Monday, July 1, 2019

JOIN OUR 10TH ANNIVERSARY PARTY! - Enter Our 10-Book #Giveaway + Tote Bag

Time Machine - Date: July 2009
MLK's first official post: July 2009
(Posted by Krista!) To read it, click here.

CLEO COYLE: A little over ten years ago, I opened up my email to find a lovely note from author Krista Davis. She asked if I would like to join a group blog. As she and her friend Daryl Wood Gerber envisioned it, this blog would feature posts by culinary mystery authors. We would share recipes and book news with our community of readers. I loved the idea. My answer was an enthusiastic YES, and soon Mystery Lovers' Kitchen was live in July 2009 with its first official post. (Click here or on the image above to see it.)

Ten years later, Krista, Daryl, and I are still here, as the original founding members, with a fantastic group of mystery writing cooks whose enthusiasm and dedication keep the Kitchen going strong. Over the years, the authors of Mystery Lovers' Kitchen have cooked up nearly 4,000 recipes, hosted hundreds of guests, and clocked close to 6 million pageviews (and counting)!

And counting, thanks to all of you!

Now I'm throwing it to Krista and Daryl
(and the rest of our stellar crew)! 

Can you believe we've been
blogging for ten years?!

KRISTA DAVIS: It seems like yesterday that Daryl and I were at Malice Domestic and cooked up the idea of this blog. We invited Julie Hyzy to join us on the spot. We barely even knew one another! But we all had one thing in common—culinary cozy mysteries.

A few authors have joined us and others have left. Of course, I have to recognize our dear friends who are still around and writing, but aren't blogging with us anymore: Julie Hyzy; Elizabeth Craig; Jenn McKinlay; and Ellery Adams. And then there are the hundreds of authors who have joined us as guests on Sundays and let us peek into their kitchens and their lives.

I'm so proud of Mystery Lovers Kitchen and all the authors who have contributed and made it so special. We love our readers, too, and have made so many new friends here. Thank you all for being such a big part of Mystery Lovers Kitchen and for enriching my life with joy, friends, and great food!

DARYL WOOD GERBER:  Wow, how time flies! I can't believe it's been ten years.  I wasn't even published when we started, though my first book, The Long Quiche Goodbye, the first Cheese Shop Mystery by Avery Aames, was in the works. (It came out in July 2010).  I remember having to "be" Avery for much of my first few years on Mystery Lovers Kitchen. I barely knew my way around social media, but Krista assured me I could do this.  Most of my recipes involved cheese during those first years. Over the course of writing that series, I tasted 1,000 + cheeses and I felt it was important to share that knowledge with all of you. I was "the cheese lady." Branding is everything.  LOL  But now, as Daryl (the real me), I look back and smile at the memories. I've made so many lovely friends thanks to Mystery Lovers Kitchen, both with our regular contributors as well as guests. Thank you, Krista, for your inspiration, and thank you, Cleo, for being such a major contributor to this blog and for all your tips about photographing food. Who knew when I became an author I'd have to cook and take pictures of food? Ha!

DENISE SWANSON: Happy Anniversary!

As one of the newest members of the group, I want to thank the founders for their brilliant idea and for including me in it. I've only been blogging here about a year and a half, but I love how it pushes me out of my comfort zone and forces me to try new recipes.

PS My husband is thankful for that too!

LESLIE BUDEWITZ: A brilliant idea, indeed! I joined the blog in January 2015, shortly before the release of Assault & Pepper, my first Spice Shop mystery, although I first visited the blog as a guest in August 2013, when Death al Dente, the first Food Lovers' Village mystery, came out. (I'll be sharing an update of my first post tomorrow, as many of us will be doing this week.) When Krista invited me to join, I was delighted---my blog sisters are some of my favorite authors and I count them all as friends. Posting here is always a treat, never a chore, in part because of how enthusiastic you readers are. I love when you make our recipes and tell us how they turn out---and I've found a few new family faves on these pages, as well!

VICKI DELANY: Happy Anniversary! I'm thrilled to be the newest cook in the kitchen. I've loved MLK for so long that I almost feel as though I am a long-time member. Since I was asked by Leslie and Daryl to join back in May, I've been thoroughly impressed by how hard these women work to make this blog the huge success that it is. My first guest post for the blog was Blueberry Pudding Cake back in August 2010. I wasn't writing cozy mysteries then, but a historical series set in the Klondike Gold Rush and a modern police procedural. Since then, I've switched to cozies and am loving writing them, and most of all I'm loving the wonderful cozy community.

