Monday, February 17, 2020

Cover Reveal Gingerdead Man #Book #Giveaway #Recipe by Maya Corrigan

MAYA: I'm excited to share the cover of my upcoming book, Gingerdead Man, which comes out September 29, 2020. It’s my 7th Five-Ingredient Mystery, featuring café manager Val and her live-wire grandfather solving murders in a Chesapeake Bay tourist town. Here's a taste of what's inside Gingerdead Man.

This holiday season Bayport, Maryland, is a dead ringer for Victorian London. Val and her grandfather are taking part in the Dickens of a Holiday festival. At day’s end Val hosts a tea party for the festival's costumed volunteers, who range from Dickens divas like Madame Defarge and Miss Havisham to Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past. Santa and Mrs. Claus join the tea party.

But one costumed reveler may have gotten the holidays mixed up. A figure robed in black with head encased in a gift bag hands out gingerbread men with skeleton bones outlined in white icing. Known as gingerdead men, the cookies are common Halloween treats. All the volunteers put aside the creepy cookies in favor of Val’s desserts, except for Santa, who gobbles down his gingerdead man. When the man in red turns blue, Val and Granddad have a cookie-cutter killer to catch before another victim is stamped out.

Even if you've never seen or heard of a gingerdead man, you'll easily pick out the one on the cover. To make gingerdead men, follow any recipe for gingerbread men. After you’ve rolled out the dough, you use a special cookie cutter. Cut each cookie out with the hollow side and then turn it over to stamp the bones, creating the indentations for the white icing. 

Gingerdead Man Cookie Cutter
I can't share a gingerbread man recipe because I'm not a fan of them. I'd much rather bake and eat Grasmere gingerbread. It's so famous and popular in England that people travel to the small town of Grasmere in the lake district just to buy its famous gingerbread. I highly recommend this easy-to-make and yummy treat.

Grasmere Gingerbread

Adapted from English Food by Jane Grigson. 

1 cup + 2 tablespoons flour 
1/2 cup + 1 tablespoons light brown sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
10 tablespoons butter  
1-2 tablespoons chopped crystallized ginger [Optional, but highly recommended.]

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Line a 7 X 11 inch oblong pan with parchment paper. 
Mix the dry ingredients together.
Melt the butter and add it to the dry ingredients.
Add the chopped crystallized ginger to taste, one tablespoon if you’re not sure if you like it and two if you know you do. This recipe makes a crumbly gingerbread bar, and the chewiness of the crystallized ginger is a change and an added treat.

Spread the mixture over the pan in a thin layer, pressing it down lightly with fingers or the bottom of a glass.
Bake until golden brown - about 25-30 minutes.

Cut the gingerbread into squares or rectangles while the gingerbread is still hot, but leave it in the pan to cool before removing it. 

Do you like gingerbread? What do you think of the cover of Gingerdead Man

Leave a comment below about gingerbread or the book cover to enter a drawing for a free Five-Ingredient Mystery. The last day to enter is February 25th.


  1. I think the cover is very pretty. I love Christmas. Thanks for showing how those kind of cookie cutters work. I'm going to go look at my boxful and see if any of them could be turned over to make dents for the frosting. Thanks for the giveaway, too! ckmbeg (at) gmail (dot) com

    1. Thank you, Riley. The only place I found gingerbread man cookies with dents for the bones was online. Amazon sells them as do other online retailers.

  2. Congratulations on your new book. The cover is wonderful. I love ginger bread. When our son was in cub scouts, they all went over to a fellow cub scouts house for a Christmas party. The mom made all kinds of treats, several of which were gingerbread recipes. Unfortunately our son had a severe reaction. I tested the theory in my brain and sure enough he is allergic to ginger. At the age of 34 today, he is still sensitive to ginger. But I made sure that when I made gingerbread I also made something for him. quilting lady 2 at comcast dot net

    1. Thank you for commenting, Lori. I didn't know someone could have a reaction to ginger.

  3. Oooh can't wait until this book comes out !! The cover is great. I like gingerbread in moderation. Vicki nvictoria77(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. Thank you for commenting, Vicki. You'd better not make the recipe I shared because you will not eat the gingerbread in moderation. It's pretty addictive.

