Monday, August 31, 2015

It's National Give A Friend A Book Day!

August 31st is National 
Give A Friend A Book Day! 

To celebrate, we're giving you books to give away. To enter, either share this post on Facebook or Twitter, or leave a comment telling us to whom you will give the book if you win. Remember to use the hashtag #giveabook and tell them the authors at Mystery Lovers Kitchen are all in favor! We're giving away eight books to eight people, so be sure to enter!

The books we are giving away today!
Share your love of books!

From Daryl aka Avery:

I love books. I love giving books. I love finding a book in my Christmas stocking. I remember sharing books with my mother, way back when. In fact, she gave me my first "set" of books, the Nancy Drew Collection. That's when I fell in love with reading.

So, in hopes that one of you will "fall in love with reading" all over again, and give a friend/family/whomever the chance to fall in love, too, I'll give the first in the Cookbook Nook Mystery series, FINAL SENTENCE, to a friendly reader who shares a book!

What's Final Sentence about?  In need of a change, Jenna Hart leaves the high-pressure world of advertising to help her aunt Vera open a culinary bookshop and café. Back with her family in Crystal Cove, California, Jenna seems to have all the right ingredients for a fresh start—until someone adds a dash of murder.

And give your reader a recipe for a tasty treat, like PIRATE BOOTY FUDGE a recipe from my latest, FUDGING THE BOOKS.

From Victoria aka Mary Jane:

I love giving and receiving books! Books are the gift of choice at Christmas and birthdays around here and there's so much pleasure in picking the right book for someone you care about.

Right now I am enjoying a gift from my friend, Lexa: The Golden Age of Murder, by Martin Edwards (also a friend).  This is a great research read for our book collector mysteries and so it will be a gift that keeps on giving.

Speaking of, I'm offering The Christie Curse, the first of the book collector mysteries.  Jordan Bingham, assistant to the curmudgeonly book collector, Vera Van Alst (the most hated woman in Harrison Falls, N.Y.) is tasked with finding an unpublished play by Agatha Christie. No one mentioned that her predecessor died on the same mission.

You might want to enjoy a slice of chocolate-gingerbread loaf  Chocolate Gingerbread Loaf with your friend too.

From Cleo Coyle:

Once upon a time...four simple words that open up worlds of wonder for all of us. And what a beautiful gift to give a frienda trip to a world you've enjoyed.

My husband and I have been writing the world of The Coffeehouse Mysteries for more than ten years now.

Once Upon a Grind is the 14th in our series, and we are delighted to offer this signed paperback edition (newly released this week!) to help you celebrate this day of giving the gift of stories.


For a chance to win this TOTE BAG and a second chance to win a signed copy of Once Upon a Grind, be sure to stop by my How to Make a Better No Churn Ice Cream blog post and enter my Tote Bag and Book Giveaway. Good luck to you and may you always read with joy!

From Lucy Burdette (aka Roberta Isleib)

Books, books, books, I'm addicted and I freely admit it! And books are my favorite go-to gift--novels for Christmas and birthdays, cookbooks for newly-weds, and memoirs and mysteries and women's fiction for me:).

I'd be happy to have someone share their love of books with a friend, by offering AN APPETITE FOR MURDER, book one in the Key West food critic mysteries. From the Richmond Times Dispatch: "Burdette laces "An Appetite for Murder" with a clever plot, a determined if occasionally ditzy heroine and a wealth of local color about Key West and its inhabitants. You'll eat it up."

From Leslie Budewitz:

From Dr. Seuss, the Happy Hollisters, the Bobbsey Twins, and Nancy Drew to the Cowgirl Chef and A Lady's Ranch Life in Montana (first published in 1887!), I've been given books all my life -- and do my best to return the favor at every chance.