PEG COCHRAN: I've lost track of how long I've been blogging here at MLK! it's been a wonderful experience. One thing--it's forced me to become a better picture-taker! I'll never be a prize winning photographer but my photos have definitely improved! I've really enjoyed trying and/or creating new recipes for this blog and every time I serve hubby a new dish, the question is always "is this for the blog?"

LINDA WIKEN/ESSIE LANG: I think I joined the party two years, perhaps closer to three years ago. Lucy may remember better than I because I take turns with her day, Thursdays. I had been a guest several years and names, before that though, usually invited by Mary Jane Maffini. I think my first post was as Erika Chase and now I'm up to Essie Lang! But having just as much fun. What a great group of writers, cooks, and friends to be a part of! It's moved me out of my cooking comfort zone, and that's an added benefit. I also love all the readers and their comments! Thank you all for making this such a delight.

LUCY BURDETTE: I was a later addition to Mystery Lovers Kitchen, appearing first as a guest in 2011 with one of my favorite summer dishes, the leaning tower of eggplant. I was thrilled to be invited as a full-timer. It's a lot of work, of course, but I love this community so much. And I've become a more inventive, accomplished cook, besides writing all the foodie mysteries. And by the way, Hayley Snow seems to have evolved as a cook too, with nine Key West food critic mysteries out!

SHEILA CONNOLLY: Happy anniversary to all!. As I may have whined lately, I'm packing up to change houses soon, and the largest part of that packing is books and files, mostly related to writing. Doing this (which is a pain, though it might be less so if I had time to read every article or email or piece of research I've saved) brings home how much things have changed over the past ten years. Both we at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen and the world of blogs have changed a lot in that time. This has been a great gang to work with, and some of the members' recipes have become staples at my house. And now I find it hard to cook anything new without taking pictures as I go. It has been a pleasure to share recipes with all our reader friends and with each other, to discover new foods and new ways to prepare old favorites--but it's the sharing that matters.




What do you enjoy most about Mystery Lovers' Kitchen? 

Would you like to see anything new or different in the future? 

Are you new to the blog or have you been with us for longer
(or even from the beginning)? 

We'd love to know!

To enter our giveaway,
you must first use 
the form below.

You must *also* leave a
comment on this post
to be entered!

Congrats to our winner!


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comment appear, 
hit the
words "LOAD MORE" at the
of the lists of comments.
More comments 
will load,
and yours will appear
at the end.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



We're throwing a two-week party to celebrate a decade of blogging at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen. Starting today, through Saturday, July 13, each of us will feature a favorite "anniversary" recipe from our blogging past. Stop back each day to see what we post. Each time you leave a comment, you'll earn an extra entry in our drawing and increase your chances of winning our grand prize package. It starts today, so be sure to use the entry form above to enter, and leave a comment below (you must do both to be entered).



And you can carry your books in this clever
tote bag with a special crossword puzzle 
featuring Mystery Lovers' Kitchen authors!



Congrats to our winner!


If you don't see your comment appear, 
hit the words "LOAD MORE" at the end of the list of comment. More comments will load, and yours will appear at the end.


  1. Happy anniversary! I've enjoyed the blog for years and always appreciate you all sharing your recipes and thoughts. dmskrug3 at hotmail dot com

    1. Thank you, Daniele! We appreciate your kind support. Our readers and followers keep us inspired, and we hope you'll continue to enjoy our books and blogging for years to come. xoxo

  2. Happy Anniversary! Here's to another 10 years! Loved these recipes for years, even tried a few (some successfully) I appreciate you, keep up the good work!

    1. Cheers, Meg, we'll take another 10 years, God willing! Join us for good food and good fun, always. xoxo

  3. Happy 10th Anniversary 🎉
    Thanks for sharing these books 📚 with us 😍❤😍
    Thanks for the chance to #Win your #Giveaway 😃💖😍💗

    1. You're very welcome, Linda, thanks for being a part of our Mystery Lovers' Kitchen community! xoxo

  4. Happy 10th! I don't visit very often, but I enjoy what I see! A toast to what was, what is and great things to come!

    1. Jane, do you know you can subscribe and get MLK in your email inbox every day? See the "Follow" box in the right sidebar, just below the "Just Released" book covers.

