Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pub Party for Murder by Mocha! Enter to win a Gimme Coffee Latte Cup (made in Italy) from Cleo Coyle

Congrats to James "Library Jim"
who won this adorable cup and
a signed copy of my new
Coffeehouse Mystery: MURDER BY MOCHA,
now a Top-9 National Mystery Bestseller
in Hardcover!

My original post is below, but
I'll have a NEW contest starting shortly.
Check back HERE or at
my Web site for the link to the

Cheers ~ Cleo

Cleo Coyle, author of
The Coffeehouse
We have 3 new releases to celebrate this week. Sheila's Bitter Harvest, the 5th book in her Orchard Mystery series (Congrats, Sheila!) and my own Murder by Mocha, the 10th entry in my Coffeehouse Mystery series...

I’m also celebrating the release of Coffeehouse Mystery #9, ROAST MORTEMwhich came out last year in hardcover and is now a national bestseller in paperback! 

Isn't the cover pretty?

ROAST MORTEM was also a "Favorite Book of the Year" Reviewer's Pick for 2010 by Bookreporter.com To read more about the story or purchase the book, click here



<< Madame's Osso Buco 

Clare Cosi's
Doughnut Muffins 

Clare's Blueberries 'n' Cream Coffee Cake Pie
5 minutes to stir together, yet impressive to serve

Find this and many more recipes in my culinarymystery Roast Mortem

Next week, and in the coming weeks of August, I'll tell you more about my new hardcover release, MURDER BY MOCHA, share some of its delicious recipes, and have more fun contests, some of which will test your knowledge of MURDER BY MOCHA's characters and story. To learn more about my new release or purchase it, click here or here or visit your favorite local bookseller...and stay tuned. 

I  hope you enjoy my release month as much as I plan to!

For those of you who are brand new to this blog or my series, check out the official book trailer below or visit the About the Coffeehouse Mysteries page of my Web site by clicking here.

Cleo Coyle's
"Gimme Coffee!" Latte Cup CONTEST

Thanks to all of you who entered last week’s Countdown to Release contest. Your notes and comments meant a lot to me. 

Last week's winner: Nan of Northern New England and Letters from a Hill Farm blog. Congrats, Nan!

This week's prizes were won by...

James "LibraryJim" 
of Tallahassee, Florida!

My new contest is starting shortly.
I'll post a link HERE and on
my Web site so stay tuned!

~ Cleo Coyle, author of

To get more of my recipes,
win free coffee or learn about my 
bestselling Coffeehouse Mysteries, 
and Haunted Bookshop Mysteries,
visit my virtual coffeehouse at...


  1. Looking forward to your new book. I love the coffee facts and recipes almost as much as the mystery!

  2. Can't wait for "Murder by Mocha," Cleo! And congratulations on your paperback release of "Roast Mortem", too! And many congrats to Sheila, too! Such a big day for Mystery Lovers' Kitchen!

  3. Sooooo excited that "Murder By Mocha" is finally here!!! Thank you so much for writing wonderful books! :)

  4. I love that cup! It's exactly how I feel right now.

    Congrats on all the releases! What an exciting day!

    And thank you for the recipes. The muffins look amazing!

  5. Can't wait to read the new book! I just may have to put my text book down for a couple days to read your new book!

  6. Congrats Cleo on this 10th book! I can not wait to read it with a nice cup of coffee ;-)

  7. SO excited to read the next book!! by far one of my favorite series! (~Heather A.)

  8. Can't wait to read the new book, If I don't win the free copy I will be reading it on my Kindle.

  9. I have been counting down the days and it's finally here! I got up especially early today to start digging in! Thanks for the chance to win a signed copy...I've read the series electronically so far, so it would be great to have a "physical" copy!

  10. Best wishes for success with "Murder by Mocha" and "Roast Mortem" and, to Sheila, with "Bitter Harvest".

    Have sent my email.

  11. Can't wait to read the newest book and try the recipe! Hoping to win!

  12. So thankful for this blog -- I'm discovering so many great authors and amazing recipes! Looking forward to reading 'Murder by Mocha' -- and hoping I win! :)

  13. So looking forward to Murder by Mocha! Just finished up the Alice Kimberly Ghost series and really enjoyed it.

  14. Murder by Mocha downloaded to my Kindle overnight and I will be starting it at lunchtime. I can't wait!!

  15. Oh, goody! Another chance to get a Cleo original!

  16. About the above comment--there is a message space on the last page of the URL site I listed.

  17. You're recipes are to die for...as well as your books!

  18. I LOVE Both of your series and I'm keeping them to read again some day!! I also suggested the public library order the Coffee House series & They DID!! Now 40,000+ town folk have access to your AWESOME books!! :D

  19. I can't wait to try out clair'sold fashion dough nut muffin recipe.Yummmm.

  20. Cleo, congrats! And Sheila, too. Can't wait to read the new books. Read Roast Mortem last year and adored it.

    ~Happy launches!