And I think most readers feel that way -- we love a book, we want to share it. So you can do the same, I'm offering a signed copy of BUTTER OFF DEAD, the third book in the Food Lovers' Village Mysteries, featuring Erin Murphy and the first annual Food Lovers' Film Festival, in the village of Jewel Bay, Montana. The Billings Outpost says: "A tasty treat. ... The character development is top notch, and Erin is a truly likable heroine."

Pair the book with a batch of Jewel Bay Critter Crunch, and you'll have a friend for life!


I am a huge book lover (and have the crowded book shelves to prove it) but oddly enough people rarely give me books.  I do remember my godmother giving me a book when I was a 'tween--I don't remember the name but it starred Barbie if you can imagine that! My mother gave me a book on entertaining in style when I was a newlywed and my husband gave me (at my request) the latest P.D. James for Christmas--I spent the whole day after Christmas curled up on the couch reading!  So that you can give a book to a friend, I'm giving away Berried Secrets, the first book in my new Cranberry Cove series.

Reading a book while eating a sweet treat is the perfect way to relax!

Pair a good book with some

From Sheila Connolly:

If ever you don't hear from me for a week or more, it's probably because my endless collection of books has fallen down and buried me (but what a way to go!). I can't remember  not being able to read. One of my earliest memories is waking up one morning and finding that someone had mysteriously left a copy of Harold and the Purple Crayon next to my bed, probably around the time it was first published. I can't tell you who got me started on the Nancy Drew series, but at one point I had at least twenty of them, all purchased with my own allowance--that's probably where my love of series started.

The latest book in the Orchard Mysteries, A Gala Event, will be released next month. But I like to read series in order, so I'm offering a signed copy of the first book, One Bad Apple.

And of course you should enjoy it with one of my all-time favorite recipes, for Apple Cake. In fact, it's the first recipe I ever posted here on MLK, and it's still one I go to all the time!

From Krista Davis:

Would you believe that I still have some the children's books that I read as a child? Does anyone else remember FOUR LITTLE KITTENS? I actually bought a reprint of it because I loved it so much. What books do you cherish that you would swoop up if you could find them?

The powers at Berkley Prime Crime have moved the release of MURDER MOST HOWL from December to (drum roll, please!) November 24th! Since I don't have a copy to give away yet, I'm offering THE DIVA STEALS A CHOCOLATE KISS, which may have my prettiest cover ever!

For a little nosh while you read, I recommend my favorite Autumn Spice Cupcakes, made with applesauce and topped with Caramel Frosting. You don't have to make them with lion faces like you'll see on the recipe page. In the photo below, they're mini-cupcakes. Barely a bite, which means no guilt!

Happy National Give A Friend a Book Day from all of us at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen! 

To whom are you giving a book today?


  1. Cool, I've read 6 of these authors! Hmm, I'd probably end up giving the free book to my local library - forget diamonds, a library is one of my best friends (okay, okay, the diamonds can be my next-best friend). 😉

    1. Anne, cool!!! :) And we love libraries!

      ~Daryl / Avery

    2. My Mommy is the Best and she would enjoy this book soooooo much!

  2. What great books!! I would give a book to Jan Leonard.

  3. I would gift a book to my sister in law, Martha! Thank you to all the awesome authors!

    1. Barbara, what a good SIL you are!!! :)

      ~Daryl / Avery

  4. I'd love to give one of these entertaining books to my friend Stephanie. She and I started a mystery book group a few years ago and it continues to thrive.

    1. PlumGaga, how wonderful. Don't miss our upcoming #bookclub week, where we celebrate book groups!

      ~Daryl / Avery

  5. I will give away the book to my mother who also adores cozy mystery books! These books look awesome. Thank you for the giveaway.

    1. Jen, we LOVE when you share our news on Facebook! Hope the rest of our readers will, too. Hugs to your mother. :)

      ~Daryl / Avery

  6. Gave books to 2 friends today, and will share on Twitter and Facebook! :-)

  7. I would give away the books to another avid mystery book friend Linda,
    grace dot koshida at gmail dot com

  8. I will be giving a book to my friend Jeff. He is a veteran and has hearing aids in both ears so he reads instead of watching tv and my friend Bernice who is teaching
    me to quilt.