  5. Happy Anniversary to you all past, present and future!

    1. Cute. Yes, who knows who else might join us. We are one big happy family.

  6. What a great contest..great recipes & books. The perfect blend. Congrats on the 10th anniversary.

  7. Happy 10th anniversary! Mystery Lover’s Kitchen is one of my favorite blogs. I started reading the blog regularly several years ago. Even though I don’t cook much, I love reading the recipes, entering your contests, and reading your books!

    1. Chris - Thank you so much for the sweet comment!

      Daryl & Chris - It is amazing how many people enjoy reading recipes, even if they don't make the dish. I do that all the time. I think it's also informative on dishes I might want to order at a restaurant--the recipe lets me know how the dish is traditionally prepared (even if I'm happy to let another cook prepare it)! xoxo

  8. I love Mystery Lover's Kitchen and am delighted several of my favorite authors are part of it. Happy 10th Anniversary! May you be around for a long time. Thank you for contest and amazing give-away.

  9. Happy Anniversary!!! MLK is one of the first things I check out on my computer each morning. Not only do I love reading the books from ALL of you, past and present. but we also love the recipes I have tried from this blog!!!

  10. Happy anniversary ladies, food & mysteries are a good mix, keep up the good work

    1. Aren't they? So brilliant! Double cheers for Krista, Daryl, and Cleo, our founding authors!

    2. Thank you, Clemmie!

      And, Leslie, triple cheers to you and the stellar crew who are keeping the blog fresh and energized! xoxo

  11. Happy Anniversary! I like the books and the recipes!

  12. Happy Anniversary! Love seeing all the recipes that you share, and, of course, news about your new books! I wouldn't change a thing. Here's to another 10 years!

  13. Happy Anniversary everyone! I enjoy reading about your books and recipes. Keep up the fantastic site.

  14. Happy Anniversary! I have read books by all of you and enjoy the recipes included in the books. Have enjoyed guest authors too!

  15. A very happy 10 year anniversary to all of the wonderful writers here! I think I discovered this blog way, way back - perhaps in the earliest days. I don't comment often, but I read it every day. And I've happily met several of you at mystery conferences. Congratulations - you're all wonderful writers - best wishes for the future!

  16. Happy Anniversary! I have to say the recipes are fantastic, many of them have been tried out in my kitchen. Some time failures but I'm pretty decent at following a recipe. Here's to many more years!

    1. LOL -- we all have the occasional kitchen failure. I think we did an Around the Kitchen Table conversation about some of them not too long ago!

    2. Steelegrrl43 - Happy to have you with us!

      Leslie - You are so right! You cannot have home runs without a few strikeouts. We should do another "Kitchen Disasters" group post in the future. (I'm sure our followers -- and Chef Gordon Ramsay -- would be entertained.) xoxo

  17. Happy Anniversary. I love the recipes you post. So delicious. I love reading your blog and cant wait for more Claire Cosi. Soon I hope.

  18. Happy Anniversary! 🎉
    Love this blog. Love trying out new recipes
    Also discovered new authors & series.
    Thank you! 😊

  19. Happy Anniversary! So many great authors and what an incredible giveaway! Thank you for the chance

  20. Happy Anniversary. I am new to this blog but I love reading the cozy mysteries. Who knew you had a foodie crew too. How awesome. Well I've found the facebook page and I'm definitely going to follow your blog. I love new recipes. Thank you.

  21. Happy 10th Anniversary! I was introduced to this wonderful blog several years ago, and love visiting it every day -- being here is like sitting down with a friend and sharing recipes that are fun and easy to make. Here's to another 10 years!

    1. That's what we love, too! Thanks for being part of the Kitchen Crew!

  22. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy your blog as it is. I don’t cook as much as I used to but I still like to read about cooking.

  23. Yay!!! I love the giveaways here and hearing about the new releases coming up.
    clarksrfun at gmail dot com

  24. Happy Anniversary. I enjoy learning about the books, the authors, the interviews are great. The recipes are nice, too.
    kckendler at gmail dot com

  25. New to the blog and so excited to have found it, some great new-to-Me authors and recipes! Thanks for this chance to win!

  26. Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more wonderful years of books, food and fun. elliotbencan(at)hotmail(dot)com

  27. That is really awesome guys! Congrats on your 10th blogoversary!! What do I like about your page? Well. The book reviews are nice. I have enjoyed them. Loved most of the recipes. Have done several of them. Got a kick out of some of the comments as well. Appreciate the listings on the side which makes it easier to find the various recipes and subject matter.