  4. I haven't come across Grasmere Gingerbread but love bits of candied ginger in my gingerbread. Love the added flavor and texture boost it gives. Thanks for sharing the recipe.
    little lamb lst at yahoo dot com

    1. Thanks for commenting, Lil. I was surprised at what a difference the candied ginger made to the recipe. Good luck in the raffle.

  5. Gingerbread is a real treat. The flavor brings me back to when I was young and my grandmother who was a great baker made cookies, and muffins for the entire family. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Thank you for your comment. And good luck in the raffle.

  6. What a cute cover but I am wondering just what the Elf may be plotting, lol.

    wfnren at aol dot com

  7. I love that cover, and that cookie cutter is something else! I'm with you, though, I much prefer gingerbread. Thanks for the recipe and the giveaway.

    1. Sally, Thanks for commenting and good luck in the book raffle.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yummy! Both the recipe and the book.

  10. I'm not a huge fan of gingerbread man cookies but your recipe sounds yummy! I think the reason I like gingerbread over the gingerbread man cookies is because the cookies can be so incredibly sweet with all of the icing on them.

  11. Love gingerbread.
    When I was a girl scout we made it using the campfire. A layer of applesauce in the bottom of a Dutch oven, then the gingerbread batter.
    It was great ever so slightly under-cooked, with the hot applesauce.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. I've never heard of adding applesauce to the gingerbread batter. Sounds delicious. Thanks for commenting.

  12. I love gingerbread cookies. The cover is wonderful! lsum1258 at aol dot com

  13. I’m not particularly partial to gingerbread but the cover is adorable!

  14. I love gingerbread and the cover is great.

  15. I love gingerbread, so thanks so much for the recipe! I also love the cover - it immediately puts a reader in the Christmas spirit. I particularly like the nutcracker. Thanks for the giveaway! aut1063(at)gmail(dot)com

  16. The book cover is very interesting.. especially with the Elf on a Shelf sitting front and center. As to gingerbread cookies.. The only time we eat them is when we visit Colonial Williamsburg in Virginia. We get them fresh from the bakery there.

    NoraAdrienne (at) gmail (dot) com

  17. Cute cover. recipe sounds easy enough even for me! Thanks for chance to win this book. Diane

  18. LOVE the cover of "Gingerdead Man"! Definitely an attention getting and would have me picking up the book even if I didn't know who wrote it.

    I've not had that much dealing with gingerbread men either. I do love the recipe for the gingerbread that my Granny passed down to me. It has sorghum syrup in it and makes a moist and tasty cake. The recipe for Grasmere Gingerbread sure peaks my interest. Sounds yummy! I have to admit that I've never used crystallized ginger, but I can see that is about to change. :)

    Thank you for the fabulous opportunity to win a copy of a Five-Ingredient Mystery book. Shared and hoping to be the very fortunate one selected.

    I will waiting for the much anticipated book release this fall.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  19. Love the cover and can’t wait to read it

  20. Love the cover and your gingerbread man/skeleton cookie cutter. Would love the chance to read it.
    Thanks, Sandy G

  21. I love gingerbread. The smell just reminds me of fall and Christmas!

  22. I like the cover. It's very eye catching. I'm not a big fan of gingerbread. My husband likes it, preferring the soft gingerbread to the crisp cut out type.

  23. I love gingerbread but not the cookies. They are just ok. I also love ginger snaps and ginger cookies. I don’t know what it is about gingerbread men cookies. They just don’t have the taste and texture I want. At least the ones I’ve eaten. I think the cover is cute. suefoster109 at gmail dot com

  24. Gingerbread and hot tea is my favorite winter snack.

  25. The book cover is beautiful. I'd love to win th ed giveaway

  26. I love Gingerbread anything. I'm from MD glad it's part of your book. Would love to win.

  27. I love this!!!
    Gingerbread is one of my favorites.

  28. I do like gingerbread & the cover is adorable. I also like your serving dish - very pretty.
    turtle6422 at gmail dot com

  29. I love it, great review I love this series

  30. LOVE the cover, Maya! Especially the gingerbread man decorated like a skeleton! Christmas mysteries are so much fun, all year round!