    1. That would be wonderful! I think books are better than TV anyway!

  9. I would give books to my booklover-friends, of course!!!!
    thank you!!

    cyn209 at juno dot com

  10. I'm trying to convert my daughter to the joy of cozy mysteries, so I would definitely give a book or two to her, and I'm sure I can find some book-loving friends who would enjoy them too. Thank you!

  11. I would give it to my daughter who I just got started reading cozies. Thanks for chance.

  12. I would give it to my daughter who I just got started reading cozies. Thanks for chance.

  13. I would give books to Kimberly Cooper. She's just getting into cozy mysteries and loves them! Dnrocker@yahoo.con

  14. Some of my favorite authors are included in this giveaway! Yippee! Thanks and have a great week! Celebrating today's booklover "holiday" with my best friend and middle daughter. :)

  15. My sisters and I always share books so I would give it to one of them! I've been reading cozies for a little while now and am slowly getting them into them as well!!

    Shared on Facebook!

  16. My friend Deb and I share books regularly!

  17. I love to share books with my mother-in-law. We have bonded over books, and she has become my "mom" since my own mother passed away.

  18. I would give a. Book to my mom. She has started reading more so I know she would enjoy a new book. Thank you for the chance.

  19. Wonderful giveaway, I would give a book (books) to my lovely daughter Jen.

  20. I would give a book to my daughter. I have been slowly getting her into the world of cozies. She has four boys and it gives her a break to sit down and enjoy a book. I might even make her one of the delicious sounding recipes with it. Thanks for the chance.

  21. I would give a book to my mother because she shares my love of cozy mysteries. In fact, she's the one who got me hooked on them in the first place. I probably still have some I pilfered from her and never returned.

  22. I shared on Facebook, but would give a book to my Aunt Donna. She just lost one of her pets, so it would brighten up her day. She is a sweet lady who always buys and loans out her books, so it would be nice to repay the favor. sarakgrotz at gmail dot com.

    1. It's so hard to lose a fur baby! A book would help cheer her up.

  23. I would give a book to my mom. We share a love of reading and she would enjoy any and all of these books. When we lived near each other, we exchanged books all the time.

  24. I will share on Facebook. I already give my books to my sister and then to the library, except the ones I keep. I will give this one to my neighbor.

  25. I would give a book to my sister Doreen she loves reading as much as I do. #giveabook thanks for the chance. I shared on fb and twitter darholley1 (at) aol (dot) com

  26. To my daughter. I will also share on Facebook. Thanks! patucker54 (at aol dot com)

  27. I would #giveabook to my sister kissyjensen at gmail dot com

  28. I would #giveabook to my daughter , I want to get her as hooked on cozies as I am !

  29. I would give the book to my sister, she is my best friend. Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. I would give the book to my sister Christine Lopez. She loves to read as much as I do.

  31. My dear friend Ann Meier in Florida also writes cozy mysteries, so I would most certainly include it in her Christmas gift this year and she'd get a kick out of how I acquired it.

  32. If I won I would give a book to my Sister-In-Law Carolyn Bay, who is a big fan of your mysteries, she has a birthday next month. Thanks for this awesome chance. I do appreciate it. Linda May

  33. I would give a book to my daughter who shares my love for reading. I love giving books as presents and always include one or two to my friends and family when birthdays and Christmas come around.

  34. I just commented & I forgot to leave my email address.

  35. If I won I would give a book to my daughter who is just starting to read cozies! Thank you to all these wonderful authors!

  36. I would give a book to my daughter, Mary Ann. She enjoys the same kind of books that I do. When she finishes it, she'll lend it to me!