  28. Happy Anniversary, I enjoy this blog so much, keep doing what you are best.

  29. Happy anniversary! I love hearing about the books and authors and especially the recipes, I love recipes!

  30. Happy Anniversary! What a lovely celebration. I enjoy the book features, the delectable recipes and the fabulous interviews and reviews/ saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  31. Happy anniversary! I've been following for about a year now and I absolutely love you guys! The interviews and recipes are my favorite parts! Keep 'em coming!!

  32. Happy anniversary! I'm new to this but I cant wait to see what you guys post next!

  33. Happy Anniversary. I enjoy this blog . Not sure how long I've been following ( maybe a yr plus) I've read nearly all the current books by every one of you. Love the recipes and interviews. Thanks for this wonderful blog and all those amazing books. Vicki nvictoria77(at)yahoo(dot)com

  34. I started following the blog about a year ago because I like so many of the authors. And, I like to see women support and empower each other! I am not much of a cook; baking is my favorite. But, I love to read about food!
    browninggloria(at)hotmail(dot) com

  35. I love it just the way it is!

  36. Happy anniversary! I adore your blog and all of the recipes! Thank you for this chance.

  37. Happy Anniversary. I have you on my blog list that I read every day, and hopefully others have found you in that way. I love your website. I get to see new releases from authors I love, and have tried several recipes, especially the gluten free ones! I've been following the blog for probably a year or more.
    landerso(at)sonic dot net

  38. Happy aniversary! I love all the recipes and all the authors!

  39. Happy Anniversary, you guys are doing great!!! Keep writing books, I’ll definitely keep reading them!!!

  40. Happy Anniversary.

    I've come across some delicious recipes and wonderful books here. Thank you.

  41. Happy Anniversary! I just love to read the blogs and see what is going on.

  42. Happy 10 years! I've enjoyed all the posts I've read on this blog, especially the posts where all the authors add their thoughts on a particular topic. Thank you all for the wonderful recipes, book announcements, and giveaways! Here's to ten more years of Mystery Lovers' Kitchen!

  43. Happy Anniversary! I read a lot of culinary cozies, and I have used recipes from some of the books. I've been a mystery reader since I was maybe 8 years old, so it's been a long, long time ... This blog has helped me find new authors to read, so I love that.

  44. I really love the site. It's fun to read a book and have the protagonist mention Mystery Lovers Kitchen and know just where to find the recipe!

  45. I love all the recipes and throughly enjoy reading your blog! 📚

  46. Taylor R. WilliamsJuly 1, 2019 at 12:36 PM

    I love the recipes, and it's so fun to read all the authors comments revealing tidbits about themselves.

  47. Happy Blogiversary. Love the recipes--keep them coming.

  48. Happy 10th Anniversary. I have been a follower for years and love the recipes, authors notes about themselves and their books.

  49. As the newest cook in the kitchen, I'm delighted to be here and to see what love everyone has for MLK.

    1. Vicki - We're honored to have you blogging with us! xoxo

  50. Happy Anniversary! I have been following you (and reading your books) for years. Kuzlin(at)aol(dot)com

    1. Kuzlin - Thank you so much for the longtime support. We hope you'll continue to enjoy our stories (and recipes!) for years to come. xoxo

  51. Happy anniversary and thanks for having this great giveaway! 🎉

  52. Welcome, Maryann, we're glad to have you. We hope you'll continue to enjoy the good food, good fun, and good reads we always enjoy cooking up here at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen! xoxo

  53. Thanks for all of your hard work - writing books and blog.

  54. Happy Anniversary! Thanks to my friend Peg Cochran, I'm a regular visitor to the MLK blog!

  55. Happy Anniversary! Thank you for writing all of these amazing books. I love to read all day every day!

  56. Happy Anniversary! I'm not good at keeping up with blogs, but this is one that I do try to remember to visit when I can. I have read most of the books by most of the authors who have participated here over the years, and hope to read even more! I'll try to improve my visits here, but we'll see how that turns out!

  57. I love your blog. Happy Anniversary to all of you. It is so nice to see all of you in one spot.Keep on writing those fantastic

  58. Happy 10th Anniversary!
    Love this blog This is one blog I follow every day. Great author posts and recipes.

  59. I haven't been with you from the start, and wow 10 years! But since I found you, I have enjoyed the authors' recipes, and especially the comments. With any other blog, my motto is don't read the comments, but here they are warm and informative. Thanks, you guys!

