burdette writes the Key West food critic mystery series. A DISH TO DIE FOR is on bookshelves right now. She is very excited about 2023: A CLUE IN THE CRUMBS will be published August 8, 2023, and THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS is coming in July from Severn House! 

Follow Lucy on Facebook and Instagram. Sign up for her mailing list right here.


  1. Looks amazing! I have never heard of blue cornmeal. Something new to try in 2023. I'm with you as well about having them for dinner. Best wishes for 2023.

  2. thanks for visiting today and thanks for sharing this yummy looking recpe

  3. What a fun idea! Bet they taste great, especially with the toppings.
    If you're using frozen blueberries, you can get some Wyman's wild Maine blues in the freezer section of the sotre.

    1. Yes those blueberries are great, Libby--I've found them in CT but not yet in FL.

    2. I think we have them at our local Publix in Boca.

  4. Thanks for this great recipe! I imagine that subbing in gluten-free flour, almond or coconut milk, and vegan butter could make these a tasty GF/DF treat.

  5. These look great, Lucy. I love the idea of adding pine nuts!