  37. I give books to my Aunt year round. We are reading buddies and share some similar genres.

  38. When my kids were in school, I would buy books they would like, often taking advantage of the 99¢ school book sales. These books all went into a box and the kids were allowed to pick one whenever they brought home an A on a report card or a test. They loved it and it sure beat candy or monetary rewards.

    I would give a book to my friend, Cheryl. She loves to read almost as much as I do and has been a huge help to me this summer as I recovered from surgery.

  39. I love all the Cozy authors! I would give a book to my sister who loves reading too. Thanks so much!

  40. I would definitely share a book with my best friend Debbie. We share books all the time and I am always looking for a new author for us to share! Nothing better than having someone to share your joy of reading with! Thanks for the chance! I shared your post on Facebook!

  41. I would share with my BFF! I shared on my Blog,

  42. What lovely comments! Thank you all for sharing your love of books -- especially of cozy mystery -- with your near and dear!

  43. I would have to share with one of my sisters to let them know how entertaining these authors are. I have read almost everyone in the group. Thanks for the chance to win.

  44. I have a Little Free Library in my front yard. Today I hope to give a book to any person who walks by. I love sharing my love of reading to the kids in the neighboring areas, there's nothing like watching them pick through the books in the library and pick the perfect one for them that day. #giveabook llcejka at gmail dot com

  45. I would share with my bestie who our friendship started over books! Plus, I got her hooked on some of the Mystery Lover's Kitchen authors! Thank you for sharing your love of writing to all of us!

  46. You ladies are the best!
    I share my books with the readers at my husband's office. They have an informal "library" for sharing.
    I always share your page on FB.
    libbydodd at comcast dot net

    1. We share books in our office, too! We put them out on a table and first come, first pick!

  47. Oh, how fun! I'd give one to my 91 y.o. grandma, with whom I share lots of books.
    Jenniferbyerschambers at yahoo dot com

  48. I'd give a book to my Mom because she doesn't get out to the library much any more but likes to read.
    sgiden at verizon(.)net

  49. I would give my friend Maria a book. She loves mysteries and would live to have one of these.

  50. To Janet Speath. She and I share our cozies.

  51. All great authors and fun reads. Will send free book to my cousin who is homebound.

  52. I'd give a book to my local senior center. I'm sure they'd appreciate a fun read.

  53. I will share the book with my friend Sue Addair.

  54. I will share the book with my friend Sue Addair.

  55. I am sending a book to both my mom (Laura Childs's Tea for Three) and sister (Cleo Coyle's Under What Grounds).

  56. I would give the book to my best friend, Lydia. She is a big time non - fiction reader and I have been trying to convert her for years to the "dark side". Meaganab (at) Yahoo (dot) com.

  57. I would give to my sister who I have started on Cozies.😊 I have her hooked now!

  58. What a wonderful idea!! I always give books to my library. But the person I usually give books to is my dear friend Patty who has been fighting cancer for years. She is doing well, but they are going to keep her on chemo for the next 2 years. She in turn gives the books I give her to the chemo center after she and her aunt read them. #giveabook

    1. Praying for good things for your friend, Patty! What an ordeal she has been through--so glad books can carry her away for a little bit.

  59. So many friends . . .depending on which book, I would give one to My BFFJoan, who reads like I do, My other BFF Luci, who took my mystery reading to a whole new level, I send them both books all the time. I also share with a new friend, a YA named Kaylee who wants to be an editor someday. Good for her!