  60. Congratulations on your anniversary! I can't believe it has been that long. U am still discovering great authors through groups like yours.

  61. Happy Anniversary. I am new to the blog but I love cozy mysteries and recipes. Thanks for the chance.


  62. Happy Anniversary! I love the blog because it feels like you all are my friends sharing recipes and insights to books. Thanks for all your work and the chance to win!

    1. Lori B. - What a beautiful comment, thank you for sharing that! We couldn't be happier to have you in our community, and we hope you'll continue to enjoy our stories and recipes for years to come. xoxo

  63. Congratulations on your 10th anniversary. What a great combination recipes and cozy mysteries by great authors!

  64. Congrats on your 10th anniversary, I have enjoyed your blog posts and recipes for several years now.

    emmasmom69 AT gmail DOT com

    1. Thanks, Kaisquared. Glad to have you here. ~ Daryl

  65. I love the recipes! Thank you for this chance. 1cow0993{at)gmail(dot)com

  66. Happy 10th Anniversary! I love the recipes, book news, and camaraderie. Have been visiting for a long time.

    1. Lil, you are one of our long-time fans. Thanks for joining us. ~ Daryl

  67. Happy Anniversary. What a fantastic idea. This is my first time here. I have just subscribed to the newsletter. I look forward to reading it. And I am always on the hunt for some great recipes. Thanks
    quilting lady 2 at comcast dot net

    1. Lori, welcome! Hope you enjoy the time with us. ~ Daryl

  68. I love being able to see all my authors in one place! Your blog gives me great ideas and recipes and also helps me keep up on new books! Thanks for all y'all do!
    Wjcline (at) att(dot) net

    1. Casey, that's so sweet. Glad we can be an inspiration. Thanks! ~ Daryl

  69. Happy anniversary!!! I enjoy reading the posts and trying all the recipes :)

  70. Happy Anniversary! I enjoy finding new recipes and book news. I like reading your blog so much. It's really neat having my favorite authors in one place.

    1. Donamae, so lovely to have you aboard. :) ~ Daryl

  71. Happy 10th Anniversary, I get enjoyment out of seeing & learning about new books. Keep up the great work everybody. Thanks for this amazing chance.

  72. Wow! 10 years. Time flies when everyone is having fun. I think I found this blog a few months ago when I participated in an online book party with Daryl. I have tried several of the recipes. All turned out great. I have also been introduced to new books and authors. Food and books...what else is there?

  73. Thanks for the chance to win, AND for recipes every day!

  74. I love this!!! All my favorite authors ��

  75. I am new to the blog, though I do follow a few of the featured authors online and social media.

  76. Happy Anniversary Looking forward to this celebration
    Thanks for the chance to win

  77. I love knowing what's coming up next from all of the authors and I love trying the recipes!

  78. Happy Anniversary! Love the posted recipes and keeping up to date with
    book releases.

  79. Just found this a couple months ago and wish I'd found out sooner! I love books and especially books with new recipes to try out. You all write such great books, thanks for the chance!

    1. We're glad you did find us. Thanks for joining us.

  80. Happy Anniversary!! I love your blog. The recipes make me drool and i always want to read your cozies.

  81. First, congratulations, ladies for a great ten years of keeping your followers interested in you, your recipes and comment/history about them and making sure we enjoy your writing too! I, too, will make one of my recipes and stop to take pictures and most often just for myself as if I were going to write a culinary mystery and need this recipe for submission! 😃.

    I’ve prepared many of the recipes over the years and some are favorites and hopefully a thank you for featuring them now is not too late to let you know they were fun to make and appreciated!

    I’d be delighted to win books to help fill my hours while at home recovering from my husband’s and my bad car accident two weeks ago!

    Thank you and wishing for another ten years of great recipes and book reading!

    Cynthia Blain
    Cynthia Bayer Blain on FB

  82. Happy 10th anniversary, MLK and MLKers!
    I love reading about mysteries and food and this is what drew me to your blog many years ago. I don't visit as often as I used to but am still glad to see you actively whetting our taste buds!