  31. i miss my late grandmother's warm gingerbread cake with applesauce and whipped cream on it! yum!

  32. I love the cover. It looks so festive.

  33. Gingerdeadmen for Christmas? I love it!

  34. I have so many stories about gingerbread that I couldn’t even begin to share all of them here. My mother used to make a wonderful gingerbread, similar to your recipe, and drizzle it with homemade lemon sauce. It was incredible! I used to make gingerbread cookies to hang on my boys’ trees at Christmas time. I started this when they were very small and they thought Mrs. Santa was doing it. My youngest son couldn’t say the word “gingerbread,“ so around our house those cookies were known as “ginger dread.“ Love the book cover. Can’t wait to read It.

  35. love the cover- not so much gingerbread.
    kckendler at gmail dot com

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. I love Gingerbread. Tour cover is cute- it would definitely catch my attention! Katherinestamps at msn (dot) com

  38. I just love gingerbread anytime of the year. I thought the book cover is really awesome. Looking forward to reading Thanks for the gingerbread recipe and a chance to win PGond(dot)Pattti(at)gmail(dot)com

  39. The cover is great. I prefer gingerbread to the cookies, too. I've been making snacks lately. This may be my next one. Sounds yummy.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Thank you for commenting, Ashley. Good luck in the raffle.

  42. I’m going to make these as part of my Christmas cookies this year! The one thing I lack is gingerbread men.

  43. Love the cover! Very appealing, including the gingerbread skeleton!

    jeaniedannheim (at) ymail (dot) com

  44. Love gingerbread - thanks for the recipe!

    jtcgc at yahoo dot com

  45. Love gingerbread. Can snack on it while reading

  46. I really enjoy gingerbread and especially cookies. Thanks for your delicious sounding recipe. I've added it to my list.

  47. Thank you so much for the recipe but also for offering a print giveaway and not ebook i am severely disabled with RSD and buy only print as fingers are crippled my hubby volunteers to type for me as i hen peck so glad you gave a recipe both of us like as he will make i will watch he does all of the cooking when laid off for winter as he us a pipeliner and when he is working we have left overs i am the main cookie eater to be honest. Peggy Clayton

  48. The cover looks great and fun! I love ginger bread cookies! booksnpugs(at)gmail(dot)com

  49. I only enjoy gingerbread when it is served warm, so I would prefer the squares to the cookies. I adore this cover, especially the detail of the skeleton gingerbread man!

  50. I'm not a fan of gingerbread, but I love the cover for " Gingerdead Man". Cleaver title!

  51. I love the cover! It would definitely draw me to it in the store!

    ElaineE246 at msn dot com

  52. I like making gingerbread men cookies and decorating them for the holidays. They taste yummy!

  53. I don't mind gingerbread sometimes. I absolutely love the cover and look forward to reading this.

  54. For one thing. I like the cover of Gingerdead Man. Think I will look for that gingerdead cutter. I do have gingerbread man cookie cutter and molds. We love gingerbread ginger spice anything. We have everything on hand so will be making this recipe. Thank you for sharing. deepotter at centurylink dot net

  55. Gingerbread is a favorite of mine because I grew up in a small town with a bakery that always had "nen". The cover is charming with all the colors, but that boney little guy in one picture was creepy!

  56. Yes I love gingerbread, thanks for the opportunity! Like the cover!

  57. I love Gingerbread and I love that cover! almaj80(at)suddenlink(dot)net

  58. I love gingerbread! Always my favorite at Christmas and anytime of the year! Thanks for the chance to win!
    faithdcreech at gmail dot com

  59. I love gingerbread. The cover is amazing. Thank you for the chance

  60. I prefer ginger snaps or spiced molasses cookies to gingerbread. I was immediately drawn to that cover! Can’t wait to read this book!

  61. recipe looks the cover of the book.

  62. I like gingerbread and my oldest grandson does too. The cover on the book is amazing with all the colors and it makes me want something sweet.