    P.J. Coldren (at)

  60. I would give a book to my daughter, Emma McCoy,mccoy4. who loves trying new recipes almost as much as she enjoys reading

  61. Della at I have a few friends I would love to share with. Depending on the book depends on the person. There are so many choices. On both sides of the coin. Thanks for this

    1. Especially One Bad Apple for Donna D. Anything apple. Gala's are her favorites. And she is always looking for new recipes.
      Marlys for anything chocolate. Glenna for any type of cookie or cupcake. Her policy has always been "They allow for a 'measured' portion. One only so you don't over do the sweets." Her 5 kids grew up with that and still follow that rule. Her youngest is 19. The oldest. 29. The 3 oldest all have kids and are married and their wives thought that was the greatest idea ever and have adopted that policy as well. Della

  62. I'd give one to my daughter. :)

    1. My daughters and I all love to read. We are always recommending titles to each other!

  63. I would share these with my friend Terrie, who have known since third grade. #giveabook

    1. How great to have a friend you have known that long!

  64. Thanks for the giveaway. I would give it to my sister.
    Carol Smith

  65. I love this and I would give the books to the lady jen who does a wonderful job on my toes and my hair so she tries to make me look wonderful. It may not work but she tries!

  66. Interestingly enough I did give one today not realizing the significance. Would love a copy of this book!

  67. I would love to win. I would give a book to Katherine Carpenter.

  68. I would love to win. I would give a book to one of my co-workers.

  69. I would give a book to my retired neighbour, Nita, who works out in the pool in our building every morning, curls up with a good mystery in the afternoon, and dreams of cruising the seven seas in the evening. hecreech (at)

    1. Nita sounds like a treasure! Please give her our best and good luck in the drawing!

  70. I would donate the book to the Physical Therapy lending/sharing book box. The cozy mysteries are always desired. Shared on Facebook.

  71. I have a box started to mail to my cousin who is having back surgery in a couple weeks. She will need reading material during recovery.

    1. The only good part about having to stay in bed is having more time for reading! Hope your cousin is back on her feet soon.

  72. I wrote a lengthy reply and then didn't publish it. Aarrgghh!! So here it goes again. Hopefully I would be given "The Christie Curse" which I would read, give to my step-daughter who would read and then pass it on to my sister-in-law. Ginger and Doris are HUGE fans of mysteries! Plus they were born Christies and I married one but none of us has a "Christie Curse" that I know of, unless you count their snaggle tooth and our not winning the lottery. That last part I take back. We've won the lottery of life....good family, good friends, and good health. Many times I'm asked my last name to which I reply Christie, people will say "no, your last name" and then proceed to spell is Kristi or some variation. In the library and bookstores I love to say "Christie, as in Agatha". This best part is most of the people get it.

  73. If I win a book I am going to give it to a Friend who I have been trying to talk into reading cozy mysteries like this forever. She loves Christie and Sayers but she hasn't tried anything else.

  74. I'd love to give a book to my daughter. She's been my rock & my best friend.
    Scouts579 (at) aol (dot) com

  75. I'd give a book to my BFF because we share all our books, so I'd get to read it, too.

  76. I would give a book to my mother. I would love for her to try cozy mysteries. I love Krista Davis' series and am looking forward to Murder Most Howl (such a cute cover). Sheila Connolly's new book A Gala Event looks great with a lovely cover. I am enjoying her series and love learning about the apple orchards. So many great cozy mysteries and I would love to share them with someone in my family! I am bound to convince one of them! Thank you for a chance to win.

  77. I would love a copy of BERRIES SECRETS Please !
    Thank you for the opportunity

  78. I would love a copy of BERRIES SECRETS Please !
    Thank you for the opportunity

  79. I give all my books to my mom to read, she then passes them on to her friend who sends them to a women's shelter. So any books I get go to many people :)

  80. Heart-warming to see how many of you share books with good causes, like women's shelters, PT groups, friends dealing with illness or injury, and of course, libraries.

    And we all know, there's absolutely nothing wrong with reading a book before giving it away! As long as we're gentle with it. After all, you want to make sure it's good ...

  81. My sister Shelia and then after we had both read it donate to one of our local libraries.

  82. My sister Shelia and then after we had both read it donate to one of our local libraries.

  83. I would love to give my best friend, Lora, a book if I could. She loves to read in the evenings while resting her back.