  21. Oh, and did I mention gorgeous food pictures! Yum. Those blueberries! Wow.


  22. Congrats on a great series, Cleo. I look forward to reading your latest. The Blueberry Coffee Cake seems to have a wealth of my favorite fruit included in it. Will certainly give it a try.


  23. Congrats on your book release!

  24. My mouth is watering as I'm scrolling through this post! So many things that I want to make . . .

    Congrats on the new release, Cleo. Can't wait to read another fabulous book from you!

  25. Can't wait for your new book. Loved Roast Mortem!

  26. I'll never tire of saying "Holy Smokin' Rockets!!"; especially in reference to your books. Just finished Murder by Mocha and have to tell you that it is fabulous!!!!! About 7:30 this morning I was actually contemplating making coffee cheese ;-)

    All of us readers are winners, Cleo when we know we can depend on you and Marc for a gripping, fast paced, funny, scary, a wee bit romantic and delicious trip to The Village Blend...now enjoy a few days of rest and celebration and then get busy!!!!


  27. Congratulations on the new release and thanks for giving us all of these new recipes to add to the collection.

  28. Congrats on your release Cleo and Sheila. Cleo, those are fabulous photos!

    ~ Krista

  29. Congrats Cleo and Sheila! I can't wait to see what Clare is up to in "Murder by Mocha."

  30. ♥I am as obsessed with your series as I am your FANTASTIC books!!! I finished Espresso Shot today, starting Holiday Grind tonight, and Roast Mortem (freshly pressed into paperback) and Murder By Mocha are on their way from the book seller I visited the other day. I can't wait to take that first sip of the manuscript!! ♥

  31. OOPS... I meant obsessed with coffee as I am with your series!!!

  32. Love the pictures, Cleo. Congrats to you & Sheila!

  33. Hey, Great recipe! I'm drinking one now! Jeanni

  34. I so love your books! Got my paperback today, so excited. Keep em' coming!
    Tonya in Louisiana :o)

  35. Oh! I hope you post the doughnut muffin recipe here, too!

    Sent my email just this second. VWinship at aol dot com is the addy...

  36. those pictures of all of those yumminess should be ILLEGAL!!! omGOSH!! are you trying to kill me?!?!?!? LOL!!!!

    thank you for this giveaway!! i sent you an email, per your instructions!!!


  37. Love mochas, especially the frozen ones. Sure to love your "mocha" book also. Off to Barnes & Noble tomorrow to buy it.

  38. Love the recipes you share (and so does my family and my youngest is a picky eater.) My copy arrived yesterday, but I'd love to win a signed copy. You are one of the authors I collect.

    Congrats on a wonderful series.

  39. Any chance you might be doing any signings in Colorado?

    Beverly aka Booklady

  40. I love that coffee cup! Looking forward to reading your books! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  41. I can't wait to pick up my copy of Roast Mortem today! I'll be sitting on the porch with my cup of coffee to read the latest Clare Cosi adventure.

  42. I am thrilled to have won!! I haven't received an email yet, and am hoping you didn't send it and I didn't get it for some reason.

  43. I just got your latest and am so excited... First chapter, but plans to set aside an hour to get deeper in today! And what a HUGE section of recipes. Can't wait to see what i can do with em!

    Congrats on such a long running series

    Dave (formerly Year on the Grill)

  44. Yea coffee! Can't wait to get my hands on your book!

  45. Loved the book and will have a review up at Cooking with Ideas in a few days! Thanks for acknowledging the blog -- and congrats on another fine book!

  46. Dear Cleo,
    Love the series! I get each one as soon as they come out! Just to let you know how excited I was to see Cops and Doughnuts on your website as well as the coffee giveaway. The coffee is very,very good. Being from Michigan this just makes you Proud! Thank you for a wonderful series. Hope

  47. I love your series, I started collecting them when they first came out and when we moved my box of books was raided by rodents :) they must have been hungry to read. Subsequently I got an ereader and over time hope to replace and keep up with favorite series. Thank you for this lovely giveaway this week - coffee is one of God's lovely gifts :)

  48. It's finally here! I plan to spend the weekend enjoying every word. I wish it was Fall, the perfect time to read your books, but I could NEVER wait that long.

    Please keep them coming!

  49. I can't wait to read the Murder by Mocha mystery. I love trying the recipes in the books and my kids love them too.
    It's fun to curl up with your books and a really great cup of coffee.