  63. The Gingerbread recipe sounds yummy and I love the cover. I want both. Thanks for the chance ❤️

  64. Love gingerbread! My grandmother used to make it for Christmas with whipped cream on top.


  65. I love the cover. I like gingerbread with whipped cream and the recipe sounds yummy


  66. I love all things gingerbread including gingerbread cookies. Also the title is a hoot! smithsusanl at gmail dot coem

  67. Love ginger cookies but have not tried Gingerbread. Love the cover

  68. I love this cover! It definitely grabs your attention! I am a huge gingerbread fan! I love to try new recipes and I can’t wait to try this one! spitfire46281atgmailcom

  69. One of the things that catches my eye with cozy mysteries is their book covers. I really like this book cover! lindaherold999(at)gmail(dot)com.

  70. Well Dickens is my favorite and I’m an advid tea drinker, so my interest is already peaked. Add in the gingerbread (dead), hmmmmm. But the elf on the shelf, he’s looking mighty guilty of something. Love the cover. Can’t wait to read the story. Thank you for the opportunity.

  71. I love the colorful cover of Gingerdead Man. It is eye catching which is what you want in a cover. I am not a fan of gingerbread. I love the smell of all the spices, but I do not want to eat them. Thank you for a chance to win. Doodlesink(at)hotmail(dot)com

  72. Great cover although nutcrackers creep me out a little.

  73. Love the cover and gingerbread thank you

  74. I love the book cover and am excited for the opportunity to read your book. I’m a gingerbread fan and have some adorable gingerbread pins and even gingerbread figurines. Thank you for the chance!

    1. Thank you for commenting, Jeanne. This sounds like the perfect book for a gingerbread collector.

  75. Gingerbread is my favorite Christmas cookie and during that time my house looks like a bakery blew up because I have gingerbread men all over! I love the cover, cause, gingerbread men! Thanks for the opportunity and I can't wait to read the book.

    1. Thank you for commenting, Brenda. This sounds like the perfect book for a gingerbread lover.

  76. Sounds like this would be delicious with a good cup of tea! Thank you for the chance. Looking forward to reading this next installment in a terrific series!

    1. Thank you! Everything tastes good with a cup of tea, and this gingerbread especially.

  77. I love gingerbread and the cover is so enticing to read. Can't wait.x

  78. I love gingerbread (cookies,bread and muffins). I also think the cover of your book is delicious looking.

  79. I love gingerbread and the cover of your book is amazing. doward1952(at)yahoo(dot)com

  80. Mom made warm squares with whipped cream and where I used to live there was a bakery I would order men from for Christmas. The cover is lovely and the “Oh no” man is fun.

  81. Love the cover of this book!! Can't wait to read it. Love the series. Thanks for a chance to win!

  82. Amazing cover and the gingerbread cookies sound delicious..

  83. I love gingerbread, especially served warm with lemon curd sauce trwilliams69(at)msn(dot)com

    1. Sounds delicious. Thank you for commenting, Taylor!

  84. Love the cover. Thank you for the opportunity .

  85. Love gingerbread and the cover of your book. Saamm7(at)msn(dot).com

    1. Thank you, Melissa. Good luck in the book raffle!

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. I'm fascinated by the concept of "gingerdead men". I've never heard of it before. What an interesting idea. As for gingerbread, I never had it growing up, so it isn't a favorite. However, I DO LOVE ginger, everything from ginger snaps, (which I had lots of as a kid), to ginger beer, ginger ice cream, and even crystallized ginger, which I adore as a sweet, spicy snack.
    gnluciow (at) gmail (dot) com

  88. I like all the little touches on the cover like the one cookie that is a skeleton and the shocked look on the elf. I'm not sure it was intended but the handles on the windows look like eyes. Definitely intrigued to read this.

    1. Thank you for your comment, Sue. I didn't notice the eye-like handles or the shocked (or disapproving) look on the elf's face until you pointed it out.

  89. I love gingerbread cookies as well as just about anything gingerbread flavored such as coffee, candy, cake, and even marshmallows.

  90. Great Plot...and blurb... I would love to enter this contest...

  91. Love the book cover, it is so clever. The gingerbread recipe is great, we stumbled upon the gingerbread when we were in the lake district and it was fantastic. Going to make some right away.