  84. These comments are so touching. Thanks to everyone for joining us today. Sharing a book is a wonderful thing, and so is discovering a new author by way of a friend. That truly is reading with joy.


  85. I would love to give any one of these books to my sister-in-law who gave me my first cozy mystery!

  86. I'm sharing a book with my stepmom Marie. hashtag #giveabook

  87. I'd keep the book for myself. I don't really have anyone to give a book to. I would like to read Berried Secrets or The Christie Curse. I think I have a few of the other books.

    Shared on Facebook. catbooks72(at)gmail(dot)com

    1. Michelle - May our characters be your friends! Good luck in the drawing and we hope you'll continue to follow us here at Mystery Lovers' Kitchen. We love our readers!

  88. I'd give it to my best friend Mary. She loves a good mystery! Thanks!

  89. I would share with my former boss who inadvertently introduced me to Cleo Coyle when she asked me to mail two Coffeehouse mysteries to a coworker. I asked if it was a rush or could I read them first. HOOKED!!!

    1. Adrienne - Love it! You made my day! Whether you win or not, I hope you will send my very best to your former boss. And I thank you sincerely for the kind comment and reader love. Sending xoxo back to you... - Cleo

  90. I would give it to my coworker who loves to read, but has not been introduced to cozy mysteries. She says she is willing to try one, so this would be the perfect way to get her hooked!

  91. My neighbor, Bernice. She has difficulty getting around. She loves mysteries. The authors at Mystery Lovers Kitchen are all in favor of giving books away today. #giveabook

    1. Kristi - Just a little comment wave to you and (especially) your neighbor Bernice! What a nice gesture to help her feel special. Please give her our best from me ( Cleo) and everyone here at Mystery Lovers Kitchen!

  92. Pat ( 31, 2015 at 5:20 PM

    I would give a book to my buddy in Arizona. She and I exchange mystery books at Christmastime each year. This would be a cool surprise.

  93. I would give a book to my best friend who recently lost her dad and her love for life and reading. This genre of books makes her so happy and we have shared many laughs and conversations about these wonderful mysteries. #giveabook

    1. Jackie - I lost my dad two summers ago and still miss him very much, so I know a little of how your friend feels. Please send our condolences to her, tell her our hearts go out to her. And we hope the goodness in our cozy characters and humor in our stories will help lift her spirits. Thank you for sharing with us today!

      That goes for me (Cleo) and all of my fellow crime-writing cooks!

  94. To both of my daughters, Johanna and Shoshana. I passed the love of cozy mysteries on to both of them long ago, and they are both having a rough time right now. They need to escape into the worlds created by all of you wonderful authors.

    1. Laine - Sending good thoughts to you and your daughters in hopes they will find the light at the end. Warmest wishes always... xoxo - Cleo

  95. I would gift a book to my daughter :)

  96. I would gift a book to my older sister, a fellow cozy lover!

  97. I would read it myself then pass it on. I always pass my books on except for a few that have a special place in my heart. lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  98. I will give the winning book to my friend and sister because than I can read it too - when she's done.

  99. I would give the book to my daughter. She is interested in everything I read, and I told her that I'm on the 10th Coffeehouse Mystery so she in curious about them! Also, she is open to trying any book that comes her way. My e-mail is:

    1. Andrea - Just wanted to send a happy wave your way for reading 10 of our 14 books! Book #15 is coming this December, and Marc and I could never have continued writing this long without the support of readers like you. We appreciate it, and we send our very best to you and your daughter! The joy of reading is one of the very best gifts we can give our children. Thank you so much for sharing with us today. xoxo - Cleo

  100. I would give the books to my local library! The librarian is one of my very good friends! She wrote a grant awhile back to get money to start a cozy mystery book collection for the library. We got money for this project and have a nice collection started! Plus this way I could share with several friends and patrons! Thanks for the chance to enter!

    1. Be sure she knows about the Sisters in Crime "We Love Libraries" grant. Winning libraries get $1,000 to buy books -- and we pick a winner every month!

