Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Release Day News: Lucy Burdette's The Ingredients of Happiness (paperback edition)

 Congratulations to our own Lucy Burdette on the paperback edition of

                        THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS!

“Lucy Burdette’s The Ingredients of Happiness is a compelling take on contemporary life and society’s longing for personal fulfillment. Dr. Cooper Hunziker takes the reader on quite a journey—which includes the friendship of a gargoyle named Howard—as she untangles the threads of her life to accept the past, reveal a present betrayal, and finally find her own brand of happiness in an honest and heartfelt tale of self-discovery.”

—Jenn McKinlay


  1. Congratulations on the release of THE INGREDIENTS OF HAPPINESS (paperback edition)!

    It's on my TBR list and I can't wait to read and review it.
    2clowns at arkansas dot net

  2. Congratulations! aprilbluetx at yahoo dot com