  92. I love the cover and gingerbread.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  93. Book cover is bright and festive. Cute gingerbread man. I love gingerbread and books....especially mysteries. Thanks for the chance to win it.

  94. Hi, I love gingerbread cookies , and I like the ginger dead cookie , it would be perfect for Halloween, but I'm sure it's a perfect one for your new book. I love the cover of your book, and I love Christmas. Thank you for the chance. Have a Great week.

  95. I love gingerbread myself! The cover is great and the story sounds great. Thanks for the chance!

  96. I love the cover and there is no guessing which gingerman is dead. The picture included in the writeup of the skeleton on the gingerbread is clever.

  97. I haven't had gingerbread in so long. Brings back some nice memories.

  98. I love the book cover,it's a real eye catcher! I can hardly wait to read it! 😃

  99. I love gingerbread, very yum with a cold, cold glass of milk, or a cup of hot tea! Cute cover. One of your Five-Ingredient Mystery paperbooks would be totally awesome! nani_geplcs(at)yahoo(dot)com

  100. I love gingerbread! What a great recipe! Yummy! I love your books! Thank you for the opportunity. Wjcline at att dot net

  101. I love gingerbread and this is extra simple. cant wait to try it and read the book. hope to win, thanks for the chance

  102. I like the elf on the cover.It reminds me of the elf on the shelf.

  103. I LOVE the cover for Gingerdead Man !!! So cute and amazing! Make you want to read the book! Yummy! The recipe sounds yummy. I'm going to try making the brs! I like gingerbread, about once a year! LOL! Thanks for the chance to win!!! I'd love to read these books!

  104. I do like gingerbread. I made some for the first time this past Christmas and they were the first cookies/bars to disappear at work. I like the recipe you shared too. Simple works always for me.
    V Winship at aol dot com

  105. The cover is delightful with the cute desserts, elf, nutcracker, and books. I love Christmas cozy mysteries, and the Gingerdead Man sounds like a great read. Thank you for the giveaway!
    myrifraf (at) gmail (dot) com

  106. I do enjoy gingerbread cookies, both making and eating them. That said, a quick and easy recipe is always appreciated. These do sound good. Bars are good for "adult" gatherings and fine year round. Of course you can make gingerbread cookies any time of the year, just change the cookie cutters. However, there is just something about gingerbread cookies and cold weather that go together.

  107. I like the book cover because of all of the different characters

  108. Neat cover I love gingerbread thank you for the recipe. Thank you for the chance.

  109. Haven't had gingerbread in a few years. I love it with whipped cream. I'll have to buy a box sometime.

  110. This is a great cover! I love how the Gingerbread men are freaked out over the gingerdead man. �� Honestly I don't know if I've ever had a Gingerbread man cookie. Must not be a favorite around here.

  111. I love the cover of your book! It is festive, yet mysterious. A lot of holiday with just enough intrigue to pique my interest. I also don't care for "traditional" gingerdead cookies. I like mine with molasses instead of ginger.

  112. I love gingerbread and this recipe looks like something even I could make without messing up. Thank you for the recipe and this chance to win. 1cow0993(at)gmail(dot)com

  113. I love gingerbread and look forward to making this recipe! The cover of the book is adorable with the scared little gingerbread and the skeleton in the middle. :)

    1. Thanks for your comment, Amanda. I thought the two gingerbread on either side of the skeleton one looked a little strange and, you're right, it's because they're scared. Thanks for pointing that out.

  114. Very clever title! I love gingerbread in any form! Love the gingerdead man too!

  115. Congratulations on your new book. I love Ginger but prefer ginger snaps cookies. Thanks so much for the chance to win. salvatoresmom71(at)Yahoo(dot)com.

  116. The cover is amazing. I love gingerbread cookies with a cup of hot cocoa.

  117. This recipe looks easy enough to make so I have copied it so that I can try making it.
    Book sounds interesting too.

  118. I just love the cover that makes me want to make them

  119. My sister is the cookie maker, but since she does not like ginger, I guess I will have to make this batch. Thank you.
    karen94066 at