  83. And I forgot to add that you are all so kind and generous with your time, yourselves and your recipes etc and with your generosity to your readers! All amazing ladies. Thank you.
    Cynthia Bayer Blain

  84. Hot diggity dawg... hApPy aNnIvErSaRy! I love visiting the blog- y'all have the best content! I mean, my favorite Cozy Mystery Authors in a neat little group. Now if Jack Shepard could have a little time in the sun ;-)

    Kelly Braun

  85. I love reading the recipes and the background info you share. Congratulations on all your wonderful years of blogging. doward1952(at)yahoo(dot)com

  86. Happy Anniversary! I love the recipes (and pictures) and all of the books I find out about.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  87. Happy Anniversary! I followed for a few year. I like reading about the recipes I just can’t cook well so I haven’t tried any yet. Musiqmom(at)yahoo(dot)com

    1. You can just enjoy the lovely pictures if you don't want to try them yourself. Thanks for joining us.

  88. Happy Anniversary! 💐📚
    So many fabulous books and so many delicious recipes. Thank you.

  89. Happy Anniversary! I have been following this blog for several years, and can spend even more time now that I'm retired ;-). I have gotten quite a few recipes and ideas and check in here first thing each more. And of course there are all the authors I have discovered - I think I started with Jungle Red because Lucy (or someone was there) which led me to you! Thanks for years of fun reading and cooking.

    1. Sally, you're one of our devoted regulars. Love having you. ~ Daryl

  90. Congratulations & happy anniversary! Gosh, I don’t remember when I started follwing MLK, but it was some years ago. So glad you’re not only still “going strong” but growing as well!!

    1. Book_wyrm (love your moniker), thanks so much. Strength in numbers, right? ~ Daryl

  91. Congratulations!!!! I love reading about your books and I love all of your books. I love the recipes and I have tried some of them too and they were very good. I love how you all keep it interesting all of the time. pgenest57(at)aol(dot)com

  92. Ten years? Wow! I think you all are doing a great job. mbradeen [at] yahoo [dot] com

  93. Congrats on 10 years! And here's to many more! I think I first started reading this blog 3 or 4 years ago. Thank you for all the recipes & tips! I've learned a lot of cooking related tips thru this blog. turtle6422 at gmail dot com

    1. Jana Leah, it's so nice to have followers like you. ~ Daryl

  94. Happy 10th. This is great.

  95. Happy Anniversary! I love this group of authors and their works.

    1. cjreynolds52(at)comcast(dot)net

  96. Happy 10th Anniversary! The traditional gift is tin or aluminum so I guess we can bake up some tasty dishes from all the lovely recipes in your books with our feet up in an easy chair. Thank you for introducing us to new authors whose characters have become our friends. Thank you for hours of reading pleasure! Keep up the good work!

  97. Happy Anniversary!!! I really love this blog not just for you fabulous authors but the recipes are amazing. I like to check it out to look for a new recipe to try and I am never disappointed! Thank you everyone for creating such a fun place to hang out.

  98. Happy Anniversary! Love you guys, and love Mystery Lovers Kitchen! Thanks for ten years of great food, and even better books!

  99. Congratulations! What a milestone! I'm so thankful for all of the delightful books, recipes, and moments you've shared over the years. I'm still so honored I was asked to be a guest in 2017, sharing my grandmother's pineapple squares.

    cozyupwithkathy @ gmail dot com

  100. Love the blog! Thanks for the opportunity. cheers (at) MarjimManor (dot) com

  101. Congratulations! I adore all of your books. It's been a joy exploring the series and I look forward to many more delicious books!

  102. How exciting. I’m so glad I saw the post on Facebook by Cleo Coyle. I can’t wait to read more. I do believe my reading list is about to grow.

  103. I love the stories both personal and character related. It’s fun to have a place just for mystery writers to share insights about themselves and their work. And, I can’t count how many of the recipes I’ve made that you all have shared. Thank you for taking the time to create this haven for your readers.

  104. Happy Anniversary!!! Love the blog. Here's to many more years!

  105. Wow! 10 years! I love all the great recipes. I've tried so many of them over the years and enjoyed them all. And as new members joined, I have enjoyed finding new favorite series.

  106. Happy Anniversary! I have been a fan of this site for years. I love getting to know the authors, and how generous all of you are. I love the recipes, and how well all of you get along. Thank you for this chance! areewekidding(at)yahoo(dot)com

  107. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for sharing with us. :-)

  108. Happy Anniversary. You are all so generous.. Thank you for all of the wonderful stories that bring joy to SO many people

  109. Happy Anniversary! I have enjoyed the blog over the years and have tried many of the recipes. Enjoy your books and look forward to the years to come. 6186pep(at)msn(dot)com

  110. Happy Anniversary! Time does fly! I have followed for years, love the books and recipes, many I have tried!

  111. Happy Anniversary....I'm new at this but love reading and trying the reipes in the book....thanks for the chance to win this prize.