  50. Yummm.... Iced hazelnut coffee and Roast Mortem....these will get me through an evening with hundreds of elementary school kidos and back to school movie night.
    Thank Cleo!

  51. I'm new to reading this series but I went out to the book store to get a few more.I feel like I'm actually smelling the aromas of the coffee as I'm reading the book. Coffee and books are two of my favorite ways to pass the day. So it's nice to have them together in this series

  52. The recipes are so awesome and the books are too!!! I believe this series has been one of my all time favs!!! lol Keep up the great work!! (they are better than good)

    Tina Williams

  53. The photos on this post look soooooo yummy! I was not even hungry before I sat down to the computer and now I want to find something good to eat! :) Congrats on the coffeehouse series!

    csolinda (at) hotmail (dot) com

  54. I do like your books with the recipes in then, keep writing and selling, please.

  55. I LOVE the coffee house series! I tell everyone about them and make them go buy the first book (everyone falls in love with them too!) I wish I had a signed copy! What an honor that would be!

  56. I loved Murder By Mocha! I've tried the Frozen Hot Chocolate recipe and it was very good (even when made with sugar free hot chocolate mix :)

  57. Loving the series! I am a few books behind but am adding a new book to my Nook as soon as finish one! Love learning about coffee! Best of luck with the new release.

  58. I just finished Decaffeinated Corpse and can't wait for the next read. LOVE THEM! Thanks for all the great writing.

  59. I love this series. Thanks for the great reads!

  60. Murder by Mocha was an awesome read! Had to have my cuppa and double chocolate brownie while reading it. Cudos!

  61. Can't wait to pick up the new book!! Woo hooo!

  62. Can't wait to read the new mystery.

  63. I'd love to win, I have read the 9 and I am eagerly awaiting recovery from a month long illness in order to begin Murder by Mocha...kind of hard to give it the attention it deserves while sick...Pick me Please!

  64. I'll have to get out my copy of Roast Mortem--that Osso Bucco looks wonderful. How did I miss it when I read the book? Really looked forward to Murder by Mocha. Reading it will be a treat I save for a long lazy day.

  65. I got Mocha by Murder Tuesday on my Kindle and finished it in two days. I blame work for taking up my valuable reading time.

    Very nice story, I was kept guess till very near the end. A couple touched I really liked, but if I write here about them it might be a spoiler and that is not what I am going to do.

    Here is a coffee question: In an area with hard water, is using distilled water recommended? And I have always heard cold water should be used. True or False?

    Keep writing!

  66. I would love to win the cup and a copy of your new book! I love reading your books! They are the best! I love coffee too!!! Please enter me into the contest! Thanks!

  67. I love your books. I own them all. Please keep writing them. Your coffee house mysteries are the best. Thanks, Fonda.

  68. Heather A. UlilangAugust 8, 2011 at 9:51 PM

    Love reading this series! Just ordered up the latest and greatest on my Nookcolor! Thanks!

  69. I love the books! Right now, I'm trying to 'fill in the gaps' when I can. That cup is AWESOME! Keep writing you two, and I'll keep reading them! the problem is that I can read them faster than you can write them. Oh, by the way, Ordered "Roast Mortem" for our University Library's "Popular Literature Collection". It may amuse you to know that it was displayed right next to the Starbucks entrance!


  70. I love your series, have them all in hardback! Keep'em coming!!!

  71. i have a question about the blueberries and cream recipe! I bought the book on my Nook and under the ingredients list for the half& half it has a question mark instead of the amount. it says = ? cup . lol- does anyone know what its supposed to be?

  72. I made a space for that cup right next to my collection of Coffeehouse Mysteries. Keep 'em coming...I love visiting the Coffeehouse!

    -Mia aka Ristretto -

  73. Can't wait to read your new book. Have it on the reserve list at my library . Can't wait to try the new recipes:)

  74. Thank you all so much for making this contest such a great success! Your comments and private notes were very kind, and I appreciate every one.

    I wish I could send each of you a signed copy of MURDER BY MOCHA, but there is good news -- if you didn't win this week, I have a brand new contest about to post on Tuesday morning.

    I hope you'll have fun entering my new contest, which asks YOUR creative opinion on some of the characters in my Coffeehouse Mystery series.

    This week's winner, by random number generator, was James "LibraryJim" of Tallahassee. Florida. Congrats, James!

    Read with joy!
    ~ Cleo
    Coffeehouse Mystery.com
    Cleo Coyle on Twitter

    P.S. Rebecca - the answer to your question about the ingredient measure is 2/3 cup half & half. I hope that helps you. If you have any other questions, contact me at coffeehousemystery@gmail.com or leave a note on my web site's message board (just click the little green chalk board in the upper right column) at www.CoffeehouseMystery.com