    2. CM - Huzzah! And three cheers for librarians who support cozy mystery readers and writers. Thanks for telling us about your local librarian!

  101. I would give a book to my sister, who loves to read as much as I do. Nothing like a day of jammies, books, peace and quiet.

  102. I would give a book to my daughter, Julie. I started her on cozies with the Coffee House mysteries then she has recommended many of the other cozy authors to me and has me hooked on a bunch of the cozy authors.

    1. Kathi - Marc and I loved hearing that you started your daughter on cozies with our Coffeehouse Mysteries! We sincerely thank you...and send our very best to you and Julie! xxoxo - Cleo

  103. I would give the book to my best "book buddy" Val who lives in Miami, FL. We met through a swapping site a few years ago and although we have never gotten together in person we share all the details of our lives on a daily basis.

  104. I would give a winning book to my friend Karen. She is my cohort in crime and enjoys cozy mysteries with me where others just don't get us.

  105. I give books to our local Little Free Library all the time and I would also give one of these books to my friend Stephanie, who is new to our little town. She likes cozies! #giveabook

    ElaineE246 at msn dot com

    1. Elaine - What a lovely welcoming gesture to your new neighbor. And thank you for your generosity to your Little Free Library. Promoting literacy by sharing books is a wonderful thing indeed. Good luck in the drawing and have a great week! xoxo - Cleo

  106. I would definitely give books to my wonderful friend Denise on the West Coast, she and I both enjoy reading. She would get a kick out of these. Especially if I sent it to her. She always believes I'm reading something scandalous when I'm truly not. She's just being silly.
    Thanks, Kimberlyn

    1. I Shared on Twitter too!!

  107. Give-A-Friend-A-Book-Day? That's my kind of day! I'd give my friend Amy, a fellow avid reader, Krista Davis' The Diva Steals A Chocolate Kiss because she loves cooking as much as I do. She also loves dogs, so I know she'd get a kick out of reading about Daisy. And, who doesn't like chocolate?

  108. I would love to give a book to my sister!!!

  109. I'd gift the book to my sister because she loves mysteries. Brigita

  110. I'd probably give the book to myself at least until I finish it, but I have a friend who may like it.
    smartnewyorker 2000 @ yahoo . com

  111. I would give the book to my sister. Since I haven't read most of these, I would borrow it from her, so it would be double duty! stitchkat at gmail dot com

  112. We share books between our Mom and we 3 sisters. Since Dad passed in March Mom's been reading a minimum of books a week and loves to pass along really good ones to us girls. I've loved cozy mysteries for a long time - before I knew what cozy mysteries were! Great idea - #giveabook

  113. Hard to choose, but I'd first let Mom read one of the books, then pass it along to one of my oldest and dearest friends, Carol, who is a fantastic cook and mystery lover too!

    lola777_22 at hotmail dot com

  114. I donate the books I've read to my local library, does that count as sharing with a friend? I hope so! stoneoak95 at comcast dot net

  115. I'd share with my aunt another bookworm like myself!

  116. I gave the book to my coworker and she was thrilled

  117. Thanks to everyone who participated! Congratulations to the winners!

    Krista Davis’s THE DIVA STEALS A CHOCOLATE KISS goes to Judy Pflueger

    Leslie Budewitz’s BUTTER OFF DEAD goes to Grace Koshida.

    Cleo Coyle’s ONCE UPON A GRIND goes to Kathi Morrison.

    Daryl Wood Gerber’s FINAL SENTENCE goes to Deb Forbes.

    Lucy Burdette’s AN APPETITE FOR MURDER goes to PJ Coldren.

    Sheila Connolly’s ONE BAD APPLE goes to deepotter.

    Victoria Abbott’s THE CHRISTIE CURSE goes to Jody Vincenti.

    Peg Cochran’s BERRIED SECRETS goes to Joy Scaggs.