  112. Happy 10th Anniversary! Keep the great books coming!

  113. I love all the books that you review and giveaway! Thanks so much for the chance to win! So kind of you!
    faithdcreech at gmail dot com

  114. I don't remember how long I have been enjoying your blog post. Even though I am not a big time baker or cook, I do love looking at recipes to get ideas. I love coming here and seeing what you all have to share. Congrats on your anniversary!!

  115. Good books and good recipes!

  116. Happy Anniversary! I love cozy mysteries with cooking and recipes! I love seeing all the new releases on this site! Thanks for the chance!

  117. Love everything about your blog. doward1952(at)yahoo(dot)com

  118. I love this community and I’ve been a part of it for several years. I love to read about food and of course to eat ;). I have read and am reading several cozy series, many of them by authors on this page. I love to read excerpts of new books and some authors have contest around their characters where the clues are in the excerpt of the first chapter, for example. Love you guys and keep up the great work.

  119. I found this blog in 2011 and have loved, loved, loved the recipes.

  120. Fabulous giveaway. Thanks for the opportunity.

  121. Happy Anniversary!!! Love the recipes!

  122. Happy Anniversary..great giveaway..I enjoy finding new guys are doing great..thanks for the chance

  123. I love this blog! I look forward to each new post!

  124. An amazing, incredibly talented group of authors here! I love how the conversation flows from each of you and you’ve all included us as part of your wonderful community! Congratulations on a very successful 10 years and here’s to many more ahead! Thank you!!

  125. Congratulations!! I read your blog every day!! So many awesome authors here!!

  126. Happy Anniversary!! I have been enjoying many of the authors here for years and been introduced to new ones here as well. You guys keep my to read list as well as my recipes to try list full!

  127. WOW...10 years!! I have loved this blog ever since I first found it years ago. I will tell you that your group of authors are the BEST writers, storytellers and recipe sharers I have ever known. Thanks for giving us a chance to win a prize on YOUR anniversary!!

  128. Congratulations on 10 great years!

  129. Congratulations on 10 years. I love reading mysterious with recipes.

  130. Congratulations!! I enjoy learning about the books, the authors, the interviews are great. The recipes are great, too.

  131. Fun site! Best to all of the authors!

  132. Happy Anniversary! I am so grateful for authors. You are all so talented. My talent is reading. 😉

  133. Happy Anniversary! I love y'all's books, and I enjoy the blog. I'm always up for a new recipe!

    1. Thanks, Lisa. So good to hear you enjoy the blog.

  134. Oh I love the blog. And what a great place to discover new authors, great books and yummy recipes

    1. So great to hear you're getting so much info from the blog! THanks for commenting.

  135. Happy 10th anniversary.
    How exciting.keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks, Mary Virginia...glad you're along for the fun!

  136. Happy anniversary! I think I've been following almost from the beginning, but that was too long ago for me to remember. I enjoy looking at the recipes and reading the blog and, mostly, finding out about the new books in your series.

    1. Wow, that's so great of you, Allison. Thanks for letting us know!

  137. Happy Anniversary!

  138. I enjoy reading the recipes so much. And it is more fun having "met" some of you in person/skyp at the Killer Coffee Club in Ithaca. Does't Nikki to a fantastic job of networking with you all to make this club exceptional.

  139. Happy anniversary! I'm relatively new to the site, but have enjoyed it. Here's to many, many more years of recipes and stories!

  140. Congratulations on 10 years and hoping you complete 10 more!

  141. Stopping back by today to say Happy anniversary again!

  142. Happy Anniversary! Love the books and recipes

  143. Oh my goodness! What a wonderful giveaway!

  144. Tenth anniversary! Congrats. So glad for all of you and love the books and talented authors

  145. Congrats on 10 years
    !! Love you all!!!

  146. I'm relatively new to the blog, but so love reading your books. I'm thrilled every time I learn about a new book!

  147. I've only been reading the blog for about a year, but have tried several of the recipes and loved the ones I've made. Thank you all for wonderful books and cooks! Happy 10th anniversary and best wishes for many more

  148. This is such a fun anniversary party! Every single time I visit, I find another recipe to make. Happy 10th!

  149. Happy Anniversary! Appreciate the pleasure of new recipes & meeting new authors.
